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Everything posted by iamteddybearfeelmecuddle

  1. Wow, ok, so how does the girl pass the test? And what exactly about BBear's girl makes her fail?
  2. I think when he emailed you and told you about that family crisis he was just making an excuse, and he may have partially been trying to make you feel better, and partially trying to clear his own conscience. If he had been really interested, he would have called when he said he would. Heck, if he had been serious about it, he wouldn't have sent you an email to explain his disappearing act, but would have simply telephoned you in the first place. I think you should not beat yourself up over this. Getting dumped by someone you're really into does suck, but it doesn't reflect that you are a bad, ugly or undesireable person. Also, it's easy to second guess actions you took or didn't take, and to blame the fact that you got dumped on those. But it may just be that he just wasn't the right guy for you no matter what you did or didn't do.
  3. So are all housewives toxic narcissists, then? Or is this totally different when two are married?
  4. I can see your reasons for not telling her in the first place....but 7 months is kind of a long time to keep that secret.
  5. Yeah, I'm not totally against you here, but I'm also leaning more towards thinking that it sounds like she is paying out a significantly higher portion of her monthly income on your shared living expenses than you are on your shared living expenses. True? Or no? Some might think that's fair, and some might not. Either way, yes there are some who would gladly step up and do whatever they could, and maybe that is what she wants, not a ' * * * for tat', scorekeeping type. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not really convinced that is such a wrong desire.
  6. Ok I was just not clear what you meant by that.
  7. Yes I know, that is my whole point. And when the person who's name it is not under fails to pay up, the person who's name it is under is the one at risk.
  8. And you said she was paying for the rent. Who's paying all the utilities and services?
  9. Well at this point, it sounds like you are over-playing the victim card here. Some things might not be fair on your end, but it's most likely that many things are also not fair to her. Sorry to sound harsh but it sounds like you (and possibly also she) need to do some maturing before entertaining thoughts of cohabitation.
  10. Yes, but isn't she paying for the shampoo, the milk, the ketchup, the vacuum cleaner, the trash can liners, all the little things that add up and are necessities to run a comfortable home?
  11. Being the person who is signed on the lease and has the commitment, and has all of the services in their name, and showing up on their credit report is a bigger commitment. Have you considered that?
  12. I don't know...it sounds like there's more going on. Could this really be about your unwillingness to step up to the plate? It's like the old question, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?".
  13. I think you should either move in, pay your half, willingly, and without complaint, or move out. Sounds like you're trying to reap all the benefits, but only to the extent that it's convenient for you.
  14. Sounds like you'd like to lay about your gf's place and mooch while she takes up all the responsibilities that go along with keeping it. When it's convenient for you you just saunter back to your mom. My advice: She should dump you, and pronto.
  15. This is what I think. She really likes (or liked) you. You made very little effort to persue her. She decided that was not what she wanted so she tried to break it off with you, and since she still liked you, she tried to entice you into liking her more. Basically she likes (liked) you more than you do her, and that is not going to make for a healthy relationship. Be honest with her about the fact that you don't like her as much as she seems to want you to, and break it off firmly, not fair to use her.
  16. Yeah, I think you should have been more clear. For instance, you say that you called to formally invite her to a movie but she didn't answer. What you don't say is, "So, I left her a voice message asking her to go to a movie with me this weekend." Then she called you back to ask what you were up to. So you must not have actually asked her out specifically for a date. Sounds like you're taking a passive role in this. If you want a date with the girl, you must ask her for a specific date. Ask her as soon as possible, and ask her as far in advance of the requested date as possible. In other words, now-ish (at a reasonable hour, though) would be a great time to ask her to reserve next Saturday night to go out to a movie with you. You do have another alternative, keep doing what you're doing, and don't end up dating her. Keep being passive and/or unclear with every woman you meet, and keep wondering why you never seem to seal the deal. It's your life, your choice. There will always be people who will tell you what you're doing is ok, but you're the one who will live with the consequences.
  17. So, when you "write her back about the movie"....are you writing "Yeah, I think Brad Pitt is a great actor." Or, are you writing, "Will you go to this movie to me this weekend?"
  18. Sounds like he's definitely playing games now...asks you out after dropping a bomb saying his son went to emergency, and didn't even explain what happened? That is messed up! Sounds like he's hurt that you left and he misses you but he's also very angry with you.
  19. Viewing women to me is as interesting as viewing rats. Ooops, that's not true, watching labrats would probably be more interesting.
  20. You say your ex gf was insecure, but instead it just sounds like she's normal, and you were immature, and self centered. Just my observation.
  21. I agree with all of that. Only once in my recollection a 'Male Review' came to town, and did a show at about 8 pm for about an hour at a club that was normally just a regular club. Some friends of mine drug me along. All the guys were dancing really feminine like and they were all hairless and oily and seemed homosexual to me, and I don't really go for that. Anyway we didn't go to get turned on we just went I guess as a girls night out activity, a novelty actually. None of us were attracted or interested in any of the guys. And there weren't any lapdances or anything close to that there, either, and not that any of us wanted them either. I really can't imagine myself or any of our friends paying a dude to gyrate in our faces.
  22. Yes, double standard indeed. Not cool. And why should it matter what her motives are anyway? What's good for the Goose.....
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