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Everything posted by goddess23

  1. aww...honestly if you dont know much about her, then maybe you should start out by being her "flirty friend"...that way you will know a little more about her situation. if you think she likes you already then just go for it, if she says she has a bf just say oh, i didnt know...well if you ever change my mind heres my number or SOMETHIGN, just make it seem casual and fun(ny) lol. or you could go for the sweet shy thing where oh...well...good luck with that. its not a big deal, lots of guys hit on me and i say i have a bf, its not like something to be super embaressed about. but i would suggest if you really want to get with this girl, get with her on the friendship level first, at least in a flirty way. good luck!
  2. hey everyone. okay this is just a topic that i would love to hear some opinions and advice as well as just personal stories about. im 16, ive liked 2 guys in my life like ENOUGH TO WANT A RELATIONSHIP with them. the first one my childhood love. i knew him for a long time, and stuff happened he became a jerk, but in the end we were friends and then we moved and that was it. i was treated very badly though during the middle school years by him (he basically used me as a ladder to get "popular"). i know this may sound so pathetic of me, but i am a very attractive, smart, funny, understanding girl who gives so much. honestly im not going to go into detail about it, but im being honest, i dont ask guys to carry my stuff and do this and that, i truly dont expect it, i dont put any stupid pressure on a guy for stuff like that. the second guy i liked was my first bf of 9 months which we recently broke up about a month ago...although it seems like it might get back but thats beside the point. it was gr8, but he was a year younger and i will admit he wasnt exactly the MOST ROMANTIC guy. he was very sweet and sometimes surprised me in ways i wouldve never imagined, but he is young and like me inexperienced and then after going on vacation his feeligns just suddenly changed. it just hurt so much. i feel as if i have so much to offer, so much going for me, i look around at girls who im sorry but are such b*****s to their guys and they treat them like princesses. im not saying i want that, its just i feel as if i deserve so much more and i just keep getting hurt. keep feeling rejected. im starting to feel as if im not good enough, as if theres something wrong with me. it just doesnt seem fair...i dont know what i expect from you all just any comments or advice or anything is welcome...thanx...
  3. lol ofcourse the staring thing...going out of your way to walk through the hall his locker is even though your class is on another floor lol. i dont REALLY BLUSH...at least ive never heard it, but i am more animated, more out there, very talkitive. i will try to make some type of physical contact with him, touching his arm, thigh, stuff like that. i told the guy i liked he was reallly cute all the time but he thought i just looked at him as a baby (a year younger) lol...so i can be straight out sometimes but the BIGGEST ONE FOR ME which i havnt seen from anyone else is i doodle ALOTTT, their name is everywhere, hearts everywhere lol. what do you guys do??? o ya and songs seem to mean so much more!
  4. hey. i know its hard when suddenly your world changes, especially in the relationship department. i dont blame you for feeling hurt that she found someone new in this short period of time. but right now im in a state of confusion with my ex of 3 weeks, so it might be better to know where you stand, know whats happening, and this way you can move on. it will be hard to see them in their "little world" no doubt, but it is a sign to just move on. try and just keep busy in other ways, dont dwell on her life, try focusing on yours. at least you know how she feels and you can start moving your life in some direction. good luck.
  5. wow...i may not have much experience here...but i can try to offer my 2 cents. honestly, if she has a problem with giving a blowjob (which some girls do) then thats something you seem to be the kind of guy to understand. again ofcourse that comes with communication, has she done it before. i think if her body language is like this, it definitely means shes not attracted to you sexually. now...dont jump to conclusions or anything, you know your relationship better then anyone else, but ive seen some of my friends, and its like they like having a bf, and the gifts and such but truly are not reallly attracted to the guy. i mean i know that with someone i REALLLLLLY like, i find giving a guy pleasure pleasurable, but if im not attracted to someone i cannot even think of kissing them much less getting veryy intimate with them. its not even about hygene, its just i couldnt. so if her body language is like this then you need to investigate other areas of the relationship and general behavior or manurisms. as aye mentioned, about going down on her she probably is insecure...as a young girl myself i am conscious about my body but honestly if i was ready and again really attracted to the guy i would let go of those insecurities for awhile. honestly if you know about her past experiences that will definitely give you a clue to what she is or isnt comfortable with, and ofcourse communication. although it seems like you have had numerous conversations on the issue, just try to let her know it makes you feel as if shes not attracted to you which makes sex difficult for you to fully enjoy.
