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Everything posted by CamaroJoe

  1. Don't ask her! Don't do anything. In fact, i wouldn't say 'ignore her' but talk to other women. Flirt with other girls, especially around her and just be yourself. She will start feeling things for you once she sees you don't need her. And when she calls, don't answer every time. Make her wait a few days and then call her back. And next time she tries to kiss you, YOU push HER away and say 'you'd rather not'...this will confuse her to death. She'll be all messed up in the head like she did something wrong. And, assuming you still want this grl, once you see that she's starting to be submissive to you. Then, instead of talking about it, just kiss her and see how she reacts. But make sure when you kiss her, you've confused her into not knowing how you feel about her anymore. Hope you take my advice and it helps you, as I'm sure it will.
  2. This is going to be the best advice you will ever have. You will always have feelings for this girl as long as you keep talking to her. Time heals all things and even in a hundred years, you may still think of her from time to time. But trust me, if you meet someone who blows your mind, you'll never again long for your ex. Also, go out and try to meet women. Just be yourself and have fun. Don't answer everytime she calls and resist the urge to kiss her and hold hands. In fact, tell her you would rather not. And when she asks you 'what's up?' just tell her the truth. You can't go on hanging on the line waiting for her to meet someone else and then tell you to leave her alone. That's what she's probably doing. Some women are sneaky and tricky and once they know they can use you, the will. You just have to be a man and let her know that you can get other women. Once she sees this she'll change her whole attitude towards you. Remember: People, men and women, want what they CAN'T have...a relationship is the most illogical creation. You're THE MAN, use the power bestowed upon you. If anything, just try it. What do you have to lose? ...I mean that seriously. (There are so many fish in the sea that would blow your mind). Hope this helps.
  3. Here is your problem...Girls are attracted to guys who do not treat them as one would define as 'right'. I have no idea why that is, it just it...for example. If a girl is dating a guy who pulls out chairs, opens doors, brings flowers, and does all these nice things, eventually she will get bored; even if the guy is financiallly secure....see 'The Notebook' However, if the guy is fun, regardless of how he treats the girl, she will stay with him....see 'Titanic' Now, a guy who treats a girl like he doesn't really care makes her feel like she needs him. It makes her want him more because she is constantly trying to make him want her. And the guy plays it so that the girl feels she doesn't have him (fully)...Everyone wants what they can't have. So he gives just enough to keep her interested while doing what he can to not seem like a wuss and like he is 'in love'. The best thing for you to do, even though it is hard, is to just ignore him as much as possible. Just live your life. Do what you have to do. And if you have time for him, then fine. Now I'm not saying it will necessarily work on him but if you show that you don't really need him, it may just work in your favor. Just as long as he doesn't have anyon else on the side. Now as far as the strip club goes...that is just a guy thing. please don't get upset over that. think of it this way, when he gets done with it, he will come home and 'want some'...so if you are having sexual problems, this may fix it. Jealousy is a good thing as long as it isn't taken to extremes. if you get jealous, it shows that you actually care for the person. But if you take it too far, it turns into something that willl definitely have ill effects on your relationship. I'm not sure how the lack of communication is, but that is never a good thing. a couple should always be able to talk about anything. maybe you should try talking to him face to face rather than on the phone. start off with, "I'm sure you probably don't believe me, but i don't really care that you go to a strip club. I'm just curious as to why you would want to" (even if the not caring part isn't true)...u two just have to talk.
  4. ok, this is getting serious because it is getting very, EXTREMELY annoying. i am 22, but i look like i'm under 18. Sometimes when i go to a bar or club i don't get carded and sometimes i do. But it seems everytime i go out, someone has to point out the fact that i look so young. For example, last night, i went out and there was a cop at the door. And he told the guy who was taking the cover fee's 'yeah, you better check his I.D.' and I'm like 'ok? Just because i'm not older than dirt, like you, you have to be critical of me?'...then he proceeded to yell at me. it was funny but at the same time irritating. Now, obviously, i don't have a lot of problems with my confidence, but I do get a little shaken up by the 'you look so young' type comments. This especially applies to when I go to flirt with a girl at a bar/club or anywhere outside of work or college for that matter; and they think i'm some little punk kid or something.l Is there anything I can do to avoid this type of stuff? Anyone have any advice that may shapen my attitude or allow me to brush it off more easily? At first, it was easy to brush it off. But when it happens all the time, it just seems to get harder. There just has to be something I can do to be taken more seriously...?
