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Everything posted by i_hate_the_world47

  1. well i think you should try and no take things seriously.you havent cut for awhile so just keep it that way.i agree with mymelancholy soul,write things down.Oh and to iwillhelpyou,its not right to label people.She is no goth she is her,so try to be more respectful. ~Meagan~
  2. thanx all.And to iwillhelp you,i understand everyone is intitled to thier own opinions,but i think you could have expressed yours in a less offending way. ~Meagan~
  3. Bitter sweet Love A warm embrace From loving arms Making me feel loved Like I was meant to be in this world A bitter sweet kiss From ever loving lips I am floating on cloud 9 In never ending bliss Those three words Make the world seem right They say so much Yet at the same time nothing at all A dark soul turned to light A smile to a frown You lifted me up When I was so down I welcome you to my life And if you think you can cope Then stay and love me Till the end of time Hey guys,this isnt one of my better poems,but it is uplifiting.A nice change to my others.Hope you enjoy. ~Meagan~
  4. wonderful poem hardcore.i hope things begin to look up for you. ~Meagan~
  5. well i write all my poetry based on life and how i feel.Thats how i felt when i wrote it.
  6. well under i am glad your beginning to get better,but i am very sorry to hear about your friend.i know it must be hard to be happy around someone who is down,but in order to help her you cant get down to.Being happy might show her that she can be happy.Right now the best thing you could do for her,is exacly what your doing now.Be there for her,talk to her,let her talk to you.Right know i am sure she needs a friend like you.I hope she gets better,and if you ever need to talk you kno im here. love ya ~meagan~
  7. well first of all you need to her out of this house with your mom.I would suggest trying to stay with another relative.Maybe you could tell them what your mom is doing.Also you should talk to your mom.Even though she seems like a horrible person,she is your mother.I hope things work well and if you ever need to talk feel free to pm im or email me.Good luck ~Meagan~
  8. well dead eyes,i dont think anyone can tell you how to take control over your life.You have to learn hpw on your own.I know it may seem harsh but this is something you have to toughen up and do yourself.I hope you understand what i am saying. ~Meagan~
  9. sorry to hear about that mymelancholysoul.Thanx for all the comments guys and if anyone ever needs to talk feel free to PM IM or email me. ~Meagan~
  10. that was a wonderful poem.It reminds me of a friend.Good job. ~meagan~
  11. hey dude,hold in there.your young which doesnt mean you have been through alot,but things will get better.i know alot of people have probably told you that,but its true.if you evern need to talk im here for ya. ~meagan~
  12. well i think that poem was quite good.It is very explanatory.So i think you should turn that in.Good luck. ~meagan~
  13. thanx guys.Ya it was meant to be a song.I am glad some people liked it. ~Meagan~
  14. i am sorry to hear about your situation with your friend.Maybe she is having a rough time and just needs some time. ~meagan~
  15. hey mystery if you dont like what i write about,then dont comment. ~meagan~
  16. The only thing wrong is me With a knife in one hand, a gun in the other I write my last words say bye to my mother Wonder where my life went so wrong Why I ended up singing this sad song But then it becomes clear and I can see That the only thing wrong with my world is me Cant take the drama of this sad life So I live by my rusty knife Slice and dice and bleed me gone I have suffered here to long You ask me why I live this way Why I sink lower everyday I answer you with the truth The story of my sad youth With a knife in one hand, a gun in the other Write my last words say bye to my mother Wonder where my life went so wrong Why I ended up singing this sad song But then it becomes clear and I can see That the only thing wrong with my world is me Drunken father breath of death I drown out the screams like I am deaf Beaten child broken dreams Fallen angel broken wings I grasp for air his clutch so tight But its done, he's won the fight I am bleeding but not dead Yet all these games mess with my head So I sit and write my story With screams and yells and a touch gory With a knife in one hand, a gun in the other Write my last words say bye to my mother Wonder where my life went so wrong Why I ended up singing this sad song But then it becomes clear and I can see That the only thing wrong with my world is me So my story is out sad but true I ask not sympathy but love from you As my soul darkens I make a final try Before this soul begins to die comments are greatly appreciated. ~Meagan~
  17. um wow,dued your only 14.So i really dont kno wat to say. ~meagan~
  18. omg i love that song.its so awesome that you posted it.i love yellowcard but that is like my all time fave song. ~Meagan~
  19. wow deep poem.i loved it.it was full of emotion and flowed so well. ~meagan~
  20. so glad you reconsidred.enotalone wouldnt be the same with out ya. ~meagan~
  21. well,i would suggest seeing a therapist or counselor.It helps to talk about this.Also start to hang out with people.Put your self into public and see how things roll.I wish you the best of luck. ~meagan~
  22. Its wonderful that your a role model,now answering your questions... 1.A role model is someone who can be looked up to.Someone who has accomplished alot ot little. 2.Wel this person obvioously admires what you do. 3.you should just do what you have been doing.Dont chnge cuz this person obviously likes you for waht you are now. 4.You can escape it but i think you should just stick with it. Good luck. ~meagan~
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