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Everything posted by moleculo

  1. It's a tough call; I've never done it. My girlfriend had a one night stand-esque situation, she told me and while I suppose I'm better off in the world of honesty, it made my life hell for the longest time. Is ignorance truly bliss? perhaps.
  2. It's all a matter of respect I guess. I mean, in this country we've onyl recently really made efforts towards teaching men to respect women. A lot of my friends are out for more than just one woman, but they at least are very upfront about not wanting to commit to one relationship. A lot of men get into relationships just to "get some," since they don't think they'll have a chance with a woman any other way. Then kind of find themselves trapped, so its there way of asserting dominance and an opt out clause ive found. I'm with Outlaw, though. It's fascinating how quickly the tables turn. Even the sweetest girl will be manipulative once they're with a guy who doesn't treat them badly. The corruption of power is incredible. "The corruption of power is incredible." Jeez, can I get any more melodramatic than that?
  3. Alright, I pretty much already know what the response to this one is going to be but I feel like throwing it out to some people who's first response won't be "kick the guy's @#$!" So my girlfriend has befriended a kid who has a huge crush on her...now I trust her. We had a cheat problem earlier this year but (A) that was with a girl and (B) this kid's kind of weird...like always has an umbrella, even on sunny day's weird. WOuld come into class rooms and refuse to sit down or answer teachers weird. And she claims he's not a threat, and he isn't, but I feel I should do something to make it known im in charge here. One day when it was actually raining i ran into her with him and he had an umbrella up over both of them, and he gave me this jerky smile. Really pathetic moment. I'm getting drenched w/out my umbrella while they're dry. Plus whenever I see him he gives me this kind of glare. Like a "you're not a reason not to date her, you're an obstacle for me to beat." So what do I do? Do I just let it roll off my back? Cause that's what I usually do, but man I've always wanted a "stay away from my girl" thang and he's kind of insane so maybe I should make a statement. Why must weirdness follow me around like the plague...not that the plague follows me around...
  4. I've only been able to figure out one thing about cheating: Not why, but when. Seems to me cheating happens two ways...in discomfort or comfort. Discomfort: Its a bad relationship and the person wants something to feel good about, even if its like Comfort: The person sees an opportunity and something just forces them over the edge to try it, content that the person they are with will forgive them I'm in the second catagory, and I don't know if I made the right choice sticking with her, but we'll find out, won't we.
  5. It all depends on if you're willing to fix things up...but I mean even if you're soooooooo messed up, that's an explanation, not an excuse.
  6. It's a low move...you should surpress feelings, even if they're unfounded. Y'all should discuss these fears. More likely than not, Pfc is right...the guy isn't up to anything most likely, but you'll never be one hundred percent sure. And if other men and women staying at home have these problems you should get them out amongst peers. Sending a chaplain to say "keep these feelings quiet" is total bs...seems to me like he's trying to cover something up if he said this out of nowhere...but then again, I'm the suspicious type.
  7. Oh the alcohol part bugs me almost as much...like it's a write off or something. "I wouldn't have gotten drunk with her if i knew it would happen...I only get drunk with people I trust" So now I just have to be worried any time she drinks I guess.
  8. Buddy...you can and will do better. Don't "hold onto her till something better comes along" the more you focus on her the more blind you'll be to better things. Take a stand...you've got to look out for yourself and you won't be any better if you don't get rid of the garbage that's holding you down.
  9. Honestly if she called me and asked I'd say no...not to be like "IM IN CHARGE AND WONT ALLOW IT" but no, I wouldn't be okay with it. Women are hot, I'm fine with that. I don't know if I'd be comfortable in a three person relationship or experience but I've never done it so maybe I would be but I doubt it. I also has been implied to me that if it were to happen again, I wouldn't be invited or even remotely involved...I don't think I'd want to be, but it would depend on the nature of the relationship. We have a very deep, personal, one-on-one relationship and I don't see myself wanting to share in this one and I know she wouldn't want a situation where I saw other people. No offense but y'all got a crazy gender. We're dumb and jerks, no doubt. But y'all are craaazy!
  10. Yeah, dude, this is her fight...just back her up but let her do the talking. It's her job, her boss and her responsibility. I understand the desire to defend the ladyfriend...I myself nearly got into a fight with an ex boyfriend of my girlfrined...I tried to avoid it but he kept on getting in my face...and it really bugged her, and ultimately wasn't worth the time. If it becomes too big of a problem then go talk to him, but right now, let it be in her court, buddy
  11. See I disagree that it's not cheating...i mean, I have no problem if she's bi or anything...but when you're in a relationship and you both are dedicated to the monogamy of it all, I don't care the gender of the person, if you're attracted to that person and do something, it's cheating. I get kind of bothered by the "different attraction" because I have so mny male friends who cheat on their girlfriends with female friends because "it's how we express our friendship" If you have an open relationship, fine. But we don't and we both wanted that...heck she made it clear to me before I brought it up that we were exclusive to each other. Also, I think it's kind of disrespectful to homosexual relationships in a way...I mean, it's like saying that if you cheat on someone heterosexually it means something but homosexually it doesn't. If she's a lesbian then fine, I'd step aside and let her live...I'd be upset for a while but I love her and I'd support her...if she's bi, I support that too, but I'm not spending my relationship experiencing other people physically and I won't be with someone that's physically experience other people, regardless of gender. As far as honesty, I think it's because she was afraid of losing me...I don't think im the kind of guy that makes her feel she HAS to keep to herself but I could be wrong.
