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Everything posted by xblondyx

  1. I cant turn up at his place though because he's moved 4 hours away for university =[ I know he's not doing this on purpose, but its really making me feel down
  2. I'm just gonna jump straight into it. I'm really unhappy at the moment, not with my life or anything just with my so called boyfriend. I mean, I love him to bits, he's lovely but recently it's just gone...stale. I hardly ever get to talk to him =[ Like last night, he text me a few times then said Hi on MSN then he just went, no reply texts or anything. I texted once, maybe twice and thought, whats the point? Then this morning I got a text at about 9am saying things along the line of "I always go out when I say I wont now I'm ill and my girlfriend hates me". I was like "ermm what? I dont hate you, I understand you've got a life I just miss you". Then I got nothing...He's been online talking to everyone except me :S I left him a message on myspace, I got no answer yet he was replying to all of his other friends =[ Then, I just tried to ring him to tell him something, and he's switched his phone off! So that makes it about 2 full days where I haven't had a conversation with him. Am I over reacting? You'd expect, when you are in a relationship, to talk to your loved one at least once a day!! When I was with my ex I heard from him at lest every hour, just a little text or a smile when I seen him. I get nothing now. Yet when we do have proper conversations, he can be lovely, he is really caring, makes me laugh and makes me feel comfortable. He says he really loves me and doesn't want to be with anyone else, that he's always thinking about me. Yet...what's going on? Im so confused, upset and missing him, yet I'm angry that he's not bothering with me! I really dunno what to do =[ i love him to bits, don't wanna lose him but i'm not happy, and i've told him but he's just ignoring me and turning his phone off. I don't wanna let him go 'cos it would hurt even more than this but I need to make him see that he's not treating me right =[ Any ideas on what I should do?? I'm desperate! Thanks
  3. Been together a while, on and off because of the move! He doesnt normally act lke this hardly ever asks for pictures He is normally lovely to me all of the time even if I say no or be nasty to him!
  4. Hey people. Just a small question about my relationship with my boyfriend (long distance relationship). OK, so, on Sunda morning he text me as usual, but then he got kinda grumpy because I wouldn't send him a "dirty picture". I didn't want to so I tol him. Then he hasn't bothered with me since. I text him a few times and rang him once but he just hasn't bothered. Am I reading too much into this? Or is he just after one thing and ignoring me because I won't give him it? *Sigh* Input would be great!!
  5. Thats awful. Why are such young lives taken its unfair.
  6. That is absolutely awful such a young life to take away. She'll be in heaven now. Rest in peace Leah, I didn't know you but I am deeply saddened.
  7. Arghh I dunno whether its cos ive been alone in the house all day or whether im just being completely stupid but I can't get my ex off my mind even though I have an amazing boyfriend!! The reason why he is on my mind is because he re-added me to MSN and started talking to me the other night, so I thought, Ok, he's trying to be civil, i'll re-add him. So I did, and now I'm regretting it. Everytime he logs on I feel unhappy, instantly down. He seems to be so happy without me in his life (just as a friend), getting on with everything, starting uni, moving into his own flat. The flat I was meant to be sharing with him if I went to uni. And arghh it's just started to hurt me again! It shouldn't, I got my closure and got over him ages ago but now he's there, online on my contact list and I can't bring myself to delete him. Someone, please motivate me to delete him. I want to, but I cant. I sat and looked at his photos before, Ok, I am DEFO over him as I dont find him attractive AT ALL anymore but why can't I delete him? He's gotton into my head again. This totally isn't fair on my boyfriend, i luv him to bits but I think I still care a bit for my ex, well of course I do he meant a lot to me but I shouldn't be like this. PLEASE HELP
  8. This is very annoying. Ok, so, the bf lives quite far away so I don't get to see him that much, especially since he's just started university. So, on MSN today he was on and I said hi and he said he was sorry but he was going out and that he would text me in a few mins. So he went, that was fine. So, now, 10 hours later and I still haven't received a text. I've text him once..no twice and thats it. Its so annoying as we argued about this the other day, I was saying that he wasn't trying with me and he promised to talk to me (text me) at least once a day. I miss him loads and want him to text me it's not like he's got no credit on his phone as he is on a contract...and he could spare a few minutes out of his busy schedule to text someone he's meant to love Just a rant there.....
