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Durden soapman

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  1. - She just turned 14 today. - I have been talking with her daily on msn messenger for about 6 or so months. - I have a gut instinct that she likes me, but I could be wrong. - We have gone out once, but it was with her friend, and I brought a wingman, but he doesn't know how to be a Wingman, so that didn't work out the way I wanted it to. I am going to go see a movie with her, her friend, and my friend(Same guy I brought last time; I'm helping him to be a good wingman). We would like to go with just us two, but she says that her mother wouldn't let her go to a movie with only a guy, or even go to my house with just me. I do have her phone number now, and I called her yesterday, but she wasn't home. Her mom said she'd call back today, but so far not so good. Would it seem weird to call the next day(today)? Or should I let it slide and call in a few days? Also, if I get to see a movie with her alone, when will I know to make the first move? How will I know when she wants me to make a move? I've seen on TV how they smoothly put their arm around the girl, and then make their move, but that seems too stereotypical and most likely won't work.
  2. Can you please help me with my other questions? Thanks!!
  3. Thanks for the advice guys. I am going to go see a movie with her, her friend, and my friend(Same guy I brought last time; I'm training him to be a good wingman). We would like to go with just us two, but she says that her mother wouldn't let her go to a movie with a guy, or even go to my house. I do have her phone number now, and I'm going to call her and see maybe if there is a way to go out together without having to tag along with friends. Also, if I get to see a movie with her alone, when will I know to make the first move? How will I know when she wants me to make a move? I've seen on TV how they smoothly put their arm around the girl, and then make their move, but that seems too stereotypical and most likely won't work. Thanks.
  4. Hello. I am Durden soapman, and I need your guys advice. I am 15 yr old guy and I have known this girl, let's call her "Q", for quite some time. Here are some facts about her and other things in general: - She is 13, turning 14 this upcoming week. - I have been talking with her daily on msn messenger for about 6 or so months. - I have a gut instinct that she likes me, but I could be wrong. - We have gone out once, but it was with her friend, and I brought a wingman, but he doesn't know how to be a Wingman, so that didn't work out the way I wanted it to. Now I've given you the info you need, now here are the things I need advice on: 1) "Q" has asked to quote on quote 'hang out' sometime this summer. Does that mean she just wants to be friends, or does it mean more than that? 2) How should I ask to 'hang out'? Should I just ask over MSN? Or should I ask her for her phone number over MSN, then ask her to 'hang out' over the phone? 3) In regards to the question above, would it be too creepy to ask for her phone number over MSN? 4) What do you think we should do if we 'hang out'? Should we go see a movie, go out for dinner/lunch? Both? Thank you so much for helping out.
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