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Steven Robinson

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Everything posted by Steven Robinson

  1. Strength begets strength. How many times have you heard that phrase as an encouragement to keep going, even when the path ahead seems long and hard? But what if strength itself was something that was hard to come by? What if you feel not only depleted of resolve and power, but also weighed down by the knowledge that those around you don’t truly respect or esteem you? The truth is, seeking the approval of others to feel worthy and respected can be a heavy load to carry. We can put off building that strength until we’ve “proven” ourselves and earned respect from important people in our lives. But, actually, the opposite is true—nothing builds true strength like giving yourself permission to simply be who you are and own your life. This is where self-esteem and respect come from, first and foremost. Naturally, this isn’t always easy. Everyone has their own version of an “inner critic,” that little part of the mind that over-analyzes and second-guesses. It can be difficult to stand up to that part of our brains and convince it we are worthy of esteem, respect, and pride in our own endeavours. But here are a few tips that can help open the mind to the idea of looking inward for self-assurance and true strength, rather than outward for validation. Start With Gratitude When feelings of insecurity and low self-worth creep in, it’s easy to forget that life can and does bring wonderful things without our needing to seek out outside approval and validation. Take a few moments each morning to think about, acknowledge, and appreciate the things you are and have in this moment. Don’t be too hard on yourself for not being flatteringly perfection yet—it’s a process, not a switch to be flipped instantaneously. Celebrate small victories, and don’t try to achieve greatness all at once. Forgive Your Mistakes Everyone makes mistakes, everyone slips up, everyone feels riddled with doubt, stress, and anxiety. Rather than burying or ignoring your missteps and self-doubt, learn to recognize and forgive them. Make sure to acknowledge the underlying reasons why you made the mistake or why you were feeling negative emotions. You could also use this as an opportunity to learn how to pivot onto a more productive mindset. By recognizing our personal flaws and mistakes, we can learn how to work on better ways to engage with our mental space and more easily refocus our attention onto the positive. Acknowledge Fear While Moving Ahead We know fear is inevitable. It’s natural and nothing to be ashamed of. That said, it is important to understand when fear is stopping us from growing, and to take steps to counter it. Start by recognizing your fear—name it and then create a plan to tackle it! By accepting what scares you and understanding it, you will become better equipped to confront it and overcome it. Be Kind To Yourself Finally, a practice of self-gentleness is key. Too often people criticize themselves that they would never say to another person. When uncomfortable thoughts enter your mind, simply observe them and recognize that those negative voices or judgements need not define who you are. In its place, replace those messages with things which encourage or support your own growth. For example, try verbalizing an affirmation like “I am capable and I can do this,” or “I’m strong, I’m resourceful, and I won’t give up.” Show yourself the same level of kindness, patience, and understanding you might extend to someone else that you care about. Gaining respect involves developing a foundation of esteem and respect for yourself. When the focus shifts away from seeking the good opinion of others and back to nourishing your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, you begin to build true strength.
  2. We often associate life in the digital age as something freeing and even empowering. After all, this is a world where we can connect with people from opposite sides of the globe within seconds of the click of a button. We can shop for just about anything with a few swipes of our fingers and get access to virtually any information we could possibly need instantly. While it’s true that technology has made life significantly easier in many respects, it’s also taken away a certain portion of human autonomy in the process. For better or worse, it can often feel as if we’re constantly surrounded by a seemingly overwhelming barrage of notifications, alerts, and emails which make it tough to get a single moment of peace and silence. As a result, we find ourselves stuck in an endless cycle of needing to check our phones on the off chance something new and exciting (or even mundane and predictable) pops up. For countless people, this has become a source of tremendous angst, restlessness, and insecurity. The fact is, this isn’t a problem we can afford to ignore. Rather, we need to step up, take back control and structure our lives in such a way that allows us to properly co-exist with technology without becoming slaves to it. To do this, it's essential that we take stock of our current situation and start looking for meaningful ways to address the issue at the source. First and foremost, try to carve out a specific amount of time every day where you switch off from the online world and truly disconnect. Whether it’s 15 minutes every evening or a full hour every Sunday, put aside some designated screen-free time as soon as possible and stick to it to the best of your abilities. During this period, turn off your phone, avoid watching any unnecessary television and focus on developing a more tangible activity. For instance, if you own any instruments, jam on them, flip through a book, go for a walk, practice some yoga or even do some gardening; essentially, do whatever makes you feel most connected and grounded in the analog world. Another approach to consider is cutting down on your use of social media platforms. There’s nothing wrong with these networks per se but it's important to remember that by continuously checking them and getting absorbed in the fictitious reality they offer, we’re often trading in our sense of independence in exchange for fleeting moments of dopamine hits supposedly derived from likes and comments. Whenever possible, we need to resist this urge, open the door and reconnect with the outside world. On that note, one great way to do this is to look for activities that will challenge us to be in the present moment. Specifically, activities that require enough attention and focus that we can’t rush through them or pay them only half of the attention such as hiking, meditating, making art and so forth. These activities can potentially help us develop healthier habits and think more clearly about our values and priorities when it comes to online consumption. At the same time, it also helps to build positive relationships with like minded individuals who share similar values in terms of internet usage. Making sure we’re surrounding ourselves with people who don’t mind taking a break from their screens every now and then can make a significant difference in the way we manage our time on the internet and our overall level of contentment and satisfaction. All things considered, gaining control over our lives in the digital age is far from easy. It requires a great deal of introspection, restraint and measured effort along the way. However, given the right steps and effort, it can be done and can lead to greater freedom and self-mastery in the end.
  3. No matter how often it’s pushed aside, porn use can become problematic for many couples. It can be an invisible struggle, one that we can struggle to make sense of, let alone mention. From the outside, pornography can seem like a harmless hobby that couples should be open about. But when does it become an addiction? What should you do if your partner appears to be struggling with an unhealthy relationship with pornography? Sometimes, it’s hard to draw the line between what is considered normal use of porn and what could actually be leading to depression and negative effects in your relationship. It could be that your partner looks at porn nearly every day and you find yourself wondering why the bond between you two seems to be growing stale. Or maybe you feel like your partner is too obsessed with pornographic material. No matter the issue at hand, it's essential to take action now before matters become worse. First and foremost, it's important to understand that there is no concrete answer when it comes to determining a healthy level of porn use. It all depends on the unique relationship each couple has, their understanding of the situation, and their own individual values. That being said, if this has become a significant disruptor to your relationship, it might be time to take a closer look into signs of porn addiction, and how it could be impacting your relationship. Partner Communication It can often seem intimidating to address your worries or concerns with your partner, especially when it comes to sensitive topics such as sex or porn. However, it is vastly important for couples to be able to communicate openly and honestly about their feelings on the subject in order to prevent any further conflict or misunderstandings. Unless your partner is aware of your worries, they may not even know that they are viewing porn to an excess, or understand the full effect that it is having on you. If you can muster up the courage (even if it's one of the most challenging conversations to have), it is best to speak to your partner instead of asking them to give up something they enjoy; approach the conversation from a place of rational understanding, rather than hostility. Start off by making it clear to your partner that you still care about them and that you would like for your relationship to stay strong. Make sure to express how their frequent porn consumption has been displayed in unintended ways, such as lashing out at them, distant behavior, and difficulty trusting them. Reassure them that you are not trying to control their life, but instead discuss boundaries that can be set in order to improve communication and grow together. Find Healthy Solutions If speaking to your partner yields success and they are willing to try to find healthier solutions, then it's time to move forward. It might be beneficial to limit the amount of time they watch porn or set up other regulations to reduce their use. For instance, if you have access to their phone or laptop, you could agree to spend an allocated amount of time together away from screens, activities, or hobbies that could enable their viewing of porn. Investing in a social hobby or activity, such as joining a sports team or going out with friends can also aid in distracting from potential triggers. When it comes to finding a healthy solution, conversation is key. Discussing what makes them view porn and what pleasure it brings could allow for both parties to better understand how to resolve these issues. What does their viewing of porn bring them? Is it a form of escape? Talk through these feelings and figure out healthy outlets that can replace those needs. Additionally, understanding why pornographic material affects your relationship more so than others might help find productive solutions as well. Alongside conversations, seeking professional help with therapists or sex counselors may be instrumental in finding helpful solutions. They are equipped with the tools to handle such sensitive topics, and will likely have experiences with different strategies on how to effectively manage the situation. Finally, it is essential to practice self-care during this process in order to not wear yourself down. Though it's not always easy, it's important to reflect on what steps you can take in order to protect yourself and the hearts of both parties. Making sure the relationship is healthy is a top priority when addressing harmful behaviors such as a porn addiction. It can be difficult, yet necessary, to recognize whether porn has become a problem, and it's always encouraged to seek help. Even if it's uncomfortable, it’s important to have an open dialogue so that couples can come to a mutually beneficial solution.