  6. aww thanx, i love to hear that people appreciate my advice. and i would like it if you mention what you did decide to do...or what your deciding on doing. bye!
  7. hey everyone thanx for the replies so far. but now im again having some issues lol. yesterday we were talking and basically he said hes still attracted to me, and that the reason hes not sure if he wants to go back is because hes scared that if we go out again and his feelings change he doesnt want to go through the whole breakup process again. i told him he needs to think about how he feels truly. basically he still likes me, but i think he doesnt want it to get as serious as it was. honestly for two people who NEVER dealt before it was very intense, he met my parents all the time, he was becoming truly wayyyy to close. so...any comments or advice are needed. should i go for it again and just take it more lightly, or should i forget it?
  8. hey first of all dont wrory about where you put your posts, they get replied lol. about your problem, it seems like you already know whats the right thing. you even point out the problems with A. there was a reason it ended, something that was part of the RELATIONSHIP and not home or school problems. and she obviously doesnt have enough respect or appreciates you the way she should. honestly if you go back to her its like she'll know that you're always there at her beckon. to go out with someone knowing that you like someone else more, its better to be single then to string that person along, as well as yourself. you know the situation surroudning girl B, but honestly you need to let her know how you feel, get it off your chest. even if it risks the possibility of "weirdness". go with your heart, and at least you arent confused about that. girl A is part of your past...and if you realllly liked A, and the situation was right maybe you could've given it another chance. but in this situation it would be wrong, and it would just be preparing to fail and cause the hurt all over agian.
  9. hey vert. i didnt take it as you trying to weaken my position lol. i just wanted to make it clear that its not like im depressed to the point of walking around like a wounded puppy or something lol. that i really just need clarity on the situation. thanx for you replies, i really didnt take it in that way, and im sure theres more pressure as you get older to find the one. i waited so long to find someone i reallly liked...and now it just feels as if no one my age thinks like me. understands love...understands that a month of not making out is not suppose to change how you feel. his vacation...we talked about it, i know its not that he found another girl, honestly i do know that at this point he doesnt want a relationship. its just im wondering if i should keep hope.
  10. lol hey i know theres a big post about shaving "down there" lol. honestly...my opinion is just trim it, keep it cut for hygenic reasons (in case anyone else is going to be visiting especially lol). shaving...it can irritate the skin, if you really want to, use a NEW BLADE lots of shaving cream and just on the outside areas, not directly down the center. then theres waxing and such, but personally i think that kind of pain is un necessary for such an area! lol...but thats me, and shaving it does grow back, i wouldnt say more just it does grow back...but when you know its in your interest to look good there then clean it up, and keep it trimmed. hope i helped!
  11. lol BOTH SEXES ARE CONFUSING. i know im young, its just im one of those really mature intese people, and im not just bsing. my first love was from my childhood, someone i knew for 10 years, someone i didnt even go out with. and when he moved it was so hard, it took me a year to get over him. honestly im not a suicidal idiot, i know that theres so much more to my life then him. its just in this situation, OFCOURSE i still love him. 3 weeks is not going to change that, his mind changing doesnt change that. he knows that i still love him, but i really dont want to tell him, i feel as if its a waste of time. i just need to know if i should still keep hope...thanx everyone already for answering, its already getting me thinking, i need more!!
