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Everything posted by oinmd

  1. Don't let someone take advantage of you like that. There is no spell, this person is just trying to take advantage of the situation. Relationships don't just magically dissapate. There is a reason and only you or your husband knows what that is. There is a reason why everyone says that communication is a vital part of any relationship. If you want to know there reason, you need to talk. The only spell this reader was using is the scam spell.
  2. There is no quick fix unfortunately. I recommend staying close you your friends and family and concentrating on yourself. Only time can heal these wounds.
  3. At some point just jokingly ask him who he's going to the dance with. If he answers no one, then use that as an opportunity to see if he's interested in you. If he says with so and so, just tell him I guess I won't ask you then, or some other wise crack
  4. Thank you for your update Reborn. My fiance broke up with me over two months ago and for the last couple of weeks, I feel like my down periods are slowly but surely getting shorter. My best recommendation is to just stick to your friends and family which is something someone on here told me, it may even have been you because your name sounds familiar. I have forced myself to be the stronger person and I am trying my best to distance myself as much as possible from my ex. I still love her and she still loves me. We want to remain friends, but at this point in time it is to hard for me. With time you do begin to realize that the other person really had more flaws then you had realized. Love can definitely blind you. Only time heals wounds.
  5. Don't allow yourself to be used like that. He is just going to keep using you while he finds something he believes to be better. You don't deserve to be treated this way. You have to always think about your health first.
  6. High School is definitely not the best years of your life. I feel sorry for anyone who truly believes that. When you get to college you will realize that High School isn't everything. I came out of my shell when I got to college and had the time of my life. Even though it got a little stressful sometimes, college was the best 4 years of my life (so far), but friends will come with time. Friendships take work, you won't make any friends by just sitting at home by yourself. I recommend finding something that you have an interest in or have as a hobby. Try joining a club or something with people with your same interest. You have to realize that people that don't make an effort to be friends with you aren't worth having as friends. If you are shy then people may just think that you are snobby or that you aren't interested in them. As far as guys are concerned, you usually meet someone special when you aren't even looking. My last two relationships occurred that way. Hang in there and make sure you keep your grades up and get into a good college. If you can, try to live on campus at college. You will meet people from all over the world and have a great time, but you have to make sure that you work at making relationships too, they aren't just going to fall in your lap most of the time. Good luck.
  7. It's tough, but someone who cheats on you is not someone you want to get back together with. Whether or not she slept with him isn't an issue, she still cheated on you emotionally. It's a tough thing to go through, but it's part of life. You are young and may go through this again most likely. I just ended a 4 year relationship without warning, it takes some time to heal but you must move on.
  8. It's not that she is trying to hurt you. She probably wants to move on with her life, and if she smiles at you or shows you that she cares about you then you will take it as a glimpse of hope. She doesn't want to hurt you by misleading you. My fiance broke up with me a month ago and I still hold on to that hope that she will come to her sense and come back to me, but I know that is what everyone feels when things like this happen. If it was meant to be then it will be, but you can't force it on her. Chances are you two will never be together again, I hate to say it and believe me I know exactly what you are going through right now because I am going through the same thing. I havn't really spoken to my ex in only a week and it's already getting difficult, but I know I need to give her space and that is the only way that I will be able to heal. Every time she IMs me or e-mails me it brings back all those feelings that I have been trying so hard to get over. I almost feel like I want to just go somewhere for 6 months where she can't contact me. Showing up unexpectedly at her work is definitely not a good thing. You catch her off guard and that is why she probably acted cold towards you. Also, she was probably holding back her feelings because she didn't want to make a scene in public. Read this post, it gave me a new perspective on things. link removed Breakups are very difficult to accept, but you must understand that later on you will see it as a growing and learning experience. I am just getting started with my breakup, and I know I will have a lot of tough times ahead, but I know in the end it will make me stronger. Always remember, you can't make someone love you.