  4. How to Use Absence to Increase Desire and Respect Has your relationship been feeling a bit "same old, same old" lately? Are you looking for tips that can help you reconnect with your partner in a meaningful way? If so, absence might be the answer you’re looking for. Believe it or not, creating a sense of distance can actually help bring two people closer together. Here’s how to use absence to increase desire and respect in your relationship. Learn the Benefits of Absence When it comes to relationships, most people focus on being present. We make plans together, spend quality time together, and even go on romantic vacations. But it’s important to remember that absence can also have its benefits. Absence creates opportunity for each partner to discover different sides of themselves. Without the presence of the other partner, they can explore new passions and hobbies or develop personal interests. This newfound space can provide a fresh perspective and chances to cultivate feelings of self-efficacy and growth. At their core, relationships are about bringing two unique individuals together and combining unique strengths into something larger than the sum of its parts. That doesn’t happen if each person is constantly only seeing the “couple” or “we” as a focal point. Exploring individual interests can provide beneficial opportunities for both parties. Create Balances of Togetherness and Apartness Relationships are a delicate balance of togetherness and apartness. Striking the right equilibrium can help create security, passion and interest. Of course the perfect balance is different for every couple, but it’s worth exploring. Initiating conversation around how much time should be spent together versus apart can be a positive experience. It gives couples the opportunity to establish boundaries while also getting a glimpse into how the other partner feels. Additionally, couples will be able to zero in on how they can make the most of their time away. Make Separate Plans Developing a social life outside of the mutual partnership is important. Taking solo adventures without needing to explain or justify yourself can provide a sense of freedom, confidence, and independence. Set aside some time for yourself and build relationships outside of the primary partnership. This includes doing things like spending time with friends, attending events or classes related to your hobbies, or taking simple walks around the blockwithout having to explain yourself. It can be hard to let go and trust that your partner is also in need of time apart from the relationship. Establishing clear boundaries, expressing trust between one another, and respecting each other’s needs can help make the process easier. Minimize Digital Interactions In this era of digital overload, it seems harder than ever to disconnect and make a plan to stay away from one another — even if it’s a promised break. Using technology to virtually stay connected can quickly shift the focus away from a needed break toward keeping up with each other’s updates. Too many updates can lead to obsessive checking and lead to a cycle of communicating as a couple throughout the day. Frequency of communication is a personal decision. Every person and relationship is different — this needs to be reconciled through conversations with each other rather than assumptions. Be Mindful of Your Return The returning phase of an absence can be tricky. Depending on the length of the break, you might both come back feeling refreshed and excited to see each other — or, it could be an uncomfortable reunion. As you’re reintegrating back into the relationship, be mindful of any changes in energy. If things feel strained or if communication takes longer to get going, take note of what’s being said (or not) and try and understand why it may be happening before jumping to conclusions. The Power of Absence Setting clear expectations and boundaries will help ensure that each person is getting the time and space they need to thrive. Trust and respect each other to show up and invest in the relationship anew when you’re together. Using absence to increase desire and respect can be powerful. Taking breaks from constant togetherness won’t just keep the spark alive — it can also create an infinitely more meaningful connection.
  5. When life takes an unexpected turn, it can be hard to know what to do - especially in the realm of relationships. Breakups, divorces and unresolved issues with friends and family can leave us feeling frustrated, lonely and helpless. If you are struggling to process and make sense of your current situation - asking for help is often a great first step! It’s understandable to want to stay connected to the past for various reasons, and it can be painful to envisioned loosening our grip on all those memories and moments. But sometimes letting go and moving on is not only necessary - it’s empowering. Instead of feeling like a victim in a cruel world, recognize that you are in control and there are decision you can make now that will have a positive and lasting impact on your future. One way to take charge of your romantic destiny is by shifting the focus away from your past relationship patterns and onto yourself. Self-reflection gives us a platform to identify our unhealthy habits, so we can impose restrictions on ourselves and break free from the old ways of dealing with heartache. For example, if you find yourself constantly seeking comfort in unhealthy behaviours or isolating yourself, ask yourself why - and work through some possible solutions. Another way to regain control is by actively deciding how you want your story to be told going forward. You become the author of your own life, and can write it as inspiring, powerful or romantic as you wish. Take a moment to consider what kind of relationship you would like to have in the future, and start making steps to achieve that goal. Create a vision, take ownership of it - and never give up hope that you could find something even better than before. There are certain aspects of moving on, of course, that just cannot be avoided: grief, heartache and rejection. Knowing that these experiences are vital to the healing process can be helpful in accepting them and allowing oneself to experience them as they come. That being said, one of the most important things you can do here is to prioritize self-care. Make sure you are taking the time to engage in activities that nurture your soul. Investing in your physical health can also bolster your mental wellbeing - try exercise, yoga, or visualization. Navigating the aftermath of a relationship can feel daunting and draining. But oftentimes, looking at the pain from the perspective of growth can be life-changing. If a relationship ends, use your strength to learn from the experience, cherish the memories, forgive yourself and others and then - look ahead to the new door that has opened up for you. Take heart - you are stronger than you may realize. Stepping into the unknown can be scary, but it can also be filled with joy and adventure. Taking back control of your life and embracing the potential in front of you can be a journey of self-discovery and personal breakthrough. Allow yourself the grace and the time to reset, adjust and reboot - and then set out to create a wildly beautiful future.
