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  1. Thanks guys for all your replies. I really mean it. I am shy/introverted but not to the extremes. I just don't understand. I had really overprotective parents (to this day) they would never let me out at all. I was never allowed to go to birthdays...(not that i was ever invited) play sports, go to other kids houses, etc. I never got a chance to really interact with people early on...I am only assuming that might be one (of a gazillion) factors. People just never seem to be interested in me. I can't build realationships. No clue how to do that. I never get invited to anything. I always feel left out. Something thats always a huge blow. I cry all the time. My parents are no help. My mom's response: You don't need friends.
  2. I'm in high school. Suppositivly this is suppose to be the "peak" of my exsistance. The "best" times of my life i'm suppose to be experiencing right now It's a sick thought knowing things are only going to go downhill from here. I don't know. I have absolutly NO friends. In school or outside of school. I have no brothers or sisters (or cousins). I'm alone at home and I'm alone at school. I am about to be 17!! I never go anywhere on the weekends. I am consistantly ignored for no apparent reason. I have never even had a best friend my entire life!! I am so lonley. I can't handle not having anyone to talk to. As for boyfriend (s) Never had one of those either!! They won't talk to me. I don't know what to do. I am by myself ALL the time....(literally) Does/has anyone else ever had this problem?? or felt like just ending it all??? I've already missed out anyways.
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