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Everything posted by pimpcess

  1. Wow Im the complete opposite I attract the bad boys, vain ones, there the 1s I always end up with. I think they more fun.
  2. Well she's not exactly ur best mate then is she?? U could do without her in your life. Hope ur grandma is ok.
  3. See!! Men, women, all the same really!
  4. I know, and there like buses, u dont get 1 4 ages, then 4 come along at once! How annoying.
  5. Could I agree any more?!?!?! Taken. Or gay. Equally annoying.
  6. Its the thrill of the chase, its the same with men, what we cant have, seems more attractive, its human nature.
  7. That is really good I like it, its all about expressin yourself, keep at it. Practise makes perfect.
  8. Thankyou you have no Idea how much that means! That is so cool, I love it when people can relate to them, I'd love to here yours, if u dont wanna show them just private message me. Its not about rhyme, or how good they are, its about relatin and expressin yourself.
  9. Ha!! 90% are idiots. Could I agree anymore?!?!?
  10. Yay I have a point! Wow, first for everything. U never know what 2moro will bring. But I dont think u should look 4 it, let it come 2 u, it will. U dont have 2 just bound up 2 them and start talikn about the weather, smile, chill, build it up second by second minute by minute, hour by hour day by day so on so forth...
  11. When people are drunk they can be intimidating, and when they puke on u its never pretty. I've met boyfriends at college, on holiday, through mates, on the bus, in clubs, on random steps at 3 in the morning.... And I swear, the best of the bunch was the Bus boy. It goes 2 show u never know where u'll meet some1 or whats around the corner.
  12. I dont think it is natural, most people are pissed out of there tree and doled up to the 9's and so on. I dunno where, Im a believer in lettin things happen naturally, so Im stuck!
  13. Why cant u realise I love u, Why cant u see, That we'd be so perfect, And just so meant to be, But u cant and u wont, This love is 1 sided, But ur so special 2 me and I dont wanna hide it, To find some1 else, Ive been there and tried it, I hold on to us, u made me so misguided, U said I was the 1 that u would never neglect, The 1 u'd cherish, The 1 u'd always protect. U seem 2 love the fact that I love u so much, U seem to love the fact that I melt at your touch, When u look at me, nothin else in the world matters, And when u say u dont feel the same, my heart just shatters, Cant u be considerate, my feelins are at stake, I want some1 to love me back, I dont want my heart to break, I want some1 there 4 me, some1 with whom I can lean, I want some1 to yell to the world, 'This girls my queen'! Now I dont know what to do, Coz I know that some1 aint u, I know in my heart I should move on, I must, But how do I do that when Im clinging to the hope of us?
  14. It'd be hard to do that in most clubs. The environment is to superficial and people are just out 2 have fun. Try different places.
  15. Well say something different, that'l catch her eye. I dunno what. Just something. None of that is that a ladder in ur tights or a stairway to heaven bollo*ks.
  16. If these arent the sort of people u dont want to meet, dont go to these places. Meet some1 naturally. Wait til some1 really catches ur eye.
  17. Yes!!! Big ups 2 the faerie child! Men like this suck. If u cant accept some1 4 who they are then get out of there life and let them find some1 worthy of them, if u want a skinny girl go find 1, but dont try and change any1 along the way. ''Casual'' remarks such as, lets go 2 the gym, or, just cut down a little, well thats usually the start of an eatin disorder! Grow the hell up Greg! Ooh. I feel so much better now!
  18. Stop bein so shallow minded and love her 4 her and not what she looks like.
  19. I think it so shallow minded that u think this, and as 4 all this goin down the gym stuff, maybe, shock horror, she's happy with her size, and doesnt wanna lose weight? I think if u worry so much about superficial things she can do a lot better than u.
  20. I dunno if freaks the word I'd use, but she should definitely get to the doctors right now. People start at all ages, but I think at 21 she should've. Go to the docs.
  21. Awww, I do know how u feel, and its hard. Talk to your man, tell him your worries, hopes, fears, Im sure he'll reassure u that he loves u. We all have insecurities in life and relationships, but try and enjoy it, cherish it. In time this will get better, talk to him. Hope it all works out.
  22. Thanx 4 the positive feedback people Im so glad u like it and can relate to it that makes me happpppyyyyyy!! Pimpy- cool name.
  23. Yeah actions speak louder than words, u should be with some1 who worships and respects u, look after number 1.
  24. This is a poem I wrote, just read the subject!. My body starts to shake, my eyes start to leak, As tears and tears just float down my cheek, I opened up, I let down my guard, Cupid shot me, and he shot me hard. I remember so clearly, the first day we met, I walked away, but you were hard to forget, I thought it was fate, when we met again, It went from there, and we became best friends, A few months passed, we grew and grew, We became an us, a me and you. You were my life, my soul my destiny, I opened up, you brought out the best in me. I realise now, love is so blind, I didn't want to see it, because you were hard to find, You went behind my back, but I just couldn't see, Coz I couldn't imagine life,Without a you and me, I dwelled on the good, ignored all the bad, I thought you were the best thing, that I ever had, But you hurt me in ways, you'll never ever know, I never ever thought, you'd make me feel this low, I thought you were perfect, but thats the way it goes, I now know your cons, so outweigh your pros, I wish u could know, how torn I am inside, I wish you could know, all the tears that I've cried, The pain you've left me is like a cut, It'll fade but the scar won't disappear, So now I have to get on with life, get on without you here. They say everything you go through, and you haven't died, Only makes you a better person, and makes u stronger inside, In future I'll be strong not easily affected, My heart is tender, Im gonna protect it, Now this is closure, Im saying goodbye, Im movin on, no more will I cry, All I'll do is try, I won't ask u why, I'll just stride right on with my head held high...
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