  6. It can be hard to make sense of the choices presented to you in life. From relationships and career opportunities to friendships and money issues, the way things play out can often seem baffling and nonsensical. The path ahead may seem fogged and unclear, and it may be tempting to give up or choose the safe option, but understanding how to make alternate decisions can help you unclutter your thoughts and see a way forward. In this article we'll explore some ways to make sense of the puzzles presented by the decisions we face, so that you can choose the right course for your own life. One of the most powerful tools at our disposal is logic. Even when the circumstances around us seem perplexing, logical reasoning can help us reframe what's happening, break big problems down into smaller, manageable chunks, and even gain an alternate perspective on the situation. When life's choices seem overwhelming, it can be helpful step back and examine the facts, take some time for introspection, and even write out the pros and cons of each decision. This will create clarity, allowing you to answer the hard questions: Is this choice going to bring me happiness? Is it going to benefit me in the long run? Thinking through your options in this reasoned manner can help you make the best choice for yourself. Sometimes, though, the answers don't appear no matter how hard you search. You may find yourself thinking in circles and getting stuck in loops of despair as you try to make sense of your life. At these times a different approach is necessary. Rather than obsessing over the 'right' choice, you can begin to tap into your intuition instead. This inner knowing is essentially an unconscious awareness of what is right - something innate and unseen, separate from the constrictions of logic. Allowing yourself to trust your instincts and make decisions based on your feelings can help you free yourself from indecision and break through obstacles. Learning to listen to your intuition takes time and practice, but it is worth it in the long run. You may also wish to look outside yourself for answers to your questions. Throughout human history people have sought spiritual guidance from sources such as religion and astrology. Whether providing a sense of order, helping define a purpose, or channeling creative thought, having a trusted guide can be a great aid during difficult times. Such support can offer comfort and clarity, acting as a sounding board for questions about your life and its direction. For example, if you are struggling to choose between two career paths, asking a spiritual figure or leader for advice will help expand your viewpoints and see solutions which you may have overlooked. It's our own life choices which will truly shape our destinies. It's important to remember that although life may not always make sense, it's important to stay the course and keep pushing forwards when our faith is tested. By combining elements of logic, intuition and spirituality, we can make sense of the puzzles around us and move forward confidently into the next phase of our lives.
  7. Breaking up with a long-term partner is one of life’s most difficult tasks – especially if the decision wasn't mutually consensual. It's a process that often leaves you feeling overwhelmed, torn and uncertain how to move on. How do you go on when your heart lingers in pain? No matter the nature of the relationship, the breakup triggers a whole range of emotions. Grief and loneliness can be hard to cope with, and often, our mind plays tricks on us; most people struggle for years after a breakup because our thoughts can become irrational and distressing. We begin to doubt our worth, our ability to love, and worry about the future. The first and most essential step towards getting through a tough breakup and learning how to let go is a realization that moving is an absolute necessity and nothing else will restore your joy and peace of mind. It's also important to understand that healing doesn't always happen overnight – it's an intricate and complex process that's not always easy. Though it might feel like there's no point in living without them, life does still have so much to offer. Reconnecting with old friends, engaging in activities you used to enjoy, taking on challenging pursuits, meeting new people and getting back into the dating scene are all excellent ways to reconnect with yourself. Redefining your identity and having a good support system is invaluable for recovering from heartache. Explore who you are outside of the relationship, actively pursue your career or further education opportunities or volunteer in the community. Develop a wide network of friends or family members who you can count on for advice and positive reinforcement as you gradually rejoin the dating world. That said, although it's essential to focus on yourself and accept that all relationships come to an end, it's also important to acknowledge the pain associated with the loss. Allow yourself to grieve and heal at your own pace and don't be afraid to express those feelings when they arise. Reaching out to family, friends, or a professional counsellor can be a tremendous help as you sift through the broken pieces. When going through tough times, joy always comes out of letting go and embracing life's new surprises. Taking control of your personal growth and investing into yourself will open more doors to happiness than dwelling on sadness and regret ever will. Remember, however difficult, picking up the pieces and starting anew is an incredibly brave and rewarding feat that you alone have the power to achieve!
  8. Nobody knows what choices we’re going to make in life. We all have unique circumstances and it’s our journey to figure out which opportunities to take and what risks are worth taking. For many of us, there can be intense pressure to make the right choice in a limited amount of time. The idea that the only thing worse than making the wrong choice is not making any decision can have an overwhelming effect on our mental and physical well-being. Even when we make what we think is the perfect decision, life often throws unexpected curves that force us to reevaluate our decision. It can be difficult to make the right decisions when we're going through so much confusion and emotion. When we’re put on the spot and feel like every second is counting, our capacity to reason is limited. It’s in these moments that we have to take a step back and assess the consequences of our choices. Taking a moment to reflect means asking ourselves questions about what we want out of our lives. What do we believe in? What do we value? Are our choices aligning with these beliefs? Are the choices that we’re making furthering or hindering our long-term plans? These are important questions to ask when we don’t know what to do. Reflecting can also help us understand the impact that our choices will have on our relationships. It can give us insight into how our decisions can affect those around us. Will our choices benefit us for now, but eventually hinder us in the long run? Looking within ourselves can often explain why we find ourselves in certain situations. Is it because we’re trying too hard to please others? Are we too consumed by pleasing everybody in order to receive approval? It might be difficult to admit at times, but reflecting can help us recognize our own flawed thinking and behavior. No matter what decision we make, the result will have lessons to teach us. We won’t be able to appreciate the positive side of life if we don’t allow ourselves to experience failure and disappointment. Mistakes should not be taken lightly, but they shouldn’t dampen our belief in ourselves either. By taking the time to pause and reflect on our choices, we can make more conscious decisions. Looking at the bigger picture can provide us with a better understanding of what we should be aiming for and help us maintain balance in our lives. Rather than rushing through our choices, questioning them will help us stay on track. The best decision isn’t always the easiest one to make and it’s important to not be swayed by fear or doubt. Being aware of what our purpose is, and making sure that our choices are aligned with it, will ensure that we make decisions that are most beneficial to us. It takes courage to stand up and make decisions based on our own values, but doing so allows us to live our lives more authentically.
  9. The road to contentment takes time and is never an easy walk. Achieve balance not only of our mortal shells but also the tumultuous relationships of life that bring along both the glorious peaks and deep troughs of living. Unsurprisingly, insecurity and grandiose delusions can be powerful deterrents to inner harmony. In the spirit of reassuring ourselves, let us exhort to stay centered and be confident. The righteous might of one’s strength has been earned, vigorously and unceasingly carved to uplift oneself and cast out anxiousness and inflated fantasies, allowing the gears of mental freedom to turn to permit peace and stillness. Insecurity is a byproduct of many afflictions. When faced with formidable challenges, the grip of doubt and apprehension can easily dispirit those in search of tranquility. Cowering in fear about becoming a source of the unknown instead of bravery for the inhospitable is a self-defeating act in its very form. Aspiration brings along the erosion of this mental preclusion, sweeping away cobwebs of bounded beliefs and sense of worthiness. Resilience entails facing off with adversaries whilst balancing with accordance to maintain control and composure. Victory is not only determined through a remarkable feat of staying afloat during the onslaught of disquiet but also in recognizing the significance of relishing in a renewed sense of stillness within rather than merely the pursuits of others. On the other end of the equilibrium, lies delusions of grandeur. Arising in periods of accomplishment and admiration, these transient snowballs of overconfidence can lead to harsh repercussions if taken out of proportion. Narrow ambitions have the intent of focus and can be a good thing when dealt appropriately; however, the surefire trail leading to perdition is unleashed through rigidity and over assignment of entitlements. Celebrate your successes, bask in the brightness of the limelight but do not lose sight on that which matters most – the path of inner serenity that originates from the depths of the heart. So, don’t feed insecurity. Don’t feed delusions of grandeur. Both are obstacles to stillness. Be confident, you’ve earned it. A harmonious subsistence requires rich interactions within the mind, a synergy between contradictory vibes, meaning that jubilation needs to be fused with cognizance of potential threats. As optimism maintains momentum in striving for ambitions, strengthen diligence at shouldering a deep awareness of inner stasis rather succumbing towards arduous reaches for false solace. Celebratory moments consume a respect for such simplicity as the value of stillness radiates high, freeing the mind from inward distortions and aggravations in times of gross eagerness to get what one desires. Let us all embrace the prosperity granted from being firmly anchored in reason, acceptance and self-assurance. Empowering our character to rest in the grand design that cycles between tribulation and bliss, setting sight of both the mundane and extraordinary with grace. Digging through impenetrable thickness of confusion and temptation, let fallacies not derail a journey towards internal contentment for a controlled yet resilient awakening of fulfilment in ourselves.