  12. i always say to people, the worst thing to do is to regret things. honestly think about it, maybe you two wouldnt even be friends if you kept it going, maybe she would've cheated on you because of the circumstances that would arrise due to the relationship. NEVER regret things, because where you are now, who you are now has been affected by your past. it may boggle your mind everytime you think "what if", but just remember that it just means theres something else waiting for you in your life, and right now its very hard to imagine being with anyone other then her, but it will one day happen. love can happen more than once, but real love is just never forgotten and is always close to your heart. just try to take in each day as a gift, thats why its the present. stop thinking so much about what your life could be, should be, would be, when you stop dwelling on it, the things you've been waiting so long for will just walk right into you life. the times you had with your ex were gr8, and she will always be special, but no need to regret a decision that probably was for the best.
  13. hey everyone. i know that there are tons of cries for help on these issues but i really am in pain and im really in need of some reasonable, unbias advice. my first bf and i recently broke up about 3 weeks ago. he is 15 and im 16, it was an amazing relationship that lasted 9 months. we were very much in love, but i always told my friends that i do worry that because of his age (i mean even if he was older then me i would feel this way, im very mature) that he might just one day change his mind. during the first couple of weeks of summer things were going better then ever, we just started getting somewhat intimate and the relationship was going perfectly. then he went on vacation for over a month he came back and his feelings just changed. he said he was confused and just knew that he didnt like me as much as he did or that i love him more then he does me, and that he doesnt want a relationship right now. it was very hurtful, i never thought that this would've happened NOW. and the thing is, i practically forced the breakup out of him b/c i sensed something was wrong so i kept asking him about how he felt and such and he just kept saying that he still loves me and whatever. but i insisted that he knows how he feels and he finally started to say what he was feeling. honestly if i didnt we might be still going out. and its not that i want that, that he just stay in it to "figure" out how he feels about me. its just its so hard to think that one month would change so much. our breakup was holding hands, hugging and we talk online like every night for hours. honestly it wasnt VERY clear on whether its a break or breakup...i mean he kept changing his mind! so i need to ask, should i keep hope about this relationship? how should i act around him? what do you think caused this sudden change in his mind? i just need some advice, answers, clarity...i have my own ideas of what it is, but i would like to see some other opinions. thank you very much!
  14. 9 month relationship and its been about 3 weeks and its very tough...if i think about it, i just get emotional. but honestly you never get over that person. its just about time healing the wounds, and the scar is there it just doesnt hurt anymore. my first love was someone i was with everyday for 10 yrs (however we never went out, we were like 14 when he moved)...and i still think about him and sometimes thinking about it still hurts, but its not as hard.
  15. honestly im 5'6, 110 lbs and i hav stretch marks, apparently just from puberty, and i doubt they'll ever go away. honestly i think it depends on your skin. i have skin that holds the tiniest scar for years. so if your skin generally doesnt scar or keep marks then its fine. also, theres this thing im using that helps, and its not expensive, cocco butter. its really good, especially if you can prevent stretch marks in the first place. but honestly if you want to make your body healthy and look even better, then i woudnt worry about stretch marks, honestly WHO NOTICES? the shoulders ill admit is not the best place to have them you'll probably feel a little conscious at first, but when you see how good that shirt looks those tiny little lines will mean nothing. good luck!
  16. hey. honestly if you get the vibe shes into you then you could go for the straight asking out way. but personally i like to become like flirtatious friends. flirt with her, thats the best way to start it going somehow, or do basic conversation and once its a little comfortable start flirting and see if she flirts back. if you have a class with her ask her about some of the classes or whatever, but thats just me, sexy's advice would work to, just depends on the girl.
