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Everything posted by mylifeisasoapoprea

  1. SHE DOES WANT TO GO!!!! what about the things he says is it emotional abuse?
  2. it was either miss read or miss typed. i tried to say that her parents refuse to support. she wants to go more than anything in the world. this IS what she wants isn't the question more like do want to live the life your dad wants for you or the life that you want to be happy?
  3. my gf and i met at the same college last school year and we've been going on since. shes great and wonderful. I think her parents emotionally abuse her. She doesn't have a car or a way to travel and for her to go to college is about a 500 mile drive. They didn't want to make the trip so i offered. she wants to go to this college really badly, and they refuse to support her because she only agreed one year and that was it no more. she was home schooled by her family. they feel that her going will "corrupt" her. this college is a christian college btw. she brought it up to her dad the first time he laughed at her and said that he wants to go to hawaii but that isn't going to happen and hung up the phone. now she tells them that she wants to go back and he responds by saying "If you leave don't ever come back her again" he threatens to disown her. that means she couldn't even visit for the holidays he says stuff well if you want to leave so bad then hurry up and do it now since thats what you want."just take all your stuff cause what is left gets trashed" he wont support her choice to go. he also has said "so when are you going to call your bf to tell him the good news.....that you aren't going" he wants her to stay at home and take a couple of years of to "help her mom cook and clean around the house." he basically wants her to stay at home until she is married and then go on from there. he believes that women should stay in the home i want to go down and get her but apparently he made a phone call to the school and i have no idea what happened as a result, her mom has supported her dad by saying if you go you will lose a father. he apparently tried to call me but i was unable to answer. i dont know what to do about this situation....she has a right to have a life that is not controlled. but if i get her she looses her dad. what should i do. the only way for her to do what she wants is me driving to down to get her and then take her up provided that her dad didn't have her unenrolled. what can i do to get her out of here
  4. By Beating myself up i'm talking about it in a literal sense. Like punching myself really hard, taking my head slamming it into things...etc. I don't know if i do it to blame myself, and yes i did have a rockey childhood, i did go through some forms of emotional abuse. I don't know if i do it to blame myself or not. Maybe I do i guess. The pain does feel good. It doesn't hurt it just feels good. That probally sounds really abnormal but yeah. Sorry that i wasn't clear on beating myself up.
  5. Hey I have a problem with beating myself up. I don't know what goes on with me when i do it but i do it. I think its cause of the way i grew up but i'm not sure. Is there anyone out there that does that? What goes on in their mind when they do it?
  6. I do know that I'm not at fault for things and that my father is. I have a hard time getting along with both of my parents. My mom pretty much kept me sheltered all my life and this was the life that i saw really. I never really saw how other people lived or had anyone to look up to growing up. Luckly I had an oppurtinuty to get out of the environment that i was growing up in and had a chance to go to high school in wisconsin (i technically live in kentucky). There i had a chance get out and have somewhat of role models besides my parents. I'm not really close to my mom either because I always saw where it was like she would delibrately provoke my dad and i saw reasons for him to be mad. The problem really started to hit me last spring, I would call home and my dad would answer the phone. That is really rare because my dad never answers the phone. my mom always gets it. And finnally after my dad would hand the cordless to my mom she would always complain to me about her back hurting her an all of that. (she has arthritis so i wasn't sure). Later i discovered it was an injury and i found out that my dad was the one who gave her that injury. That was the most serious thing he has done to anyone. My sister said that things happened when i was a baby but it ended. I was too young to remember. I do remember him grabing me shaking me, yelling at me, and spitting in my face when i was misbehaving. I also rememeber my mom yelling at me telling me what a rotten kid i am, throw curses at me, telling me to go to h*** and etc. Anyway my dad has been put on meds for his problem and things have seem to be getting better, but i'm scared of turning out this way. I do have problems dealing with anger. I have lashed out at people and it scares me. I also have problems beating myself and cutting myself. My ex girlfriend said she was scared that night we broke up when i beat myself up over the phone. I still have scars from me beating myself. It scares me that I have done things like that. I never laid a hand on my gf and i never would have. I cared to much to hurt her. But it does scare me htat there is that possibility. I know that its me that can control what happens but how can I do that. I can I prevent from lashing out at people and beating myself crapless? How can I grow to be a better person? How can I grow to live a happy life without burdens like this?