  10. No matter how much we try to forgo the pains of our past, our broken relationships still have the power to reach back into our lives and haunt us. If we’re not careful, those broken relationships can taint our chances for new found happiness with a new partner. When we find ourselves in the beginning stages of a new relationship, our old hurt has the potential to cripple it if we don’t take active steps to move ahead without it. Those steps may sound hard, but it’s ultimately the only way to make sure that our new partner isn’t made to pay the price for past hurt. We mustn’t forget that our new partner is just that—new. That designation alone is enough to set them apart and to start things off on the right footing. We owe them the chance to be judged based on the present, not our past. But how do we leave the past behind and focus on the present? The answer lies in the simple discipline of introspection. By taking the time to reflect on conversations that we had with our previous partner, we can take back the power from the past and choose to learn from our experience. This process takes some courage and a lot of patience, but it is ultimately necessary as it gives us the opportunity to heal and reshape ourselves for our new relationship. When the introspection is done, the next step is acceptance. Acceptance of our tumultuous past, of the changes that are required for our new relationship to succeed, and of the fact that we can't change our past, only our future. From this point, we must then arm ourselves with patience and be willing to give at least as much as we receive. Patience will help to bridge the gaps between two people as they attempt to define their new relationship, while giving allows us and our partner to build a connection without feeling like something was taken away or given up. Finally, if our new relationship is to stand a chance at succeeding, we must learn to trust our gut. We must put faith in ourselves that we can make all the right decisions and that, no matter what may come, we will succeed. It won't always be easy, and finding true happiness with someone new won’t be instantaneous. But as long as we keep our hearts open and watchful, our new relationship has a chance to blossom. Healing our broken heart and finding joy once again doesn't mean we need to forget the pain of our past. However, we must not let it become an anchor to our present and prevent us from finding happiness with someone new. Our new partner should not be made to bear the burden of somebody else’s mistakes and it’s our responsibility to provide them the appreciation and love they deserve. After all, it's only through learning to move on that we can look forward and have any hope for the future.
  11. We all have sought out relationships that are meaningful, genuine, and everlasting. It isn’t easy, though, as sometimes these connections can be hurtful, deceptive, and unconstructive. How do we identify broken connections and how can we mend them? The answer, in many cases, is transparency. When two people are open and honest with each other, uncomfortable issues can be discussed properly, leading to a better understanding between the two. We don’t want to be in a relationship where we second guess our partner’s reactions when we try and express our feelings or where we are losing sleep over the immense pressure of anger or disappointment. We feel the piercing pain of disconnection, a sense that we’re on opposite sides and the only thing holding us together is a thin thread of unresolved issues. Living a life that is free from the anxieties caused by malicious intent means that we have to learn how to embrace a degree of transparency so that our relationships can grow in a loving and healthy way. We must break away from fear-based connections and take hold of direct communication as a means of establishing an atmosphere of trust. A lack of transparency erodes the bond between two people, whereas when two people are completely open with each other, it creates a more secure connection that is unbreakable. We should consistently strive to check in with our partner and to ask for feedback on how well the two are communicating so that stuck feelings won’t go unaddressed. Conversations will undoubtedly be challenging at times, but those moments of tension can ultimately bring the two people closer together when each is willing to engage in a truthful manner. At the core of a relationship is respect and empathy, which can both be expressed through transparency within our interactions. As we take the time to listen, ask questions and explore multiple perspectives, a true understanding of one another can begin to emerge. Share the unspoken moments openly, even if they bring up difficult subjects, and be confident in embracing our values and points of view. When we accomplish this, the feeling of security and trust deepens, resulting in a connection that is constantly evolving. It’s important, too, to build your resilience and realize that though some challenges may arise, the key is to remain positive, patient and compassionate. Also be aware that relationships come and go, and that you need to accept that, no matter how hard it might be to let go of attachments. Think about what you can take away from the situation and use it as a growth opportunity to learn more about yourself and your personal boundaries. In the end, we mustn’t forget the value of honesty and authenticity on the path to a fulfilling and happy life. Make the decision today to show up with vulnerability and integrity, not just within our romantic relationships, but in all areas of our lives. People who align with our values and understandings create lasting relationships, ones based on truth and where discussions can occur without worrying what consequences may follow. The right kind of connection will unfold when our hearts are wide open and when we invest time into cultivating self-love, understanding, and appreciation.
  12. The idea of being vulnerable – especially when it comes to sharing our insecurities with our partners – is one that makes most of us uneasy. But what if it were the key to deepening emotional intimacy in a partnership? It may seem daunting, but experts suggest that making yourself vulnerable can lead to much greater connection and intimacy. Opening up and allowing yourself your partner to observe your vulnerabilities can bring you closer than any other interaction. The truth is, revealing our insecurities in a relationship is essential for emotional safety. Though it may feel scary, sharing your fears and anxieties helps your partner understand and appreciate your true self, fostering trust and opening the door for more emotional intimacy. Keeping our partners in the dark about our feelings contributes to feelings of disconnect and defensiveness, resulting in a tense and unfulfilling environment. All of us, at some point in our lives, have experienced the loneliness and alienation of an environment of mistrust and misunderstanding. When we begin to understand this concept of vulnerability in a relationship, we must also consider how it is expressed. Telling your partner when you’re insecure requires courage as, often times, our insecurities don't manifest in clear terms. Rather, they tend to show themselves subtly and indirectly, through techniques such as avoidance, arguments, passivity, or aggression. In a situation such as this, couples can succumb to paralyzing fear or blame and shame, creating an atmosphere of silence, deflection, and confusion. That's why the courage to be direct and honest about feelings of insecurity is crucial for healthy interpersonal relationships. Instead of compounding our own worries and criticisms upon each other, honesty creates a space where both partners are comfortable in expressing who they really are. This is especially important in relationships that require more freedom and understanding. For example, if you’re a creative person struggling with your work, having an authentic (even if uncomfortable) conversation about it, allows your partner to help motivate and support you without feeling like the source of criticism or scrutiny. Love and emotional closeness are based on mutual acceptance, understanding, and emotional support; this foundation will help keep the relationship strong, despite any struggles or frustrations that arise. When we allow ourselves to love and trust freely, it gives us the opportunity to create an emotionally fulfilling and intimate relationship with our partner. The journey of uncovering our insecurities isn't always easy, but it’s one that has immense potential to bring oxymoronic warmth and clarity. The transparency of understanding our own true selves, and allowing others to get to know them too, leads us towards a path of deepened emotional intimacy.