  17. wow...hmmm...sounds like theres still something there. honestly it could just be that right now her and her bf are going through a tough time and shes taking comfort in you. but it seems that you really impressed her and thats what set off this constant contact. it may just be that she misses you as a person and wants the frienship back, but ofcourse there are still feelings there. about her and her bf, honestly theres no way to tell if its love or not, but it does seem to have some issues, not exactly the PERFECT relationship, however, her spending this extra time with you lately could just be because she misses the friendship but its obvious that this causes feelings to just come back up. just take it day by day, and if she starts sending signals that are really out there, then talk to her about it, see how she feels, but before you do that, figure out how you feel about her. do you want a friendship or romantic relationship? good luck!!
  18. hey i just wanted to say to 13, i just got "dumped" in a similar way. but my bf is confused because he was away and now he doesnt know how he feels. well thats just peachy for me. he was lucky to have me, and its sooo hard. i open myself up, love AGAIN, and it just hurts. have faith, becuase i know my life will go on, and he is not everything, yet he is. good luck to everyone with heartbreak, its hard, but its true that you always walk away with SOMETHING. i wouldnt trade all those memories for anything.
  19. hey thanks for the replies. ya, i wouldnt dare pressure him at this point. honestly i NEVER PRESSURED him throughout the relationship. its just hard, but im trying to act as happy as possible pretending it doesnt matter. he msged me the other night and we talked for a couple of hours about all kindsa stuff. and when he had to go, i dunno if he slipped but hes like hun i gtg...it felt so hard. i know for a fact right this moment he doesnt WANT A RELATIONSHIP, yet i feel as if he still likes me. but ya, im just going to play it cool, let the friendship go on. so ya, things are confusing for both of us right now, but going well. and i was always afraid of this cuz as i said earlier, i know that at our age most people do change their minds as often as clothes. im just not like that, and its hard to not find anyone as mature as i am. but thanks for the advice and luck, and i will just let day by day go by, and crush on him like i did b4 lol. any more advice or comments are totally welcome.
  20. hey everyone. well...i just broke up with my bf of almost 9 months. ill just say that it was an AMAZING relationship. now...we had an online conversation, i could tell something was wrong, but i didnt know it would be as serious as it turned out. i kept asking him questions about how he feels about me and such and he was like fine...i dont know. all this weird stuff. he went from in that one conversation i love you to im fine with you to i just need time to i want to friends. we talked the other day...and im surprised at how well we're doing as "friends". but he said that he doesnt want a relationship. yet hes confused about how he feels, and why this feeling is there. he said that it was during summer vacation, when he went to another country was for about 6 weeks. i never thought that amount of time could change his mind so drastically, however i always said to people that i know that i at 16 am very mature, but i need to realize that most guys/girls are not like that. it really hurts that this small amount of time would make him not love me anymore. why is this?? so now im very hurt, very sad...but im just trying to be normal. i mean while we broke up we were holding hands! and then he hugged me and kissed me on the forehead telling me how great my hair smells! i mean he said hes confused about how he feels, however i do think he doesnt want a "relationship" at this time. i just want to know what you guys think out there. i mean do you think he still likes me? do you think i should still keep hope? should i punk him off? should i act as if everything is normal? i would just like to know what you all think about this situation. any comments or advice are very much appreciated thanks!
  21. lol...foranother i dont understand, can you make a specific reference. im not asking for much, he expresses how he feels alot verbally but sometimes his actions dont match. what does this mean?
  22. honestly if the friendship is strong it can survive. but if you have an idea that he feels the same way then theres no harm in letting out. the idea of persuing a relationship is a little more tricky. if you guys declare your feelings for one another you should have an actual conversation on your friendship and how you guys feel about trying it again. but if he doesnt feel the same way then hes going to feel awkward and things will somewhat change. and he wont feel the same until hes certain that you're "over" him. but it doesnt mean everything will be lost. and to keep what you have inside is veryyyy difficult. you can tell him that you just need to get it out, and that you're very content to just have his friendship, that this isnt an offer or proposal, just something you need to get off your chest. you know him, you know yourself, and ME PERSONALLY, i have to get it out sooner or later. so if you want to, do it. and have a real conversation about it. but if you feel that he doesnt feel the same way for you then during conversations hint questions and such and see what happens. good luck!