  5. She is from the Phillipeans as she's mentioned before whenever she makes her parents mad, they threaten to send her back. lol I don't know, maybe it is better this way. I mean, when you have a relationshp with someone that isn't strictly plutonic, you run the risk of ruinning that relationship, assuming it doesn't work out. But, still, she's an awesome person.
  6. Let me start off by saying that I met this asian girl about a year or two ago and at first i was all nice to her and she kind of got weird on me. when I asked her why she was avoiding me, she replied "I thought you liked me more than just a friend" So I backed off, didn't talk to her much and pretty much had n/c for a while. Then all of a sudden she called me one day and we chatted and it was cool. Since then, however, we've talked plenty of times. Hung out, I met her parents (I went to church with her one day and her parents invited me over to her house) and afterwards she looked at me all weird and was like "My parents have NEVER invited a guy to our house before." While i was there, i had her entire family laughing and having a good time. Now, everytime I talk to her I pick at her and we're ALWAYS laughing. She tells me i'm mean, with a smile of course and she gets me back too. For example today, we were talking on the phone and she kept stumbling her words and saying the wrong things (she was at walmart and said she wasn't really concentrating) but I was like "talk much?" and I'd mock her. And she said "you're being mean" (laughing of course) "And if you weren't such a good friend I'd" and then i cut her off by saying something kinda cocky. And then she proceeds to ask me if i had to work tomorrow. I told her "no" and then she was like "good, you can come to church with me." What's going on here? But here's my problem... I'd like to date her but her parents don't want her dating anyone who's not a bonified 'christian', and she refers to me as her 'brother'. I was wondering, from anyone with experience with this, if when a female refers to a male with no blood or adoptive relation as her 'brother', is it possible for her mind to change? Is there a hidden signal that I'm not getting? i guess i'm so stuck on her previous "I thought you liked me more than a friend" comments and her ignoring me during that time.
  7. Let me start by saying that i'm a cute, hott guy. And I DO have confidence, i'll talk to anyone. However, i'll be 22 in 17 days but i look like i'm under 18. So when i talk to girls i think they take me as a youn-un and not take me seriously, even when i flirt. I guess my question is what can i do about this? How do i attract people my age or supposedly people older than me? any advice would help. thanx..
  8. Should men be clean shaven on a first date?
  9. So we arrive at the restaurant...would holding her hand be out of the question?
  10. Thanks for the advice. but i do have another question. this one just as lame as the others lol do i let the woman order for herself or do i order for her in the restaurant? I usually let her order. Is that good?
  11. I'm not really 'experienced' with this whole 'dating' thing. Mostly i meet a girl somewhere and then we're together. But I have a potential date this saturday. I say potential because she has tenative plans of going out of town. So i told her i'd call her towards the end of the week. Now, i know this girl from a few years ago. We used to work together. I did take her out once, to the movies. But i then seemed desperate, i think. I came on too strong, i know that. Well, I'm going to consider this a first date thing because i haven't seen her in a few years. My question, should I bring her something? Should I buy her a rose or some other kind of flower? I want to come off as seeing her romantically but not desperate and not in a hurry to start a relationship. ...any ideas? Also, my plan is to take her out to eat, then I want to do something else. But i'm not sure what. Should I take her out to a movie afterwards? I'd rather go out and do something than to bring her home. Just because! Any ideas on what we can do after dinner? Also, one more question if i may...if i get her something, when exactly should i give it to her? when I pick her up? should i pop it out when we get to the restaurant or afterwards? Or when i drop her off? wow........i sound horrible. lol
  12. tackle football, especially if there are girls!!!! trust me, they'd have fun. just don't try to hurt them. lol
  13. Rain? well, you can try something that rain wouldn't spoil. maybe a water park? or a trip to a pool (as long as it's not lightning) or a beach type event. you can still BBQ. Just in a covered area like most screened in pools have an area that is covered by something that is water resistant. Anyone have a place like that? Then you can BBQ and relax to the rain. There is always a positive. How about playing touch/tackle football in the rain? That would be awesome!
  14. well, that is why i put an 'and' in there instead of an 'or'...must be both or just a wet vagina, but how often does your vagina get wet without your nipples being hard?
  15. Have you ever felt like giving up? When the purpose of life has vanished? When life has no meaning? When nothing you do seems to be satisfying? Motivation is lacking and the point starts to fade? How do you overcome this? How can one rebound from an overwhelming feeling of not so much self pitty but more so the undeniable and unbearable attack of boredom and hammering question of 'why?' Has anyone felt like giving up on themselves? on love? on...life? What do you do to avoid succumbing to the ever relunctant feeling of helplessness? Not so much driven to the point of suicidal thoughts but just giving up on dreams and trying to be someone. Whether this is brought on by sheer boredom, lack of love and companionship, or things just becoming too hard............what do you do?
