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Everything posted by neva_black_n_white

  1. I never realised people just jumped into relationships... had you know each other for ages before or something? maybe he thought it was a big step and presumed you were together. But if youd only just met him dako is right... how did he expect you to know ..
  2. Not that there should be rules and guidelines... well when your together obviously, you dont see anyone else. But i think its hard for someone to say that they would break up with you when you didnt even know the specifics of what was going on. at the end of the day, if you thought you were seeing him, and have now cut off ties with the other because your together now, then dont feel bad. its a misunderstanding. BUT if you thought you were together (even the tiniest) then maybe it should have been sorted before.
  3. No. i email guys all the time (well guy friends....) I guess it depends on the content of the emails and whether or not he got the wrong interpretation of things, you know? Maybe he thought you were together from the word go. Some people basically mean going out with when they say "seeing". Depends on the interpretation of the word, their own deffinition.
  4. That is immensley empowering, and indeed i wish to agree, but unless that verse was permanently planted in my brain and niggling me, im sure my over analysis wouldnt let things go. The answer is almost too simple for me. Too easy to do. So simple to get over. That i force myself to challange the situation and milk up the after effects..... reward or distruction.
  5. I think half the time the importance of something comes by social norms or expectancies. Lets be fair: 1: you go out - you see couples 2: your friends are with someone 3: God damn it ... your folks had to be together for you to be produced (unless you were a test tube baby in which case..you know ... still... the ultimate respect to you all *big smiles*) 4: Its generally all around you people seem to think they have to conform to the majority or their a freak in the minority. which is just wrong. if we compared the majority in a diff light then maybe the minority would be what we should conform to. (for some that latter sentence may well be confusing, please do ignore) all im saying is. sometimes. people get a little hot headed and think they need to do what everyone around them does. i know for a period of time i smoked.. just because people did. ive got friends that have lost their virginity just so they werent the odd one out. its STUPID i bet i could list zillion (maybe not so zillions but alot of people) who have regrets because they jumped the gun. anyway. i can understand how people must feel if they continuously feel alone. so i think i can understand that. sometimes you hold onto the hope of having someone who relates to you .... and then 10 years have passed and mr or mrs right havent come along... all hope is gone. with everything else. people often try to justify all sadness in not having a bf or a gf and as difficult as this may be to hear.. its not just because of that. there is a cluster of problems around that for you then to feel that a relationship is the final blow to the heart. i may well have lost track. i agree and disagree basically. neva x
  6. If your beginning to feel like theres nowhere to turn then maybe you should ring a childline. its free, you dont have to do it at your home you can go out and ring from a phone booth or anywhere. its up to you whether you remain anonymous or not. but it helps. if anything you can talk to someone about whats been happening. you shouldnt have to go through this at all. your 14 and from what youve said you havent got anyone to scaffold you or hold you up in any way. maybe looking for some advice (usually by people only slightly older, same sex if thats preffered, and people you can form a trust with) will help you. its brave of you what you have done, going to the police, some people darent take that step. sometimes the system works against you, but dont lose faith in it. my friend was physically abused by her step dad and as unfortunate as it sounds you have to go to the police after youve been hit, punched, kicked (she did). shes claimed against him and they said to here that evidence would only justify it when he sempt to always have an alibi. it sounds horrific i know. but sometimes people dont listen until someone puts it in their face. if you want to talk .. even if its just random lardy dar stuff and not about your past then pm me x wish you the best of luck with everything x neva aka kelly
  7. We die alone but i suppose were surrounded by people x if were lucky or liked x but then again if were lucky or liked people might not want to be there when you die x or maybe you die randomly and your surrounded by the biggest audience x or maybe you die from a lightning strike in a field all by yourself none of us know how were going to die so its hard really to give an answer x
  8. The wise words of Dako take my breath away *big smile* I was almost going to answer, but the philosophy there was beautiful. I second that comment Neva x
  9. Then again x for your age you might be tall x who knows x youve still got growing time... hopefully you can become the giant you aspire to be *big smile* tall men i love it x teehee x
  10. In yorkshire (from where im from) thats just like average height really for a lad. most of the people i know are around that height .. so .. maybe its the water lol im 5'8 and a half x and thats like normal for girlies around here x
  11. i like your poem, confused when you put tupac at the end, i was like "hmmmm who did this?" hehe x lol to mewskitty x never seen any of your work, id like to see the fabulousness
  12. Avman x you dark horse you x thats just, amazing. *smiles ear to ear* i do like it when people come up with something original, your words appear so unique.(im used to hearing the same things, well, me included, using the same metaphors but mildly extended)alot of emotion has gone into that, thats pretty exposing. i like it. well done *big smile* ... i hope that doesnt seem patronising. but you, are officially, a proud member of the poem club hehe x yayx
  13. smiles and thinks of how much psychology is in that**Your wise.I think ill be using some of your advice. Amazing post and the metaphor kind of softens the content x thanks x neva xUseful words that fall on open ears cant always be taken in by those who are told not to listen. Control.
