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Eh Im Canadian

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Everything posted by Eh Im Canadian

  1. People will ignore pain forever. At least, nobody that isn't a sadistic assh ole likes looking at people in pain. So they think that if they ignore it, then it will eventually go away, like a cut or something. Then when you confront them with it, they feel guilty, and they hate that. It is kind of like when you prove someone wrong about something, and they say "Shut up", instead of "oh yeah, you were right". People take it as an insult when someone says they are wrong, and when you question their way of life and belief system they get even more unhappy. People like having an Escape button, so they can just ignore their problems. And how better to feel better than to look at someone who is worse off than you. It makes them feel superior, and what they don't realize is that you are their equal. Making people change what they think about suffering is like convincing them that pants are just suggestions, not a rule. Not only is it really hard to do, but if you succeed, then people will look at them weirdly too! Do you like being thought of as who you are? No, no one does, unless they are truly happy. They like looking at people with a better life, and modeling themselves after them. I know I do it occasionally, almost everyone does. We aren't going to change it in this life time, but remember, every journey begins with one step. Thank you for the compliment, you say some pretty good truths yourself. Age doesn't matter, it is all about maturity. Hope you find what you are looking for.
  2. Well, I know my advice wasn't the best, but do you really have much of an alternative? While I'm not saying it is good for her to be doing what she is doing, wouldn't it be good if she were doing it to a guy who actually would want to be in a relationship with her? I mean, it's not like he can avoid her, and he can't get her pissed off at him, because then his dad would get angry. Plus, how would it seem if a 12 year old started crying and said it was because he was being mean to her? It is basically a no-win situation. Hey, maybe you could introduce her to some of your friends, I'll bet that would really embarrass her / you. But if you can convince her that someone is your girlfriend, then she might start sulking and stop trying to, well, do stuff to you, for lack of a better word. Or you could do something pretty funny, that would embarrass the hell out of you. Give her the "Let's just be friends" speech! And if you did it with your dad and his girlfirend, they would probably start laughing, but she also might stop. Good Luck, Hope you find what you are looking for.
  3. There is nothing you can do about how life is. Peopel are entitled to their own decisions, you can't change that. If they like the barbie dolls that call themselves snetient beings, then let them do it. Why do you care so much about who they are? They are people too, but people with a different outlook on life. They don't like thinking as much, it is so much easier to go with the flow. They can just act how they've seen others act, and life goes on. They get what they tell themselves they want, and from your perspective, life for them may be great. But have you ever been really sad at home then gone to school, and pretend it never happened? Everyone has, and they probably do it too. Maybe someone views you as a charismatic person, the same you are hating them for. You can never be certain of anything, remember that. Some people get sad just because others are sad, just like me. You seriously need to start viewing everyone as your equal. Once you do that, then everything else will fall into place. There is no human being on earth that doesn't have the same potential as you, and no matter what you think, no matter what anybody says, you can NEVER change that.
  4. Well, I don't think you can avoid her, that would probably be difficult. The good news is, it isn't incest! The bad news is it could become incest, assuming your dad and his girlfriend ever...... well, you know. The problem is there is no easy answer to it. You could just tell her to stop, then she would ignore you and do it anyway. So that won't work. You could introduce her to a girl, then break her heart, and make her hate you. Aha, I found an idea. Find a buy for her. introduce her to someone, maybe she'll take her attention off you? Hey, it is worth a shot, and it is one of the only options that I can see. Good Luck.
  5. That was the point of me putting it there, just so you know. He said something about leviticus not banning cousin marriages, and how in the bible they married cousins. I was just saying how bogus it is, and that it doesn't apply to current day standards.
  6. Ok, I know the answer to some of the questions you asked, but not all of them. First of all, being a lesbian is a sexual preferencem and just because you have hair doesn't mean you are a lesbian. Masturbating has not effect that i know of that makes you have a big tummy. The lip you have is probably just something you were born with. I don't think you can do much about that. Oh well, I don't know any other answers for you, sorry.
  7. Ok, while agree with everything else you said, don't give me that bull about things from the old testament. Go to this link, it is a joke web site. link removed It is an Open Letter to Doctor Laura, and it has a whole bunch of funny things that someone put together because Dr. Laura said homosexuality was against the bible. All of those things are in the bible, I checked them, so don't say it is made up.
