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Everything posted by smallworld

  1. Alonegirl, I don't know if this will make sense to you, but for some ppl - love is like war. If you're not with them, you're against them. I know his vindictive behavior seems bizarre since he's the one who did the breaking up, but trust me this has more to do with his pride-ego (perhaps he was surprised you've managed to live without him so well for 3 months?) than anything to do with you or how good of a girlfriend you've been to him. If it were me I'd arrange for a go-between to get the cats and then I'd be eternally thankful that he's someone else's problem now.
  2. Well then I'm honored to have been the first! I_love_rain_hugs_and_you, I wish I were a guy. I'd love never having to worry how I look. As for me, looks have always been secondary to a guy's heart (you know those little things great guys do that reveal great character and integrity) and how he makes me feel when I'm around him.
  3. Congrats Ilse! Wow linguistics! Impressive!!!
  4. Hey Shorty, I've been keeping up with your posts and this guy is special. He sounds like he really cares for you, but is just scared of screwing things up and losing you for good. No judgement on my part, but from a shy person's standpoint, I can't think of anything more terrifying than the fear of screwing up and never hearing from that person again. There's only one reason why a guy would put his heart on the line for someone who's broken it before, but I'll let him tell you that himself someday. Smoking isn't about him. It's about your fear of being controlled. But this guy isn't trying to make you stop on a whim. He genuinely disliked smoking before he met you and as a non-smoker it's clear as day to me that he's bending this "dealbreaker" for you because he really likes you. If he's pushing you to stop, it's because he cares and wants to be with you for the long haul. If you were going to stop smoking anyway, why not use his love/encouragement as a catalyst to stop? As for who initiates, I know this isn't romantic, but if you want him to initiate more, you're going to have to tell him exactly what you want and what you expect of him. He doesn't know where the boundaries are, so he holds back. I think if you were clearer about all this, you'd find him happily pouncing on you at the first available opportunity. PS. Congrats on not smoking for 2 days! WTG!
  5. The best way to get over a crush (or a relationship) is to box up/toss out anything that reminds you of the person, keep busy, and give yourself the love and attention that you're used to giving him. Exercise, eat your favorite foods, rent a funny movie, shop, play video games, buy yourself your heart's desire, go out dancing with friends, find something new to love, just basically do whatever makes you legally happy. I know it isn't easy to enjoy yourself when you're heartbroken, but once you go through this a few times, you'll come to realize that a lot of suffering is optional. Eventually these feelings will die down. You just have to ride them out!
  6. Sparrow, it's okay. If you fail again, you fail again. The important thing is to eventually pass that test. If you think you'll fail, reschedule. Just work on learning how to drive now.
  7. Sparrow, you might want to check your phone book for one of those driving schools with comedians for instructors. I remember reading something about that years ago. You just need someone to make it fun for you to get over your driving anxiety.
  8. John, I think it's cute that you can't see how many BIG HINTS this girl is throwing you. Use Misery12's line and ask that girl out!!! 8)
  9. Bored??? Wow, that was a short relationship. Do whatever makes you happy Always. Take care!
  10. Sparrow no need to be embarrassed. In some more urban parts of the country, people don't even bother learning how to drive, because public transport is so much more convenient. I agree with Muneca grab a friend and have them teach you. I taught a friend of mine once and it was fun for both of us. We had a few laughs too.
  11. I think he means he was born in '86. Always, you're thinking too much. The problem is you can't really tell how much she likes you until you return from vacation and spend some time with her. For now just enjoy getting to know her better on Msn! Flirt with her and make her laugh. If you can keep a girl's interest from that far away, I say chances are good she's interested in something more. Good luck!
  12. Hey Mysteryman, I agree with everyone else. Age is just a number. If there's a connection there, go with it. Just wanted to add, that if your friend is the hottest one in your grade, she's not used to being 2nd best in anyone's eyes, so now that you have a gf, she has in fact become a secondary focus in your life. That's a huge blow to her ego! If you don't want things to get too weird between you, I suggest sitting the friend down and telling her that you appreciate all the help/support she's given you and that you're not tossing her friendship aside just because you have a gf now. Hopefully she'll come around, but if not all's fair in love and war. Have fun!
  13. If you're both legal and think you can handle the potential downsides to your actions, then I say get a box of condoms and practice, practice, practice before you go near her. I don't care what kind of birth control the girl's already on, staying safe is the best way to have fun. Good luck!
