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Everything posted by ShySoul

  1. If you like him and he apparently likes you, then why don't you want to go? Is it that your nervous and scared? Those feelings are normal, expecially if you've never been asked out before. The best way to get over those feelings is to just go out with him and go through the experience. If it's awkward, that's okay. It won't be as bad as you might think and you'll have gained the experience and will be less nervous in the future. If you still don't feel comfortable going with him, that's fine too. Don't do anything you are not ready to do. Be honest and tell him exactly how you feel. Say that you do like him and would probably go out with him in the future, but you aren't ready right now and need some time to get used to the idea.
  2. Just trying to voice a different way of thinking. The way someone dresses, looks, talks, etc. is the obvious answer. Yes, if a guy finds you attractive it will be a turn on. But there are other things to consider. A short skirt and cleavage can attract lots of attention, but is it the right kind of attention? Are the guys you are turning on the kind of guys you want to notice you? If you really want to turn a guy on, touch there heart. If he knows you care about him and understand them, a guy will do anything for a girl. And if you really want something physical, a smile goes along way. Knowing that the girl is enjoying herself will make the guy happy and he'll want to make sure she keeps having a good time. Plus, it just looks really sweet and beautiful.
  3. Your not alone, plenty of guys are a little obsessed when it comes to girls. It's perfectly fine to think about girls alot so long as you have other interests. It's true, if you get involved in other things it will take your mind off of them. You'll also stand a better chance of meeting that one special girl. As hard as it may be, just think of other things. Focus on yourself and things that interest you. Thinking about girls and wanting a girlfriend may be a part of life, but it's not all there is in life. That part will come when it's time, right now think about everything else.
  4. I agree, just be yourself. You shouldn't want to make a guy notice you or be interested in you. That attraction should come naturally as he is interested in who you are, the real you. Relationships need to be based on truth and honesty. Getting someone to notice you by changing your clothes or the way you act is not be true to yourself and beginning a relationship based on a lie. Odds are it won't end well. You are girlfriend material to same guy out there. You just need to have patience until that person comes along and there is that mutual attraction. As for this guy, if you think he's just interested in you for sex then tell him clearly that you don't like that. If he doesn't like that, then forget about him. He obviously isn't good enough for you and not the kind of guy you want. If that's ok with him, then flirt only with him and give him subtle clues. Or you can just tell him how you feel. But no matter what, always stay true to who you are.
  5. Just making sure you know not to take those sites seriously. Alot of people will just put anything or score everyone low (or high) for the fun of it.
  6. If you've been crying everyday for 2-3 years, then you are clearly unhappy and need a change in your life. If you feel that homeschool is right for you then do it. Your not being a coward, you are listening to your heart and doing what you feel is best for you. Follow this plan if you believe it will bring you closer to happiness. Take the time to explore who you are and learn about yourself. Become comfortable with yourself and go back a happier person who is more self-aware. When you do go back, don't let others put you down and don't let what other people say bother you. You will eventually have to face going to school and being around these people. But if you need the time to work through your own feelings first, then take them.
  7. If you want to go to a movie also go out for dinner. It gives you a chance to talk and get to know each other.
  8. A movie is fine. Also go for dinner so you can have a chance to really talk and get to know her. Try to find out different things she likes to do and use those as ideas for future dates. Like if she likes ice skating, there's something you can do. Really, the possibilities of things to do are endless. Just make sure its something she'll enjoy.
  9. Yes, sure's probably scared because the other guy was too forceful and aggressive. She's afraid that you'll make her as uncomfortable as the other guy did. Be nice and gentle with her. If she feels safe and secure with you it might help her loosen up so that she's ok with french kissing.
  10. Great advice. People, listen to him! Also: Physical - be comfortable with your appearance no matter how you look. Improve your body because you want to be healthier, not because you want to look better or be more attractive. In the end, it's who you are that matters and will give you respect.
  11. Sorry that you feel so jaded like that. Yes, love can be used as a weapon. I've seen it happen. But when you open your heart and really find that one special and lasting love, it is special and magical. You won't understand until you feel it yourself. Then you'll be a believer.