  7. Well, They say that most kids end up exactly like their parents. My fear is that I will end up like them and repeat the same mistakes. My dad had some abusive tendencies, and it was enought to make me be scared of him. Apparently his dad was the same way and his grandpa too. I'm afraid that I will end up like that and I don't want to. I don't want my kids to be afraid of me and i don't hurt my family at all by being abusive myself in anyway shape or form. Its hard on me seeing that kids end up like their parents. How do I grow so I don't make the same mistakes and that i can a life where I don't end up doing the same thing. How do i grow so i don't end up this way? It scares me.
  8. Doe your parents know about this? You should probally tell them about so you can get out somewhere where he can't find you. A police report and a restraining order could help protect you. It is true that he would get out in a little bit after the arrest or anything but there would be records kept of his behavior toward you and it could hold up in courts as evidence and etc if he does try anything. The best thing to do is get somewhere we he cannot find you and do this asap. Seek help from someone, police, realtives that live near by you could live with for the time being. get somewhere safe
  9. You deserve better. Even though he is your husband you are still going through is abuse. If he doesn't stop the best thing to do is leave. I know it will probally be hard because he is your husband after all but, you shouldn't have to go through all that pain like that. Not only will it help you but it will help your husband. If he loves you he will see his mistake and learn from it. What is going on isn't your fault. It happens to a lot of people and even husbands doing this to wives. It is wrong that it is going. Its not your fault what some does to you. Its his problem not yours. Don't put yourself through that. You can live a happier life with out this. Its probally hard to see that with your past and all but it is possible. Don't put yourself through this nightmare. Its not worth it. You derserve much better and you can get it
  10. Hey, You'll make it through the night, Break ups are hard. I still haven't gotten over my ex entirely even though i had 5 months already. Its really hard around the new year. Its hard to lose someone you love like that. I'm sorry that you had to go through all that emotional abuse. You have to work on what will make you happy, and your husband needs to change in order for a relationship to work. Emotional abuse is very common and many don't relize what is going on. You relize what is going on and you have to make yourself happy and not put your self through the pain that it will cause you. This is your chance to be happy. The longer you are around your husband the worse things are going to be and you will only bring more pain and sorrow upon you. It hurts now, but think of the road ahead. It should also help your husband too. Its time he wakes up and sees that you aren't going to put up with his abuse much longer. It will show him that no one will and he is only harming himself by being abusive. Continue looking toward the road ahead and the happiniess you will see in the future a way from the abuse. No one deserves to be treated like that. It took a lot of strength to finnally stand up to him. I happy that you did it. I know its hard but emotional abuse is very serious and wrong. YOu can't let this go on though. It is important to keep that strength so that this doesn't continue. Stay strong!!! Good luck to you!
  11. Yeah, I have been trying to get to know her a little, I was with her until 2 30 one night talking with her and one of my friends. We left went somewhere, came back and this one friends was "sleeping" I actually thought he was asleep but he wasn't. While he was asleep i got a chance to talk to her and get to know her and talk about personal stuff. etc. it was cool, She is a really nice girl and I like her but i'm not sure what to do. I doubt she sees me in that way though. She did ask me who I liked, I told her I didnt think i should answer that, She did ask me if i had a chance with this person, i told her i didn't think so i don't know what to thing. A few weeks earlier friends of mine told me she was asking if i liked her, the friends told her no. So she does kinda suspect it but i don't know what to think. Is this a good sign or not?
  12. Hey, I like this girl and I want to get to know her, but i'm afraid to do anything about it. I had a really rough breakup several months ago, the ex doing all kinds of immature rotten stuff towards me, even resulting in loss of many friends. I'm afraid of the same thing to happen again, and I don't want to lose anymore friends than I already have through the ex's lies. I know that this girl I like likes someone else, but she knows that this someone else doesn't like her and she doesn't have a chance with him. Is there a chance with this girl? and How do i get rid of my fears and do soemthing about it. Any advice?
  13. Hey, I've been through a similar scenerio that you went through, with the insecurity and all that and a whole lot more. I would suggest giving the girl space. Its hard to say if you blew any chance or anything because i'm not really in your situation. Defineatly not contact her, let her come to you, if she loves you she'll come back. Contacting her and showing seperation and insecurity is only going to drive her away furhter. I ended up driving my ex away and she like hates me and trashes my name and everything else. Definelty give her space and time. That is the key in this situation. Don't show any signs of insecuity either, that is a major turn off. Give her space and try seeing other people to build up your security level. Remember things always work out for the best. I know its hard to believe that at this point and i have a hard time believeing that myself with everything that has been going on with me, but it will work out for the best. Keep me posted in your situation since i'm kinda in the same boat as you.
