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Everything posted by SuperDave71

  1. You are most welcome Pink... Just take it day by day! -SuperDave71
  2. Pink, I remember I would stare at the clock thinking time was standing still myself. A typical day seemed like a week. I feel your pain. -SuperDave71
  3. drum4god, You be you that's what. You be as polite and genuine to her as you would anyone. No special treatment and NO NEED to ignore her. Smile at her if ya want. WHy? Because not only are yo a man of God...but becase.. THIS TOO WILL PASS.. I have faith in you.. SuperDave71
  4. Good Goood... Sounds like a plan. How has she acting toward you the sleep arragements? -SuperDave71
  5. KEEP GOING pilip99... You are on your way to feeling better...JUST REMEMBER TO LEARN MORE ABOUT YOURSELF ok? -SuperDave71
  6. Alltornup, You can still do the challenge. Are you still on the couch? -SuperDave71
  7. HEY this is an easy one! Dance around the house in your underware with the music turned WAY up... You will feel great afterwords AND you will laugh yourself silly when you realize your in yoru skivies! HA HA HA Ha Cheer up....THINGS WILL GET BETTER....I promise! -SuperDave71
  8. meantime, Stay strong ok? We are here if you need us and y ou are doing the right thing. I promise you. -SuperDave71
  9. Pisces, In your case, you have to contact your ex. Discuss the exchange of goods and leave. Be nice about it but you are taking care of business only. This is somewhat of an excpection...but TOTALLY UNDERSTANDABLE. Go ahead and make the arragements... -SuperDave71
  10. Your fine Mavis....I did this for you guys... I just gave you guys a little challenge...thats all...POST AWAY Mavis!!! ha ha SuperDave71
  11. Congratulations all doing the challenge! I have been checking on your progress and I hope you guys had a great week-end. -SuperDave71
  12. Good morning my challengies!!! It's Sunday and I have been reading your posts. For those who are new to the challenge..Welcome aboard!! Don't forget to read the rules and post everyday! Lady Bugg: I want you to remember something....I have read your situation often and I think the guy isn't into you..BUT THE ATTENTION you give him. I have read post after post about how he take you for granted and how he would email or text message you hateful comments...evben when he was sick and you were trying to be sweet. STICK TO YOUR GUNS!! He misses the attention from a beautiful woman...it is totally obvious that you are a stunning, young woman full of life and love freely to give to one lucky man. If he can't see you the treasure you are... so be it. The above statement is also for everyone else where an ex would take you or granted. Stand up and let them know you will NOT TOLERATE such behavior. I am proud of you all. Keep your chin up and that back straight...today is just another day!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  13. Alltornup, CONGRATS on what you did!!! I am soooooooo proud of you. What you do NOT see is underneath all that sadness and pity is YOU.. By sleeping on the couch last night, you took a babystep. You DID what you SAID you were going to do and STUCK WITH IT. You have NO IDEA what an inspiration you became last night. I will also promise you something....she may have been in that bed alone but I promise you....she was wondering "what's up". You stick with your guns.. When your feeling down...inagine on your shoulder is a little Sponge Bob... that will be me telling you "you are going to be JUST FINE!" I 100% agre with Little Lion..and I wish you a HUGE CONGRATS!! -Your Friend, SuperDave71
  14. Gooooood Morning my Challengees!! I want to say thank you to EACH of you and I hope your day 1 is going well according to the challenge rules. If you are feeling down, READ READ READ!!! Read what others are going thru and you will find inspiration among your peers. We are here for you!! Keep posting and please refer back to the rules if you need to. BE STRONG MY FRIENDS!!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  15. belinda and Reluctant, welcome aboard... and thank you for joining!!! Take care!! SuperDave71
  16. Bring it on elithpi!!! You can do it! Congrats ...ya just signed up!!! HA HA HA Good Luck!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  17. Meantime, Welcome to the challenge!!! You are signed up! Good Luck!!! -SuperDave71