  12. Let me clarify. "I love you" is special when you are in a commited relationship and you can feel the honesty and emotion behind it. It can be overused to the point where it doesn't mean anything at all, in that case the people saying don't really understand what it means. But under the right circumstances and when both parties really mean it, "I love you" can be magical and a really big turn on.
  13. Going out and buying lunch for someone who is depressed is being thoughtful and doing something to cheer her up. It's called being a friend and being there for her when she's feeling down. The only way it would be disrespectful to myself is if I was doing that instead of taking care of something else that I absolutely needed to get done. But if I had the time then I think its a sweet thing to do.
  14. Shyness can be very attractive for girls and guys. People who are shy and quiet give off a feeling of sweetness, innocence, and sincerity. They also tend to be nicer and have alot to say, it's just a matter of getting them to feel comfortable. I would love a shy girl and I'm glad to see that a lot of girls like us shy guys.
  15. Nothing is more powerful than three very simple words that carry so much meaning... I love you. What's even better is when no words need to be said. When you can just look into each other's eyes and see all the love, hope, and understanding reflected back at you. The ultimate point is when you can say, "you say it best when you say nothing at all."
  16. If you're lame then I'm right there with you. I'm in pretty much the exact same spot. I'm 21, almost 22, and I sometimes get scared that I'm not going to find love or that I'll end up alone. I've never been kissed or had a girlfriend. I've always put my family first and have felt like things are holding me back. I also don't like it when people tell me I should get a girlfriend. Really people, it doesn't help. And I'm not big on socializing and have a hard time opening up to people. These nothing wrong with people like us. I have the feeling you're a great girl who is smart, kind and attractive. Any guy would be lucky to go out with you. Don't feel down because you haven't found someone yet. Don't judge your life my the experiences of your parents or friends. You'll find someone and when you do it will be the romance you've been waiting for. Don't worry about finding love, let love find you. Talk to people and get to know them. Be yourself and have confidence. Everything will work out in the end.
  17. I know the feeling. You want to say something but the words just won't come out and you are completely frozen. "Just do it" is good in theory but doesn't usually pan out in practice. That's why I think the plan needs to be revised. Don't worry about approaching girls. If that's your goal you'll end up falling back on your usual tendencies. Instead work on being more talkative in the situations you are placed in. If you have to work in a group for school or work, speak up more and voice your opinions and ideas. Around people you know speak out and open up. That way you don't have the awkwardness of talking to a stranger. But also learn to recognize and take advantage of opportunites presented to you. If you are talking to a girl and its going good, don't be afraid to compliment her or ask her for coffee. Approaching strangers at bars or clubs is nervewracking. But when it's someone you know and are comfortable with, that can make things easier.
  18. Balthamos, I have a possible explanation for why the men who believe most strongly in chivalry seem to have less luck with women, I have a possible explanation for why the men who believe most strongly in chivalry seem to have less luck with women. It's because such a strong belief in chivalry is rare these days. Most people don't understand or appreciate as much as these guys do. So when faced with it, women are surprised and don't know how to react. They are much more used to guys who are rude. In fact, I think society in general doesn't mind there manners very well nowadays. Plus, there is alot more push now for "girl power" so a guy who is really chivalrous may be misuderstood. They will either be seen as whimpy or someone who fews women as weak, delicate flowers who can't take care of themselves. It's a double edged sword and a hard trap for nice guys to get out of.
