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Everything posted by CamaroJoe

  1. ok, i feel a little better... ok, i just want to now what the *beep* is wrong with me. I was with this girl for 3.5 years and we broke up like 2 years ago and ever since then i've been alone and lonely and can't seem to find a nice girl anywhere, at least keeping them. But I dated this girl for about 2 months and it didn't work out and she moved way up north. Then I met this other girl at the hospital we talked, got freaky but we decided to just be friends. Then i met another girl at work (hospital), she flirted like crazy gave hints like telling me how gorgeous or cute i was and once said something about getting me drunk and taking advantage of me. But she was just a big flirt cuz i found out later that she wasn't interested in dating me...something about "maybe later" but *beep* that! That's kinda rude to say something like that but whatever. So recently i met this other girl at work lol....the hospital is pretty big. And this is the first time i've let a girl get close to me in over a year. We talked for about two weeks, made out, little stuff like that. I met her mom and blah blah. Then like two days after imet her mom, she told her that I was too old for her and that she needed to stop dating older men. She has a history of this i guess. So that's how that ended. But it's like i can get numbers and dates and what not but it hardly ever goes any further than that. They say i'm attractive, fun, and an awesome person but then there's this lame *beep* excuse about why they won't date me or someone else comes between us. i'm about ready to just give up and start doing what I used to do. Run with every chick i see. I just don't understand why when i finally decide to set a committment with someone, something happens. I'm not conceded but i'm not a lil' girlie guy either. I think i'm too nice to girls. I was talking to one of my chick friends and she said i' need to start being an A-hole to girls to get 'em....anyone have any advice or just any thoughts on my situation or what i can do to change my fate? I'm so sick of getting all kinds of numbers and talking to all these girls and never really having a relationship. If no one has anything to say, thanx for lisetning anyway...
  2. i appreciate it man. btw, Metallica is awesome! So is Disturbed and Mudvayne. So should i call her tonight? she gets off work late. i'ma probably be drunk though. i don't think she'd be able to tell or care either way though.
  3. just my own stupidity. i had a chance one day at her house, but her dad was home and he kept coming in sporatically and i didn't want him to walk in on us. I'm not scared to kiss her, i seriously don't know what it is. It's dumb. Then today, when she was leaving for work, she was in her car and that's when she was like "i need to tell you more about" the other guy's name. and that she tells him all about me also. And it kinda turned my stomach and i couldn't kiss her ...but as i was closing the door she kissed at me. like my title says: i'm lame. i can admit it.
  4. omg, I know for a fact this girl is interested in me and i'm very interested in her. but i like, put off making any type of move on her. I don't know what my problem is. I'm not scard to make the move but i just don't do it. I'll have the perfect oportunities to kiss her and i never take advantage of it. And now, today, she told me about this other guy. And how she needs to tell me more about him (this is after she was lying on the couch with me and holding my hand and all) and she said she tells him all about me. And I asked "like what?" and she goes "how adorable i am" and "that i'm nice" etc...And i'm like woa..lol then, beforehand actually, she asked if it was ok if this dude went with us to a theme park next weekend and she also invited her sister and her husband. I said i didn't care. See, i dont' want to seem like the type of person that makes it where she can't have friends. yet, this kinda bothers me. i don't know if she was just telling me cuz he's a friend or what...and why would she be holding my hand and flirting if she was interested in him. And if she was intersted in both of us, why then would she tell eachother about the other and then invited us both out? i'm just so freakin' confused. n e advice?
  5. no i don't know her favorite flower, but i'm sure if she got something that looked exotic or that it took me a long time to find, she'd love it regardless. Plus she should love it cuz it's coming from me anyway lol The sand, i dont think you'd need to worry about that until afterward 8) But if you are worried about it, then we can just skinny dip real quick before we leave. Then we can go home and take a warm soapy bath together.