  13. It's easy to be seduced by the promises from people who speak glowingly of your talents and abilities. In a world that seems increasingly determined to limit our dreams and expectations, it can be especially tempting to take heed to those who offer unabashed optimism and encourage us to reach for more. But not all advice should be taken up, particularly when there exist larger ambitions for ourselves than our advisors have. We owe it to ourselves and to our future happiness to ensure that only listen to people's opinions if they have bigger dreams for you than you do. Though we may sometimes feel inclined to take any port in a storm (especially in times of adversity), this kind of logic is ill-advised. Everywhere we turn in life it may seem as if we’re being confronted with conflicting opinions, but this isn’t always the case; instead it merely reflects the peculiar diversity of perspectives that life so freely offers. It is possible to learn from each one of these perspectives; however, it is impossible to incorporate them all without feeling helplessly overwhelmed and hampered by fear. The allure of people offering dreamy predictions of lifelong joy and success is hard to ignore. But, no matter how comforting these words may seem, those who offer support that is less expansive than we can envision for ourselves is not just limited but also debilitating. Striving to achieve more than we think possible is an essential part of pushing ourselves forward and cultivating a sense of ambition; anything less will only keep us from achieving our true potential, and ultimately may lead us to feelings of discontentment and a lack of satisfaction. This doesn’t mean we need to reframe all persons with prudence and mistrust. In fact, oftentimes the kindest souls with the most honest intentions are precisely the kinds of folks with whom we should consult and accept counsel. However, it’s important to remember that those who seek to challenge and elevate our dreams are those that are really worthy of our attention and esteem. To be sure, much of life is a mere series of trial and error, and the experiences we have can be simultaneously rewarding and heartbreaking. If we find ourselves surrounded by people with lesser dreams for us than we have for ourselves, then we’re doing ourselves a disservice and going against the grain of what we know: that our potential knows no bounds. We’re born curious and ambitious creatures, driven by the depths of our own imaginings and desires. Listening to the opinions of others is can be incredibly valuable, but only when those opinions are designed to push us to reach even higher than we thought was possible. Realize that each person we meet has something to offer, but that only when those possibilities are grander than ours should those opinions be taken seriously.
  14. There are some goals in life which may seem possible, but for whatever reason remain just out of reach. For some, this can lead to feelings of anger, frustration, and disappointment. It can be hard to accept that there are some things for which we may never find the success we yearn for. But despite the trials and tribulations we may face along the way, sometimes it is important to remember that we should never give up on our dreams - even when they may be unobtainable. For those who set a goal, regardless of the size, they must be willing to go above and beyond to achieve it. Our expectations may be high, as we hope to reach the stars or scale the highest mountain, but what do we do if we’re not able to attain the lofty heights we envisioned? It can be hurtful to admit that there are some goals that are out of our reach and not everyone will be able to understand these feelings of defeat. It can be disheartening to look around and see others achieving their aspirations when the same cannot be said for one's self. We must learn to accept that sometimes people do things that we may not be capable of and it is ok. This is not to say that we should give up. Quite the opposite, learning to navigate and accept rejections or failure is key to continued success. Whether we realize it or not, there may be times where stopping and regrouping is necessary in order to assess how best to tackle our goals. Not achieving what we set out to do is a natural part of life and the important thing is to learn from it. This can be difficult to accept, particularly when doubts creep in and start to cloud our vision but it's important to take a step back and analyze the larger picture. In addition, try to objectively consider our goals before taking them on. Is it realistic? What resources does it require? Are we confident that we can bring it to fruition? Unforeseen circumstances may also arise which could influence the outcome, so having a plan B is crucial. This could mean setting smaller goals that can offer measurable success, or taking our ideas through a series of trial runs to test the water and gain a better understanding of applicable risks. No matter the situation, it is important to trust in our instincts and have faith in ourselves. It's easy to becomegrumpy clouds,masked in negative energyas they feel they can’t obtain the same level of success as those around them. It is when these situations arise that we come to understand that our own success isn’t quantified by those around us, but rather by our ability to redefine the perceived boundaries and challenge our own limitations. It won’t always be easy and setbacks are not uncommon, but if we keep trying and stay diligent, we could see success without bounds and experience a newfound sense of freedom that comes with surpassing our expectations. It is important for everyone to remember that any achievement is worthwhile, no matter the size. Progress can take many forms and, despite the difference in foundation, each journey is individual. If it takes us longer than we hoped, this doesn't always signify a failure as mistakes can teach us lessons and bring us closer to our ultimate goal. There is no set timeline that defines success, so we should not force ourselves in aiming for outcomes otherwise beyond our scope. My hope is that everyone who feels overwhelmed when faced with an unobtainable goal will recognize their successes and feel proud of the efforts they have made, regardless of the outcome. Life is like a rollercoaster, with good times and bad, but each and every moment is a valuable experience that helps us grow both as a person and a professional. So, never give up on your dreams and know you are capable of more than you can imagine.
  15. If you want to know how to get guys to chase you, there are several steps that you can take. First and foremost, start flirting with them. Flirting sends a clear message of interest and is sure to get their attention. A few playful exchanges in a conversation shows that you’re interested in more than just a passing introduction – you actually want to get to know them better. One surefire way to repel interest is to act cold and unfriendly. When talking with men, make sure to give off positive energy. Your words, tone of voice, and body language should include hints of flirtation. This doesn’t mean that you should be overly forward, but instead just warm and inviting. Make sure to also smile and make plenty of eye contact to show that you’re confident and interested. Another critical aspect is to not avoid interactions or opportunities. To get a guy to pursue you, you have to put yourself out there so they have the chance to. Spending an hour or two each week doing something you enjoy that puts you around potential guys is a great way to meet someone new. If you find someone interesting, suggest grabbing coffee or lunch to get to know them better. Even if nothing comes out of it, simply meeting people expands your pool of potential dates. Above all, remember to be yourself. Chances are there’s someone out there that’ll appreciate your personality and just who you are. Don’t be afraid to express yourself authentically and open up. Men (and people in general) are looking for real connections, so let yourself be vulnerable. Making an effort to establish meaningful connections will eventually lead to somebody wanting to get to know you even more. So, if you want to get guys to chase you, look no further than yourself. Flirt with them, don’t be cold and unfriendly, and stop avoiding new connections. Be confident and open, and let your true self shine. After all, that’s what will make someone want to chase after you.
