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Everything posted by SuperDave71

  1. I don't know about the great comment...BUt I am me. Thank you. You do what HJC wants to do without expectations.....PERIOD. You hold you head up high and keep your back staright and you smile you . If you go....go! Have a great time ..don't stare at yoru ex...don't brush her off. Be YOU!!! If ya don't go.....do whatever it is YOU wanna do. Keep moving forward and NEVER Look back!!! -SuperDave71
  2. rsxguy520, Waazzzzzzzzup!! Right back at ya from Tennessee!! Everyone deals with NC differently. I created this challenge in hope that others can help each other and read how others deal with THEIR NC. I am sooooooooooo glad to hear you had a smile on your face. It's nice to hear someone actually smile despite all the feelings going on inside. i commend you on your progress...Just remember to keep it up and move forward!! You doing great!! Cheers!! SuperDave71
  3. CONGRATS!!! This is an EXCELLENT post... Thank you so much!!! -SuperDave71
  4. I posted a new rule..... Make sure you read it! -SuperDave71
  5. THIS my friend is where you messed up. I don't mean you could have changed your situation BUT...you gave you to be accepted and loved by her. You have no one to blame BUT YOU. I don't mean to sound harsh. Someone who loves me...would encourage me to do what I wanted to do...she may have done that BUT...you said yourself...you put yourself on hold... Think about it... SuperDave71
  6. Hey ManofPlans, Your post and feedback should be plenty for this one. Let him know what happened to you and your story. Thanks, SuperDave71
  7. Shaker, I know it's tough but you MUST go thru it.... I am sorry you are feeling down...post all ya want. We are here if you need us ok? -SuperDave71
  8. thefarewellnote. What happens when you hold onto a wet bar of soap too tightly? -SuperDave71
  9. Jessicake.. you ever think of suicide again...I will duct tape you to a chair and everyone here will take turns throwing "TWINKIES" at you.... -SuperDave71
  10. Samross, You would do the same for me....so no thanks needed. You are appreciated -SuperDave71
  12. Let us know...AND REMEMBER US when you are feeling a bit tense... Lighten up and JUST BE YOU.... You can do it !!! -SuperDave71
  13. Nooooooooo... Do not block..do not be a jerk...BE A MAN. BE THE MAN YOU USED TO BE BEFORE YOU LET HER TAK "YOU" over. You are consumed with her and putting alot of your valuable time, energy and effort into her and NOT yourself. You be the better person and stick this out. You do NOT have to respond to her IM's but don't block. Go take a quick look in the mirror and realize YOU are all you have besides your children. Do you want your two boys to think Dad is weak!? Noooo way!!You be a father first and worry about this woman down the line. Put that energy you are wasting on her into your family...You will be rewarded by the best things ever.. NOTHING IN THIS WORLD BEATS THE HUG FROM A CHILD....ESPECIALLY YOUR OWN!!! Think about it.!!! SuperDave71
  14. You know the answer to that one.... Your just tooooo stubborn to listen to your head. -SuperDave71
  15. Good Luck Llammas.... You can do it!! Remember the rules!! -SuperDave71
  16. Bring it on... You deserve better just like Majord and I agree on. Call it what you will...you are being played. The way NOT to be played..IS NOT TO PLAY. -SuperDave71
  17. Absolutely!! Remember...actions speak louder than words ok? If he says he loves you and dates another girl....what does that SHOW YOU? that he loves you ....?? THink about it... SuperDave71
  18. Needingadvice, Don't base your exsistance on your ex or a darn messaging service. You need to focus on you and what you feel needs to happen to heal yourself. That is what this challenge is for.... you can do it... --SuperDave71
  19. BACK WAAAAAAAAAAAY OFF... Let her come to you....if she doesn't, there is something awry going on. Stay strong !! -SuperDave71
  20. LLammas, You may have had a GREAT run...but the 'car has died' and he expects to replace it with a newer model. Majord and I are guys ( thank ya very much) and we know what he is up to. Stop selling yoursel short ok? Start dating someone new. When he POSSIBLY starts to show interest in you again.....it won't matter because you will be stronger and happier in the long run. He is having his cake and eat it to. He has teh history with you ( good run or not ) and is playing with not only your emotions..and the other girl. Let him know he can have her...so you can be loved and respected by someone who will NEVER lie to you. It's up to you... -SuperDave71
  21. LLammas, Hi there and welcome to eNotAlone. No matter how you look at this...it is an excuse to keep you around and date someone else. You want him to figure out HIS feelings...??? Dump him and do not look back. Let the other girl have him. When he realizes she is a needy, selfish imature young woman...you will be on your way to feeling better about yourself. DO NOT LET HISTORY get in the way. It is what it is. Look at the facts..NOT the history of your relationship. He is trying to "let you down easy" and he LIED TO YOU. Oh yeah..By the way... I PROMISE YOU...that i will neve rlie to you ( AGAIN) Is he sleeping with this new girl? or HAs he LIED about this too. Get out sweetheart and mend that broken heart with self-love. Stay Strong, SuperDave71
  22. drum4god, Lisen to the song "unanswerd Prayers" by Garth Brooks. This will help ya.... it helped me years ago... SuperDave71
  23. Ya agree with them 100% and sigh with relief when they tell you. Pull a reverse and see their reaction. -SuperDave71
  24. Alltornup, I certainly HOPE you are keeping a journal of what you are writing here. Why? Because when you are thru this...you are going to one day re-read what you have written and think "What the HECK was I thinking?" Been there....done that. -SuperDave71
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