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Everything posted by TehNomad

  1. Yeah, those are all perfectly normal and common ways of a guy showing that he likes you! (Well... apart from the note from someone nearly double your age....!!) Especially notice if in group conversations they won't hear a word said against you.
  2. That's strange... I guess God would do the healing, but he's not the one that does the inflicting. Don't do that to yourself, don't sit around crying, you're in a perfect position to do something! Just give him a ring, forget getting back together in a relationship, just see what he's up to! Listen to him and take it from there. Be nice, be cool, and don't worry. By the way, whatever the hell you do, don't smoke. And alcohol is a depressant so I don't think that would be too helpful either. Best of luck!
  3. Not as exciting for me as I only get my half course German results! Schweinhund! It's on my birthday too, should I even bother going!?
  4. Well, what's he interested in?
  5. With (ro)accutane, after about a fortnight you will be seeing a difference. It is good stuff. If differin isn't working after four weeks, it's unlikely it will do you much good! See what your dermatologist has to say about the condition of your acne.
  6. Yes! That's exactly right, be cool and personal! Be as nonchalant as you possibly can! I know how it can feel;l if you really loved someone like your ex you can feel guilty even thinking about someone else. What you have with your current girlfriend sounds wonderful, and you should try and develop on that as much as possible. I think your ex is finally coming round to the fact that she hurt you a lot, and feels bad. Just sound as if you're doing pretty much ok to her, it should make everyone involved feel better! Best of luck
  7. Good! Sounds about right! Thank you!!
  8. Firstly, make sure you're seeing a decent dermatologist! If the -cyline and -tetracycline antibiotics aren't working for you, then you'd be hard pressed to find an antibiotic that does. Also, differin is strong stuff. I was in exactly the same position as you and after many weeks on minocyline and differin (benzamycin made me all red and puffy!!!) my dermatologist put me on 6 weeks of Roactuane @ 40mg/day, then after that 10 weeks @ 65mg a day. I actually stopped taking the stuff of my own accord three weeks prior to the end ot the treatment because it had worked so well, and I had dry lips for nothing! This medicine is great, you ought to ask about it. I believe its function is to do with slowing the production of sebum and in turn killing the bacteria that cause the acne. I was so impressed with this medicine. The side effects are generally having dry lips (so one must Vaseline!) and possible a bit dry on the inside of the nostrils. I was on my makimum does of 1mg per kg body mass, and this was all I had. I had very bad acne on my face, chest and back; it is now completely cleared after 13 weeks on Roaccutane! One thing I would advise you not to do is look the medicine up on the internet; it receives a lot of bad press which I certainly don't believe is right. Speak to a dermatologist about it, the will be able to tell you much more about it than some psycho with a grudge against the medical industry!
  9. I am so sorry to hear that such a tragic thing happened to the person you loved. I was not expecting such an emotional jar reading that. I know how it feels when you can't allocate what you think about properly becuase of something on your mind. At the moment, your studies are incredibly important (I'm not sure how it goes in the US but I guess at 21 you'd be doing a degree course). There are a few methods I guess you could take. Maybe you just need some time apart from eachother; for you to study and her to relax a bit. It is also possible that you are not right for eachother; you didn't specify how the relationship was going. You do need time to work and time to study, that should prevail. You must tell your girlfriend that she is doing your head in (though not as nastily as that!) and have a totally heart-to-heart conversation with her about what's not right. Hope I've helped!
  10. Er, you should be able to tell how he feels, if you think about it. Being one myself, I haven't known a guy who acts like he likes a girl without actually liking them, though the other way round is different; reading girls is very very hard! You probably DID catch him off guard; he didn't have anything backed up to say. Perhaps leave it for a couple of days, see how he is, and then you should be able to ask him more or less straight out if he feels the same way!
  11. Normally, I wouldn't be so obstinate, but that is really bad. If you find happiness with someone of a different racial background, there IS nothing wrong with that, and nobody is allowed to tell you there is. Not even parents are omniscient. All you can do is talk in a very calm environment with either of both of you parents and put your view accross that you are happy. That's the most important thing, isn't it?! I'm not sure how disapproving they are, but if you are on good terms with them they really should understand what you are saying, if nothing else.