  18. I wouldn't wear a speedo ANYWHERE MUCH LESS THE BEACH!!!! If I got in the ocean, that would be CRUELTY TO ANIMALS!!!! DOH! -SuperDave71
  19. Lady, He better keep his word! RIIIIIGHTTTTTT KEEFY??!?!?! HA HA HA HA SuperDave71
  20. I have been playing guitar for over 20 years..so we can sit on the beach....grab some drinks have a clam bake on the beach and play the night away! Man, that sounds like a 'sanctuary' right there!! Woo hoooo!!! -SuperDave71
  21. Keefy, After that last remark...it made me wanna "wash my hands" if ya know what I mean HA HA HA HA HA -SuperDave71
  22. Hailtothevictors, Keefy1972 and LadyBugg, You guys are officially signed up! Congrats! Keefy..if you succeed in this challenge and I get to florida this year... I will GIVE you guitar lessons!! Lady, I loved the suggestions! Those are wonderful ideas. I will have to try the "sanctuary" idea....that just sounds sexy. HA HA Something else...THERE IS NOTHING LIKE RIDING IN A CLEAN RIDE!! I could NOT argee more!!!! HA HA AHAH -SuperDave71
  23. Well...do it now...and when you come back...he will have an answer for ya. -SuperDave71
  24. Hi Redsuede, Ya ready to get a kick in the pants and boost your self-esteem? I figured its the week-end and I would carry you for a bit. Let me ask ya a qusetion? If someone says they love ya...then kick you in the groin ..over and over again? What are you going to believe? Your hurt is NOT because if te loss of her (maybe a tad) but because of your feelings of little self-worth. you hae that sorry notion that you will NEVER meet anyone else and if ya did, it would fail anyway BLUES..... DON'T GIVE IN TO YORU SILLY NOTIONS OR FEELINGS OF LITTLE SELF WORTH YOU KNUCKLEHEAD!!! Are ya nuts!? Pick your butt off teh floor and realize, God does NOT make trash....DO NOT EVER LET ANYONE hurt your feelings and allow them to get away with it. Your ex is an ex because you couldn't get along. You are missing the attention NOT her. In your book, even the negative attention is better than none. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! Get up and out of the house and go catch a movie! Go to a pub! Go out with friends! Celebrate your new found freedom. Think of it like this.... When you have moved into a new apartment or house...it feels "odd" but once you give it time...it starts to feel like "Home". Life is Waaaaay to short to let someone get you down. All you need is some confidence. Confidence, NOT ARROGANCE, is sexy to women. Try to stop the feeling of wanting yoru ex back ... If you have a broken pot....and you leave it on a mantle and walk away....when you come back...it's STILL a broken pot. Why? Because the POT refuses ( ok ..it can't) change. You need to pick up the pieces to your pity party, put them in yoru pocket and stand up tall and walk into the bathroom...look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself: "I am better than this".."I deserve Better than this"....."She does not control me" over and over again.... One day...you will smile again. There will come a day when she will NOT enter your thoughts... It will come....give it time and STOP worrying about it so much! It's 2007.....MOVE ON MY FRIEND!! Get cleaned up...put on some good clothes and go out and have a ball!! YOu can do it! We are here if you need us!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  25. Hey there... I am sorry you are feeling the way you do but I have a solution for you. Give him a "brush with death"....meaning breakup with him.... Sometimes people need to get a taste for what they are losing in order to change for the better. Tell him you are very frustrated with doing all the work (as stated above) and its not gtting any better. Tell him it is time to go because you needs are not being met. Take one to three days to let him think it over but DO NOT CONTACT HIM... Tell him talk is cheap but you do love him.... after the third day....talk with him and let him tell you what he plans to do... If he doesn't demonstrate it to you on a regualr basis, (3 weeks max)..you can leave him for good. Give that a try. -SuperDave71
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