  9. I know he's not busy, doesn't start Uni til next week plus he was online and talking to people I know and then they asked if I had spoken to him and I said know. Hmm more information? We met through a mutual friend when I went to visit, just clicked, got together but then since it was a long distance relationship we kinda grew apart then I met someone up here and it meant that I was able to get out and hang out with him rather than sitting in waiting for the l-d guy to phone. So then we didn't speak for a while but then started talking again and got closer and he told me he never lost his feelings for me and that it was all me who got bored in the relationship - I still care about him, never stopped I just found being in a LDR rather hard. I'm willing to try again if he starts trying......
  10. Stay strong...NC is hard but you can get through it!
  11. Seems as though he's completely messing you around. Ok, you broke up, then he obviously was bored and missed the kissing and stuff so he hooked up with you - doesn't want to be in a relationship, just wants fun but gets jealous when you get a guy's number? Maybe its the case that he doesn't want you but doesn't want anyone else to have you either? I say do NC for a while then if he really is sorry and wants to be with you he will have time to think this over. If not then keep well away, he's messing you around and you deserve better!
  12. This is my ex ex. Not my ex. He sucks lol so no need to worry about that Well, my ex ex and I have recently gotton closer (more info...it was a long distance relationship, didn't work out very well as I missed him too much and felt as if I was missing out). Anyway, the other day he text me with a long sweet message saying he loved him. I think I still feel something for him but I would need to see him before I made a decision. So, i replied saying I wanted to get to know him again so could we keep texting and he said yeah of course and we texted all that night. The next morning I text him and he didn't reply at all. Now he texts me like once every few days just being friendly not seeming like he loves me etc even though he told me that everything he said in the text was true. Now I'm all confused I was starting to get feelings back for him but now he's kinda giving me mixed messages and I don't understand Anyone got a clue?
  13. Life is good at the mo apart from a few silly little things which I let get to me wayyy to much and then it just takes over my brain and annoys me so I'm ranting to get it out of my system! First of all, my ex ex. Argh. I try so hard with him. He tells me he still loves me and we get along great and chat for weeks and months. Then I text him and he doesn't reply. I wait and wait and never get an answer. And then when I get bored, I randomly text him to which he NEVER replied. It annoys me. WHY am I trying so hard? I think 'if he still wants me he would reply' so he obviously doesn't. Grrr I need to stop reading into things and trying so hard with people cos they never try back! Another thing is a friend. We haven't spoken much since May (leaving school) but in this past month or so we have been talking online and building our friendship back up a little bit. We are best mates anymore but we are still friends. Then I find that she's lying to me. Saying she's ill so she won't come out while all the time she's fine and planned a big night out with everyone (apart from me and my 2 best mates!) eugh girls are * * * * *es!!! Finally, my boss she's such a stress head. Been off for 3 weeks and she's just gotton all uptight and likes her letters folded in a certain way and goes crazy if you do one little thing wrong. The way she talks to me and looks at me makes me feel so stupid and small hmmm....duno what I can do about it though, anyone got any ideas? Sorry for the rant, I can't bottle things up anymore but have no-one to talk to so you lot get the rant xx
  14. I've been in exactly the same situation as you are in. It suck, I feel for you. But you don't deserve this, he's just using you!! You shouldn't let him, also, if he's sleeping with other people and you, you could catch something. No no. Keep away! I know it's hard but if he invites you out say no. Go into NC. I know you see him at the gym but IGNORE HIM. It may be hard but it will do you the world of good. Plus your young, you have many more experiences to go through in your life (just like me) don't waste it on this guy, your worth better!
  15. Go for it. You don't talk to your ex anymore so basically it's over - if you don't speak to her it will help you get over her which means you won't still be madly in love with her. Why give up a chance to be happy and sit being unhappy over someone who you don't even speak to anymore!?
  16. Seen one. She put me on the pill then I'm getting arracutaine or something if the pill doesn't work. Thanks for ya help put my mind at rest a bit
  17. You're doin good! You've stuck to NC, it does wonders for you. I didn't stick to NC and I got stuck in a rut, but now I'm back in NC I'm happier. The phases of love and hate are normal, it always happens, Stick to it!!
  18. Seems as though she's playing you a bit. If uou want to take a step-back, tell her, explain why and see if she cuts what she's doing out which will proove that she really wants to be with you!
