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Everything posted by goddess23

  1. hey there are TONS of posts about this under the topic "kissing" lol. you should really check them out. kissing really does come naturally and since you sound inexperienced, i would advise start with the basics. your hands should be in a decent place for now. the waist is good, you could cradle her head, put your hands on her face, rub her back ( i LUVVV when my bf does that), rub her arms. for now it should be in places that are still decent. kissing itself should be taken nice and slow. start with pecks and gentle sucking of the lips. close your eyes and move your lips as well as periodically change your position as in the head lol. about how you start, you have to wait for the right moment, when you're alone, the moment is right and you want to. just start leaning in and put your hands around her waist or wherever you want and if she reciprocates by puttin her hands around you or just doesnt pull away then start leaning in, hopefully she will too and it will happen. french kissing should be done after a little while, and it basically is just starting to introduce tongues. not too hard, while your kissing sort of open her mouth and slowly start sticking your tongue in her mouth. if she accepts then just continue and do what feels right.
  2. yes its true. "better" looking people are treated with some extra advantages. but the idea of having an attractive partner, i agree with sorrow24. the looks is how we've been programmed, its the initial attraction, and no matter what we need to be attracted to our partner. but in the end its not everything. in the end we need something so much deeper. so really looks is a personal preference. hey just because a girl is more attractive doesnt mean shes more demanding. honestly sometimes i feel being attractive isnt all that great...but i do know it does play a factor in our life. and sometimes all i long for is for my bf to look me deep into my eyes and tell me how beautiful i am (for me he doesnt do it often enough). why do i care about this? even though its not the most noble of things it is what i want, something i need. and sometimes i feel guilty that i care. but i do...even if its 10% of the whole thing i do. why do looks matter? because its part of human nature. but thankfully we have evolved and most of us realize that theres so much more to look for in a person, so much more that matters.
  3. hey christopher, thanks for your honest opinion. i would love to hear other opinions about this, it does make me feel a little self conscious because im young and so is my bf and it is something that is hard to be comfortable with at times. but its nice to see some honest opinions.
  4. wow. im sorry its a really tough situation. i know how much torture it is being in the dark. you could call him, but it is best to try and hold out. he seems to want space and is trying to make it sound as if you want space. if he doesnt call soon, you have all the right to contact him and get some clarity and possibly some closure on the whole situation. not knowing where you stand is hard, and theres nothing wrong with you trying to find out exactly whats happening. call him and say you need to talk to him, and that you understand if hes having a tough time right now and that you're totally okay with time (even if you're not lol). see what he has to say, leave this decision up to him. best of luck hunn!!
  5. hey, i agree with muneca to an extent. its true guys can pick us up anywhere, its all about technique. however, there are places that are a lil better than others. now not sure about the age group you're talking about...im assuming an older crowd, not the 16 area lol. but i think the library is a good place to start. i think the best way is to start with a common interest or something to base a conversation on. like if shes reading a book, you could start talking about it, or ask questions about it. bars and clubs, most girls probably want to be picked up. i dont mean it in a bad way, no offence to anyone, im just saying sometimes when a girl is with friends she feels hype if a hot guy tries to chop her, its just all in fun, but with all honesty its not always the best situation if you really are looking for something more then a two second interaction. but i think any situation where you can start a LOGICAL, yet conincidental conversation is a good choice. if you're in the same environment (school, work) then it makes it much easier. in the same store, library, even in the same bar or club, you could make a comment about it. if you're next to her at the bar, say something about the music or drinks. be casual. the street is not the best way, i will admit that. i mean it can be flattering, but you wont get anywhere with it, at least im talking about me. thats my two cents, hope it helped!
  6. hey dont dispair. you know something, im 16 and now have my first bf. and i used to think that there was something wrong with me. i mean the guys i liked just didnt make a big enough move to have any effect. but when you just relax, take your time, forget about HAVING A BF/GF and just live your life. when you start liking someone, things develop and before you know it you'll be in a relationship. but let me tell you something, im SOOO HAPPY i waited and didnt just go out with any guy that asked me out. wait for someone you truly like, and that way the relationship will be something worth while, not just a pastime to call a gf. you need to stop worrying about being the friend. a friend is a good thing. as a girl, trust me, i know what you're feeling and its not easy. but try to remember that you have so much going for you and a gf is not necessarily a necessity right now. when the time is right it will happen. but dont stress about being "the friend". to those girls you're their friends to a lot of other girls you'll be their dream.
  7. these guys are aquaintences. how can you tell. i think you answered it in your post. dont worry so much about whether or not they're your friends. just go with the flow, relax. friends will come your way. these guys, ask them when you're chatting, make specific plans, timing and place. see what happens. if something does, great, if not, at least its a guy that you know you can call up for business homework advice lol rite??