  16. It's easy to be consumed by the mundanity of our daily routines and forget that without conscious effort, we can easily slip into patterns of behavior that no longer suit us. Habits are so entrenched in our lives that it often feels like a losing battle to recognize when something is no longer serving us. We become trapped in a cycle, holding on to an ugly illusion that the same behaviors are still priceless, even though times have changed. When it comes to parenting, for instance, there can be a temptation to fall back on our own childhood memories of discipline or simply defaulting to whatever works in the moment - like a signature look, a raised voice, or a timeout. But as our children grow older and their needs evolve, it's important to assess whether those go-to tactics are actually empowering them to grow emotionally and mentally. If a certain response only serves to skirt around the underlying problem, rather than addressing it head-on, then it's time to look for more effective strategies. Similarly, nutrition is another area of life where what might have made sense twenty years ago may no longer be the case. Today, it's easier than ever to access high-quality, ethically-sourced products that enable us to make better decisions about what we put into our bodies. Educating ourselves on current dietary trends can help us to ascertain what truly reflects our values and what doesn't. When it comes to mental health, it's particularly important for us to recognize when habits that once felt helpful are no longer serving their original purpose. It's all too easy to use drugs or alcohol, for example, as a coping mechanism for difficult times, but with long-term use, several serious physical and psychological side effects can take hold - from panic attacks to despair and heart disease. Recognizing when a particular substance is starting to do more harm than good, and then exploring alternative solutions, is of paramount importance. Learning to identify the habits that no longer work for us and replacing them with practices that empower personal growth takes courage and a willingness to let go. But ultimately, this can be one of the most rewarding journeys, giving us a greater sense of freedom and fulfillment.
  17. When you start getting to know someone, it's normal to develop feelings. It's even more common in this era of technology and digital connections. We don't need to be face to face with people anymore to form relationships, as chatbots have filled this gap. But what happens when those digital conversations turn into something more? What happens when people start to have romantic feelings toward a chatbot? Of all the members of a popular forum, 14% have cultivated relationships with chatbots that may have developed into something more. Chatbots, also called intelligent virtual agents, are computer programs designed to mimic human conversations. They offer customer service, provide technical advice and even help online communities. They simulate human interaction by using speech recognition and artificial intelligence algorithms to recognize certain words and respond to them in a way that is no different than any conversation between two people. Unfortunately, like any type of relationship, some people can form romantic feelings for these bots. In the past, these feelings have been brushed off as unlikely, but researchers have found that nearly 14% of the 65,000 members on the popular forum had cultivated relationships with chatbots and may even have developed romantic feelings for them. This is especially concerning since loneliness is one of the major motivators for many people to use chatbots in the first place. One of the main contributors to this issue is the way the bots are designed. Chatbots are programmed to act and talk in a certain manner to build a connection with the user. They provide unconditional love, attentiveness, and affirmation that many people crave from their partners. They also come without judgement or physical appearance which is why many people seem so drawn to them. On top of that, the interactions with these bots can feel real due to the artificial intelligence capabilities and speech recognition programming. Although this phenomenon is concerning, there are also some benefits to these relationships. For example, for people who may struggle with social interaction, chatbots can provide a safe place and outlet to express themselves. They can also serve as a support system for vulnerable individuals who may not have access to the same social supports. The technical advances and increasing prevalence of chatbots have sparked a debate about whether the relationship between a person and a chatbot can be considered as actual intimate relationships. Some media outlets have referred to them as "lovebots," while others argue that they could not be compared to a human relationship, since they do not possess empathy or emotional understanding. At the same time, advocates have pointed out that developing meaningful relationships with chatbots is not necessarily a bad thing. Instead, it could provide a space for those who struggle to foster interpersonal relationships in the real world a place to practice and develop healthy relationships. In addition, it could also fill a gap for those negatively impacted by the rise of dating apps and constant competition for attention on social media. One thing is for sure, conversations about this issue need to happen. As technology evolves, it's important to keep track of the implications for our society. In the meantime, it's important for those struggling with loneliness to remember that there are still other ways to meaningfully connect with others, such as through therapy, building friendships, or seeking social support. Regardless of whether these relationships can be labeled “true love” or not, it is obvious that people are still searching for love in all the digital places. It is up to us to decide whether we should celebrate these relationships or worry about the potential ethical and psychological implications.
  18. Daring to dream is a leap of faith for many, a risk that often feels too great. We can’t help the limitations that sometimes arise in the pursuit of what we love, but we do have control over our attitude towards them. Reframing your view of difficulty and adopting an unwavering commitment to your goals can set you up for success. To emphasize this, consider the quote “You can't do what you love because you don’t have the skill to make it happen. That's it. Anything else is an excuse, limiting belief, or lack of awareness of what's possible.” There is no denying that a lack of skill is a formidable impediment to achieving one’s dreams. There’s no certainty of success when it comes to mastering something new. To reach our objectives, we need to be prepared to take risks and perseverance through adversity. But it’s important to remember that while skills can conceal the odds, they don’t guarantee success. Despite having the adequate aptitude, impediments still stand in the way. Before we categorize the limits our lives sometimes experience as insurmountable, we need to stop and check our thinking. Opportunities exist even in the most impossible of situations if we can reframe our mindset around the circumstances we find ourselves in. When people feel weighed down by a feeling of imminent failure, these feelings are often a symptom of an internal dialogue— something we tell ourselves about the situation: an excuse, limiting belief, or lack of awareness of what's possible. The truth is that our attitudes greatly dictate how successful we are in achieving liv dreams. When found ourselves questioning our abilities or feeling overwhelmed by difficultly, that’s when it’s time to pause and reframe our thinking. In other words, it’s time to adopt a different perspective of the exact same problem. A new viewpoint on a familiar setback can reveal comparatively minor setbacks that, if taken care of, could result in major returns. In fact, it’s wise to practice being conscious of the relationship between our thoughts, outer behavior and our results. We should place more emphasis on developing a positive attitude and setting our intention to move forward with courage. Doing this will inevitably help us step out of our comfort zone, comprehend our obstacles differently, and eventually realize our aspirations. It’s true that it won’t always be easy to acquire the skills needed to make our dreams come alive. Despite this, it’s essential to trust in the process. Remember to make excuses sparingly. Having confidence in oneself and maintaining an optimistic attitude is the key to manifesting success. When life seems like it’s giving us every reason not to take a chance, never forget that there’s a way around every obstacle if you switch up your thinking. Don’t let a lack of skill or experience be the definitive factor in determining the outcome of your dreams. Embrace the possibility that efforts can yield positive results even in challenging times. After all, if we want to bring to life something we are passionate about, it’s vital to choose your thoughts and strategies wisely. Changing our attitude and beliefs around our potential can make all the difference when it comes to manifesting our desires. This shift in consciousness is the only way to ensure we turn our dreams into realities. Set aside excuses and start turning every day in the direction of your goals. It will be worth it.