  6. ok, this didnt work out the way i'd hoped lol.... Well, I know she likes sea food and she said she goes to the beach occasionally. So here's my scenario: i get her a small bouqet of exotic flowers, hopefully, if possible, extremely unique and rare. Pick her up at around 4pm (it gets dark around 7:30pm or 8pm). We go to The Oyester Bar which is near the beach. Lets say we get done eatig around 6 or 6:30pm. Then we'd take a walk along the shoreline at the beach and watch the sunset and talk. Then have romantic sex on the beach near the water and hope we don't get caught (to heighten the excitement) heh... naw, i'm kidding about the sex thing...or am I? heh *it'll depend on the situation* 8) How's that?
  7. At least she had the decency to call me. Plus she said she hadn't seen her sister in a long time so, I didn't really mind. And she implied that this wouldn't be out only date anyway by saying she's sorry for cancelling on the first time. I don't hold grudges like that.
  8. I was supposed to go on a date last weekend or was the weekend before that? I forget exactly when but she cancelled on me 2 hours before hand saying she wanted to do something with her sister cuz she hadn't seen her in forever. Well, I was talking to her last night, and we've hung out some since then but never had a 'formal' date. And I told her last night that she needed to let me take her out and she couldn't cancel this time lol ...and of course she agreed. Well, I just wanted some opinions. Especially from girls but i'll take a guys perspective as well. I need some 'Perfect Date' scenarios. And I know everyone is different so the more 'Perfect Dates' posted, the better 8)
  9. It won't happen. He's eating plenty of foods to replenish anything that the water will flush out. And trust me, your body will absorb enough electrolytes before the water even gets a chance to flush it. Body builders drink up to 3 gallons of water a day. Actually, if your up for a 14 hour day, 8am till 10pm, then a gallon of water is nothing. That's easily done and won't do anything bad for you. Although too much water, like 3 gallons in an hour or two will actually kill you.
  10. Generally, for breakfast, i'll either just drink a protein shake. They don't taste great, but it's not too horrible either. Or i'll have eggs, but eggs have a lot of cholesterol and stuff you don't want. But it's ok to eat them in moderation. Then i try to eat every three hours after that. Something small like a portion of chicken. Just buy some chicken, cook it, then keep it throughout the day. You can eat it cold or heat it up later. Fish is really healthy. You just want as much protein as you can get while trying to minimize the fat intake. But remember, your body can only absorb so much at one time anyway. That's another good thing about eating frequently (every 3 hours is the best method) because you're constantly fueling your body with energy and so your body has no reason to store fat as energy for later. link removed this is a great site. It is where i found out about eating the smaller meals. It worked wonders for me while i was on the diet and working out. I had so much energy. But I rested a lot too. This site will give you all the information you need. Also try link removed if you're looking for working out to get bigger rather than just for your health. But like i said before, if you eat alot, Water is the most important thing. I flushes your system. It gets rid of waste. If you pee yellow, it means you need water. Yellow is the biliruben that you urinate and it comes from when your red blood cells die. If you ever go out drinking, notice how when you wake up in the morning you feel like crap and you urinate a dark yellow to orange color? it's because you are dehydrated. Everything you drink that isn't water dehydrates you. Tea, Coke, Coffee (the worst thing you can drink, quit asap!...actually, anything with caffeine). Now that doesn't mean you can't drink coke or tea, but do it moderately. Just check out those sites. It should provide you with everything you need.
  11. one more thing, you should also change your workout habits. Instead of working upper body one day then lower body the next (both are HUGE muscle groups to be working on in a single day). you should try only working out two mucle groups a day. i.e. Chest and Triceps (since triceps are worked out anyway when you do chest)...Then the next day do Shoulders and Traps (maybe back, if you do that)...Then the next do Biceps, ForeArms and anything else in the upper body you want to work out, i.e. Abs...Then do Legs by themselves. That's 4 days out of 7 that you'll be working out. And since you can concentrate more on a single muscle group, it'll actually help better than working them all at once. Remember, when you work out, you rip your muscles and you need rest and protein to build them back up. But if every muscle in your body is ripped, it will take a lot longer to heal than if it were just one or two mucle groups.