  19. I've taken a Piriteze tablet which is an allergy tablet and the rash on my arms and legs has gone, but it's still on my stomach and neck. I was planning on wearing white 3/4 length trousers, do ya think this is ok since my rash has gone down? I was planning on convering my stomach anyway and wearing my hair down so thats ok My spots on my face are still bad though my mum tried to cover them for me, she did a better job than I did but they still look awful. Hmm it always happens when you are going out!!!
  20. Goodness, it's only 11:36am and I'm complaining already!!! Well, tonight should be a good night, paid quite a bit of money for a ticket for this club crawl thing with all of my friends since it's bank holiday and I don't have work tomorrow. The problem is: 1. I've had a HUGE break out of spots of my face so it's all red and huge spots all over which won't cover 2. It's my time of month so I'm going to be uncomfortable 3. I've had an allergic reaction to something (don't know what, I've not used anything different) and I have a rash which is on my neck, my stomach and abit on my arms and legs. I just don't know what to do!! I HAVE to go tonight because it cost LOADS and I won't be able to get a refund. But I jus look so ergh. Anyone got any ideas of how to get the redness away from my face or something I can use to cover the spots well (they are BAD), or anything to calm my rash down. It's really making me unhappy 'cos I was so excited for tonight and now I'm not
  21. With my most recent ex, we were friends for 6 years before we got together, things didnt work out, we did stay friends but are no longer friends now. On the other hand, a guy I met through a friend who i dated for a while are still really good friends It just depends on the break up I guess.
  22. Hehe thanks people I'm so happy (for now anyway), not gonna let him get me down anymore!
  23. Heyyy I am one of the happiest girls ever today I am FINALLY over him. I hope ya all are proud 'cos I am! It just hit me last night. I was out i town clubbing with my mates for 2 of my friends 18th birthdays and he was in town with his friends and he walked passed me a few times but I just ignored him and then I got into the club an he text me saying "I wish you weren't in town, you shouldn't be, I'm sick of seeing you just stop following me!" I was sooo annoyed because he KNEW I was out in town for birthdays and he told me he was away for rugby. So I replied saying "Well 1. I have as much right to be there as you do 2. You knew I was in town and 3. Don't you dare speak to me like that just leave me alone." I then deleted his number out of my phone and just forgot him and had a really good night!! I deserve better. He can't rule my life, I can go where I want when I want and it's got nothing to do with him! He is unbelivable!! Then he text me this morning saying "Sorry I was just annoyed to see you everywhere I went lol", I just deleted it and didn't reply. It feels like I'm free. He can't do anything to me anymore and after that last night it's made me lose any feelings that I had left for him I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Hey ya'll hope everyone's ok. Just another venting post here 'cos im not having a very good week in relation to my ex. I know that i shouldust forget him and move on but it's hard 'cos we are friends because our parents are friends. I was over at his on Sunday (big mistake, I know) and yeah he tried it on. The thing is, he got inside my head so I did end up in bed with him. We didn't have sex fully. He entered me but I haven't had sex for ages and it hurt. So he stopped. But then i felt used. He said I shouldn't feel used 'cos he didn't make me do anything that I didn't want to and didn't force me to have sex with him after I said no. I guess that's true. But this week he's being weird with me. He normally texts me loads everyday just being all friendly and talkative and I have hardly heard from him this week and when I do hear from him he was all snappy (he said he was stressed 'cos we get our exam results soon) and just does stupid 1 word replies like he doesn't wanna speak to me. But if I ever do 1 word replies to him he kicks off saying i'm annoyed at him when i'm not. Also, he normally phones me after work and he's just not bothering anymore. When I do hear from him he's abrupt like he doesn't wanna talk to me so I end up feeling bad and leaving him to whatever he's doing. WHY do I let him get to me like this? We are friends, we will be for a long time but he keeps getting inside my head and me up. He's like the sweetest guy ever when he's in a good mood but this week he's just being distant and snappy and it's getting me down when it shouldn't. Argh
  25. Next time you phone her why don't yo arrange a time to go out so that you can get to know her face to face. Over the phone sucks. Do it one on one and it may be a little better. Other than that hmm ask how she is and how her day has been then expand on that. I dunno. Me and my ex just talk about rubbish and tease each other.
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