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Steven Robinson

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Everything posted by Steven Robinson

  1. A good friend can be difficult to find and even harder to keep. When one of your closest friends enters a new relationship, there can be different ways you handle the situation. Relationships should always include mutual commitment and respect-- between two people involved and also those around them that care about their well-being. It’s understandable if your concern for your friend causes you to feel uneasy when they become increasingly distant and uncommunicative after entering into a new relationship. The question is, how would you handle such a situation? When it comes to dealing with a distant, uncommunicative friend, it is important to pay attention to the cues they give and act accordingly. If they are pulling away, it makes sense to ask them the reason(s) why and take it from there. The last thing you want to do is assume you know what’s best for them and do something without regard for their feelings or needs. This does not mean that you should passively sit by if your friend is behaving in a manner that is out of character or potentially causes distress. A good response is to extend the offer of open dialogue— letting them know that you are there if they need someone to talk to. Show them you respect their right to privacy but make it clear that you are still worried and are willing to help in any fashion. When navigating a friendship during a partner’s transition period, it is important to ensure that both parties benefit from the interaction. Ask yourself if your support is really helping, or if you are taking too much of their energy and providing nothing in return. You could even offer to take them out on a fun activity or plan a special celebration together. It may help your friend to be reminded that you are still here for them, despite their involvement in another relationship. In some cases, your friend may decide that their partner requires all of their time and attention. This can be difficult for those wishing to maintain their strong relationship, as it can leave less room for everyone else in the picture. Try to avoid reacting negatively— instead of getting upset with your friend, show that you understand they are happy and want to share that with their new partner. Sometimes a little space can be all your friend needs to get back on track. When trying to decide whether to reach out or give them space, consider what will be most helpful in the long run; remember, the relationship should always be a two-way street. Focus on creating a space in which your friend feels comfortable enough to come back and make requests when needed. No matter the circumstances, always strive to maintain a warm and supportive relationship with your friend. Keeping communication open and honouring each other's feelings is key. Remember, your friend is making an effort to be open and honest with themselves and anyone else in their life. Respect that, be understanding and gentle throughout. Though it can be hard to witness, giving your friend the time and space to define the boundaries and terms of the partnership is healthy for both of you.
  2. Imagine waking up one morning just like any other. But there’s a secret you can’t shake, a heaviness in your chest that won’t go away no matter how hard you try to ignore it. You’re only 15 years old, but you know that something is wrong deep down—you’re pregnant. Suddenly, the future becomes unknown, uncertain. The flood of emotions that rushes in might be a mix of fear, shame, and worry, but there’s also something else…an overpowering urge to find a way forward with this newfound responsibility. You’re scared and unsure about how to proceed, but know that you need help. First and foremost, let it be known: you are not alone. There are countless other young women who have been in your shoes, often facing more difficult decisions and more significant obstacles. Fortunately, there are many resources available to provide guidance and support during this tumultuous time. Here are a few tips for navigating life as a pregnant teenage girl. Find a Support Network As overwhelming as it may feel, try and take comfort in knowing that you don’t have to navigate this journey by yourself. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to family members or close friends, seek out community and online resources that you connect with. Modern healthcare technology also allows expecting mothers to receive specialized care, regardless of age. Consider reaching out to organizations such as Planned Parenthood to receive information on state and federal requirements, access to contraception, health services and prenatal care. Talking to a professional—whether a therapist, social worker or psychologist—can also provide immense relief. They can help you identify strength and coping strategies to manage stress and anxiety, as well as explore several options for parenting, adoption and termination. Find Stability During pregnancy, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by all of the changes that are happening in your body and in your life. Feeling safe and secure is essential for both your physical and mental health. It could mean creating an environment that enables you to attend school safely and regularly with adequate transportation, access to food, safe housing and medical attention. Utilize resources such as WIC, food banks, shelters, and teen mother supportive programs to stay stable upon this journey. Focus on Self-Care Regardless of whether you choose to parent or make other arrangements, self-care is essential. Menstrual cramps, tender breasts, and fatigue will become frequent battles you’ll fight, but there are practical steps you can take to combat these symptoms. Healthy habits such as getting enough sleep, regular exercise, and quality nutrition are especially important for expectant mothers. Mental wellness should also be prioritized—allowing time for yourself to relax, practice mindfulness and engage in activities you enjoy. Though the situation may seem scary and overwhelming, it’s important to remember that you are strong, capable and supported. These emotional times of growth and change can be just as empowering as they are challenging. Even during the most uncertain moments, trust yourself to make an informed decision that is right for you.