  12. If you are working out, you NEED to eat. If you don't eat, you're burning your muscles and you'll actually lose muscle mass and energy. Actually, when you workout, it's supposed to supply you with energy. Maybe not at first, but you're body gets used to the rigorous life and you should have a lot more energy. Also, if you are working out, fighting, and working (job), and you are constantly on the move, make sure you drink LOTS of water... Don't drink anything else. Water is the most amazing thing on this planet. It also supplies you with lots of energy. One may argue that you should drink other stuff for electrolytes, etc....but you get those from your food. i.e. Sodium, Potassium, etc... in fact, i just started working out again myself, two weeks ago, I dirnk at least a gallon of water a day, you'll have to go to the bathroom alot, but it's amazing how it helps. Also, you should try eating smaller meals. Like 6-8 small meals. It may help i you can eat when you get up, eat before a workout, after a workout, just before work, eat every 3 hours at work, and before you go to bed. Just eat smaller meals, don't fill yourself up. And make sure it has lots of protein. And yes, suppliments, one a days, they will help tremendously. Because sometimes you dont' get adequate vitamins from your food intake. And yes, you need them. Also, i'd recommend supplimenting a meal with a protein shake. Probably best to do it as a breakfast thing. It helps a lot when you don't have time to cook. Hope this helps...........
  13. This girl i've been talking to, I met her about 3 weeks ago (officially). Well, since then she got into a car accident and totalled her car. Well i'd give her rides to school whenever she needed them (if she was going to school on the same day and time as me). And I'd give her rides to work because she works in the same place and shift. It's a hospital so we don't really work together. She's on the 5th floor and i'm on the 1st. But see, it seems she only calls me when she needs a ride or when she needs to use my computer because she doesn't have one. But then we were talking, i think yesterday, and I told her i needed to get my wisdom teeth pulled and she said she'd give me a ride (whenever she gets a car) because i'd probably be all drowsy and wouldn't be able to drive. And when I go to her floor, i have to go to every floor every night to pick stuff up, she welcomes me with the biggest smile and is always talking to me sweet. I've been to her dad's and mom's house, we did kinda cuddle for a little. And yesterday, we went to breakfast and she was telling me how adorable i look and how cute i was. And we were talking about something, i think like drinking or getting drunk, and she said something about her getting me drunk and taking advantage of me. And I flirt back too, don't worry lol...but I just want to know if she's using me and is just being sweet because of that. Even though, before her accident, we flirted a little and talked and all that. Anyone know anything about this sort of thing?
  14. Next time you see her looking at you and she looks away, you look away for a minute then look back at her and if she's looking, smile at her. Not real big but give a slight smile and see what she does. Usually a girl will look away if she likes you and if you smile at her she should smile back and look away too. A good way to start a conversation is if you have a class with her. Maybe pretend like you don't understand something and let her explain it to you...If you don't have her in a class now, the next time you see her, go up to her (do not procrastonate) and say something like "weren't you in my " " class?" and if she responds with "yes" then just talk to her about anything cuz she remembers you. If she says "i'm not sure" or "i don't know" or "probably", then just be like "yeah, i remember you. you were in there." then proceed to maybe ask her what kind of classes she's taking now, etc...once you get her talking to you, it usually just flows. g'luck.
  15. quick note: she got into a car accident and totalled her car and her neck and chin got a bad burn from the air bag. in the card i wrote: "Happy Valentines... It's been cool getting to know you. and I hope to get to know you better. You said you don't receive stuff on Valentines day, so i just wanted to give you something to show that I appreciate you and that I enjoy the time we spend together even though we haven't known each other that long. And don't worry about a thing. Everything works out. You'll be driving again and healed up in no time. Love, Joe" soung good? I need some honest opinions.
  16. I have this girl i'm interested in. And I went to her house yesterday to do some math homework stuff and I ended up staying there from noon till 11:30 pm. But I do like her more than a friend. When we were lying on the couch she would put her legs over me and we'd talk. But when her dad walked in she sat up kinda fast and later she said that she just did not want to disrespect him. Then later when we were walking in walmart she said that she hated v-day cuz she didnt have a b/f and when she did have one they never got her anything anyway. And when i left, she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. (She's latina-type and I'm not sure if she just did that for the custom or what).But I did kiss her back, on the cheek. But I got her this card and i don't really know what to say on it. I don't want to be too romantic-like but i don't want to put off like i just want to be friends either....anyone have any good ideas of what to write?