  14. Lol x why thankyou x thankyou very much **big smiles**its weird how peoples pain can be made into art x
  15. thanks guys x its just an observation that ive made. ive found it holds my twin back alot. she seems to get even worse when its round exams so it sempt pretty relevant.thanks for the replies x neva
  16. "so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart" - i hope your right. it makes you wonder just how long a absent heart can last without no incling of love, care, want. Maybe youll see im my next poem. But sometimes all that giving in a one sided relationship begins to make you think its nothing to do with absent hearts, but, forget.not everyone continues to care, love. people move on. but its harder when one person waits and gives so many opportunities and they are held like a card... waiting to be used only when the player wants to use it. to be out of control completely.. yet to love so much that sometimes you think your bad for thinking negatively in any minor way and you practically obey. well.. im not sure.people who stop living to hold onto a lot that isnt clear, are they naive? hopeful? what?neva x
  17. From smiles to tears Takes only a split second It's being led to hell When you clearly deserve heaven It's every breath you take away from me And every smile you cast It's the breath I try to hold Hoping to make it last It's every touch that tingles And a gesture that flatters But its whether there's truth behind saying Where it really matters
  18. Words cannot justify The world you let me see The taster I was given The person you wanted me to be They cannot capture what I saw The sounds that I heard The emotions that were raw An unreal world Nothing Words cannot define The life you wanted to give The strife for piece against continuous destruction Was what I was expected to live I could feel the fear I could smell the pain I could sense the want But consciously knew of no gain Nothing Words cannot justify Te world you let me see I couldn't hold down the taster I cant be the person you want me to be
  19. Love is... Love is Something I thought you were But destined not to be A truth that defies all harm But your lies reopen wound I see Love is A smile that brightens the worst of days But clouds are a common forecast It's touching someone's heart But you bludgeoned mine and moved past Love is Knowing you don't have to be scared in the scariest of situations A comfort I've yet to have passed A beauty than cant be defined But under used and broken this was found last
  20. chuckles x that is like x fabulous ... *big smiles* proper has a right rhythm to it... could imagine a little advert with spam dancing... unfortunately dying in the pan BUT still... alot of love. giggles. that is just original, amazing.... harrar to you
  21. yeah, i was having that same debate the other day, someone didnt understand why sometimes you cant just trust straight away. maybe you do but dont outwardly state it, but i know that sometimes im a little curious of peoples complete intentions and it stops me getting close (through trust) straight away.... and then theres times when it just feels right.
  22. Teehee x thanks. i got fed up of writing all the other stuff so i thought id splurge out with this one. hopefully you think originals good **big smiles**
  23. if kissing makes you feel better then sex must be a miracle if three is the magic number what comes of its multiples? if you cant step on cracks should'nt we fear any holes? if the rainbow was touchable would you only love it for the gold? if black cats are a bad sign then i best throw mine away now why dont we count the number of magpies to predict the outcome of the day what if the sky was a bad thing and we could'nt touch the ground? what if rain could make us dissolve and snow give a constant frown? what if chocolate was the devil and being nasty led to heaven? how many superstitions and beliefs are we going to have? before we really start living!
  24. the sole reason for why i dont tend to tell people things. hehe. i like your poem. captured what most people tend to avoid. being exposed and used when someone else knows almost as much about you as you do! OUCHi like it x
  25. smiles* thanks. hehe. ive reread it and im not sure on how it sounds but i still like what its getting accross.. hehe. thankyou *big smiles*
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