  9. Thank you for your post Zero, my Fiance broke up with me a month ago and moved out of our house yesterday. I know that I need to move on and I have been trying to remain strong, but I broke down yesterday as she moved all her stuff out. Your post shows me that this feeling that I have of waiting to get back together is wrong, and that everyone has it. It's just that sometimes your heart is way stronger than your mind. I know I need to cut off contact with her and give her space, but it's just very difficult to do. She wants to go to see a movie with me sometime soon, but now I'm starting to wonder if she just wants to check up on me, or just try to make sure she isn't burning any bridges. I am considering telling her that I'm not ready when she calls me to ask me to go to the movies with her. I definitely will let her be the one to contact me from now on though. Also, after the break up, I asked her to go to counseling with me on the advice of my therapist. I let her know that it wasn't counseling to try to get back together, but more so to find out what went wrong. I found out a lot during the two sessions we went through and so did she. I realized that there was a huge miscommunication. There was a lot of things that she tried to tell me through her moods or actions, and the therapist called her on it. She realized that she hadn't communicated with me her feelings and she thought that I knew that our relationship was on the rocks and that I wasn't trying to fix it. The fact was that I had no clue, because she was never honest with me about her feelings, because she was afraid her feelings would hurt me. Through those sessions we were both able to recognize the mistakes we both made and also why we made those mistakes. I think it will help both of us in our next relationship. Here is the link to my post about my breakup: link removed
  10. How did you guys break up? Did one of you break up with the other and why? It's very difficult to remain friends after being in a relationship. Wether you get back together or not depends on why you broke up in the first place. Sometimes people don't know what they have until it's gone.
  11. No disrespect, but I have to disagree with this. If you are looking for someone that you will have to spend the rest of your life with, a lifelong commitment, then your partner should be you best friend. When people say that they didn't have good communication in their relationship, it's because one person went and told all of their problems to their friends instead of talking through them with their partner. It's fine to have good friends, but if you want to marry someone, you have to make sure that they are truly your best friend. Ask anyone who has been married for 15-20 years who their best friend is and you will see that their partner always is.
  12. Try to keep yourself busy. Go out with some friends or just spend some time doing something you really love to do. If she really loves you then it will work itself out, but I wouldn't be surprised if she has found someone else. I am going through some difficult times right now with my fiance leaving me, and I find that the best thing is to just spend time with friends, wether it's going to a bar or something, or just sitting at home playing video games.
  13. You need to realize that you have nothing to lose by asking a girl out. I mean, if she says no, then she doesn't like you and it will just save you heart break later. I know it can hurt in the beginning, but women really like a man who is confident. I used to be really shy and had the same problem you are having now. I also remember talking to friends who were seeing guys who were pricks, but the reason those guys get girls is that they are confident. If she gave you her number without you asking, then she is most likely interested. Try to find out what her interests are, and try to go out and do something together. If you start talking about movies or something and she says I would like to see that movie then ask her if she wants to go with you. If you are too shy with her, she may think you aren't interested, especially if she gave you her number and you havn't called her back. Call her and ask her if she wants to go for coffee or something. Personally I would hold off on the short story, unless you know that is something she likes. It is sometimes better to become good friends first and then get into the sappy stuff. Good luck.
  14. I think that you should get some marriage counseling in order to find out what is the issue. Wether you stay together or not, it will help either to strengthen your relationship, or just let you understand why it didn't work out. Counseling can be a very empowering experience. We are not mind readers and we can't change things that make the other person mad unless you talk about it. Sometimes we aren't able to talk about it because our emotions take over. This is why it is good to have a counselor that won't take sides. My Fiance/Girl Friend of 4 years just decided to leave me. Things were good between us, no fights, but she decided that she's been unhappy and believes that our relationship is no longer the best thing for her. I am crushed, but I also want her to be happy. Hopefully we can remain friends in the future. Goo Good luck with everything, I know it can be painful, but unfortunately you have to remember that it's all part of life. Everyone has to go through it. Hopefully you guys can work it out though.
