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Everything posted by pimpcess

  1. 1. Your not a virgin when u have full sex with a man, and us women are all shapes and sizes in all areas ur perfectly normal.
  2. Hang out could mean any number of things, but she's obviously feelin u in some way or she wouldn't have said it i think. If u've met up then I think It'd be okay 2 ask 4 her phone number, I think she'd give it to u. And just let things progress naturally, meet up, see what happens, arrange to meet up again, jus chill and everything will fall into place.Go fun places wheres not 2 much pressure, bowlin, lunch, cinema, shoppin, anything. Hope that helps
  3. My mates always play and say I have it just coz I play a lot, and Im hyper, but I just love life, I know Im fine, as long as ur happy, dont worry.
  4. Yeah talkin is a key factor, but Im a strong believer in whatevers meant to be, will be, u got good points.
  5. Yeagh I agree, give her space 2 find out who she is and what she wants, she'll respect u a lot more if u do that, although I do kno its hard after ten mnths. Theres a sayin- ''If u love some1, set them free, And if they come back then its meant 2 be, If not, it wasn't.'' Relax and give it time. Keep your chin up. Good luck.
  6. Thankyou dude! Yeah, if she doesnt know u, she'l get freaked out, imagine some1 that u had never layed eyes on before just rang u up and wanted to meet up? It would be awkward and strange. Make an effort to get to know her first. Good luck.
  7. I agree with ur post, except the age bit. I do think that when things feel right they feel right, but 12 years old is to young to know what u truly want/need.
  8. Hey its me again, there is no age in particular, u just gotta wait til it feels right, I was 15,but that was my choice, altho I think 12 is to young, u gotta wait til ur comfortable with sum1, and sure its right.
  9. O.k, now Im confuzzled. How offen do u see this girl? Just go 2 where shes at.
  10. Good poems, peep mine, just about 3 down, let me know what ya think.
  11. Try not to worry but u should go 2 the doctors just to be on the safe side. Good luck.
  12. It'd be hard to give advice, I've thank god never been in this situation, but your very brave and strong, and time is the best healer, good luck in everything.
  13. Yeah there could be any reason as to why she didn't call back. Do not stress! Just go in say hi, Im sure she'll be the first to bring it up, if not, u do it, u have nothing to lose, otherwise u'l keep wonderin and wonderin sucks.
  14. Wow I got like 119 views and all positive feedback, result!!!
  15. A relationship should be 50/50, this is about 80/20, if that.
  16. Yay yay yay yay yay yay I love positive feedback! Thanx people!
  17. Thankyou doblers dream! I thought some1 was gonna say it was terrible, I've never shown it before, glad u liked it.
  18. Hey y'all can any1 relate to this? Its the whole poem from my little thingy at the bottom. ''You'' If your looks disappeared, I'd still love you, If u had no money, I wouldn't shove you, If your world crashed tomorrow then I'd still be there, If every1 turned against u, baby I'd still care, Anytime your upset, Anytime your off track, U can rely on me, I've always got your back, Anytime your feelin down, I'll support u mentally, Coz Im so grateful I found u, And u were sent 2 me, When I look to my future, Your all i see, Your everything I wished, My life to be, And if I could be anything in the world, I'd be your tear, So I'd be born in your eye, And you'd always be near, I'd live down your cheek, On your lips I'd die, But life would've been perfect, Because you were nearby, I'll always be there in, Whatever u go through, And I'll cherish the day, That I say 'I DO', Your perfect, and honest, And faithful, and true, And I want to say thankyou, Thankyou for being you.
  19. The best way to kiss, now Im gonna sound cliche now, but just go with the flow, relax, it'll just happen naturally. I personally think the best way is to do it softly and slowly at first, then build it up. But the main thing is relax, and have your lip balm handy!
  20. Hey you Im so glad your good! U did good! Glad our advice helped and stuff. x
  21. Charmed u know me so well! Yeah, I admit, I love the chase. Oh, and there are always more fish 2 fry, birds in the air, ect. But I am well interested in lesbianism. Dont get me wrong, Im as straight as a ruler, (maybe a slightly slightly bent 1), but Jennifer Lopez???? Stunning. Im so utterly connafflleuzzleateeeedddd!!!!! I dont think he would,but if he thinks he can sweet talk me, to get me in the sack, I would cut his left bollock off.
  22. Very good points there! I guess every bad situation u go through just makes u heaps stronger. Good points.
  23. I know u were married and all but do u really wanna be 2nd 2 this other woman? I hate to be so direct but I sense he's waitin til he's lonely and has no1 else 2 come back 2 u, tell urself ur strong and can do better than that, which u are and u can.
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