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Everything posted by iamteddybearfeelmecuddle

  1. Jarupa, I don't know, it seems like some of the most needy and 'helpless' women I know have great men throwing themselves at their feet, trying to take care of their every latest crisis and whim.
  2. Yeah, I can relate. It seems like so many of them do not take care of themselves and keep themselves clean (not meaning showers) and desireable. There are a whole lot though that are fat, lazy, smoke pot, drink way too much, or don't use birth control and have child support payments and shared custody/childcare hassles to show for it.
  3. Good point but what about this: Isn't it true that people are more attracted to us when we are taken than when we are totally single?
  4. It seems like a lot of single men use drugs or drink excessively. Can't say I blame you for not wanting to get involved with that.
  5. One thing you'll want to do to get more dates: Ask them out. Don't try easing into it, by being their buddy.
  6. Yes. It's hard when everyone's either way older or way younger than you.
  7. Yeah, there's no need for her to be judgemental. But maybe it's best if you don't say much about your bf till she moves out. So your friendship can continue when you no longer live together. Living together puts strains on friendships as it is.
  8. If he does a lot of bad stuff, and you tell her about it alot, then I guess I can see her point. I've had friends that I would get frustrated by that, they're being treated bad, and complain about it and I keep suggesting they dump him, but they won't listen. Maybe that's not the case with you and your friend, though?
  9. Well what type of work do you do? Do any coworkers go to lunch together? Or dinner? Drinks? Maybe you could ask if you could come along sometime.
  10. During your mid to late twenties it's very common for people to be in your situation. So many of your friends take different paths. When I was about your age, almost all of my friends were spending ALL of their spare time with their children, and when they went out, it was to Chuck E. Cheese (Whoohoo!!), and when they invited me to a 'Party', it was either to sell me tupperware, or so I could bring them presents for the latest event in their life, such as a baby shower or bridal shower (...snooze...). You don't have to accept every boring invitation, but if you do get invited *OUT* somewhere, for dinner, or lunch, maybe for a golf game or whatever, be sure to go. Even if you don't know anyone, you just go, and eventually your face will become familiar, and people will start to feel comfortable with you and you will most likely make new friends that way. Remember that other people may seem standoffish at first, but it's probably because they also are uncomfortable, and they don't know you, either.
  11. I've got some friends that I've been friends with for 20+ years, but even them, we haven't hung out nonstop for that entire 20 years. We just keep in touch now and then, sometimes spending more time together, and sometimes less. Sometimes not hearing from eachother for years. I've learned to expect to enjoy my friends while we have common interests, and to let them go during the times when we don't. Just like everyone said. You may be spending a lot of time with certain friends for months or years, and then you take on different interests, and you drift apart. Sometimes you can reconnect in the future. And new friends do always come in. It's very true that friendships come and go. It doesn't necessarily mean that you've fought or that you don't get along, you've just taken different paths for the time being.
  12. Why don't you try replacing your bulk building excercises with some aerobic excercises instead?
  13. I think you should be breaking up with your gf before you meet with other girls with the intention of finding out whether or not this other girl will have a relationship with you. If you do otherwise, you're in the wrong. It's beside the point that this other girl is an ex.
  14. Yeah, I second what NJRon said. She had free will and could have called the wedding off if she had wanted to. Sounds like someone who might consider herself victimized a lot. Not to be harsh, but you should turn around and walk away. If she takes it upon herself to get a divorce and come find you, fine. Maybe you will still be available and interested, or maybe you won't.
  15. I agree that men and women tend to communicate differently. But it sounds to me like in her particular circumstance, that her boyfriends lack of paticipation in conversation may cause problems for them in the future. The two may not be compatible. I've known people similar to what she discribes. I say "Hi, nice day outside." They say nothing. I say "So, this new database transition is going to be interesting." They say nothing. I don't know if they're supposed to be deep, shallow, or just 'above' simple conversation, but people like that can grow tiresome.
  16. I agree, that he is probably projecting. He may have had some nasty spats with exes in the past. In which case just ignore him and if you have to see him do just what you would anyway, be 'cordial', but if I were you I'd be leaning more towards avoiding him a bit.
  17. I didn't see where she said this is just about talking about the relationship, though, this is about everything. Also, I'm a woman, and I find that most often it's the men I'm dating who want to talk at length about 'us' whereas I'd rather not.
  18. If he's quiet to the point where he doesn't even feel the need to respond when you're trying to talk to him, then, well I'd have to say regardless of the reasons behind it, it would wear on my nerves if I were you. People who talk too much or far too little, I find both difficult to be around much.
  19. Maybe you should just tell him, "If you are ever single, look me up. Maybe I will be too." Afterall, you're not planning on waiting indefinitely for him to perhaps break up with his girlfriend, and you don't want to deal with just half of his attention, right?
  20. Well I don't think the problem is solved just because he stops calling her {whatever he calls her}. The sentiment behind these emails is still there, and he continues to disrespect you. Personally I would not be married to someone like that.
  21. Yeah this sucks for you. Seems like you're doing the best you can. Either way you lose. If you tell her about him, she may not believe you, she may tell him what you said, etc. If you don't tell and continue avoiding him, then you lose out on time with your friends. Maybe make new friends. Can you tell her at some point, that what'shisname kind of gives you the creeps, and leave it at that without having to go into why. Who knows if she keeps hanging out with him, she'll see his true colors eventually.
  22. You guys haven't had sex, and you haven't mentioned that he wants to have sex with you, nor does he want to be your bf. So based on that info, my guess is that he does not want you for friends with benefits, but just thinks of you as a platonic friend; no sex.
  23. Yeah, I agree with this. Just break up with her if you don't like her all that much. I don't know if this is a gender issue, maybe not. But one time I saw a guy post about how his gf called him 3 times in one day, and labeled her a stalker. Geez I guess if that's true then every guy I've ever dated must be a complete stalker, because guys do it all the time, and then it's called 'sweet'.
  24. Yes, I agree. If she's gonna be like that, then forget it. You don't need to deal with those kind of games. There's plenty of other girls out there.
  25. I disagree, her HUSBAND is making lewd and solicitous comments to another woman. This is NOT ok.
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