  17. Don't want you back - Eamon Anytime - Brian McKnight Break Down - Krayzie Bone and Mariah Carey The Dance - Garth Brooks End of the Road - Boys II Men Hard To Say I'm Sorry - Chicago If You'r Gone - Matchbox 20 I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston Neon Moon - Brooks n' Dunn One More Day - Diamond Rio One Sweet Day - Mariah Carey Unforgiven I and II - Metallica While You Loved Me - Rascal Flatts You Oughta Know - Alanis Morrisette Not a break up song but would let the anger out Conflict - Disturbed
  18. If you can reach, or if you are comfortable with someone, just have shaved and then try using Nair...shaving will last like 1-3 days but if u Nair it, it usually last 3-5 days. or you can wax it too. Or if you have $$, you can get laser surgery to burn the roots. But that would be expensive and probably even more painful than waxing. But I'm not sure. I'm not really an expert.
  19. it would be better if you asked her out again. Like to the movies or out to dinner or both or just something like that rather than asking her to be your g/f. That usually goes without saying. Unless all my relationships are weird lol If you hang out enough and you're together enough and you're 'dating' and all that and if saying "Will you be my girlfriend?" is too blunt and will make you feel weird, then maybe you could ask "What are we?" or "How do you feel about us?" or something those lines. Anything that you want to say that will make you nervous, could easily be substituted by something that is easier to say.
  20. You can't be nervous! Trust me, a girl can tell and they don't like it. It's weird. And I know it's hard to not get nervous, you just do. And no matter what anyone tells you dude, guys GET nervous. Just some know how to not show it. 8) Next time, since you've got the first one out of the way. Take it slower. Kiss her lips, hold it there for like half a second. Pull away, then do it again and this time open your mouth and if she's receiving, she'll open hers too and there you go. You, obviously, don't have to go all the way with it, but at least it will help clarify things for you. but, seriously, if she kissed you back and if she cuddles with you, i'm sure she likes you. and if she didn't she'll tell you.
  21. if i go only one day without eating, not even a whole day, i'll get a headache, feel week, tired, sleepy, hungry...it's weird. I have to eat ALL the time!
  22. Well, you've been out with her on a few dates already right? or just hanging out or whatever you did. So one sure way to find out if she likes you (and PLEASE do NOT ask her!!!!)...is to try to kiss her. Next time you cuddle with her, it will be the perfect time. Lying there, talking, then just kiss her. If you don't feel confortable going straight for the lips, kiss her on the cheek and pull away and see her reaction. If she looks at you and you see her facial expression is good, then go for the lips. Good expressions: any smile, blank look, starring into your eyes...Bad expressions: well, you should know what those are lol. g'luck!
  23. This question is for all the lovely ladies. Please, every woman respond to this. I know everyone has an opinion, so please feel free to voice it. I know every woman is different and prefer different things. But I just wanted to know what women find sexy in a man. I.E. Cloths? Hair Style? What physical characteristics are most attractive? I.E. eyes, smile, complexion, etc.. And what emotional and mental characteristics are most attractive? I.E. confidence, assertiveness, aggressiveness, kindness, etc... For example, how, when you look at someone, are you initially attracted to that person? Even before they speak. Just by the way they walk into a room or the way they are sitting in a chair, etc... And for my other question. If a guy comes up to you, and compliments you, whether you know him or not, how would be the best way to do that without making you feel uncomfortable? How much is too much? If a guy approached you, what would be the best thing for him to say? How should he act when he talks to you? Should he be touchy with you? (not sexually of course). In other words, how should they show they like you without seeming...obsessive-like? Anything would be very helpful and i'm sure a lot of guys would get a lot out of this. So please, even if it is very subtle, respond to some of these questions. You never know who you may help. 8)
  24. a lot of times people play the game where they pretend like they don't care and that they are doing good to get someone they want or to get someone back. Also, if she sees you with other chicks, she'll see you're kinda popular and other girls want you, and they may eventually make her want you too. It's all psychosomatic. this doesn't mean that this applies to her, but it may. g'luck with her though.
  25. It's because girls love sex. Well, if the person they had it with was good. "once you pop the top, you can't stop" - Quote from a girl.
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