  12. You've got every reason in the world to be mad in this...don't do anything drastic, but take it to her face.
  13. I just flat out asked but I did have evidence in my side...if you have a close enough relationship where you can ask that with little consequence, go for it. Otherwise, just keep your eye out for her behavior. Is it unusual?
  14. If you want a serious relationship beyond the physical level, then yeah, you have to trust the person your with, otherwise it's not going to work at all. But you can't trust someone completely...logically anyway, you can't trust anyone one hundred percent. The only person you can trust completely is yourself...so if you love someone and believe what they sya, trust your own instincts and make it work.
  15. It's always worth the effort, buddy. Call up your cousin's husband and try to find out about her!
  16. I think also the stereotype of women going for jerks is more prominent in High School, where you're coming from, shinobi. I agree about men being easier to catch for cheating than women...women have it planned from the moment they enter the relationship...not because they want to, but let's face it, women know that they are the commodity here. I mean, men.. come on, we're a dime a dozen. We're like blue jeans. You can get us anywhere. But women are like fine tailored pants by the finest pant maker in all the land...okay, this metaphor is deteriorating fast. Point is women seem to always have the option so I imagine deep down in their heads, many have contingency plans. My girlfriend's the most loyal person you'd meet. She defends her friends to the end, supports htme in their endeavors. She gives me the most amazing love I've ever felt. And she still cheated on me and has used every excuse in the book...won't even call it cheating.
  17. I appreciate your point, celius...but we definitely have our good times...she does so much good stuff for me...hence why we're still together. Still...it's creepy knowing what people are really capable of.
  18. I agree with lady00, you can't let yourself be trapped. Too often nowadays we act like it's wrong of people to end a marriage with children involved for the children's sake...yeah, it might mess them up, but growing up with parents who don't love each other but pretend to will mess them up more. I came from a house like that and I'm neurotic as all heck. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't leave your husband, though. Seems like you have a lot of issues and you owe it to him to at least discuss and try to fix them. Perhaps divorce will fix it, perhaps not...you gotta figure it out together. You owe each other that much.
  19. Forget the lists...men and women cheat for the same reasons...because they want to and because they can. Somehow an opportunity presents itself and they find things within the situation to act as an excuse...location, emotional distance, alcohol...any number of reasons...but basically, they hit an opportunity to fulfill a need or fantasy and take it. Crappiness doesn't have a gender.
  20. I'm still dating my girlfriend...and she's still friends with the cheat...so it's like a situation where at any point something can slip and make someone upset. It's so weird though...it feels like such a blip on the radar and I just can't let it go.
  21. moleculo


    The only advantage I've seen is that it gets things that have been unspoken out on the table, but you have a responsibility to come out and admit what your feeling before you do something rash.
  22. When you're trying to sleep and can't stop thinking about what happened? I'm having a night like that. I feel so pathetic for not getting over this...I've started to bother myfriends for how much I talk about it...they won't admit it, but I know I have, so I try to keep it to myself. We even had a wonderful conversation tonight, she and I. And then at 1 in the morning I'll flash right back to the moment when I just felt so confused and lost and weak and small and I hate it. Grarrgle...I'm heading for a desert Island to start the world over, who's with me?
  23. I felt similar things when I was your age...sheesh, I turned 21 a month ago and I'm already saying "when I was your age" How old have I turned? What your feeling is natural in some young men. Some times it's a sign of things to come, other times it's a phase. Mine was a phase, but I have a close friend who turned out to be gay. Expressing and exploring these feelings wouldn't be wrong at all. Perhaps you have a close female friend you can confide in and trust? Maybe she could help you explore feeling femenine. As far as the things that scare you, perhaps you should talk to a teacher or guidance counselor...as long as you aren't endangering yourself, they can't tell your parents. Either way, don't fear, buddy. You're 13 and you've got a long life ahead of you. You'll figure it out in time. For now, you're young. Be happy! See if you can find a safe, appropriate way to express these feelings.
  24. The reason you experiment with anything really...see if you like it and if it benefits you.
  25. People treat you the way you allow them to treat you. Take a stand. You have important needs as well. Perhaps tell your husband of your ugres if he doesn't take your feelings seriously enough. Kids are a big responsibility, no one is arguing that. You have to support them, and him. But in turn, they have to support you, and you have changes you need.
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