  19. Hey, I know how you are feeling. I also think differently than most and don't have much in common with most people. I'm not that good at making conversations and can be hard on myself. But that doesn't mean we need to completely change. It's a matter of realizing the traits that are bad and holding us back that we should try to change and coming to terms with the traits that make us unique and special and appreciating them as part of who we are. I think you need to take a long look at yourself and what you want to be doing. Forget about your parents, friends, or anyone else. Looking back on your life, what are the things you enjoy most? What is something you are not only good at, but that you look forward to doing. If you hate what you are studying, then change to something else. If you keep doing something that you hate because you are good at it then you'll just continue to feel horrible. You'll go through your life wondering where the days are going and feeling like you are a failure. You don't want that to happen and can change things right now. Above all else, you need to be happy in what you do. I know how it feels to be unsure of what you want to do. I say, follow your heart. There has to be something that drives you, something that you are passionate about. Talk to your parents about this. Try to get them to understand that you are not happy with what you are studying. If they don't want to listen, ignore them. They can't tell you what to study, only you can decide that. Sometimes parents get caught up in planning out and dictating their kids future, thinking they now what is best. But deep down, you know what is best for you. You need to follow your own heart and do what is right for you. I also find parties to be dull. So many people seem so fake, like they are trying to fit it and don't have the courage to be different, an individual. People go through the motions and do what is expected of them. There's nothing wrong with feeling like that. You've just got a smarter mind than most and its harder to find people who "get" you. Don't feel discouraged with yourself. You are smart and a good guy. There are other people like you who appreciates your thoughts and ideas. Don't be down on yourself. Instead, be proud of who you are. I used to feel bad about myself, wondering why I didn't fit in. Then I realized that it fitting in isn't whats important, as long as I stay true to myself and like the person that I am. Your a good guy, you just need some more confidence in yourself. "Different" people aren't so different. They go through the same feelings and doubts you are. I've been there, actually I'm still there. If you want to talk feel free to PM me. I'm no psycologist and I think that's a good thing. Those who think differently tend to see what others can't and its frustrating when they can't relate to you. So maybe someone who can relate would be helpful.
  20. Yeah, don't worry about it. I often feel like people ignore me and that my opinion and thoughts aren't important to people. People tend to get busy and wrapped up in there own issues. They don't often take the time to give others the recognition they deserve. Think positively. Give yourself some credit and some self-appreciation, you deserve it. Focus on the people who do pay you attention and ignore the rest. And if it still bothers you, politely ask about it. It's probably just that they are busy and if it's not then it's a good thing to let them know they are being rude so they can change. But don't let it get you down.
  21. Like everyone has said, move on and don't be upset by this girl. Obviously she is blind if she can't see what a good guy you are and what a could catch you'd be. You'll find someone alot better who will truly appreciate you. And nerds are cool. We're the ones who are going to end up running this world you know. 8)
  22. Shy guys tend not to speak up. So you should take the initiative and talk to him. Usually a shy guy will respond very favorably if someone approaches them, especially if its a girl they like. Look for staring and lots of smiling. Talk to him and be nice to him and he should slowly open up to you. Once you feel comfortable around each other, tell him you like him. That is every shy guy's dream, having a girl tell him that she likes him. Good luck and hope everything works out.
  23. Talk about anything. What would you say if you were talking in person? Ask her about hobbies and interests, how her day went, what she's learning about in school, what movie or show she's watched lately... anything that gets a conversation going. When she asks you what's up, actually give an answer instead of saying nothing. Tell her about something that's interesting in your life. Unless she is rude or really shy she should ask you about it. Also, don't ask yes or no questions or settle for one line answers like "cool" or "nothing much." Try to draw her into talking.
  24. Nice writing skills and interesting topic. There's alot there so if I've misinterpreted something feel free to correct me. But I think you should look at chivalry from another angle. I'm a firm believer in being chivalrious. To me that means just being nice, respectful and a gentleman. The reason I'm doing this is because it's the right thing to do and is treating a woman with respect. From what you wrote it seems like you are saying that men act this way in an attempt to have better luck with women. While I admit that some people do this, that's not the real reason many people practice chivlary. Those who only do it because they are trying to get women don't really understand what chivalry is and will fail because of that misunderstanding. Those who get that chivalry is all about being nice and respectful will have better luck, even when that wasn't there aim. Not to be rude, but I think that's a bit harsh and mean. I believe the non-sexual side is what people are seeking and that that aspect is what really makes the sexual aspect special and desireable. Still, I don't need a relationship to feel complete, I'm fine on my own. You seem to be making an unfair judgment regarding people who think this way.
  25. You'll know when you are in a loving committed relationship and you know you truly love the person. There won't be any doubt in your mind. As simple and boring as it sounds, you'll know when you know.
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