  3. Struggling is a part of life. We all experience it from time-to-time and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to alleviate the difficult feelings that come with it. Living life can involve a constant onslaught of feelings of being overwhelmed; such as relationship issues with partners, financial problems, health issues, self-esteem and confidence issues, indecision and guilt about past choices and lack of support from friends and family. It can be a long and hard-fought journey but don’t give up now—help is available. Diving into the depths of overwhelming emotions is like a fall into the darkness that’s almost impossible to shake off. But have faith, as difficult as these feelings are, they are not permanent, they do not define you and they will eventually pass. Every challenge has a solution and if you can call on your support network and make use of the multitude of resources offered, then you’re already halfway there. Self-care is so important and can go along way to helping you manage the day-to-day stressful situations. Making time to get out in the fresh air, going for a regular walk and keeping your body active all help to reduce the levels of cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone. Taking breaks whenever possible and setting aside some time for relaxation whilst doing activities you enjoy, will help reduce anxiety and reignite mental energy lost due to exhaustion. A laugh can work miracles too, as it releases endorphins, also known as the happy hormones. Taking time to look after yourself ensures that you’re able to stay on top of your work and responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed. Going for regular checkups at your local doctor and engaging in positive conversations with people outside of your immediate circle are helpful activities for keeping things in perspective and maintaining psychological balance and emotional stability. Talking about your struggles with people in a trusted environment like a counselling session or asking your closest friends and family for advice can also help. Letting it all out, whatever it might be through writing, music or any other form of art can have a calming effect as it allows you to start making sense of your thoughts in a safe space and release emotions buried within. Recognising what triggers your stress and accepting it, instead of focusing on negatives, takes time and dedication but it’s achievable. Focusing on the positives can both reduce stress and help to cultivate an attitude of contentment. Redirecting your energy towards achieving life goals and ambitions does wonders for self-esteem and prevents stagnation. Once balance and mental clarity is achieved, tapping into others that share your journey through life can reignite the passion and enthusiasm needed to go on and thrive. Making sure you have the right people around you that either uplift, direct and navigate through any difficulties, will prove invaluable when it comes to taking on new challenges. The road of life is never comfortable, however, by looking up each step of the way, at the possibility of more and taking personal responsibility to face and tackle challenges head-on, amazing rewards are unearthed…strength of character and resilience, gained through conquering defeat and realising that no burden is ever too great for the human spirit. And though all this might sound abstract, one thing is certain - you’re never alone in the struggles life brings, holding it back is the first step towards facing them and overcoming them.
  4. Navigating the emotional terrain of the end of a relationship can be a daunting challenge. Whether the breakup was expected or a shock, you may be left feeling confused and sad, questioning why it happened, struggling to process feelings of guilt and anger, and trying to decide whether to give the partner space or try to reconcile. The good news is that you are not alone in your struggle — many others have been there and successfully navigated through. Here are some tips for dealing with the end of a relationship and finding your way back to truth and balance. Take your time and allow yourself to process the emotions that come up as you mourn the loss of the relationship. Instead of suppressing your sadness, it is important to face it and let yourself feel the grief. Allow yourself to take the time and space needed to really grieve and heal. In the wake of a breakup, it is natural to want to know why it happened. When questioning didn’t work out, try reaching out to your partner for clarity. Even if the conversation isn’t helpful initially, keep trying to get an honest conversation going. At the same time, realize that in some cases, no answers will be given. In these situations, accept that it is out of your control and move on. The effects of a breakup extend beyond the couple — friends and family can be affected too. Surround yourself with people who can provide support and help lift you up. Remember that these people can offer an objective point of view about what happened, and that you don’t need to explain yourself to them. If your breakup has been especially painful, it could be helpful to seek professional help to guide you through the process. This could include therapy, trauma-informed care, life coaching, or peer support groups. Therapists come in all different types and backgrounds, so take time to find someone you really identify with. Finally, shift your focus to the positive things in your life. What relationships do you value? Where do you put your energy when you’re not worrying about your ex? Do activities that make you feel better. Engage in self-care. Spend time with friends and family. Reconnect with nature. Small moments of joy can help you re-align with your best self and start moving forward. It is understandable that processing the end of a relationship and its aftermath can be a difficult journey. By honoring your emotions and taking the journey slowly, you can eventually come out the other side with a greater sense of self-awareness and understanding.