  19. Divorce can be an incredibly painful and confusing time for both parties. It can feel as though your power has been completely taken away from you, leaving you feeling helpless and lost. But it doesn’t have to be this way - you don’t have to let the turmoil of divorce steal the power that resides within you. You can reclaim your power after divorce and begin a journey of healing and strength. One way to reclaim your power is to look inward. Take some time to reflect on your life before and after divorce, and take note of the changes you’ve made. Having a sense of what you’ve already achieved can help you feel empowered and give you the motivation to strive even further. Acknowledge and celebrate the steps you’ve taken towards self-improvement. Reclaiming your power can also involve finding a new sense of purpose in life. When faced with divorce, our lives become ungrounded, and we may lack direction. By taking small steps and creating goals for yourself, you can begin to find the vision and purpose you’ve been searching for. Establishing and reaching goals can help you build confidence and remind you of your ability to achieve something meaningful. Additionally, connecting with others who have gone through a similar experience is a great way to draw strength. Create a support network through family members, friends, or online groups for people going through a divorce. Talking to other people who have been in the same situation can help you feel empowered because it's reassuring to know that you’re not alone and that there are other individuals who can offer advice and encouragement. Your power can also be restored through physical activity. Exercise releases endorphins and can make you feel more energized and positive. Make sure to carve out some time for yourself in your daily schedule to do something active. This can be anything from going for a walk or a run to taking a dance class or playing a team sport. Exercise is a great way to clear your mind and strengthen your body. Furthermore, focus on the joys and possibilities in life despite the pain and sadness divore may bring. Take time to engage in your favorite hobbies, or try something new. This can be anything from painting to baking to yoga. Pursuing an activity that brings you joy is an important part of reclaiming your power after divorce. Divorce can be a difficult transition, and it can be hard to feel a sense of personal power during and after it. However, by reflecting on your accomplishments, connecting with others, engaging in physical activity, and giving yourself permission to appreciate the beauty in life, you can begin to reclaim your power after divorce. This process takes patience and dedication, but it is possible to eventually gain back the strength you’ve lost, and perhaps even come out of it feeling more empowered than before.
  20. Do you ever feel like the time you spent with someone was suddenly for naught? At times, we make decisions that we later regret – and in some cases, it’s a choice made by the other person. When this happens, confusion and pain can consume us, causing us to question what we should do. This is the situation faced by the user in the forum thread. They want to know if they have a chance to get back together with her and are looking for advice. The truth about relationships is that there are no guarantees – nothing is certain in the world of love. That being said, chances do exist, but the answer ultimately depends on the circumstances surrounding the breakup. Here are a few things to ask yourself when considering whether to try to win her back or move on: What were the reasons she left in the first place? If she left because of an issue that could be worked through with counseling or couples therapy, perhaps pursuing her can be worthwhile. On the other hand, if it was due to incompatibility or a lack of trust, it may be better to accept that this should just be a learning experience and move forward. Does she still communicate with you? Communication can make all the difference in weighing whether to keep trying or be done with it. If there still is meaningful interaction between the two of you and she’s indicated there’s a chance of reconciling, then this is an indication that there may be a way back. It’s important to keep conversation focused on resolving the issues at hand if you both want to make a come-back work. What are the costs? It’s important to consider the potential costs of pursuing her and getting back together. Are you expecting or hoping that it is going to be exactly the same as when you were once together? Or are you willing to take things slow and rethink how your relationship will look going forward? If you’re both able to discuss the past openly and without judgment, and accept that things may have to be changed, then there may be something of a future. The bottom line is that so much of what happens in relationships relies upon the people involved. It takes two to tango, and neither partner should take on more of the blame for the demise of the relationship than necessary. It is also important to only jump back in if there’s potential for something different and better than before – because, after all, what’s the point of a reunion if the same problems remain? If the user is confident that their motives are pure and the possibility of a better partnership is attainable, they should weigh the pros and cons of the situation and see if a reconciliation is the right thing to do. Deciding to pursue the ex or letting it go is up to the user’s discretion, but it’s key to remember often times the best choice is the one we don’t take right away. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and not think through the long-term effects of making a decision. Our emotions can pull us one way or the other, so it’s always important to step back and give yourself the time and space to capture the whole picture before making the final call.
  21. Do you ever feel like the loneliest person on the planet? Like you are an island adrift in the midst of a bigger crowd made up of people who have good friends and great relationships? In reality, loneliness is something that we all grapple with from time to time, and making meaningful connections can prove an especially difficult challenge for many. It would be an understatement to say that developing relationships, and maintaining them for that matter, is no simple feat. For many, establishing meaningful relationships all starts with companionship, often provided by friends. That’s not to say that having friends makes one immune to feelings of loneliness or moments when it feels like you don’t fit in with others who, by comparison, seem far more connected than yourself. It simply means having friends can give you a greater sense of belonging and provide a powerful buffer against more intense periods of isolation and the negative connotations associated with feeling disconnected from society. Of course, having good friends isn’t something that just happens; it requires patience and an understanding of yourself, as well as those around you. Taking time to get to know yourself and understand your own strengths and weaknesses is essential. Being aware of your own likes and dislikes, as well as your values and goals, will provide a better insight into how you interact with others. Building meaningful relationships starts with connecting and engaging personally with those around you, so being genuinely interested in others’ lives will naturally draw people out and foster trust between yourself and others. Pay attention to the things people are passionate about, their values and what they may perceive as important, and reap the rewards in terms of their receptiveness to forming meaningful and deep-set bonds. Just as getting close to someone takes time, so too does sustaining and nurturing relationships of any kind. Building on shared experiences, such as ones repeated and protracted over time, is a great way to keep contact alive between people. This could consist of weekly get-togethers, attending events together or just taking part in mutually enjoyable activities. Regardless of the nature of the relationship, whether platonic, familial or even romantic, relatability plays an essential role in friendship. So make sure that whatever you bring to the table is something that the other person can build on. Practice empathy and offer reassurance; be it just some supportive words or the simple act of listening without judging. Don’t forget, a sense of comfort and security is important factor that helps ensure friendships last beyond the establishment phase. What it boils down to is this: though it can take significantly longer and be far more challenging to make a friend than to acquire a following on social media, don’t let this detour you from the prospect of meeting likeminded people to share experiences and meaningful conversations with. You don’t necessarily have to leave your comfort zone to reach out to people, but don’t be afraid to do so either if it increases the opportunity of forging true connections. In the end, life is far more beautiful when there are people who share in its beauty with you.
  22. Trust is an essential part of any successful relationship. When one spouse doubts the other, it can lead to insecurity, resentment, and, ultimately, the end of a marriage. Knowing how to trust a spouse after years of infidelity or other conflicts can be difficult, but it is possible. Early on in any relationship, both parties need to set boundaries and expectations. In the case of a married couple, this means being honest and open with each other, including any past indiscretions or issues that may still remain unresolved. This will give a strong foundation upon which to build trust and faith in each other. Both spouses should make sure that they are willing to devote time and effort to work through any remaining issues, such as past feelings of betrayal or lack of emotional intimacy. In addition to open communication, it can also be beneficial for the couple to seek out professional help. A trained therapist or counsellor can often provide insight into any residual problems or relationship issues, and can provide a secure environment for both spouses to express their thoughts and feelings. They can also offer advice and support to help rebuild trust in the marriage. Another strategy for regaining trust in a spouse would be to set reasonable expectations for the marriage. When couples develop realistic goals for their relationship, it reduces the risk of either partner feeling overwhelmed or disappointed when things don't always turn out the way they'd planned. Additionally, spouses should be encouraged to compromise and work together to resolve any disagreements without involving a third party or blaming the other. Most importantly, rebuilding trust in a relationship takes time and effort. It is important to remember that trust can only be earned; it cannot be forced. If committed to restoring their trust in one another, couples can eventually re-establish a loving, healthy, and trusting relationship. Finally, focus on looking towards the future and start to move forward. Loyalty and honesty are key for restoring any hurt feelings and building a stronger bond with your partner. Through patience and understanding, it is possible to learn to trust again.