  8. Hey, it doesn't matter how old she is. Age has nothing to do with it, it is the maturity. Age just is usually a good signal of maturity. 8 months is a long time to be going out with someone if you are really young. I would just recommend talking to your parents about it, and if they say no to you, then there will be no way to change their mind. Now maybe you could bring in some examples like : "What if Grandma had said you were too young for mom? Ever think about that?" Hey, its worth a shot. Oh well, I feel sorry for you, parents against relationships is a terrible thing. Unfortunately, you have no leverage against them, since they can legally tell you to do anything. They can actually make you into a personally owned slave for themselves if they want. So the trick is to give them something that they want from you, but they can't get without your cooperation. Good Luck
  9. Bah, you are mostly all right that these people do need them. It kind of makes me sad, that people need to rely on drugs to stay alive. Seeing old people taking 16 pills a day, just to stay in this world. And these people need to take the pills, not to stop from dying of old age / problems, but from themselves! It almost makes me cry. I can understand why some people need some pills to keep organs functioning, and arteries unclogged, but to stop from killing / hurting themselves? What has happened to them to make them like this. I just seems to happen to more and more people everyday, soon the whole globe will be popping pills every morning, just to stop from killing themselves. I'm not saying it is wrong to take these, it helps so much. Lives are saved, because while the drugs have side effects, they actually change the chemicals in your brain so that you cannot be really unhappy. I would have thought that I would consider this a good thing, but for some reason it just makes me sad. Oh well, I'd have to say the best happy pills would be Placebos. They probably work the best, since most people just take pills for the sake of taking pills.
  10. That was a great post earthfairy, thank you. your last sentence is basically my motto. "because i care, and i live for the day when i can touch another human soul, when i can be there for them because no one was there for me." When I was younger, there was never anyone there for me. So I went out and made friends. But friends come and go, so I kind of gave up. I kind of just viewed everybody as my friend, since everybody knew me, and I knew everybody else. But I wasn't really friends with them. Sure I could go and eat lunch whenever, or go to movies, but there was just no connection. I couldn't trust anyone, and I wondered why I still was alive. Just then I was in history class in 8th grade, when I was feeling the worst I'd ever felt, when we started learning about the constitution. I read one little quote from Thomas Jefferson, that said something like "Every man is entitled to the pursuit of happiness." Then something just kind of clicked in my head. I am entitled to pursue happieness! I was yelling all sorts of stupid stuff, and from then on, I made it my goal in life to be happy. Of course then I ran into my problem of how I can be happy, and i found it makes me the happiest when other people are happy. So my mission in life is to help other people be less depressed, and so more people can be happy. I mean, it isn't liek you really have a choice when it comes to life. You can either live or you can die. There is no middle ground to half-die, or half-live. JT, i think you are absolutely wrong. Mostly, because I don't believe anybody can ever give their fullest. There is an infinite amount of things that could happen in your life, and what you do directly effects their outcomes. You know what your life could becoem in this world. If you die, there is no way to know what could happen. Don't take such a big chance. So basically, all I have to say is, congratulations earthfairy, you have the best attitude on life that I have ever seen. Even though you don't want to, live life to the fullest, because after every second that passes by, you have one less second left to live. If you don't what else are you going to do? Life life half full? What exactly would be the point to that? Thank you, and Good Luck in the future.
  11. Well, first of all, once you are there, asking her to go do something over the weekend simply isn't that hard. You go up to her, say what you would like to do, and poof! if she says yes you have a date! I know, I know, it is easier said than done. But hey, whats the worst thing that could happen. Go to this web site link removed . Read it, it has a lot of swear words in it, so if you are offended by that kind of thing, don't go. Good Luck, I wish you the best of luck.
  12. Just out of curiosity, why does it get harder to ask someone out as you get older? Sure the things you like to do may change, but don't you get more experience? Plus, when you get a little older, girls asking you out becomes more common. Sadly, not too much more common, but hey, it is still pretty cool. Well, I could just be full of it, but I know I've seen women ask men out when they are say 20, yet I have never seen a 14 year old get asked out by a girl. Okay, that didn't have much to do with your question, but my advice is basically what everybody has already said. Do it in person, be assertive, don't wuss out at the last minute, and finally DON'T forget about the date. While it might seem like it is really funny/stupid, that kind of funny/stupid doesn't impress girls very much. Ok, well no matter how you do it, if she likes you, she'll say yes. Good Luck.
  13. Hey, while what I said is still true, that doesn't change the fact that women deserve respect. You talk about all the women focusing only on looks. Well you probably only try asking out women who you think look hot. You choose them because they look good, and then when you get rejected you blame all of womankind. All you are really after is sex, and they know that. Sure, you can tell yourself you aren't, but how often do you ask a girl out in a bar because you liked their personality. Wouldn't your decisions be a little muddled if you were drinking? The only way you ever get screwed over by women is if you let them control your life. Obviously, you are after mean women, but mean women who look really good. Maybe if you found some people who are actually nice to date, then you wouldn't have this problem. Unfortunately, while what i am about to say isn't completely true all of the time, but it is some of the time. A girl's attractiveness is inversely proprtional to how nice they are. There can be some really nice beautiful people, just as there can be some incredibly mean and ugly people. It just is that a lot of people fall somewhere in the middle of these two. Oh well, you aren't really going to listen to what I have to say, you are too deeply set in your ways to even considering change. I hope you find what you are looking for.
