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Everything posted by i2oadi2unnei2

  1. I concur! Anyone who's in those "I feel like crap" days, go read Super Dave's post, that'll enlighten your spirit! Another bump p.s. I'm getting rid of my old scrubber and getting a loofa myself, love them to death!
  2. Brian/Brill Welcome to ENA! Hope all is well with you. Sounds like you are still grieving after 11mos of a 17yr relationship. Let it all out here, vent here, comment here because we're here for you. Keep that chin up i2
  3. codyhawk, welcome to ena. My quick take, leave it alone. You said you are over her, that's great and I applaude you. I'll also give you alot of credit for giving her a 2nd chance, for I would've never taken her back since my tolerance for cheating is less to none. Since you no longer have any thing to do with her, let her go, turn your back and walk away with your head high. Being vengeful will not help anyone. You don't want anymore drama, you don't owe that man anything, if he ends up cheating, its his own perogative and when it catches up to him, you can just sit back, watch and laugh because of his lust for sex. You're doing great, keep up with the grieving process because being angry is part of it. Keep walking down that healing pathway. Best wishes to you.
  4. Bah! Look on the bright side, all those things are now yours keep!
  5. That is an awesome plan, stick with it all the way and in 4 months, gives us an update. Making plans for trips, to do's, etc. is easier than making plan for the future because no one really knows what the future entails. As we all have heard this before, "life is full of surprises" and you never know what to expect, so live the life now. I am truly happy for you and I wish you and your new SO happiness
  6. I concur with the concensus and stay with the new girl, but take it slow... I was in your shoe once. Long story short...I ending up not being w/ either of them...
  7. If she truly said that, then it seems she's not into you as much as before and you need to accept it, grieve, then move on. It sounds she may come around again and reconcile, then break up again, can you take it the 2nd time around? 3rd time around? Breakup cycles isn't that fun, believe me. Yes, give her ALL the space she wants, give yourself some space too so you can break away from the clingyness, dependent, .etc. By going NC for awhile, you can regroup your feelings & heal, then start casual dating others w/o going into a deep relationship and avoid any rebounds if all possible. It's not the end, the relationship you created with another never truly ends, it just changed, that's all. Right now you need to heal and by going NC, it sounds like the end, but its not. Life is full of surprises, you both may reconcile down the road. Until then, work on yourself, be happy for yourself, have time for yourself, relearn to love yourself once again. You will survive this as we all did, keep that chin up and go out and have some fun dammit! :splat:
  8. /me lends a shoulder... scared12, I've never been in a situation like yours, however, I can almost feel your pain and aguish... /me pats scared12's back... Hang in there, you'll be alright...we're all here for you!
  9. IMHO, I think you should leave it alone. You did what you wanted to do, no more no less. Keep moving forward and don't get hung up w/ what she said because that was a statement, not a question... I guess that kick in the nuts wasn't so bad after all
  10. Oh my gawd, inquiring minds want to know LOL! Oh the suspense!
  11. dw/abh, Vent here all you want, that's what we're here for Is the money worth breaking NC? I mean, unless it's a significant amount of money, sure why not, if that is how you feel. Again, unless you wanted a reason to contact her or just hear her voice again, I can see why you broke NC... Hang in there buddy, just take care of yourself right now and don't worry about her for the time being...
  12. IMHO, when you decided on changing your number and then went out and actually did it, it shows that you have a very good head on your shoulder and that action should open her eyes, then again... My answer to your question: 1. She knows you all too well; knows you'll put up with her, knows you're her safety net, knows you love her so much you'll always be there. Love alone is enough for you to throw away all reasons and you will always end up coming back to save her... 2. People change as life progress, some change a little, some change dramatically. Only that person can change themselves, you can't force them to change. As for contacting you again, I doubt she'll call unless you give your number to mutal friends and they give her your number. Regardless if she doesn't get your new number, she'll contact you one way or another. Since I believe you have no obligations to her, I suggest you help her get some help or things will get worse for her. If she refuses, you have no other choice but let her walk that path alone and call it quits. Getting back together, breaking up, back together, breaking up, that will tire you out and its a vicious cycle I would not want to be in, neither would you... Good luck and best wishes.
  13. What you said above is the best thing you did for yourself in this situation, I applaude you and remember, never waver! After what you've done, you deserve better because you've earned it in this relationship. I don't think you put the ball in his court just yet, the ball is still on your court because the way I see/read it, he pretty much has everything and wants to see if he can do better. If the grass is not greener on the other side, you're the safety net and you have a choice if you want him back or not, but don't be hasty in your decision. Continue to grieve, go ahead and keep crying, be angry, be sad, be sorrow, let it all out! Now, once you're out of tears and feeling numb, start healing for yourself. It's all about you now, take it one day at a time, one step at a time. I'm here, we're all here walking that same path together. We're here if you need anything... And, NC starts now... Be strong, stay strong, those hurtfull feeling will slowly subside, I promise...