  16. EXCERSIZE! I swear to you it will work mircacles...Go outside in the hottest weather, the more the sun beats down on you the more exhausted you will fill. When you are outside just excersize like crazy. Swimming, biking, basketball, run, just do so much that you are so exhausted that you can't stand it. Then stay up until night time and then go to bed. If you do this for two days, you will be sleeping better. In a week you will definitely develop a better sleeping habit. Do not use any sleep aid until u try the excersize thing. The same thing happened to me. When i first moved to GA a few years ago before moving back to here, i did nothing but chat online all day and watch movies and sleep. And eventually i got to where i couldn't sleep. So i started to get freaked out. Then i started to go outside for hours at a time and just play basketball. I loved the sport so i could do it all day if i wanted. And It helped tremendously. I started sleeping wonderfully... now after a week, if you're not sleeping better then try Excedrine PM. But don't take it in successional days. Take it a night, then see if you can sleep the next night. Then take it again. But for now longer than a week. If all this doesn't help, i'd recommend seeing a sleep therapist. If you need anymore info, pm me.
  17. Is is possible to be addicted to masturbating? If so, how would one stop without seeing someone about it?
  18. everything is helpful...see, this is actually the first year that i've actually been out with a lot of girls. The girl i was with for 3.5 years, then a year after she and i broke up i started dating someone else. it lasted about 2-3 months. Then i waited another year and now i'm just dating around to meet knew people. But I don't sleep with every girl i take out. In fact i've only slept with 2 people in the past 3 years and only 1 before that. So it's not like I take a girl out and then sleep with her. Sometimes i feel like i want a relationship and sometimes i feel like i don't. I want the freedom but i also what someone to be there for me, ya know? And this last girl i was talking to, the younger one, omg, we got along so great. We had almost everything in common. Not everything cuz that would be boring. But we talked about everything. Life, Love, Philosophy stuff, Religion, etc... but oh well, i guess it want' meant to be, right? but yeah, i'm not really sure what to do now. I've done the waiting thing and every girl i hook up with that way, no offense, ends up being a wh***. But then when i pursue them other stuff happens. It's weird. Maybe i just haven't met the right person yet??
  19. you're 21, she's your mother, she'll forgive you. plus, she may even respect you more for making your own decision. plus if she already told you you can get it after the wedding then go for it. And I think it looks good, myself. A small diamond or something.
  20. ok, let me give some insight on my last few relationships or potential relationships and maybe this will shed more light on my situation and maybe get me some more advice. But all advice so far is awesome!! I am always myself. I look at myself as spontaneous yet stable. I know my boundries and i know what i want in life and i get it no matter what. With exception of continued relationsips, obviously lol...and as you can see, i CAN laugh at myself. ok, lets see...my ex and i broke up and i persued this girl. Now i wasn't really experience with dating and all. So i know i came on too strong to this girl. i admit i totally messed that up. but she was so hott to me, but it probably wasn't going to last anyway. After that i dated this girl who worked with me. She was the one flirting with me and trying to get my attention (same with the girl i dated for 3.5 years). Even at the beginning she said "this probably isn't going to last more than 2 months". i though she was joking but coincidentally it was true. I mean this girl told me that I was the first person she ever masturbated to. That was flattering. But one day she quit the job and then started getting into more drugs and going out and partying and then i guess she lost interest in me. We were seeing less of eachother also. Now after her i met this other girl at my job and i just wanted to be friends with her. But we ended up sleeping together. It was all her again. And afterwards i guess it was mutual that we didn't date. But she told me i was a good looking guy and blah blah but never really gave me a true reason why she wouldn't date me. But i did come at a bad time cuz she was still getting over her ex. And now my most recent girl. We started talking. She quite a bit younger than me. we'd go out, made out, nothing more than that. But one day i met her mom and we all got along. But the next day she came to work all pissed and said it was the worst day of her life and blah blah. And told me that her mom said i was too old for her. But she would continue to flirt and all that. And then one day that all stopped. And when inquired about it she simply replied "I don't think it is like that anymore. All i can say is that you shouldn't like me because you're not supposed to" .....so, am i going after the wrong girls? .....they all keepin touch with me, they all, i assume, still want to talk to me or be my friend cuz they still call and i still see them. Any more advice??
