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Everything posted by i_hate_the_world47

  1. Wow that post was deep.Your are both lucky to have each other.Good luck with all this stay strong and stay safe. ~Meagan~
  2. Thanx for the comments everyone.im glad you liked it.It was depressing but got the point acros.Anyway thanx. ~Meagan~
  3. First of all you need to take a deep breathe and calm down before you have a break down.Things are obviously going bad right now,but all you can do is let them ride out.I would suggest telling your mom about your friend,how the movie thing had nothing to do with anything,and about how this isnt your fault.Also you need to be there for your friend.It sounds like she is going through alot.Good luck and if you ever need to talk to someone feel free to PM me. ~Meagan~
  4. A long lonely stare One last kiss A last look at love A last feeling of bliss His presense lingers Yet he's long gone Broken forever This love is done But hearts dont stop loving They break instead The hurt is so strong You would gladly take a bullet in the head Life goes on Yet hearts still broken Love is sneaky A dark deadly token Hey guys,this poem isnt great,but its my feelings.Enjoy! ~Meagan~
  5. wow,wonderful poem.Sorry your relationship was bad,better times are ahead.I assure you. ~Meagan~
  6. well i completely agree with nothingontheinside. Dont just come out and say,"i like you alot."Gradually ease into the subject. That way if she is straight,bi,lesbian,you will find out with out completely giving yourself up.Good luck. ~Meagan~
  7. i am sorry to hear about your situtaion.You cant really do much.Its not right that your mom doesnt accept you for you,but you cant just take your life and change it just because she said.Its not that easy.Why dont you talk to your mom.Tell her that you cant change who you are.Also bring it up to her how you feel about being to compared to Diana.I hope things go well and if you ever need someone to talk to feel free to PM me. ~meagan~
  8. Well,i dont think your a lesbian,but you may be bi.There is nothing wrong with that,but it also sounds like your b/f doesnt except that.I would suggest talkng to him and if he isnt ok with it,then you to should consider if this relationship is going to go any firther.Good luck. ~meagan~
  9. Thanx for all the replies everyone.Its nice to know that people have gotten the same out of this site as me. To mtastic,glad you like my poetry.Its always nice to get a compliment. ~Meagan~
  10. Oh,good.I truly didnt even notice.Anyway,its in the past. ~meagan~
  11. ang3l2004, Well,as i was reading the forum i saw your name.It has been awhile simnce you have posted.This poem was incredible.Glad to hear the great poetry from you again. ~meagan~
  12. Well,hello everyone.I was looking at my past posts recently and as i read them i noticed something.I noticed how much i have grown since i first joined this site.I have become more mature and able to handle my problems better.I just wanted to thank everyone here at enotalone for making that possible.Does anyone else feel like they have grown since finding this site. ~Meagan~
  13. Ok i dont have advice,sorry.But this is a hilarious post LOL ~Meagan~
  14. Well helpme,i dont know this for sure,but it sounds like you have a great friend who truly cares.Just thought i would share that. ~meagan~
  15. thanx lilsuthurncutie,finally someone understand my opinion. ~Meagan~
  16. Well,i assure you your a mammal.You probably just have poor circulation in your hands.I,myself,dont think a cold handshake is bad.Especially on a warm day. ~meagan~
  17. well i agree with the other posters.Your so young and dont need to end your life.Things suck know but they will get better with time.Just stay strong through the tough times.It will prepare you for the new. ~meagan~
  18. No i said a few close guy friends.I call all my others sweety and hun.Sorry for the mix up. ~meagan~
  19. i completely agree with lookingformyredangel.When you two are talking sometime bring up homecoming and just let things ride out.Good luck. ~meagan~
  20. Well,i have a few close guy friends(not boyfriends)who i call babe.But its like a thing for me.I call everyone babe or hun or sweety. ~Meagan~
  21. Um,well its always nice to be called my name,lol j/k.I liked to be called hun or baby or sweety.All those names you guys make up are cute.Weel,most of them. ~meagan~
  22. Wonderful poem.Sorry you feeling down.Wlecome to the club,lol. Hope ya feel better. ~meagan~
  23. Well i am glad she liked it.You dont know how dumb i feel for thinking it was a guy.Hope i didnt make ya mad. ~Meagan~
  24. Thanx for the comments everyone.Glad you like the poem.I was kinda doubtful about posting it since my last sad poem got a bad comment.But glad you all understood. ~Meagan~
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