  14. olena, You're not alone my friend and I can relate to your situation. I was w/ my ex for 5 years. I supported her emotionally, physically and financially. Decisions she made whether its right or wrong, I stood beside her. I could make a very long list of what I've done for her, what I gave up, everything, but I rather keep this post short. We both didn't have much when we were together and we built a lot w/in 5 years of our relationship yet, she still fell out of love for me. She now has an MBA, a fairly decent job, and a condo. I ended up buying a small house but left everything behind w/ her. There is not a thing I want back, not the TV, washer, dryer, laptop, everything, anything. I got enough memories that will last my lifetime and that is all that counts. Its time for me to accept it, move on and rebuild. I've been through what you and everyone here been through. I have my ups and down, yet, I will survive and so will YOU... Hang in there and best wishes to you.
  15. Another vote for NO, don't send anything, that includes texts, snail mails and presents. Your feelings are still too raw. You still need time to heal. It's great you still want to be friends, want to stay in touch, keep communicatiing, but it will hinder your healing process. Give yourself more time to heal, then when you have no desire other than a simple friendship, then by all means, start your friendship...
  16. Anggrace, I got something to share to you (and others) and take it to consideration. It's a good topic on "break-up cycles": Now…I must warn you about a mistake that couples often make when they get back together after a breakup: They breakup again, and then get back again shortly after because they enjoy the “drama”. Or they get “lazy” and want to rely on the negative emotions of cutting contact to get back together again. Do this enough, and breaking up and getting back together will become a crazy cycle. Remember that just like every technique, the cutting contact technique becomes less effective if you abuse it. The more you break up and get back together, the more you get into the cycle of just breaking up and getting back together for the sake of “solving problems” or simply getting emotional thrills. Guess what happens then? You will get onto an emotional roller coaster with your ex until both parties are too drained to go on. I call this the breakup cycle, and it is one of the greatest sins of dating and relationships.
  17. Buddy, try not to, scratch that... DO NOT go places where you've been with your ex if all possible, at least not for awhile while you're healing. Next, DO NOT go to any my space sites trying to "follow-up" with your ex, it's not helping you any. I know its inevitable to think about the ex, but remember, NC also means no "follow-ups" either, or you'll be ](*,) day in and day out! You're doing very well with yourself and your time, just don't waste it on your ex right now. Focus on your goals, life and that new fling you got going on there! Take care and best wishes...
  18. IMHO, don't send anything. Not even a present. 1.5wk of NC is still a bit raw and not contacting him w/ his upcoming bday will make you a stronger person, of course unless you are fishing for a reaction. You're healing very well
  19. I did something similar to polor's post: 1. Washed and Dried all fabric related items 2. Folded them all 2. Collect all other personals 3. Place them all neatly in a bag 4. No note written, but sent an email instead 5. I knew her work hours so I drove to her house during my lunch break and dropped it off neatly at her Then I got a bit of nasty gram email several hours later, but that's another story... I was civil, unlike her first marriage where he threw all her stuff out into the garage and told her to come and get her stuff!
  20. Here's my take on fate/faith. Fate is something that happens to you w/o your control and knowing what won't/never happen to you, yet, it still happens (you can call this either luck or bad luck, same to me) Everything else IS in your control! Life is about choices. What you choose will determine the outcome of that choice and/or the path it will lead you, good or bad. You have the knowledge, you have the experience, now you need to make a choice...
  21. Eddie, What's been done is done. What you've said has been told. If you never hear from her, so be it. You did/say what you needed to say and YOU know her better than anyone here on the forum, so I applaude you for doing what you believe is right. You can throw out the "shoulda coulda woulda" and go with "can do, will do, need to" and keep moving ahead day by day which what you are doing now, and doing so great too! All you can do now is keep moving forward. Look what's ahead of you, the opportunity awaits you so don't take that for granted and if you truly know you're hanging on to false hope and let that opportune slip away, you'll be ](*,) Best Wishes!
  22. I'm here with you y'all! My kid sister invited me to go to club tonight to celebrate one of her friends bday and I said sure. Of course as soon I got home, to change clothes, I ended up wearing my sweats LOL. All of a sudden I didn't feel like going out so I called my kid sis and told her I'm staying home. She was bummed, but she understood... I'll cuddle up w/ a warm blanket, have a glass of red wine and read my book
  23. Man, so much to list! I guess I'll just add what I've done recently...that is watching the entire DVD series of Band of Brothers! After watching that at my sister's house (I don't have a tv at my house and my DVD drive on my pc won't play DVD's lol), my problem is small potatoes compared to what those folks went through and how it reminds me to appreciate life more...
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