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  1. The thing is, i dont really spend time with her other than school. i have a class with her, and i eat lunch with her, but we dont really hang out after school. I've known her since the middle of last year, but it was only a couple weeks before school was let out that i started really liking her, so i didnt have time to do much about it. there are little things that i've noticed, she always seems really happy to see me, in class she tends to lean in more when we talk to each other, she blushed alot when i told her that her hair looked good(she cut it). i dont know, maybe it's my hopefull mind. she is very liberal, and i actually told her that i'm bi last year, even though at that time i didnt think of her as more than a friend.
  2. I'm having a problem. i like this girl, a lot, and i know that she likes me as a friend, but i'm not sure if she looks at me any more than a friend. It seems like there is a good chance that she leans both ways, i just dont know what to do. If i didnt like her, it wouldnt really be that hard to ask her, but since i do like her, it is hard. What should i do?
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