  14. Well, You are actually safe doing that, because fingering isn't having sexual intercourse. It is mutual mastubation. So, while it may not exactly be incest in a few states, it's damn close. Some states actually will qualify that as incest. Others wont, but hey you've got a 26(somebody said that was the number of states where it was legal) in 50 chance of being in the right state. People are going to think you are a pervert if you continue, and theres nothing that can be done about that. Maybe you should just be friends with her, instead of having a sexual relationship. Good Luck.
  15. Wow, you have a really bad attitude toward women. You feels as if it their fault that you have never had a relationship? That just seems pretty selfish to me. It just seems as like you are pissed off at them because none of the ones you have met want to be in an intimate relationship with you. You can choose to remain the way you are, but trust me on this one, you will have a tough time living. Women make up about 1 / 2 of the earth's human population. It isn't like you can really avoid them. Ok, while it is true that women do look for "attractiveness", so what? So do men, don't they? I'll bet if you saw a girl whose personality you really liked, but looked like frankenstein, would you want to have a good relationship with her? The whole point of humans being on earth is so they can reproduce and survive. Anything else we do either aids our survival, or threatens it. There is no real middle ground. So being attractive is a big plus because you can survive better. But as we as a people grow more complex, our minds think about other things than survival. Someday if you are lucky, you will meet someone who you think is absolutely beautiful. And she will feel the same way about you! It is all because of your persepctive. So if you have your current outlook on life, of hating women, you will never find someone who you think is beautiful. Also, about the respect thingy. Respect doesn't change because of what gender someone is. It is gained through their actions. You can tell yourself you don't respect all of them, but in reality, you only hate a couple of ones that you have met. Nothing is beyond repair. No one will care if suddenly you change your attitude. Start acting like who you want to be. But the key thing to remember, is do what makes you feel happy. I am talking about being really happy, not breif superficial pleasures.
  16. Well, I talked to a bunch of my friends, and they had no new ideas. Sorry bout that. Ok, well you have barely any time left, so if you are going to act ACT NOW. It doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you do something.
  17. I don't know, I just think about it this way. It is hard to say through typing, so I'm not sure ifI will be very clear. What does it matter whther fate xists or not? I if it does, then we will go through our lives doing everything according to fate, and if it doesn't we will go through our lives living it according to whatever we believe in. No matter what we do, it will be done, It is kind of like playing a video game. You will go through the game doing all this stuff, and at the end you will beat the final boss. Is it fate that your character beat it? Or is it something that just would have happened because the game was designed that way? Most of all, you live life because it is your only choice. Well, you could die, but I am not really counting that. So since we don't have any choice in this particular matter, and because there are certain rules the reality we are in, we will all follow a particular path that is based around our circumstances. The quote that nifty_swifty had just comes to mind. it was "Love never fails. If it does, it never was really love anyway.". So basically, if you just put the word fate in instead of love, then you've got your definiton! Myabe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, but regardless of whther is true, we will all live our lives, and we will all do whatever we will end up doing, and there is nothing we can do to change that.
  18. I'm sorry, I am out of suggestions, i can't help you anymore with this. I'll go ask some of my friends, you can follow their advice if you want it. I'll post again tomorrow, saying basically what they say. I hope I am not too late.
  19. Thanks for all the responses, I guess I was just wondering about how people could not believe in fate, and how it wouldn't matter if they did. Ok, I am going to say fate says that everything that will happen will happen. Everything is predestined. But what does it matter? We only view time one second at a time, so there is no way to see what our fate will be. So whatever we do, we do, and we cannot change that. If we change, then we are fated to do that, but hey, who cares? Theres nothing we can do to change the fact that fate exists, all it is saying is that time travel probably will work. That would be the only thing I have found that would even remotely prove that fate may not exist. Oh well, that's just what I think.