  12. Bollocks! I can't really be anything else than constantly romantic as I don't really have the looks...
  13. I'm very confused and I need some feedback... mostly from les filles as I think these are pretty common idiosyncracies! I very recently took quite a big chance with her girl (well, all I did was tell her I like her quite a bit more than a friend, but as a rule these things go dreadfully for me) and she was fairly civil, flattered and everything, but said she didn't think she felt the way I did (er, do). As a bit of background, we are quite close. She's my best friends sister, who I've posted about before, and in the 5+ years I've known her, we've become like soulmates. We can confide lots of things in eachother, but there's always been a big barrier because (although he was a long while ago) my friend isn't aware of my feelings and doesn't account for me trying to spend any tiny pieces of time with her. Most of my talking with her has been quite recent, ever since we started talking on MSN. It was only in the last couple of days that I broke the news to her via email because I hadn't seen her for a while before and wasn't going to for a bit afterwards. She took it really well, and was quite happy about it, but obviously suggested we stay great friends, etc, etc. What I wanted to ask (oh, yeh, forgive the stupidly long introduction...) was that since then I've found myself being overly nice to her, as in compliments of her character, looks etc. She always gives them an enourmous 'aawww' with a vast amount of Ws in some cases, and seems to feel genuinely appreciated; but I don't know if I am just making her feel guilty, because immediately after I did send her that email, she said she did feel very guilty for having to turn me down. But ever since then, she's been very soppy. I just hope I am not actually making her feel worse off. She says it makes her feel appreciated, but I am being quite open with my feelings at the same time. So is it just myself I am mucking about? Or is there even a snowflake's hope in hell that I still have a chance? By the way, if you've been bothered to read to this point, you're stronger than most, thank you so much! God, the back of my eyes sting now..
  14. You can never be 100% safe I know, but used together and correctly, those methods of contraception aren't far off foolproof. I am not sure on which days of the menstural cycle a woman can get pregnant, I think it is around day 15, but right towards the end should be safest. Still, being that sensible you should be ok! Take care!
  15. Yes, I think that is very sensible and logical. It can be applied to every aspect of personality, really! It gets a little complicated around sexuality, I suppose, because the spectrums might not be bipolar, but it still works!
  16. It's a hell of a feeling isn't it! Well, if it seems like you are about to go your separate ways, let that be, for a little while at least. Make sure you can contact her; letter would be best. If after she's started settling down and receives a letter telling her just how special she is, and that she is never off your mind, even the most imperforate of hearts can't help jumping! I'm sorry I'm only 14 (nearly 15!!!!! ) I don't mean to patronise!!!
  17. Well it does seem very unlikely, but within 2 or 3 days, you should be able to use the morning-after pill just as a precaution with no problems. It is the sensible thing to do Take care
  18. Be careful what you do, I was in a situation like that which culminated; well, yesterday! How ever nicely you get told they don't 'feel the same way', it still hurts. Has he a friend you can get some info off?
  19. Yeh sounds fair enough!! See you around then!
  20. One has to be happy with what one has! I'm 14, 15 next month, Aug 26, but I'm not far off fully grown. I'm a skinny little twerp! And I eat like God knows what! Just try that! Eat yer greens! Protein! Eggs! Curries! Keep everything balanced (ok, maybe not too many curries) exercise as normal, and you will reach the shape your body is designed to be!
  21. I know this is rather last week, but I do have to make a point. What Cure of Arts was saying rather upset me. I am a Christian; I was brought up as one and I decided myself to take on confirmation. OK, I am not a Catholic, I am an Anglican, but so what? Why is there a divide? We're all in the same boat, and God doesn't discriminate! You cannot pontificate in that way; you cannot use the idea of God as a figure to scare people out of something which only comes naturally. For a start, one can't pretend that there aren't people who don't believe there is a God! I am sure that a healthy mind (I mean someone who is not handicapped beyond their control) Christian or atheist or goodness knows what else can use masturbation to feel better, and even closer to themselves. God is about love; he leaves the physical matters down to us, but the love we feel is him. What computer guy says is perfectly correct; it is just as natural as scratching an itch. It harms noone, especially not yourself. There is a lot of stuff in the Bible (Leviticus... crazy book) that I cannot make head nor tail of, so I have come to rely on my conscience and what I feel God would want of me as to how I act. It's a very personal thing, faith in God; not just what a clique of people might expect of someone. Love is one thing, your body is another, and we have the discretion to bring the two together.
  22. Unfortunately, there isn't a lot you can do without causing alot of upset for everyone involved, seemingly. Not that I don't know how you feel; I have been there, and to bring up the old cliché again, the worst kind of missing someone is when they're right there next to you and you know you can't have them. Still, it wouldn't be one of my posts if I didn't refer to looking on the bright side ( ) and the bright side here is that the person you have affection for is happy. You can at least rest a tiny bit more comfortably with that. MAKE SURE she is happy; if she is your best friend, you have the power to wring that information out of her, and if somethings wrong, you can help put it right! Always use your absolute best judgement!
  23. Yeh, depression comes in all sorts of strands! You need a booster in self confidence! This is an opportunity for you: there is a girl that you like alot, and she is going through a very rough time. What you can do is (I kindof assume you can contact her in the near future) is show her how special you are in how you can empathise with what she is going through. Let her know that you are thinking about her. If not, I guess you have some waiting to do. And let it be just that; waiting! Until the time comes that you have to meet her again, just grab hold of life, drink plenty of fluid and smile! Remember to always count your blessings, and look at the bright side of things; even when it seems buried quite a long way away!
  24. Hey, good stuff! I like it, as a writing kinda guy! I will have to put a poem together for here one day... Still! Keep it up!
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