  8. hey. about the age barrier. its been said here a million times, age truly isnt what defines how one can feel. it really is the individual. because most people at a young age dont know what love is, or just cannot understand the responsiblities and feelings it entails is why this generalization is made. but at almost 20 i would not consider that a very young age to realize love. if you have been in a comitted relationship that has stood the test of time then that is something that obviously had touched you and you may have true love feelings. knowing if hes the one however is really never known. the "one" is the person who feels the same way about you and who will eventually marry you. so really you cannot know if hes THE ONE, but you can know that you love him very much and that he is very special, not just some guy. it seems you're questioning it however because of the fact that you're on a break and are confused about whether or not you should really persue it any longer. you feel that you're wasting your time if you dont end up being with him forever. but the only thing you can do is let day by day go by and understand what you feel as well as the circumstances that surround your current situation. you need to evaluate all those factors to see if persuing this any longer is worth it. but the question of loving him isnt what you need to doubt, you do however need to make wise educated choices about what happens in your life.
  9. ive been in love...once. it is the most beautiful of feelings and really usually relationships. mine was a childhood friendship. about making others hurt...it is hard, yet it truly doesnt compare to being on the opposite end of the spectrum. you can never understand what you do to people unless you lose love. honestly in your case, it seems you havnt even experienced LOVE and it hurts so much either way. when you really love someone, true love, knowing you would give your entire body and soul for them--to lose the person is so hard. love is such a powerful thing, and i hate when people use the word not knowing all it means and entails. love is wanted so much because it truly is what makes life worth living. and ofcourse it has the biggest risk, our hearts at stake. im in love now, and how i forgot so easily how intense it is, and how it makes me feel this ultimate fear--the fear of losing him. even though i know i will live, ill go on, but ive just put myself out there, given him the power to myself that i dont even have. to make me feel beautiful or disgusting, to make me feel loved or betrayed. love contains feelings, emotions, pleasure, sex, family, life. thats why its so intoxicating. it truly is the drive we need as human beings. ofcourse theres the love of family and friends that is also so strong. its the bond that we use to describe ultimate trust and ultimate togetherness with. love is beautiful and cruel...maybe thats the main reason we thrive on it.
  10. hey. honestly it seems like subconsciously you've already made ur decision, or at least assumption of the whole situation. first of all, you seem to not be completely over your ex. i think before you get involved in any relationship you should be able to say "i love her as a friend and i want the best for her but i woudnt want to be with her". or something along those lines lol. about this girl, if you really like her then go for it, nothing too big about giving it a try. but if you know that her personality just doesnt do it for you then thats something you really need to think about. it seems her personality is throwing you off and stopping you from just going for it. but think about how you feel--about your ex, and about this girl. good luck!
  11. those extra points help, but im going to have to stay with my original advice. the fact that even in public this happened makes me believe even more that the connection is very much physical. just try and see if being with friends or around family. have her over when family is there or something...i dont know...i stay with my original advice lol.
  12. its like brushing your teeth man. your mouth wouldnt be clean unless you did. but its so a part of our daily habits, we dont need to worry about it (most times). its just a fact that men probably dont pay too much attention to it...well i dunno but i would assume that generally its not something they will really take care of. think man, its like how guys say that if a girl keeps her bush trimmed and all that its more hygenic, its just a simple fact, relax, gawd.
  13. as everyone has already mentioned, truly wait until you're ready. but making out does not necessarily include touching and feeling up. thats for more experienced maker outers lol. but yes, it does include tongue, just do what feels right, you'll get used to knowing what you both like, eachothers styles, trust me you will develop a style lol. but your hands can be around him, his around your waist, depending on your postion as well. but making out is really when you're french kissing for an extended period of time...i would say at least 2 minutes. that would be basic. but ya be comfortable with pecks and all.
  14. this girl, you didnt exactly mention how long you know her and details like that. if its a short period of time, then it probably is just lust that you're mistaking for REALLLL FEELINGS. not that you dont like her, and care for her to an extent, but it will probably ware off, you dont reallly know her. the reason its mostly physical is because thats whats driving you two towards one another. i think before intimacy like that takes place there should be an emotional bond first. if you guys enjoy making out and whatever then thats fine, but dont be surprised if a month or two from now you're just not as elated as before. it could turn into something real however, but you both need to make a conscious effort to not just be making out. and truly the way to do that is to be in public situatiosn where you wont be tempted, and will have to just talk and get to know eachother. go on dates, chill with a group of friends, spend time together in school or something. see if theres a real connection, and if there is then making out will be ooo sooo much more worthwild.
  15. naww, although i do think about it after, more the experience then the size of it. i mean im very inexperienced and my bfs penis is the first one ive seen, so its more curiosity that makes me a little more "thoughtful" of it lol if you know what i mean. but i think generally we really dont care, its true its just another part of you. what about you guys? do you look at the shape and size of our breasts and make judgements or whatever? what are you thinking? comparing?
  16. hey, first of all im soo sorry to hear about what happened. i mean i relate to you in the sense that my bf is of over 8 months and we've known eachother for a little over 3 years, and were very close friends before dealing as well. so my heart really goes out to you, and i commend you on your immediate reactions. i think its good that you kept your cool at the time. however, i think for you to ever move on you'll need to confront him somewhat and get your feelings out there. but i think you should send him the pic with a letter telling him how you feel letting him know that you want it to end as well because the way things are right now it just isnt healthy for either of you and let it be. let him know that you are okay with it, but that you were hurt by what happened and that you cant be in the relationship either. but thats my opinion, i think he will understand exactly what he did, and you'll have that mess off your chest.
