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Eh Im Canadian

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Everything posted by Eh Im Canadian

  1. No, I am not the reason that the number was changed. Thanks for the advice. I guess all I needed was some random person to tell me to go for it.
  2. Unfortunately for you, beauty isn't everything. This girl sounds like a player, and though it is fine to have a crush on people like that, you went much farther than a crush. In addition, this girl also has a boyfriend. You mentioned that you didn't talk very much, you just kissed a lot. If you truly like this girl, you should actually try and get to know her instead of just making out for 3 hours. On the other hand, if you are one of those people who just wants to get physically close to a girl without having any reall relationship, by all means proceed
  3. Ok, I am not one to talk since my social life is next to nothing. However, I am very good at reading body language, and from your message, it seems that she really, really likes you. I am not exaggerating this in the least and I am also wondering why you haven't had a conversation about your feelings for one another. If you are as good at displaying your feelings to random people of the net who you barely know as you are in person, then this should be incredibly easy. I cannot end this with " Go for it" since that is generally marginal advice. You should do what you think is right, because you know what is best for yourself.
  4. Heres the deal, I am relatively young ( 14 ) but I have started "dating". I asked out this one girl twice, but both of us are so incredibly shy and horrible conversationalists. I have no idea what to do next. Since both of us aren't exactly "popular" we have small groups of friends that don't exactly intersect. Also to make matters worse, she just moved. Now she only moved 1 mile away from the original place, but her family changed her phone number because they used to have an unlisted one. Since it is summer vacation, I don't see her at school, and we live 5 minutes away walking distance. Also, my mom has her moms cell phone number, but isn't it kind of tacky to call her mom to speak with her. What should I do next? Any idea would be welcome
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