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Everything posted by SuperDave71

  1. thelonelydoll.... THAT is the start of the rest of your life.... -SuperDave71
  2. Keyholder, Hey there....I think that telling his wife would be for YOUR benefit....NOT his. I know he did you wrong and I am sure you are not the only one. He used you, BUT.....you are the better person. He will not get away with it... What comes around ...goes around. Take the focus off of him completely....to focus on something is to give it power....let these thoughts go. Think about you and your pets. Try to turn you focus on instead of "anti-guy" to PRO YOU. You have too much to worry about in your own life to even worry about this lowlife. Why woudl you want o be with a lying scum anyway? If he did it to his wife...he would have done it to you. Count your blessings you know this now. God is looking out for you....look at it as a gift rather than a curse. -SuperDave71 PS. Give that pooch a hug for me will ya? At least your pooch has the ability to love you back 100%.
  3. you are welcome keyholder.. How are you holding up? -SuperDave71
  4. Houdini, Nothing can make an ex do anything...period -SuperDave71
  5. Mac, It rarely has to do with the other person...it usually has to do with what your ex THINKS of the new person. They are basing what they HOPE they know ...rather than WHAT THEY DO KNOW. I would throw that foolishness away. I thought the same years ago...but it was what my ex THOUGHT she had rather than what she DID have. -SuperDave71
  6. dtman85, Thank you so much....I was in your shoes years ago....Stay strong...focus on you...let yourself know its going to be ok....and learn to forgive yourself for silly mistakes. I wish you the best and I am here if you need me. Your Friend, SuperDave71
  7. Sandy, What has been going on? You vanished..... -SuperDave71
  8. Congrats HONEYSPUR!!! I am sooo proud of you and I know that this challenge is not an easy one. You take care of you. I hope that the time you have had has make a positive difference in your life and I hope you find all that you are looking for .. Your Friend, SuperDave71
  9. CONGRATS msDazed N Confused!!!!! -SuperDave71
  10. That guide I am sure was only a placebo for the true love that was rekindled under the ash. I am a believer of (book or not) that love will find love regardless... I am happy for you both and congratulations!!! You truly didn't need a book....life doesn't have a "guide". Be proud of yourself... -SuperDave71
  11. I am here Dutch....What advice are you seeking? -SuperDave71
  12. Just Checking in with you guys!! -SuperDave71
  13. Mac, Its not that your ex is a BAD person, you are beginning to realize that YOU matter first. You are only letting go because you have been holding on to what you wanted you ex to be...rather than what she became. She did what she did. To say it was ok for her to cheat on you and you be ok with it...is simply not healthy. To me, you are screaming out loud, "I don't matter...just as long as you stay with me".... Again, I am not saying she is a bad person, but it was wrong. What was even more wrong was the fact you were ok at the time with wanting her back. Stand up tall, snap in your backbone and Smile....today is a new day. You can do it !! -SuperDave71
  14. Great to hear from you bar! I am glad you are doing better! -SuperDave71
  15. Congrats to you makeitend... great post and thank you! -SuperDave71
  16. p_fred, Give the the run down will ya....? The short version.. -SuperDave61
  17. Thanks Bar35... How are you holding up these days? -SuperDave71
  18. Broken, How can something backfire when its not there? I assume he broke up with you. Trust me on this one....don't do it. Let him have his birthday without you....I am sure he will think of you but how on earth could he be angry or upset when he rejected you? You are palinly making an excuse to contact him ( for a special day, I understand that...) but I promise you, just let it go for now. Let the expected phone call go by....it will make him think alot more that if you DO call.... Don't do it... -SuperDave71
  19. Broken, **Remember this** We miss what we can't/don't have the most... -SuperDave71
  20. Hi Rosie, Why do you feel as if you are struggling? You have been doing so well? -SuperDave71
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