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Everything posted by iamteddybearfeelmecuddle

  1. Alright, well I know timing can be bad sometimes, but one at a time would be simpler if possible.
  2. Yep that's true, one of those cheesy stereotypical pickup lines is not good. A *bit* of a script would be ok, for instance scripting that you'll just start by saying, hi my name is joe. and scripting that you'll NOT walk up and say, hi where do you live!
  3. Well that is a good start, there. Next you just say something that is good depending on the situation you are in. like, are you a big soccer fan? or do you like blues music? Greek food? whatever.
  4. I don't think it's wrong to feel the attraction, but you should really leave it right there. If you ever want to date another man, you should first get divorced, before you do anything, emotionally or otherwise.
  5. Well, I don't necessarily have a problem with that concept, te ra, but I was just saying I don't like strange men to walk up to me and say or ask something that is inappropriate for our level of knowing each other, which is not at all. You probably were directing that at someone else though, huh?
  6. That was cute. Poor girl I feel for you. I dated one kind of similar to him once, but it was all to weird for me, just depends what your into, but if you're not into it you have everyright to move on.
  7. I agree that it is not a requirement to date no more than one person at a time. It's just best not to make someone think they're 'the only one' if they're not.
  8. From my observations I would agree with twilight that it does seem that men, in general, are less picky.
  9. Well I think that you should try telling her what you have told us, and that your not serious about the other girl and won't see her anymore. (if that is true). Maybe you need to be honest or risk it going too much water under the bridge to salvage it. Also, I am curious why you think sending flowers and telling her you missed her is the wrong thing to do? If you want to get back you gotta let her know!
  10. I've heard that this stuff called 'Accutane' (sp?) works well. I think it's a pill. I've never tried it. But I think it permanently dries up your oil glands or something. But I don't think that is good because maybe if you didn't have any oil glands your face would be wrinkly early!
  11. I have to say I tend to agree with carnelian.
  12. I didn't get the impression she was saying that. I think she just meant more that the guys are overreacting to her natural ebb and flow.
  13. I think you said it right. I thought I was allergic many times and gave up, but I wish now that I had stuck with it. Your face does get used to it, and it even is less dry after a bit. It just turns to normal clear skin.
  14. helo is right, you can get the tone of voice and meaning much better with a phone or in person, it's not so impersonal.
  15. Yes, if you cut back to once a day that should be good enough. I have found the toner and other products just irritate my face more, but that's probably just my skin.
  16. I think maybe you should dispense with the rest of the regimin and just use the leave on treatment with the benzoyle (sp?) peroxide in it. The rest is just fluff. Then if you stick with it everyday, (maybe skip a day here and there if it gets real bad), your skin will actually get used to it.
  17. I do agree about the phone calling part, but it shows more respect for her if you give her a little notice before a date. It's just common courtesy that anyone would like.
  18. Yes, my doctor told me to just go to any drugstore and buy clearisil (sp?) cream for only around 5 dollars. it's the same thing, and you need to stick with it for a good couple of months and use it every day. My skin is great because of it. Highly recommended. Good luck!
  19. Well first you should make up your mind what your goal is, and Good luck!
  20. No, If I were you I wouldn't try to be hostile about it. Probably try to make it sound like you're just curious.
  21. Yeah, that's very true, it would be really hard on your loved ones, so please dont!
  22. You should not do that dude, stay on here a while and talk to folks. Life does suck real bad sometimes, but it gets better too.
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