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Everything posted by SuperDave71

  1. Tijuana, Hello my friend...if she has been lying to you all along....then you OF COURSE arer better off. I will almost guarantee something, PLACE YOUR BETS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! ( Not really nor do I condone gambling ha ha) She will find out in the months to come that the grass is NOT AS GREEN AS SHE THINKS IT IS. She will be back.....give it 4 to 8 months, You have my word. DON'T BE A SAFETY NET!!!!!!!!!!! EVER!!!!!!! The secret she doesn't know....is that you are too smart for that. You keep doing what you are doing and NEVER EVER LOOK BACK!!! I am proud of you my friend. Your Friend, SuperDave71
  2. Hey there.. You don't have to have a second opinion on this one....just read your own post again. This is so NOT about sex...but mutual respect. It will hit you. The definitin of insanity is "DOING THE SAME THING AND EXPECTING A DIFFERENT RESULT". Think about it....you are in my prayers. Your friend, SuperDave71
  3. Laughter ins the best medicine... Your Friend, SuperDave71
  4. All Tennessee here... Come on down!! HA HA HA -SuperDave71
  5. That's the spirit Shady!!! Keep that attitude!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  6. Drum, Hey there! I was JUST thinking about you (Yes I am serious!) I haven't heard from you in a while. I am sorry you are having a tough time. You are going to have to find a little self-confidence my friend and stop thinking so much.... On a test....you get a question you DON'T KNOW the answer and you can think about it over and over andover again....what does it accomplish? Nothing...ya wasted time thinking about something you didn't know the answer to and possibly messed up the rest of the test if you ran out of time. If you KNOW you don't know the outcome, try to stop over analyzing everything. You have to let this go. It's obvious you still have hope in your heart even though your head is trying to "kick into overdrive". I know how you are feeling. I hav ebeen there myself. You are going to have to find you again and if she wants you back....she will have to FIGHT for you. How would it make you feel, if she realized she had made a mistake, fought for you and got you back? I woudl say about 1000000000 bucks! What you need to focus on is you. I know you have heard it 1000 times but you do. Read your scriptures..."Seek and ye shall find". God will point you in the right direction. All you have to do is have faith. Pray that he gives you peace and the knowledge to find the answers yourself. I used to pray to "give her back to me" but I realized it was soooo selfish. Ya can't bargain with God. I learn to pray by saying.."God, You have control of my life. I know you will steer me in the right direction and I have faith that I will learn the lesson(s) you want me to learn". That's it. No matter what...Have a little faith in yourself. You can do it!!! I know you can!!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  7. Good morning everyone at eNotAlone, I just wanted to say i have been keeping up with everyone's post and it seems as if you guys are getting better. Slowly but surely things are beginning to click. Just wanted to say CONGRATS to rsxguy520 and thank you for your inspiring post. I hope others can honestly learn from your experience and learn to love themselves more. I wish you the best! To everyone else...You guys are truly inspiring. You really are. I sit and read this post every day and I am just amazed how much you guys are helping one another. It means alot to be able to share your knowledge and your love for your fellow man (woman). This challenge was designed for you to put 100% into yourself. It is a challenge of not only NC....but of patience, will power, and sheer personal sacrifice and dedication. Though only 30 days...the days drag on as if time itself is crawling. When the phone rings, you start to get nervous..if you receive a text message you begin to get anxious even before looking who its from. You check your email...just to see if "anyone" dropped you a line. You begin to go out a little more but feel guilty just in case you "missed a call". Your heart pound in your chest if someone even mentions yoru ex. The light on your voice recorder blinks uncontrolably as you run over to "check the messages". Any of this sound familiar? I have done ALL OF THE ABOVE. I remember years ago, I would try NOT to leave the house because my way of thinking was NOT THINKING at ALL. I didn't want to leave because I didn't want to miss a phone call. I would go out with friends and get upset when I saw other couples...I would sobin my pillow at night because I was lonely and I just knew I could "change" for the better. I lost weight. I didn't eat. My performance at work plummeted. I couldn't concentrate...I woudl look at old photos and get even MORE upset. I was at my lowest