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Everything posted by SuperDave71

  1. I am lady... I just tend to overlook THAT one as a JOB. HA HA HA HA -SuperDave71
  2. ok ok ok ..who am I foolin. I am a system enginner with the world's leading Bio-medical distributor. *sigh* The supermodel thing just DIDN'T work out.. -SuperDave71
  3. Sam, Congrats on the copyright!! That awsome! Focus on you my friend! You can do it! Have you tried writting a journal on how you are feeling? I find it helped me alot when I was down. Try to do your best to maintain and work on you.. -SuperDave71
  4. JUST KIDDING!! and THANK YOU SANDY.....at least SOMEbody loves me... Geeesh! ha ha ha ha ha -SuperDave71
  5. I agree Scout!!! Excellent thread!!!!! -SuperDave71
  6. Now why do I have to be "Dorky" Dave....Gah leee...I was JUST trying to make ya laugh.. Geeeeesh....tough audience. -SuperDave71
  7. Thank you Sandy! and Thank you Keefy!! Now LadyBugg...when ya burn it? Get ya some marshmellows, gramcrackers and chocolate.. Why? So you can think of him no S'MORES!! HA HA HA HA HA SuperDave71
  8. EXCELLENT KEEFY!! Just excellent! -SuperDave71
  9. I could NOT agree MORE WITH HOPE75. Your Friend, SuperDave71
  10. pinkbunnie, You mind is excatly where it needs to be....keep it up ok? -Your Friend, SuperDave71
  11. ALL IN FAVOR OF SEEING A SMILING PC OF SANDYV RAISE YOUR HAND!!!!?? (people are beginning to stare at me funny..... ) See what I do for ya Sandy? ha ha -SuperDave71
  12. Sandy, I want to see that SMILING pic soon ok? Can ya promise me that? -SuperDave71
  13. Why in the world would you say such a thing Pisces? If I am taking your words correctly, were you contemplating suicide? If not, I am sorry for the assumtion. I once contemplated that foolishness for a girl when I was 17. WRONG answer! I could NOT imagine that thought today because I went thru it. To end a life that God himself created would not only be wrong (in my opinion) it would be soooo disappointing to you and what you could have accomoplished in your life. The way I see it is this...( Just a silly thought ) If I did kill myself ( NO WAY!) ...and I saw God... He would lead me into a theater. He would ask me to sit down as he handed me a soda, popcorn and candy. I would ask him, what are we doing and he would say.. "Since you did what you did, I want to show you what "I" had planned for you. So there I would be sitting beside God in a nice, heavenly theater watching all the WONDERFUL things I could have done and experienced. I would not only feel rotten afterwords, he would show me how happy the person was that I was distraught over... They would not however be happy that I was gone..but that they happily moved on.... I would ask God..."Why are they so happy and you let me be so sad..?" God would reply,"Because you had more to learn...it's a shame you didn't" This my be a tad silly but ya know...I do believe it. Think about it... Your friend, SuperDave71
  14. Let it go.. You have closure.. -SuperDave71
  15. Pisces, You have HUNDREDS of people that are holding you right now... You can do this.... Stay focused ok? I believe in you! -SuperDave71
  16. Sandy, I find that people become what they choose to be ... issues arise because self-doubt creeps in. The moment you start to doubt your ability as a human being, is the moment you are defeated. There was a story along time ago where there was a young couple that went walking in a new neighboorhood and they came upon a new two story house that was almost completed. They went inside and the woman told her husband, who was on a low salary, that they will have a house like that someday. The man told her...we will NEVER be able to afford a home like this...the woman disagreed because she said "where there is a will, there is a way.." Her husband doubted this for weeks and weeks. The wife was sooo persistent thinking about that house that they saw...telling her husband SOMEDAY...we can get a house JUST LIKE THAT ONE.... Finally, the husband begand to agree with her. For years, at breakfast,,,they would tell one another jokingly that they were one day closer to getting a 'dream home'... A few years pass... They went walking once again and they came upon a new lot...no home was built. The husband asked his wife.. "Let's go look inside..." The wife, perplpexed, said "There is nothing there"... The husband replied...."Yes there is...."It's where our dream home is being built." Dream come true if you just have a positive outlook. I promise you. -Your Friend, SuperDave71
  17. KEEP GOING ANDREAP!! You're doing great!!!! -SuperDave71
  18. Sandy, I see your picture and ya DON'T have a big "X" on your forehead. I am going to make a SMALL suggestion to ya.. After this challenge.....I want to see a SMILING picture of you...do you think this can be done? Ya know, personally...if my exmoved NEXT door to me...I would do MY BEST not to show concern. You have to be Sandy no matter what. The more you focus on him..the more you will NOT heal. Worry ONLY about you and family...PERIOD. You can do this Sandy. You have a big heart and I know that you can stand up for yourself....YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  19. ha ha Thank you Tribecagirl!! STAY STRONG SANDY!!!!! -SuperDave71
  20. D4G, You can call me anyday my friend if you are feeling down! I will PM the number. I am proud of you! I really am. I know this is extremely tough and you can't help thinking about her...BUT you are slowly realizing that you have to let go to find yourself. Alot of times...people do not realize "WE" are just below the surface of what we have become. Jesus once said .."You must throw away your old wineskin".... You are a man of God and I know you know what he was referring to. I wish you the strength and faith to conrtinue what you are doing. Kepp posting so we can check your progress. Take care my friend, SuperDave71
  21. Day 6 since I created the challenge Good Morning Everyone!!! I have been reading all the threads and you guys are AMAZING!!! I know some of you out there are still having issues and that is perfectly fine. You are taking my challenge and that says ALOT!! NC though a very simple concept, is very difficult to apply. Some of you that I have read are getting a little better everyday. I can compare NC to having an operation....when you are taken back to your room...Ya hurt like nobodies business....but...in the next few days and weeks...you slowly everyday get a bit better. I understand that everyone's situation is different...I hope you are all trying to find something positive out of all of this. I want each of you to evaluate your breakup and realize that it wasn't all your fault. Sometimes people are just not compatible. **Remember** Though NC is for you to heal....it is also used so you can learn from your mistakes and how to possibly prevent yourself from losing YOU again someday. Learn to love and respect yourself.....You can do it!! I know its hard..BUT YOU CAN DO IT!!! This to will pass!!!! I promise you and you will feel sooooo much better in the long run. Take care, SuperDave71
  22. Suddenly I feel all.."gooey" Ick! ha haha KIDDING BEEC!! -SuperDave71
  23. All, She is NOT dead...Goodness She can say bye or whatever she wants. You are seriously going to have to pull yourself together. ok? Please try!! SuperDave71
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