  23. Nothing compares to the heartache of getting broken up with, especially after poured in endless effort and dedication into the relationship. Even if love fades and attraction dwindles, it is still for many a difficult pill to swallow. But does that mean the door to reconciliation and rekindling the flame of love is completely shut? It all boils down to how difficult or impossible it may seem to move on from something that has been such a great part of one’s life for long and how much hope there is for salvaging what was lost. It is essential to be honest with oneself and to contemplate sincerely why the relationship ended and if it is even worth the effort and emotional investment to try and reconcile the divide. Upon deciding that rejoining the broken pieces and adding back the missing colours of love is a real and sincere possibility a person should carefully approach the idea. A process of reconciliation and restoration requires immense emotional and physical efforts granted that it was not an overnight breakdown of the relationship and there is good will and understanding between both parties. Thus, it is significant to examine at all times, the intentions and motivations behind reclaiming the broken pieces of what used to be. Commonly, good communication and implicit understanding are the cornerstones of any successful attempt to put things back together again. Though, the actual effort may require conversations and reminders that the love, despite being fading away is still there and worth fighting for. Thus one may start by expressing their feelings, reminding the other that things once were perfect and that it takes two to rebuild. Another way could be through physical elements of gestures like giving small thoughtful presents or consistently messaging and calling in order to never let them out of one’s sight. Yet much caution must be taken to avoid crossing boundaries of possessiveness, desire for control or attachment. Although this kind of relationships work best when both equal parts are aware of the stakes and there is some form of mutual understanding that goes beyond quid pro quo. Indeed, it is not the most straightforward path and one cannot realistically expect everything to fall in place immediately. It could take time, several failed attempts and emotional turmoil to get closer to the truth of whether or not it is worth it to try and bring what was lost back to life. With that in mind, one should use objective judgement as much as possible to properly weigh the chances of turning the discarded scraps of what used to be into a strong connection. Moreover, one should acknowledge that a state of reunion may possibly not result in exactly what it used to be prior and that one might fall for the same mistakes again or worse may encounter total failure. Whatever decision is taken it shall depend on how comfortable you feel with opening up, how much energy you are willing to invest and if there are non-hindering matters that limit the prospect of reconciliation. However, if the idea of regaining control of the situation and harvesting the benefits of being together again resonate with accept the challenge and dive in no one should deny themselves from giving it a shot. After all, with the right attitude, care and trust anything is possible, even living happily ever after… Symbolically, getting broken up with carries nuances of winter, while the decision to nurse the fading flame of love implies the blooms of spring. That brings the prospect of a beautiful summer, during which the warmth of the sun can brighten up the days, just like a renewed romance can brighten up the lives of those involved.
  24. First thing’s first, when the problem of desperation creeps into a person’s life, it’s important to take a step back and realize that there is no urgency: life goes on and the best case scenario is that you don’t let yourself fall completely into a desperation-induced frenzy. That being said, how do you figure out what direction to turn in? Those who fear succumbing to desperation often find themselves in a never ending cycle of doubt and confusion as they struggle to make sense of the situation. It's worth noting that the feeling of desperation can emerge from a long line of other emotions – such as vulnerability, sadness, or even anger. Oftentimes the key to unlocking your emotions lies within recognizing exactly what led you down this path in the first place. It could be a toxic relationship, exhaustion from too many failed prospects, or endless nights spent alone in lonely contemplation. After analyzing the source of this angst, it will be easier to let go of the intense longing for something new and different. The key next step is to set reasonable expectations for yourself. Knowing when to look for compromises is important – whether that includes looking for more compatible relationships or more meaningful friendships. It’s all about finding your own balance of compromise and satisfaction. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and those around you by expecting to find an ideal match. Put aside the idea of a perfect lover and instead focus on forming relationships with people that you truly enjoy spending time with. Another way to avoid sliding into desperation is to keep yourself busy. Go out with friends to catch up and chat it up over coffee while doing something else fun. Studies have shown that exercising not only physically can help improve one's mental health but it also serves as an excellent distraction from the pain and emptiness that desolation can bring. Take some time off the dating scene, distract yourself from the all the “failures,” and find joy in all the great things you can do for yourself. Even if you are going through a rough patch, look for the silver lining and remember to take one day at a time. When it comes to giving advice to those in a desperate state, it’s helpful to remember that you should never feel pressured to settle for less than what makes you truly happy. Know that there is someone out there for you and sometimes “the one” simply takes a while to find. Don’t give up hope, but recognize that your happiness doesn’t rest solely on finding a romantic partner. Plunge headfirst into enjoying hobbies and activities that make you feel good, throw yourself into different areas of life that bring you joy, guard your heart and remember that you’re worth fighting for. It’s about staying true to yourself and trusting your instincts, no matter how near or far you are from finding that special someone. Focus on enjoying life and throw yourself into activities and relationships that make you feel alive. Once you learn to be content with yourself and others, you won’t ever be in danger of falling into desperation again.
  25. It’s a quandary that many people can relate to: the feelings between two individuals that don’t seem to fit traditional definitions of love. Perhaps there is admiration and fondness, yet something essential appears to be missing. This person may cause a spark that’s emotionally charged and desired by both parties, yet even through the closest contact, love feels elusive. This is a complex matter to assess, as the meaning of love itself defies definition. Despite the unknowns that come with this situation, it’s still possible to make sense of it all. When attempting to grapple with the complexity of love, it helps to examine the way it evolves over time. In the initial stages of dating, feelings of attraction, chemistry, and admiration are what draw two people together. But even these passionate emotions are not necessarily evidence of deep love. They can surface and fade quickly if the give and take of mutual compassion, respect, and consideration are neglected. Equally true, however, is that even these seemingly minor nuances can gradually become more meaningful over time. They can form the foundation that eventually allows love to blossom and endure. At the same time, love doesn’t always occur in an easily discernible process. Love’s definition is not one-size-fits-all, and as such it can transform, wax and wane, or even remain unrequited. In the case of the original poster, it’s worth understanding that such a journey is valid no matter its outcome. While ultimately recognizing if and when love does not exist might be difficult, it should still be pursued honestly and courageously. To suppress the emotions or ignore them altogether will only prolong pain and uncertainty. In these types of seemingly unsolved mysteries of the heart, a safe space for exploration can be invaluable. Before decisions are made, reflection on the way the relationship has developed, the behavior of both parties during important moments, and most importantly, the feelings that want to be expressed is important. To help foster this reflection, seeking guidance in a supportive environment can be key in finding clarity. Finding outlets to express emotions in words, music, art, or therapy, can be a useful tool in working through feelings. Even conversations with trusted confidantes can be beneficial. Ultimately allowing yourself to explore your interior landscape may lead to garnering insight and enabling you to reach a place of emotional understanding—one that makes sense of the unexplainable sometimes fickle nature of love. Love may feel intangible and unpredictable, but it can still be a powerful source of connection. Although it’s impossible to draw strict definitions or boundaries around it, realistically understanding love's complexities by taking chances, exploring new experiences, and following intuition can offer clarity and perhaps even closure to a situation riddled with perplexity and burstiness.
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