  17. hey just yesterday i posted a topic about it titled "how can you tell?!!". honestly it doesnt matter, as long as its kept clean and all, however ive been brought up to believe that its better for hygenic reasons. but no it wouldnt matter, its not something i would think about before i engaged in sexual activities with the guy. but i think its better, like if i had a baby boy i would get him circumsized. its less work to keep it clean and all. but as long as a guy keeps his clean it doesnt matter. apparently we cant tell unless the guy is not errect...which i really dont know when that would be if his pants are off lol.
  18. lol thanks everyone. no its not that i mind asking him, its just i never thought of it--we recently started getting somewhat intimate and now hes on vacation so i was just wondering about it now. i do plan on asking him just out of curiosity. his penis is very clean and all, so i was just wondering. thanks everyone, especially mermaid, you really answered the question. but everyones comments were very interesting and appreciated. but i would still love to hear any more comments on opinions about circumcisions.
  19. i think its all about the curves for women. thats what really makes a woman stand out and look physically attractive (in regards to the body). ofcourse attractiveness has alot of other factors, such as the personality, mutual interests, and the basic chemistry. but ya, the idea of what a perfect size is. its strange, im 5'6 and a size 0-3 depending on the clothes. but i realllly dont look skinny or anything. like a lot of the typical scales for whats right and not is really not realistic. so ya i think its not the number, but its the curves and that little bit of fat that says i eat lol its true.
  20. hey everyone, i was just wondering how can you tell if a guy is circumsized? b/c in my religion is something that is done, but my bf is a mix of religions and i have no idea how to tell, not that its a problem or anything, but i was just wondering. as well, i hear its more hygenic, how do other people feel about this?
  21. well everyone is different, and it depends on the people. but me personally, me n my bf see eachother everyday in school, and spend hours on msn after school just talking. as well as an hour after school just chilling, but we use some of that time for other stuff lol. but ya, we RARELY talk on the phone, but his parents dont know about us and stuff so its just easier not to. and on weekends, we dont talk AT ALL, im rarely online and he goes to his cousins, so we just send about 3-4 emails during weekends. thats why right now im missing him like crazy because i havnt had ANY contact with him for over a month!! he went on vacation...half way accross the world. but i think at least 4 times a week a couple should be in some type of contact (in general circumstances). if your regular scheduales dont allow that much, then its a problem. but i dont think everyday is a necessity.
  22. lol, honestly 50% is an unrealistic number. i agree we woman/girls may need to masturbate less often, as well i think we can go without it with much more ease (just a generalization), but i think most women masturbate regularly, i think the number is probably closer to 80 or 90%. i think we are not as READY TO EXPLODE as some guys here put it lol, but it definitely is pleasurable and i think most girls/women do it.
  23. ya thats why ive never attempted a hj with my bf b/c i wasnt sure if lube was needed and what to use if i do. i didnt know if baby oil was okay so its good to know. but im surprised that there wasnt exactly a majority in preference, i believe 2 guys said without lube and 2 or 3 said with. hmm.....well...maybe i should talk to him about it. but ya thanks for the input everyone. as well, is a hj more pleasurable then a bj??
  24. hey. okay, in GENERAL, im not a big believer in the on and off relationship, but one break isnt a big deal, and this one needs it. he needs to realize that he would lose alot if he loses you. but honestly i wouldnt hold on too hard, he seems to not be ready for this, and if it doesnt work out, just realize that thers a big chance in this break that it could soon end. maybe you will realize something maybe him, maybe both of you. you guys need to take a full break, not a break where you guys are still technically together. it just wont give the full effect, like not like you cant talk or anything, but you'll become friends. and honestly if the break lasts a while, you both should explore other relationships and see if you both really want what you have now. this break is a good idea, and it seems like truly you have no choice right now. its not the end though, just keep in mind that it may not ever be the same again. but definitely dont put up a fight for this break, let him believe that you think its a good idea too, that you need a few answeres answered as well.
  25. hey, well theres no real answer to your question. you can just talk to her about school--i mean you have class(es) with her which makes it easy as long as you make a SMALL effort. you can easily ask her for her number for help or something and end up talking later. or if you all are just chilling in class try getting involved. i know its hard but if shes really nice, then she wont mind you being involved. or you can talk to her about your past classes. you know the guy whos my BEST FRIEND now, in our freshman year of high school he was in 3 of my classes (out of a possible 4) lol, and i didnt like his presense, he seemed like sucha stuck up idiot lol. but i was just like "hey you know we have 3 classes together?" and the rest is history. hes one of the sweetest most dependable people ive met. but mind you im the social butterfly while he probably wouldve never approached me if i didnt make the effort. just be to her i cant believe we've been in so many classes together, you would think we would be best friends by now lol. and you could start talking about past classes which you both would love to talk about and it would be something only the two of you could really talk about. its not a real problem, but i know for somone shy you feel as if its the toughest thing to do, but truly theres no real embaressement in this situation.
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