state. I did it all. I called her, I tried to "reason" with her ( yeah right!) I tried to tell her all the things I have done to make our relationship work. As I was begging...she was already with someone. How sad..and pathetic for me. I could not see the forest from the trees. I did this for 5 months....and one day..IT HIT ME. WHY TORTURE YOURSELF. I remember asking myself..."How is all of these sad feelings going to get her back and was there really ANY way I could get her back anyway? There are books on the subject....there are ebooks, advice columns...your friends tell you what they did to get thier ex back, your parents tell you to move on and "learn from it".... AARRGGGHHH!!! WHAT DO I DO you say to yourself. I was literaly drowing from advice OVERLOAD. The simple truth that hit me was this...DO NOTHING. I know this sounds silly but NOTHING IN THE WORLD could have been better for me. I let go of all the sadness. I totally let go. When I did....THE SUN WAS MUCH BRIGHTER....I SMILED...I was feeling 100% better. I am NOT making this up. I let it go. I told myself I have NO CONTROL over her. I can do NOTHING to get her back..but there were things NOT TO GET HER BACK. At that point, I moved on. I didn't think of her anywhere close to what I once did. If I did, I pushed it out. I didn't want another wasted thought. I didn't want to cry any more. When I let go, I cleaned the whole house. I have neglected myself and my home duties too long. I got cleaned up, ironed some clothes and put on some of my favorite music. No more sad ballads!! I danced around the house...and I called a friend to see if he wanted to hang out. We did. He asked "Are you ok"? My reply..."Everything is going to be alright". I smiled when I said this. My revelation was not a miracle. It was God telling me..."I got this one" you can let it go now. I did. He took over and an look at me now. I am NOT in chanrge of my life "HE" is. I promised God that since he helped me, I would help others. I am here because I want to help. If I could, I would get everyone in a room and just try to help each and everyone of you. You guys are the reason that self-motivation exsists. You have been inspiring not only in your posts but in your compassion for one another. I see that those who are so down at the moment tend to motivate others even though they are down. How much more inspiring is that? I hope this challange is MUCH more than just 30 days away from your ex. I hope that you can LEARN something about yourself that you never though possible. Learn to love yourself and don't EVER EVER put your self-worth into another human being. If they don't want you....SO WHAT!??! The world is a big place. Sure you may be lonely, but it's only temporary. The time will come when you give up looking and it will find you. Your guys take care and good luck with the challenge!!!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOSTON23!!!!! Your Friend!!! SuperDave71
  9. NEVER NEVER NEVER...announce NC. Let your actions speak louder than your words. TRUST me...it has a MUCH MORE POWERFUL IMPACT.... You guys hang in there!! KEEP THOSE CHINS UP!!! Your friend, SuperDave71
  10. YOU GO GIRL!!! I am sooooooo proud of you!! -SuperDave71
  11. We warned ya! JUST KIDDING!!! ha ha Great post Tony...now you will NEVER make that same mistake again. -SuperDave71
  12. Hey there.. I was the one who said this quote and ABSOLUTLELY it works!!! -SuperDave71
  13. I will grab some beer and go get Beec. I am sure while I am drinking, you and beec can run to the "Home Depot" for supplies!! HAH AHA HA HA AHA HA AHA Kidding!!! SuperDave71
  14. Well Costas, Ever hear of the old phrase "You made your bed, now you must lie in it?" What this means is "you did this to yourself and now you must pay the consequenses." I hate this for you. I really, really do. Did you not learn ANYTHING from this board? Did you assume things would be ok if you could ONLY see or talk to her? Did you assume that calling her and contacting her would be good for you? WHERE on this ENTIRE board does it say "TO GET YORU EX BACK.. comMUNICATE WITH THEM AS MUC AS POSSIBLE." I hate this for you. I know what you did was out of "love" or something but WAS IT? Why did you PUSH SOOOO HARD? Why did you keep on and keep on and keep on...? You went against EVERYTHING we discuss in this forum. I am NOT trying to kick you when you are down...NOT BY ANY MEANS....but you had to know after reading advice on this board that what you were doing was wrong. Wha excuse do you have? What was your motivation? Waas it love, loss of love, pride or what? I am in awe here...my mouth is hanging open wondering if you read this advice here. I want you to realize ...she is gone. She is NOT coming back...if she does....not for long. This my hurt friend is a lesson. You must learn from this. If you dont learn from this I can almost gurarantee it will happen again. Please take care of yourself and learn from your mistakes!!! Please read theses forums again and again....it will help you in the long run. I wish you the best of luck in life and love, Your Friend, SuperDave71