  23. its VERY COMPLICATED. but this is my definition. you know you would give up yourself for this person. and another one i go by is that no matter what happens, you would want them to be happy even if it means you're not. like my childhood love...i loved him with everything. and things changed and he moved. and now i love him in a different way. not like i would want to date him now, but i truly pray that he is happy and doing well. love is complicated, love is beautiful, love is painful. have you given this person a power over yourself you dont even have? to make you feel beautiful or like crap, to make you float on air or wish you were 6 feet under? its when you really make yourself vunerable and are sure that these things apply to you. but thats my definition, my personal definition. but i believe its a good one to use and apply to almost all cases of love. hope it helped...
  24. hey everyone. okay...so i need some opinions and advice about a situation thats making my stomache sink. my bf and i have been dealing for almost 9 months now. he is a great guy, very respectful and we talk about everything. he went on vacation for most of the summer reallllly far, so we had NO CONTACT for like 6 weeks. before he left things were going REALLY WELL, so now that hes back we havnt been able to meet yet but we had alot of conversations just catching up and all. but i didnt really feel the "i missed you soo much, i was thinking about you all the time" which he used to do in emails every weekend. he used to make me feel so happy like that. but now he doesnt send any emails and last night when we were chatting, he was so distracted and all. its just right now im not feeling at all loved or like a GF. he said he missed me alot too when i said i missed him and he always says he loves me and all. its not that he doesnt love me, but its just sometimes his actions dont make me feel like a reallll gf. just a friend. ive hinted in many ways that he should be a little more involved. but he just doesnt pick it up. so should i tell him that he isnt doing enough as a bf? hes younger then me, and we're both in our first relationships. its hard because i know that he looks up to me to make the decisions and set the pace. but sometimes i just wanna feel like a beautiful, loved girl. or should i just give it more time and see how things go when school starts? any advice or comments are reallllly apprecitaed thanks!
  25. hey. the way things are now, i think you should just leave it alone. she kinda ended it and she seems to have lost interest at this point. if she wants you in her life, then she should contact you. although you can still send an email or give her a call and ask whats up. but honestly, the contacting should be in equal shares. im going to babble now. im in a relationship with my first bf, im his first gf and hes a year younger. we have been dealing for almost 9 months now. at first he would always send emails and make me feel so loved, but lately i feel so unappreciated. sometimes hes so loving and other times i just dont feel it. im starting to question if hes still in love with me, and because of that my feelings are starting to get confusing. he was on vacation for almost the whole summer and now that hes back we've had some really good convos but at the same time i dont hear the "i missed you soo much, i was thinking about you. i miss you're smile" i mean...it makes me feel like im not his gf. its really tough, but its just been a couple days of this lol so im definitely going to give it time. i would LOVE to hear your opinion on it though, i mean what would you do if you really love your gf, and were on vacation for 6 weeks. wouldnt you say those things? honestly the way it ended, it seems its been going on for awhile and you should leave it alone for now. let her see how she feels without you there for a little while. but it does seem like you need closure. i know you're feeling hurt, and if you guys did talk about how she was feeling if you didnt change certain things then it was bound to happen. so now if you want to move on you need to talk to her, see if theres any chance of anything, if not you know where you stand and you can move on. my bf tells me i have nothing to worry about (when i ask him if things have changed or that because of our age i worry that he might change his mind), and that he loves me alot. but sometimes i just dont get that vibe, and it feels so insulting. maybe this is how your gf felt....and trust me, ive shed some tears already and its not that bad. so if it was happening for a year now, and you were having doubts it seems like it ended for the right reasons. either leave it alone or try talking to her. can you really be her friend now? if you can then tell her that if you cant, tell her. be honest and get your feelings off your chest, good luck. and plz do give me some of what was going through your head throughout this. i worry it might be happening to me right now.
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