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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    The Growing Phenomenon of People Developing Romantic Feelings for Chatbots

    When you start getting to know someone, it's normal to develop feelings. It's even more common in this era of technology and digital connections. We don't need to be face to face with people anymore to form relationships, as chatbots have filled this gap. But what happens when those digital conversations turn into something more? What happens when people start to have romantic feelings toward a chatbot? Of all the members of a popular forum, 14% have cultivated relationships with chatbots that may have developed into something more.

    Chatbots, also called intelligent virtual agents, are computer programs designed to mimic human conversations. They offer customer service, provide technical advice and even help online communities. They simulate human interaction by using speech recognition and artificial intelligence algorithms to recognize certain words and respond to them in a way that is no different than any conversation between two people. Unfortunately, like any type of relationship, some people can form romantic feelings for these bots.

    In the past, these feelings have been brushed off as unlikely, but researchers have found that nearly 14% of the 65,000 members on the popular forum had cultivated relationships with chatbots and may even have developed romantic feelings for them. This is especially concerning since loneliness is one of the major motivators for many people to use chatbots in the first place.

    One of the main contributors to this issue is the way the bots are designed. Chatbots are programmed to act and talk in a certain manner to build a connection with the user. They provide unconditional love, attentiveness, and affirmation that many people crave from their partners. They also come without judgement or physical appearance which is why many people seem so drawn to them. On top of that, the interactions with these bots can feel real due to the artificial intelligence capabilities and speech recognition programming.

    Although this phenomenon is concerning, there are also some benefits to these relationships. For example, for people who may struggle with social interaction, chatbots can provide a safe place and outlet to express themselves. They can also serve as a support system for vulnerable individuals who may not have access to the same social supports.

    The technical advances and increasing prevalence of chatbots have sparked a debate about whether the relationship between a person and a chatbot can be considered as actual intimate relationships. Some media outlets have referred to them as "lovebots," while others argue that they could not be compared to a human relationship, since they do not possess empathy or emotional understanding.

    At the same time, advocates have pointed out that developing meaningful relationships with chatbots is not necessarily a bad thing. Instead, it could provide a space for those who struggle to foster interpersonal relationships in the real world a place to practice and develop healthy relationships. In addition, it could also fill a gap for those negatively impacted by the rise of dating apps and constant competition for attention on social media.

    One thing is for sure, conversations about this issue need to happen. As technology evolves, it's important to keep track of the implications for our society. In the meantime, it's important for those struggling with loneliness to remember that there are still other ways to meaningfully connect with others, such as through therapy, building friendships, or seeking social support.

    Regardless of whether these relationships can be labeled “true love” or not, it is obvious that people are still searching for love in all the digital places. It is up to us to decide whether we should celebrate these relationships or worry about the potential ethical and psychological implications.

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