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Everything posted by iamteddybearfeelmecuddle

  1. I think that love and obsession are not necessarily mutually exlusive. However, I had an ex who was obsessed with me for years, and believe me it was not about love and hearts and flowers, it was just BAD. Here is a major distinction: If you love someone you will do anything for them, and I don't mean anything to win them, but anything to help them. You would not think twice about taking a bullet, giving them your last dime. etc. I guess that's just my opinion. With obsession you're concern is not for the object's welfare, but for your own.
  2. Well I don't go for all that soul searching and mushy stuff myself, but I always kind of thought me and an ex were soulmates because of how much we were attracted to eachother, and I don't mean just physically, but we were inseperable from the first night we met, and both loved each other so much. It was literally one of those things where we were dancing and the music had stopped way before and neither of us were paying any attention, our friends had to finally come pry us apart! But that was a long time ago. The truest answer to your question may be: 'Does it really matter?' We all just have to try to make the best of what we have and be as happy as possible. That's the end of me waxing on philisophical for now.
  3. I don't know luke it sounds like your taking too much time. either you want to date or you don't you know. Are you calling this new girl at the last minute to get a date? if so, that may be why she already has plans by the time you call. But I think if you do want to start something with someone, you should just either do it, or don't. Halfway is what it sounds like you've been doing, and it's no wonder the girl would lose interest.
  4. Um, I wouldn't walk up to a strange woman and demand personally identifying info from her, such as her name, because it seems a little pushy. You should just say 'Hi'. that's all that's necessary. Then maybe say 'I'm Joe'. If she wants to give her name then, she will. Also don't ask where she works. Or where she lives. This seems obvious that a strange guy should not walk up to a woman he does not know and demand information like this, but it has happened to me countless times.
  5. Really? I can't even imagine saying that to a guy as a manner of flirting with him. For that matter, I can't imagine a guy wanting a girl to say that to him as a manner of flirting with him. It's just hard to picture.
  6. Yes I would think it all depends on the guy. I'm a girl but I have a lot of friends who have completely opposite ideas of what a cute guy is than me, and I guess that's ok, since it would be bad if we were all interested in the same guy.
  7. Yes they do tend to get a little long winded no offence meant, but he is a pretty smart guy.
  8. Just ask her if you can talk to her, gesture that you want to step away...no big deal....in and of itself.
  9. it seems kind of weird that she submitted a DRAFT to your boss, without first going over revisions with you. It may actually be a simple oversight, things like this do happen at offices all the time, with no ill will. However, you may wish to question her as to why she sent the draft to your boss without first collaborating and finishing the project with you, and ask if that's the usual way to do things, because you didn't think so. Good luck.
  10. Yes! I have been there, I'm not sure I'm not there now. I was really in love with a guy a very long time ago and I wasn't interested in any other guy for quite a long time! I've never really loved anyone like that before or since, but yep I hear you, it's hard to try to get 'close' to someone, and when it doesn't work out, it makes you feel really weird! Like if you just stay single you don't have to go through all that ups and downs.
  11. You just need to make a move. Look Mellencamp said 'get a leg up, boy', and who was it that said ' bust a move!'? I don't know. But get a leg up, boy. Or it will stagnate, fester, and be a moot point soon enough.
  12. Well, me personally I don't try to be mean to men when I reject them; however, the truth is that I have had way too many men retain unfounded hopes if I'm not QUITE firm in my rejection.
  13. LOL! I'm sorry but that is so cute and funny I had to quote you.
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