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Everything posted by iamteddybearfeelmecuddle

  1. Yes my last bf was 22 and he seemed quite enamored. He approached me (he was a persistent little devil) and he asked my age right away. I didn't mind telling him, I wasn't interested in him anyway. But I told him, and he almost fell off his seat (literally). I remember he kept saying I was so beautiful, and when he found out my age, he thought I was that much better. He pointed out younger girls and said stuff like, "Look at how much better your figure is than hers.." lol, yes, he had a definite good side! Anyway it all depends on the person. And I think it's a matter of people who don't have preconceived notions, like the one I mentioned about assuming 30+ women want children. I mean, yes that might be the case (or it might not), but also might be the case with an 18 or 20 year old woman.
  2. I get the impression that a lot of men (and women) have a misconception that a woman older than 30 is really, really concerned about children, and in a rush to do so. I've seen men say exactly that on different threads. And I think that's odd because at 35, if I'd been real keen on having children I'd have had them by now. I'd actually prefer not to have any, although I'm not ruling it out as an absolute 'no'. And from my experience the opposite is true, I am leary when I continue to meet young men who really want kids soon, actually older guys too. Whereas I know a lot of young women, who seem determined to have kids. Anyway a little bit off topic, I guess, just one aspect I've noticed.
  3. No, asking them not to go to a strip clube is not the same as telling them not to hang out with their friends.
  4. No, or course you wouldn't ask you're friends to change their plans just to suit you! You would just gracefully bow out.
  5. True. But if someone knows or even suspects it will hurt their SO and does it anyway, how is that not intentional?
  6. You can believe that if you want to, Bitter, but it's not true. I am just open to the fact that there are two sides to every story, and I can't get past the feeling that you're not really telling us the whole story. I have said as much already, and it sounds like you only want to speak with those who will validate your story at face value. I wish you and your girlfriend both luck in each of your respective futures, and I'm moving on from this thread.
  7. I agree that she should find a really safe way to meet him, and get it done soon. Until then she should not tell him too much, such as her address, her last name, her high school. The guy could be a stalker. Anyway, she might benefit from finding out if it's real asap. I'd hate to think she is turning away from real life possibilities for someone who may not even be a match for her.
  8. Well it really does sound like you two are incompatible, to be honest, and most likely it will be for the best if you both cut your losses, before things get really out of hand.
  9. I think you should at least bring up meeting in person as soon as possible, probably by the 2nd or 3rd email. And maybe it's just me, but I don't IM, I feel the guys who want to IM with me are just looking for someone to 'chat' with, and are just wasting my time. If I don't even know them in person, I don't want to invest a lot of time on them. It's best not to dump out too much personal information and get to know each other too well before you meet anyway, and for a couple of reasons. 1) If you do and then you meet and she thinks you're icky or you find her unattractive, and you never want to see eachother again, do you really want that person to know so much personal stuff about you? 2) Even if you do both find eachother attractive, if you've already chatted about it all via email, it doesn't give you much to talk about when you are on your first meeting/date.
  10. Good luck! It sounds like you two love eachother. Maybe it will work out. BTW, One tip: Next time she complains you called her the B word, instead of saying, "Well sometimes you are the B word", instead say "I'm sorry"!!
  11. Yes, you and your girlfriend need to have a very honest talk about this, and about your future as well. If it is not going to work out it might be better for both of you to look for other dwellings, rather than try to move in together officially.
  12. Yes, I do see what everyone is saying, I'm also aware that there can be many variables and dynamics that perhaps we are not aware of since we are not in the situation. I'm still going back to wondering which came first, the unwillingness to commit, or the resentment? Both parties are obviously resentful of their burdens. Not being there, I am just reluctant to come to a full conclusion on the issue.
  13. Really, I could have sword he had said that he earned more money than she did, and that she was paying as much as she could.
  14. So, then why are all these people under the impression that you are fully supporting her and she is contributing nothing?
  15. Well actually I think it sounds like if you total their relationship, she is paying her half and also taking on the burden of the responsibility and risk. This leaves him with more disposable income left over at the end of the month as well than it does her. But hey, maybe I've read it wrong.
  16. IMO, it's not enough to just devote your life to someone to doesn't go out of his way to hurt you; much better to be with someone who goes out of his way to make sure he doesn't hurt you, even inadvertently.
  17. Well, cancelling a date in and of itself is not really a bad thing, if there was some good reason, so you shouldn't be punishing her for it-- unless you mean that there were circumstances that made it unacceptable for her to cancel?
  18. Well because you've been passive about not asking her out for a specific date, and also reacted as if you weren't phased a bit when she said it wasn't working out as is, That's where!
  19. Hmm..I tend to agree with Helo on this. Afterall, come on, I'm sure you have to know that realistically she's not going to say.... "What's that, Johan? So you say you really think I'm neat, but you'd like some time off from me so you can romance other women. And after doing that, you say you may or may not decide that that you still like me, and want to have me back and marry me? GREAT!!! Exactly what I always dreamed of! You're the best!"
  20. I usually tend to go for short haired guys, guys who's hairstyle is not making any type of statement, other than "Hi, I'm a guy". When I was younger I digged long hair, but I don't really like that anymore, though it's not a deal-breaker.
  21. It sounds like maybe you're not really all that 'into her'? That doesn't make you a bad guy, but it's not fair to either of you if you get married and don't really appreciate her. Of course, you'll have to take into consideration that you have no other experience with girlfriends. It's also entirely possible that you could break up with your current gf, and get out there and find that the other fish aren't all that great for you, then regret having broken up.
  22. I know it seems like he was a great catch and you'll never meet another like him, but keep your head high. He doesn't sound like he realized what a great catch you are, so how great can he be? You need to hold out for a man who thinks you're the best thing since sliced bread, and for the long haul, not just at first.
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