  14. Good looks are like the sun. They're blinding. If a girl can't quite look at you, but can't quite look away either, something's up. That being said, I agree with everyone else. Good looks can be a catalyst, but it's chemistry that seals the deal. ComputerGuy, you're cute and you know it!!! You look like one of those rare blokes whose insides match his outsides. 8)
  15. If it works for you Drop, then flaunt it baby. 8) Well as a girl, I just want to say, I think it's funny that you guys spend so much on time on here fighting over what works and what doesn't. I still believe that everyone is a little different and the girls you're attracted to might prefer teasing, while Shy's girls might prefer his subtler forms of flirtation. So I really don't get why you guys battle it out so much when it's way more fun just to mack girls period.
  16. My apologies Drop! I didn't mean to imply you used insults when you mack girls. I mentioned that I used both teasing (like you) and insults, but I focused too much on how I personally used insults. (And no I don't call guys dumb or idiot. I'm too creative for that.) I see what you're saying about teasing being effective, but I have a question. When you finally get the girl, does this kind of teasing ever stop? Or do you segway into something else? Because in my first relationship, the guy and I teased each other to no end, but as we got closer, my feelings were always getting hurt because teasing was the only way the we showed affection for each other. As my feelings for him grew, I had a harder time discerning whether something he was saying was merely in jest or whether he really meant it. And fights only made everything worse so ultimately we had to break up over it. Long story short, I agree with Shes2smart: You have to know your audience and where the line is!!!
  17. Dang... that's good. 8)
  18. Yes I've been there, but the real problem is you live with your parents right now. I know you're saving up, but as long as you live under their roof, they have the right to make whatever inane rules they want. Once you're self-sufficient, it's none of their business who you date and fall in love with. As for the guy, I think you really need to sit down and talk to him, find out where this "thing" between you is going. Are you simply friends who take care of each other in between relationships or are you becoming something more? You need to find out where he stands in order to decide whether you want to further invest your emotions and pursue a relationship with him or not. If he isn't interested, then it's pointless to get into a philsophical debate with your parents about interracial relationships. Pick your battles wisely...
  19. Drop, I can't speak for all nice guys, but I can speak for ShySoul. "Nice" means different things to different people, but I consider Shy a "nice" guy because he genuinely likes and respects women. He doesn't have to tease, because when he flirts he's very adept at letting a girl know he likes her without resorting to insults, teasing, or mockery. I on the other hand am more like you Drop. I tease and insult people I like, because it's the way my family shares affection with each other. Online it can be tricky to do that, but in the real world if you saw me – 5 ft scrappy girl with wild hair – you'd see why others might find getting insults from me endearing. So believe me I get what you're saying. All I'm saying is there is no one right way to flirt. And Shy's never going to resort to teasing, because it's not in his personality to do so. Whatever works, use it. Different girls like different things anyway. As for what I find attractive, I'd have to say intelligence, compassion, wit/banter/double entendres, chivalry, and a man who loves me for my mind.
  20. I wouldn't bring it up. Like you, he probably wants to pretend the whole thing never happened. Just make sure to lock the door next time!
  21. Back in my college days I had a lot of guy friends and a front row seat to their love lives. All of these guys were "average" looking, but the main difference between the daters and the dateless was confidence and number of women approached. My husband was one of those guys who swung for the fences. If one girl turned him down, he didn't get phased. He'd just find another one to flirt with. Long story short, he's married and half of our college friends still haven't gone on their first date. I know it's hard to manufacture confidence out of thin air, but like Socalguy says, you need to focus on your strengths if you want to attract girls. In addition to confidence, there are also has to be "chemistry." You can't expect to just walk up to a random female, put on your happy face mask, and hope she'll find you attractive. You have to attract her through flirting which lets her know you like her in a fun, lighthearted way. Flirting builds "chemistry." So smile. Flirt a little. Make it fun to be around you. This is what reels the girls in!
  22. If you're low on experience, make sure your references are good. They just want to know they can trust you. Don't forget to list any volunteer experience you might have too! When you get to the interview, smile, act confident, and compliment something about how the place is run. I did that by accident once, and the job was instantly mine. One more thing: Focus on telling interviewers why you'd be a good fit for the job. For instance, are you willing to work weekends and nights? Say so! The more you can solve the interviewers problems, the more likely you are to get the job. Good luck!
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