  14. Hi My ex and I broke up, about 3 months of ago and its been kinda hard on me. I'm starting to feel like she is trying to rob me of my friends, and getting their attention and saying all kinds of crap about me to people. People who i though were my friends are now avoiding me, don't say much to me anymore. I had to get a new roommate because my ex would always flirt with him tell him all kinds of crap about me to him and overexagerate things and even lie. My roommate i think listened to more than half the lies and i felt i couldn't trust him. ( my roommate also has a girlfriend of his own) He started to act weird around me when her name came up, he has hinted to me some lies, anyway i couldn't trust him and I could see that he didn't trust me either. I got a new roommate now, and i haven't talked to the other one in a month. There are other people my ex talks to and tells them crap. I occasionally hear about some of what is being said, and it is obnoxious and immatuere and all lies. I feel that she is trying to rob me of my friends, by getting attention and getting back at me somehow. I haven't talked to my ex in awhile, and i want her to go away, and let me in peace, but it doesn't seem like that is what she wants. I'm sick of all this and is there any adivce that anyone can give me? Anyone been in a situation similar? This keeps happening and i'm sick of it.
  15. I had a an ex that I dated for only a couple of months. I broke it off with her because she lied about a lot of things. She lied about being raped, she lied about stealing things from other people, and lied about people harrasing her, and even about other guys. She still talks to me and still tells me the same stuff. she jut lies about everything and I have no idea what to believe anymore
  16. any advice on what would be the best thing to do?
  17. Well, my ex and i broke up two months ago, a couple of weeks ago i saw her again for the first time since the brake up. Things were fine, we talked, we laughed we goofed off and had fun. Then all of a sudden she ran out of the room and she has been acting weird since and like avoiding me. I e-mailed her and asked her why she is acting the way she does, and she finnally she told me that she was fine that night until she relized what she was chosing to give and it hurts. I know that she still loves me, and seems to me that she wants me back but she won't. I think part of the reason is that she holds a lot of guilt on herself. She is the kind of person that does that a lot. and she feels that it will never be the same. How do I get her to become comfortable around me again and get her to see that there is a possiblity of being with each other. Since the brake up, we have gotten into some rough arguments and stuff like that. she is really confused right now, how do i get out of this mess and be with her again?
  18. Well I have a question, Have you ever dumped someone, and they really did something to irk you that you almost hated them or you did hate them and cussed them out and then go back to the person you dumped? If so what was it, and what happened that they came back to you. If you didn't go back to them did you ever at least become friends or do you not talk to them anymore?
  19. Well, I screwed up big time this today. Well I broke NC sent my ex and e-mail. Well one of her friends replies under her screenname chewing me out and calling me and idiot and etc. etc.. Well i was angry, i sent my ex an e-mail chewing her out for it. It wasn't even her fault that her friend e-mailed me like that, i shouldn't have gotten upset but i did. This isn't the first time i got upset at her like that. She seems to be holding that against me. It hurts. How do i take away the pain she is feeling about it though? what can i do to show her that i'm sorry?
  20. Well a lot of people say that. It really depends on the guy and the guy and what his intentions are. You'll know if that is on his mind or not. I'm 17, i really dont' care about sex. There is more to a person that just their sex. There are people out there that just want sex and i think its bad that they are that way, cause there is more to a person than just sex. If your bf wants only sex you will know. Does he show that is all he thinks about? actions speak louder than words.
  21. well, we both have to work on ourselves before we can get back together in a relationship with each other. I care about her because i love her but there is no way for a relationship right now. maybe in the future but not right now though.
  22. how do i open up to her. I've feel like i tried everything possible. I think it is hard for exes to open up to. but how do i open up? and how do i take the burdon away?
  23. she does have a history of cutting herself. I think that what she means bypsychological breakdown. I don't know what to say to her. There is an emotional barrier between us. how do i tear it down? i'm not intrested in getting back with her just yet. Just live one day at a time and plus we both have issues we have to work out. what do i do about this? i care about her soooo much.
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