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  1. Ive been posting here, all the time about me and my girl, and i have other post about my crush on her side of the family. I still have a crush on my girlfriends mom. She's like 35 and im 16. We have a good relationship(me and her mom) we always talk alone. We are close friends and she comes to me for help and I come to her. She is very attractive to me and I still flirt with her. It's never a problem and she doesnt complain. I do want to tell her, I've been crushing her for months, What should I do?
  2. Hey, In my opinion, I think sex does change relationships. I think sex makes things more intimate(spelled that wrong). If should cause deeper feelings for each other. Sometimes bad things come out of sex. Jealousy can help, For example you might start thinking your partner isnt satisfied so she might want someone else. The other is a baby, it does happen. Sex can be a mistake. You gotta be sure about it.
  3. I've had other posts about this, but now I dont know what to do. Me and my girlfriend have been together over 2 years. I lied to her about something recently and she wants breaks and stuff cause she doesnt trust me. No she treats me so bad that, it seems like she doesnt love me anymore. One minute she wants to see me, and the next minute she changes her mind and wants a break again. She has did this all week. Im seeing her tommarow and I've packed up everything she has ever given me, especially pictures and gifts. Im gonna have a talk with her face to face. I dont know if I should sta y with her or break up with her. She wants a break because I lied but this time it's different. She says she will never trust me, and the relationship will never be the same. I didnt cheat on her, and it sure as hell had nothing to do about a strip joint. After I lied, and she found out, we ended up having sex, she wasnt happy.(this was a while ago). She says it doesnt feel the same cause im someone different. For tommarow, she thinks im trying to make a move on her like sex, cause she thinks thats all i want. She doesnt understand the seriousness of the conversation coming up. Now shes asking me, would you wanna do something tommarow(Shes talking about sex) I said "I guess". But it's weird because it seems like she doesnt love me, and I know if I did happen to have sex with her, I would think she's covering up from telling me she really doesnt love me. What should I do, A breakup hurts but I Love her and I really dont wanna leave, but I dont think she's happy with me. HELP!!!
  4. It probley did work. She's jealous, and I would talk to her just out of curiosity. I would love the attention. If you love her and Miss her than talk to her and find out why she left in the first place!
  5. Well do you want her sexually? It means you want her butt, or maybe you just want her to be yours. It's up to you what it means.
  6. What ever you do, dont kill yourself. I always get to a point where I wanna kill myself, dont worry things will get better. Let someone give you a hug, cause if there trying they care. When I wanna commit suiside, I cant even go throw with it. Something always makes me change my mind. Think about it , Hell, you dont wanna go there. And the stupid guy your with, if he's calling you the B Word, then leave him. You dont deserve that. Life is better then you think, and you just dont know when something positive will happen. Dont kill yourself, cause if you try, for example cut your wrist, it would be too late, and you really didnt wanna do that. What do you think? You can talk to me.
  7. In my other post i talked about a lie and a break. Well my girlfriend agreed to see me tommarow, and then start the break after. Im going to watch movies with her and talk to her. What else should I try? Should i make a move? Im definitely talking to her about her lies, but what else should i do to help her remember me over the break. I was thinking about a massage but I dont Know. Please Help
  8. Maybe you should see what he wants. Do you still Love him, Well if you did? It is possible he's just checking up cause he still cares.
  9. Right Now, Just lay low. I know you have some type of feeling for her but lay low. You dont wanna make the boyfriend mad, and you dont wanna hirt anyone at all. Just chill, if you have a good relationship let it be and see where it goes from there.
  10. I think in my opinion, you would be better with someone else. She might not wanna date you if she's avoiding it. People tell me "its not good to force things" and with my girlfriend I always do cause im stupid. I think you should try someone else. I have a question, why dont your relationships work out?
  11. Trev There's different ways to kiss and different places to put your hands. You can put yor hand on the hips, shoulders, even butt. Sometimes even the head, somehow... The you can move your tongue in different directs, or suck on each others tongue. But the female has to be comfortable with it.
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