  21. ok, i don't have a problem wtih confidence. I know i'm a good looking guy, even though i am short in height (major problem and the only downfall in appearance). Well, it seems i can pretty much get any girl interested in talking to me. It is easy for me to get #'s and to get a girl to go out with me. But since my ex and I broke up after about 3.5 years of dating (this was almost 2 years ago), i haven't been able to keep a girl interested for more than 2 months. i do not understand it. My single friends have problems talking to girls or getting #'s or flirting and all that. Me, i can get any girl to laugh any time and to enjoy being around me. I just be myself. And I flirt. But if and when my friends hook up with someone, it usually lasts more than 2 months. Me? unfortunately not. I wish i could provide more information so that i could get some advice but i don't really know what i'm asking. i guess i'm asking how to keep a girl intersted?
  22. No, i'm sure when she turns 18, she can do whatever she wants. Plus she'd be an adult and the only way her mom would have any say in her life is if she still lives with her and her mom uses the "if you live in my house, you follow my ruls" line. But then again, her mom is like her best friend. They talk about everything. But the girl did say that her mom doesn't have anything personal against me, it's just the age thing. But ya never know... And of course I can wait. I'm not the type of person who dates someone just to be with someone. If I date someone it's because I like them and I want to, at least try, a long term thing. And I wouldn't expect her to wait either. She's young and still has a lot to look forward to. Even though it'd be kinda hurtful to see her with someone else it's still not my place to say otherwise. I guess we'll just see how it plays out. There are plenty of women out there, but for some reason she and I just click. The main thing i'm confused about is why she all of a sudden stopped flirting with me. Is it she's trying to avoid any type of a romantic/intimate relationship? Or is she beginning to put me into her 'just friends' category, or what?
  23. Great, now I have to comdemn myself lol...I'm kinda used to the criticism though. But before I do so, please be assured that I do know my place and can respect her mom's feelings and decisions. But you can't help who you like. It's funny how people always think she is older and people think i'm younger. Also, I THOUGHT you had to be 18 to work at a hospital, at least that's what they told me. But i guess if you have connections, there are always loop holes. She is 16, 17 in Sept. Not that that matters lol. And i'm 21, 22 in November. Not that that matters either. 5 years? Sounds horrible now, but if she were 18 (which i know she's not so lets not be too harsh here), would it really sound that bad? well, there ya go...21 and 16.
  24. Let me precede this by saying i've been single for over a year now. A year since April. I've met plenty of women, been on dates, had cuddling moments, kissing, etc...heh. But no real commitments. I haven't met someone who just blew my mind. well, that was until a month or two ago. This girl is smart, sweet, goofy, cute, honest, sarcastic, serious, etc...and she knows exactly when to be what, with me. And i'm the same with her. It seems i can make her laugh anytime. n e way, i met her mom and her mom, out of the blue one day, told her i was too old for her. i can totally respect that. So we decided we'd just be friends and what not and she even kinda dated someone. but she would always flirt with me and try to contact me either by calling or text messaging. She would still kiss me. But then one day she decided she couldn't do that anymore. So i promised her i wouldn't kiss her anymore and I haven't. but her not contacting me anymore made me feel kinda bad in a way. So i decided i'd test to see if she even still liked me. So one night when we were walking to our cars i grabbed her hand to hold it. She actually grabbed mine back (surprisingly). But then told me i was going to get her in trouble. So then i said "well, you can let go if you want"...she waited a minute and then jerked her hand away. She still calls me at lunch to eat with her on the days she works, and waits for me so we can walk in together and calls me when she leaves (she leaves before I do) so i can walk her out to her car. it's just all kinda strange. i've never been in this situation and i don't really know how to feel about it. Or what she's trying to tell me. If it's she just doesn't want to get in trouble so she's going to avoid me except to eat with me and walk to and from work with me? Or maybe she's changed her mind? if anyone can shed any light her her tactics, please help me out. it sucks cuz she is young but everyone i meet now just makes me think of her. it's like when you meet someone so awesome you have no choice but to compare everyone you meet to that person. I feel very alone. ps... Even though i am older than her, i look like i'm her age. Everyone i meet thinks i'm her age. It's so freakin' depressing!!!!!!!! pss... One more note, before when i would flirt with her, she'd flirt back. She'd say she misses me. I'd say stuff that would almost make her cry, as if she was the only woman on earth. Then she began to do that with me, tryin' to make me feel...special, i guess that's a good word for it. But now when i say stuff she kinda acts like it was never said. It's usually in a text message because when we are talking, we're usually in too deep of a conversation to say stuff like that or we're talking about something really serious.
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