  15. Thank ya! hahahahah SuperDave71
  16. Hey guys, WOW!! ya gotta looooooove the Internet...I just bought 1000 rools fo duct tape for only 30.00! WOW!!! Hmm...How many users do we have in the "Break-up and Getting back together " section? Hmmmmm...man plane tickets are etting EXPENSIVE!!! JUST KIDDING!!!!! SuperDave71
  17. I agree... Thank you Parsley!! That was exactly what I wanted people out there to read. Thank you so much for sharing your story. -SuperDave71
  18. HA HA HA HA A... I love the quote: "Love is beyond complicated. No love is more like Mount Vesuvius, beautiful to look at and breathtaking, but when it blows up it kills everyone in range GREAT ONE WANDERING SWORD!! -SuperDave71
  19. I am soooooooooooooooooo getting a plane ticket for "Somewhere out there"!!! Excuse me sir, would you like to check some baggage? No ma'me...I just have this ROLL OF DUCT TAPE!!!! -SuperDave71
  20. Parsley, Yes if you accepted the challenge...broke or not broke NC..please post ONLY if you completed the challenge. **Remember** If you contacted them, you had to start the challenge over again. If you still completed 30 days ( in a row ) ...yes, please post yoru results! We would love to read. Be as descriptive as you can.... Thank you!!! SuperDave71
  21. Shaker, If a man invites you over to cook for you, consider it an EXTREME compliment. I loooooooooooove to cook. I am rather addicted to it really. To cook for someone I know is a great challenge but worth every bite. MOST men are not seen as cooks or chefs at home. Men are typically seen as couch potatos eatting chips and watching football with a beer. To have a man cook for you lets observe the following: 1) In agreement with adahy, they must clean the house, bathroom etc. 2) If you accept and arrive to see candles placed randomly around the livingroom and kitchen...it's def. a sign he likes you. ( Men don't buy candles...good grief!! ha ha) 3) What is the menu? Do you know? No matter what, he must have the confidence to cook for you AND try to impress you with his culinary art skills. ( Look out Bobby Flay!!) 4) Wine! Wine! Wine! .... If wine is served...its a sign he likes you and HAS GREAT TASTE (depending on the wine of course). 5) Dessert and/or Coffee . . . If a man serves you dessert with an after dinner beverage... it's another sign that he likes you. I hope this helps and it has given me a GREAT idea for something fun! Take care!! -SuperDave71
  22. Soon, I agree with Beec on this one. It is better to love your kids 200000% than to even try to love this woman you call a "wife". At least with your kids, you get that love reurned 20000000% with no questions or doubts. I mean no insult when I say this. It sickens me to know she refused to talk, get help, work it out, marriage counseling, or even a simple let's take some for one another. She refused to budge. I have NO DOUBT that you are emotionally exhausted as well as physically. You tried Soon. You tried and tried and tried. We could only help you so much but you gave it 100% in my opinion. There is NOTHING to be upset about. You did what you had to do. I hope she finds what she is looking for but MOST of all, I hope you know that no matter what happens with you, that you will get the love YOU DESERVE delievered right back to you and the children. You need anything....you feel free to post. I look forward to hearing from you and to hear how your new life is going. Take care!!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  23. Goood morning everyone, It's a cold, wet rainy and snowy day here in Memphis BUT.. Please remember, if you have completed the 30 day challenge. I would like for you to post a heading of: 30 Days - Completed the Challenge I would also like for you to post a detailed thread on how you felt the first day of the challenge and how you felt the last day of the challenge. What have you learned along the way? Did it get easier? Did you break N.C. whatsoever during your 30 days? If you were a friendd of someone that wanted to do N.C., what would you tell them and how woudl you help them along the "tough" times? In conclusion, tell other eNotAlone members wat it meant for you to take and complete this challenge. Did it help you find YOU again? You have NO IDEA how proud I am of each and everyone of you out there.. You keep your chins up and keep doing this for you.... You will be happy you did!! Your Friend, SuperDave71
  24. Thank you so much Tony. I didn't do anything but tell you what you already knew. I wish you well my friend no matter what you do or wherever you go. You will find what you are looking for if it doesn't find you first. Take care and God Bless, Your Friend, SuperDave71
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