  15. Update: After about two weeks since she broke up with me I felt like she had cooled down enough so that we could talk to see why it didn't work out for her. I found out that she had been really scared to fight with me, because when ever she screamed at me or got upset with me I got real emotional. That has a lot to do with my upbringing and my parents always fighting and yelling at each other I think, but that's something I have to work on. I think that she just didn't have any way to vent and she just kept everything bottled inside. When she postponed the wedding, she said that I should have known something was wrong at that point, but I just thought that she was just too stressed out with work and her family at that time in order to be worried about a wedding. I guess it was just a breakdown in communication because I had no idea how much anger and resentment she had built up inside. I think that she just loved me so much that she didn't want to hurt me and that's what took her so long. I'm kind of upset that she wasn't straight forward with me from the beginning. I was actually considering couples counseling before the breakup because our love life hasn't been that great in the past year. I only wish that she would have agreed to a counselor, I believe it would have saved our relationship. She doesn't want to work on it anymore or give it a second chance because she says she's been trying long enough. I'm having good days and bad days, but I've started seeing a therapist to work on my own issues. My gf still lives with me until we figure out how I can keep the house. I'm going to try living in this house and if I can't take it emotionally then I will sell it later. We bought this house together and it will always remind me of her. For anyone out there who is having trouble with a breakup, just hang in there and eventually the ups will start to overcome the downs. I'm still having a lot of downs, but they no longer are lasting as long. I had thoughts of suicide in the beginning, but that's just because I felt like I couldn't get rid of the pain. Suicide is never the answer though, it will only cause more pain for those that love you. Unfortunately only time can heal these wounds. Segagirl's advice of staying around friends and family definitely helps. They can give you support, but also it will help you keep your mind off of the breakup. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me and my therapist will help me with issues of trust that I bound to have after my previous gf cheated on me and not my fiance has left me, but I'm sure this will only make me stronger in the end. I have a lot of pain to go through still, but I will survive.
  16. Personally, I don't trust in books that make such claims. A lot of people are out there to make a buck and they feed off of peoples fears or insecurities. I'm not trying to be harsh or to kill your hopes, but that's just what I feel. I personally am going through a breakup with my Fiance that she initiated out of no were. We hadn't even been even close to breaking up or even arguing for that matter. She then tells me she's unhappy. I'm trying hard to deal with this right. I would love to have her back, but not so she can just break up with me again. Only time will tell, but I'm no longer keeping my hopes up because I have a feeling I will be disappointed.
  17. Ask her out to lunch sometime and tell her you want to catch up. If she is flirting with you then chances are she is interested. When you go to lunch and get to talk to her one on one you should be able to see if she truly is interested in you. If she is, then exchanging phone numbers should be that difficult. She may even give you hers.
  18. Thanks for the advice, it seems like staying around friends and family sounds like something I'm going to try to do more. My parents have been out of town for the last month so I can't really be with them. They are trying to decide wether to divorce themselves, so it's kind of a mess. My brother is also breaking up with his gf who he has a 2 year child with. It seems like when it rains it pours. How do I find a counselor? Are they certified somehow. I also need to find out if insurance will cover it.
  19. I met my Fiance when we were in college right before we graduated. I fell in love at first sight. Here was a beautiful girl that I loved talking to. The first time I met her at a get together we spent 3 hours talking to each other. We moved in together after about a year of dating. Eventually we bought a house and I proposed to her after about 2.5 years of dating. We were 22 when we met. Everything was wonderful at first. Our sex life was great in the beginning and eventually we started having problems. She had physical problems at first because of some medication, but it later turned into mental blocks. She asked me to postpone the wedding about 5 months ago and last week after spending a wonderful weekend together, she told me that she didn't think it was working out. We live together and have pets together and own a house together. She first told me that she just wasn't happy, which I knew to some extent and had been working on, but I thought it was just her depression. She told me that she just need to do this for herself and that she had given it a try for the last year, but said that it wasn't going to work. She tells me that she still loves me and I believe her with all my heart. I didn't accept the it's not you is me reason and I pressed her on it. She eventually started telling me all the things that I had or hadn't done that annoyed her. I was upset that she had never been honest with me about the whole thing. We have never really fought or even tried to break up. Our relationship has always been an incredible friendship. We have never broken up or even thought about it, but now when I tried to see if we could get counseling or try to give it another try she got really mad at me and said that I was trying to belittle her decision. I'm having a really hard time right now and have had suicidal thoughts that I don't think I'll ever follow through on, but I am going to see a psychiatrist tomorrow to be safe. What do you guys think I should do? We are on good terms and we still sleep in the same bed. It's so difficult because I feel like I'm losing my best friend and a family member all in one. Should I just try to move out as soon as possible? Is there a difference between a pschiatrist and a grief counselor? Thank you for your advice in advance.
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