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Everything posted by SuperDave71

  1. Oh yikes! Well hopefully he will understand and respect your privacy. -SuperDave71
  2. LLammas, I am sorry for your news. I truly am...BUT you can do this. You have your answer. You have NOT disappointed me by ANY MEANS... you are only letting YOURSELF down....I know you can do this. I know you can. You have to find the inner strength to move on. I have faith in you and you can do it!!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  3. Beec, I agree with ya..I am merely saying "DO YOUR BEST NOT TO LET IT GET TO YA"...if ya can. Gawd KNOWS IT'S THE HARDEST THING!!! I agree BUT..IT CAN BE DONE!! SuperDave71
  4. Way to go Ahhhhh2jz!! Keep it up!!! -SuperDave71
  5. KEEEEEEEP HOLDING!!!!! YOu can do it... Just keep swimming..Just keep swimming...swimming swimming swimming... image removed SuperDave71
  6. LLammas, That is an exception ..you are ok. That is allowed. -SuperDave71
  7. Scruff, I got the idea from thinking about a popluar show on the Food Network believe it or not (Iron Chef). I am a chef and I have people trying to challenge me all the time ( Just friendly competition)... I was sitting at my desk at work and I was thinking of my next challenge and I was reading the board and it HIT me....I thought to myslef...HOLY MOLY ...what a GREAT IDEA!! Why didn't I think of this before!! So, I started the SuperDave71 -NO CONTACT CHALLENGE! There ya go...The low down CONGRATS ON THE QUITTING SMOKING BY THE WAY!!!!! THAT IS AWESOME !!!!!! Keep it up Scruff!!!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  8. HA HA HA HA HA HA... You are too much!!! -SuperDave71
  9. Don't do it....you made a promise. If she wants you back....NOTHING ( Not even 30 days) could keep her from it. -SuperDave71
  10. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..DO NOT REPLY!!!! YOu would break the challenge!!! DON'T DO IT...or I get permission to duct tape you and throw broken "Twinkies" at your head!!! -SuperDave71
  11. I say we all go out to Dinner.....Lady Bugg's treat and Tribecagirl can buy dessert and after dinner drinks for everyone since she has already told me she is going to buy Microsoft from under me. I may have to offer a TRILLION BAZILLION MILLION DOLLARS *sigh* -SuperDave71
  12. I commend you....the sadness will soon end. I promise you. I know it's hard but you can get thru this. You keep remembering everyone's advice and think of Sponge Bob sitting on your shoulder if ya feel down. It might even make ya laugh out loud when ya do! HA HA Your friend, SuperDave71
  13. Hello everyone! You guys are doing GREAT!!! I am soooo proud of each and every one of you!! Despite the hurt and the sadness...you are doing NC FOR YOU which is EXACTLY what it is intended for!!! KUDOS TO YOU ALL!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  14. I love it when LittleLion24 agrees with me... he he he -SuperDave71
  15. Lady, *sigh* I did but they said I was too...um...er.....Well, let's just say I have a "world record". KA Pow! HA HA HA HA D4G, You don't owe me ANY credit whatsoever....God send people to help one another and you would have done the sasme thing for me...so thank you but NO credit is necessary. You are going to be fine and end up shining when you pop out on the other side.. Keep the faith!!! SuperDave71
  16. Lady, The lambada is the forbidden dance....so why not...I already know how to Salsa!! WOO HOOO!!! -SuperDave71
  17. D4G, I like this idea as well... here is my list. 1. Start that SuperModeling career 2. By Microsoft for a Bazillion dollars 3. Learn the Lambada "The forbidden dance" 4. Become an "Iron Chef" and BEAT Bobby Flay 5. Go to FLA and teach Keefy guitar. On a serious note, D4G...isn't it amazing when you ALREADY knew inside yourself all covered up with sadness that the "TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE"? -SuperDave71
  18. AllTornUp, I know I come off as harsh alot but I see you making the SAME MISTAKES I DID.....you are wallowing in your own self-pity. Anything she does affects you. If she is listening to depressing music, fine. You have NO idea why she is. She may be sad about whatever or just REALLY like a certain band or song. You are trying so desperately trying to find some glimmer of hope that no matter what she is doing, you refuse to let go. Sure you may be on th e couch..I commend you as well. I know its tough but you have GOT TO SNAP OUT OF THIS..... When you go out of town, and you come back...REALITY OS GOING TO HIT YOU LIKE A TON OF BRICKS...HOW? SHE WILL BE GONE...Not upstairs...not in the kitchen..not at work...not out with friends...but out of your HOUSE and possibly your life. Let her listen to whatever she wants....don't make silly assumptions about it. The way I look at this silly scene is: "She refuses to eat cheesecake because it reminds her of us".... You heart is playing with you because you are LETTING IT. Do you realize that if you obsess like you are, you are letting her control you? What I mean is, you are allowing YOURSELF permission to abuse yourself with images of what you guys once were. Reality is where you need to be and stay. Look at your situation....evaluate it.....make a decision and stick with it. You cannot put a band-aid on this and expect it to hide what is already ripped open. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN BUT NEVER EVER MAKE ASSUMPTIONS!!! What is all assumptionis good for? What good is all the sadness? Is it helping you? PLEASE don't get me wrong....everyone needs time to grieve. I am human my friend. I am the type of guy that if I lived close by, I woudl take you out and let you see the world through MY EYES. I would let you talk and get everything out. I woudl help you in any way I could. I am here in TENN. but I am HERE trying to help you in any way I can. Pick yourself up. You are basing your failed relationship on your self worth. You feel as if the relationship failed, so I must be a failure...THIS IS NOTHING MORE THAN A SELF DEFEATING THOUGHT AND NEGATIVITY to try and validate the feelings you already have. YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE WHATSOEVER!!! You never have been...EVER. STOP THINKING THAT WAY!!!! OK? When you get home, I want you to think of your FAVORITE SONG and sing it as you walk thru the door. Smile....go upstairs...get on some comphy clothes and relax. If you feel like going out....GO OUT. Get dressed up and call a few friends if ya can...go out to eat....go to a movie, a museum..etc etc....go where you would like. Lift you thoughts and chin up. YOU ARE SOMEBODY THAT MATTERS MY FRIEND! REALIZE IT AND FIND YOUR CONFIDENCE. Its there...all you have to do it FIND IT....It is within you..When you find it...you will not stop smiling..I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT!!!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  19. Hey there Heloladies, I disagree with ya. I respect your advice and definitely your opinion so please bear with me. I DO NOT PLAY GAMES...ever. I use this to be a better man NOT a game. Despite my feeling of utter humiliation, I will try to muster some sort of dignity out of such a horrible situation. Its one thing to disagree with a breakup but what is begging and pleading going to do..NOTHING...Not a single thing. By agreeing with your ex despite if you agree or not allows the ex to be more comfortable with their decison as well as doubt their decision. I woudl rather leave with dignity and let them go silently than begging and pleading. So again, I 100% disagree with your statement above. Let's just say..we agee to disagree Thanks for your post, Your Friend, SuperDave71
  20. YOU SEND THAT..I WILL DUCT TAPE YOU NOT ONLY TO THE CHAIR....BUT TO THE FLOOR!! Kickedin, WHY DO YOU HIT YOUR HEAD OVER AND OVER AGAINST THE WALL?!?!? You need to STOP PUSHING.....I don;t care WHAT YOUR INTENSIONS ARE....She will NOT SEE IT THAT WAY!! She will see it as pressure....WALK AWAY......for now. You need to get your head on straight!!! OK? LISTEN TO WHAT EVERYONE IS SAYING OUT THERE... We post because we have ALREADY MADE THE MISTAKES....LISTEN WITH YOUR HEAD!!!!! NOT YOUR HEART! You can DO THIS!!!! SuperDave71
  21. Listen very carefully.. You have a one in four chance.... 1.) If you want to work it out and she doesn't - Failure 2.) If she wants to work it out and you don't - Failure 3.) If either of you do NOT want to work it out - Failure 4.) If you BOTH give 100%, it MIGHT work out. - Possibly The key to the last statement is....givinig 100%. If someone is wishy-washy... Let it go.......for now. Let her figure it out and you take the time to reflect on what YOU need ok? Good luck! SuperDave71
  22. alivejp, Welcome to eNotAlone. I read your post and first of all I am so sorry that you are going thru this. My advice is based on facts.... Facts: 1) He has a history of Cocaine and alcohol abuse 2.) He left and did not show up on Thanksgiving NOR Christmas 3.) He lied to you and your mother 4.) He is possibly having an affair based on the evidence of his phone bill. 5.) Has asked for a separation With these layed out..You must decide what your tolerance is and what your boundries are. Without boundries you will wait forever for someone who possibly cannot help themself. I suggest one of two things 1.) Stand up for you, your marraige and your husband. Ask him if he believes in you and the marriage..he needs to get help. NO EXCEPTIONS. and stop having a possible affair. 2.) Tell him you are through with is selfish ways and that you cannot go on living with him. Words to change are ONLY WORDS. Whatever you do...BACK IT UP! Stand firm..... I know its hard but Tough love can be hard BUT Worth it in the end... Whether the lesson is for you....or your husband...something HAS TO CHANGE FOR THE BETTER. i wish you the best and good luck Your friend, SuperDave71
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