  20. Wow, dpressedone89, that was an awesome post. You said just about everything that I was going to say. He's absolutely right about the coffee replacing the addiction. It works wonders, and they do the same thing for heroin addicts. They give them some other drug which I can't remember right now, and it has fewer bad side effects. Dpressed was also right in that burning, while bad, is a hell of a lot better than cutting. Ok enough about that stuff about how to stop cutting. What you need to know is WHY. Seriously, what do you gain from cutting? Lets talk about the positive effects. You get this incredible high, you loose out all your anger, and you use it as a way to spite your parents if you are mad at them. The last one is a key thing to remember. Whenever you cut, not only are you hurting yourself, but others around you. People say this so much that it sounds cliche, and nobody really thinks it means anything. But a lot of the time, when people cut, it is because they are pissed off at a parent. And what way can you hurt your parents better by than hurting yourself? When you are all out of weapons, your subconscious reminds you that you have one left to strike back with. But it isn't worth it to do it. It is like going to a store and paying 100$ for a 50$ gift certificate. You lose so much more than you gain. What you seriously need is a goal. You need to get out of the hole you have fell into, and stop being depressed. It is so much more fun to be happy. When you are joyful, then you have so many more options. I know you love poetry, and you write some pretty good poems too. But what you need is an incredibly difficult goal. You need something to live for. I am going to make up an incredibly dumb analgoy right now, and I hope it will apply. The parable of the kitten Once there was a kitten. He was a difficult kitten who enjoyed getting into lots of trouble. Often times, he would jump up onto a rocking chair and have it rock so much, it flung him off of it. This disappointed the kitten. He wanted to sit on that rocking chair! It was warm and fuzzy, and made him feel good about himself. The kitten tried many different approaches, but all of them failed. He tried jumping off of a bookshelf onto the top of the chair, then going slowly down, but that was dangerous, and he often fell off. Soon, the kitten was feeling sad and depressed. He hadn't gotten what he was after. So he just slept for a few hours, not eating anything. His owner tried to stir him, because the kitten needed food, but it just lay there on the floor. Nobody thought it would ever get up. But finally, while lying on the ground, the kitten opened hsi eyes. He looked at the rocking chair from a different angle, and saw what he was looking for. The kitten jumped up onto the chair, and dug all it's claws in. Unfortunately for the kitten, it's owner was sitting in the chair at the time, and did not appreciate having 4 sets of claws dig into his crotch. While the kitten had failed in reaching the rocking chair by himself, others had helped him make his way up. He didn't get to stay very long, but while he did he was happy. Soon, the kitten tried again, and the owner was unable to get the kitten off. So the kitten went to sleep and was happy. That was based entirely on a true story about my kitten Chuckles. It happened today, and it reminded me of life, so I thought I might remember it all. First the kitten was a kitten. Then it became depressed because it didn't get what it was trying to do. Finally, it saw it's goal, and decided to take it's chances. In the end it succeeded, much to my discomfort. Wow, that was a stupid little story I just told. If it does anything, I hope it makes you laugh. Everybody needs a few laughs, so hey it could me a multitalented story! I hope you feel better, and tell me if you find a goal. Tell me if you find one, I would greatly appreciate it. Good Luck in what ever choice you make.
  21. Well, since you aren't going to listen no matter how many times we tell you not to have sex, I'm just going to recommend that your partner uses a condom. I have a feeling you aren't even 14 yet, so you should probably wait. Basically, if you have to remain ageless, because of what people on an internet chat thingy say, then you are most definitely too young. You have to have maturity, and respect for others in order to be ready for sex. Since you are obviously embarrassed by your question, I am just going to sya one last time WAIT! Just wait till you are older, trust me you will enjoy it more. Oh well, no matter what we say, we can't convince you that what you are doing is wrong, so I am feeling kind of sad. I just hope you make the right choice.
  22. I know what I think fate is, but that is only an opinion. I keep hearing a lot about what people think fate is, and I want to know what some other people think. Thank you.
  23. Well, if she has a bad impression of you, how will just sitting there fix that? Guess how you get rid of a bad impression? Go and give her a good impression. I mean it's not like there is much of a choice in that matter. So you are just going to wait until she asks you out? Remember if she has a bad impression of you, she may never ask you. Also, if she hears you are going to this group date, she may not go because you are going. Right now you know nothing of how she feels about you. There is one way to fix this. Talk to her on the phone, and try and arrange something. An email is basically the same thing as a letter, and I hear you have some bad experiences with those. So your options are very limited. In fact, you only have 2! You can call her, and maybe get to know her how you wanted to. Or you could wait until the day you have to leave, tell yourself you will talk to her, and wuss out completely, and miss your chance forever. Hey, it's all up to you, but you have to make the final decision. I hope you make the one you truly want to.[/url]
  24. Hmm, well this is pretty difficult. I'm not sure how well the thing you are planning to do will work, but it has a good chance. How about this: Go up to the phone. Dial her number. Ask her if she would mind going out for something like coffee, or something else. Depending on her answer, (which will be any of yes, no or maybe), you should be able to figure out what to do next. Ok, how long ago did you write the letter? From reading it, she probably knows a little about you. If you cant find anything to call her about and make small-talk about, just tell her you were sorry for writing the letter. Good Luck
  25. Well sadness is a chemical imbalance in your brain too. While it is true that nobody knows what causes depression, it is widely believed that it is a direct after-effect of the chemicals. Since eveyrtime you do just about anything, the chemicals are altered, ANYTHING that happens is from a chemical imbalance in your brain. So anybody that says it is a chemical imbalance iny your brain (like me for instance) is just using what they have read. Depression can be cured, that is definitely true. How you cure it is different for everybody. Hope you find what you are looking for.
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