  5. Nothing breaks our hearts or shatters our ego like a breakup. Whether it was a loving and mutual decision to part ways or an abrupt and unexpected one, the hurt and confusion that lingers in the aftermath can feel like a complex puzzle with no easy solution. For those struggling with the consequences of a recent parting of ways and dealing with the emotions left behind – particularly if the ex-partner has moved on quickly – the situation may seem overwhelming and the path forward hard to grasp. For many, the recovery process begins with taking time to really process the experience, understanding what happened and identifying the range of feelings that arose throughout the relationship and its conclusion. Some may need to take a step back and conquer the more nebulous aspects of the what-happened-why cycle before they can move forward. Depending on the individual situation and nature of the breakup, it can also be beneficial to use a range of resources to find sources of support, such as talking to family, friends, a therapist or even a life coach. Adopting coping strategies tailored to one’s own individual needs can make all the difference in working through the hurt and turmoil – from writing in a journal, to creative outlets such as art, to breaking a sweat during physical activity. When trying to decipher the actions of an ex-er, the capacity to empathize may lead to a better understanding of their motivations. It is important when doing so, however, to keep in mind the need to steer away from blame and criticism; seeking out others who embody the spirit of neutrality and unconditional support will prove especially helpful in this regard. Examining events objectively and honestly can help chase away the shadows of confusion and foster a more balanced point of view. Many pain points are a natural outcome of every breakup, and it’s increasingly important to recognize this and look out for signs of discontent. From comfort eating to staying glued to the phone, these unconscious behaviors can sabotage rather than incentivize the process of self-discovery. Without allowing themselves the necessary space to heal and rethink what went wrong, those going through breakups likewise run the risk of getting derailed in the murky depths of unhealthy cycles like repeating patterns of grief, bereavement and pain. Fortunately, forgetting the past can pave the way for building a stronger, wiser future. Choosing to focus on the good things in life, as well as on opportunities to grow and be part of positive and meaningful activities, can lift the veil of hopelessness and reignite passions and loves. Equally important is being gentle to oneself, accepting the heartaches and challenges that breakups invariably bring to the surface. It’s ok not to be ok; what matters is to never forget that the only way out is to press on and strive for better days. When dealing with breakups and their accompanying feelings, it is essential to remember that each individual is unique and experiences this process in different ways. The ability to trust one’s intuition is key in finding what works best for each individual and learning to thrive in spite of the pain. With adequate support and guidance, along with personal initiatives to take a step outside one’s comfort zone in search of contentment, the path forward can be illuminated. What may at first appear bleak and despondent may turn out to become a time of transformation and realignment, if we’re willing to look past the sea of sorrow and just fill our sails with the winds of hope and optimism. Despite feeling confused or hurt by our ex, we can choose to repair the broken pieces of our heart and speed up the healing process. Here’s to better days ahead!
  6. For many people, facing a new relationship may evoke feelings of fear and trepidation, especially when it follows past hurtful experiences. It's understandable that one would be anxious about opening up and trusting anew to love freely, as pain can often make it difficult to take such a risky leap of faith. It takes courage to push through these fears and transition into a promising future filled with love and possibility. Here is some advice from mental health professionals to help one make the journey from fear to complete vulnerability and healing: Allow yourself to feel your emotions. Denying your feelings or burying them deep inside can be more damaging than confronting them head-on. Make time to recognize the fear and hurt—but don’t dwell on it. Address the issue and get comfortable with its presence in your life. Acknowledging your emotions can help you make sense of them and growing better equipped at addressing them in the future. Build an open and honest relationship. Open communication is essential for any healthy relationship—and this includes being forthright about what you’ve experienced in the past. Rather than avoiding conversations about your painful emotions, tell your partner about how you’re feeling, and be mindful of how they respond. This will help form a well-rounded bond built on trust and understanding. Reach out for social support. Everyone needs a support system when going through difficult times, so don’t be afraid to reach out to friends and family who you can depend on. Create a network that you can fall back on during hard times and remember to express your emotions without judgement. Eliminate trigger points. Triggers are reminders of past pain; they can be anything from specific words to physical spaces. Identify which ones cause everything else to escalate and use this awareness to avoid them. The more triggers that you can remove from your day to day life, the easier it will be to move beyond the fear and anxiety. Take baby steps. While it is tempting to jump right into a new romance, it’s imperative to do it gradually. Start by giving yourself permission to accept and respect the limits you’ve imposed upon yourself. Small victories will give you the confidence to expand those limits little by little. Journal and practice mindfulness exercises. Use writing or mediating as a way to process your current state of mind and acknowledge your emotions. Journaling has the power to be incredibly therapeutic and take pressure off of your internal dialogue; meditating can shift your mindset away from all the negativity. Above all, be patient with yourself and seek professional help if needed. Take your time and don’t pressure yourself to hurry up and find love. Be patient as you heal and allow yourself to naturally get to a place where fear isn’t an obstacle, but rather a meaningful experience in the journey to finding contentment and embrace the warmth of a trusting new love.
  7. We’ve all been there – feelings of frustration, hurt, and hopelessness when it comes to trying in vain to make changes in a relationship. Even when there is a desire to improve the relationship, it can be confounding when one’s partner fails to recognize the effort and maintain a perception that nothing will change. It is common for this disheartening situation to experience resignation, a sense of defeat and stagnation, and an overall dejected attitude. But are there ways to alter one’s partner’s view? Can anyone still take hold of their own impetus for growth and prove their commitment despite their partner’s reticence? The answer is yes. Regardless of the specifics within any relationship, it is important to understand the power of communication within interpersonal relationships. In order to bring about any sort of change, one must be actively engaged in direct dialogue with their partner. Only then might one begin to bridge the gap of understanding and fully explain why growth and change is essential, for themselves as well as their partner. With consistency and meaningful discourse, it may be possible to show what is truly motivating the person who would like to create variation in their relationship. This can involve explaining their values and goals, discussing personal wants and desires, and reasoned analysis of how the two of them can reach a compromise. Sometimes, it is necessary to demonstrate an active commitment to change that goes beyond words. Actions often speak louder - inspiring confidence and reassurance for the other partner. It can be reassuring for the partner to see that the individual striving for change is willing to take initiative in demonstrating progress and taking the relationship to another level. To do this, discovering self-improvement techniques could be a way to show potential change and demonstrate personally-centric growth. From taking classes or reading self-help books, to researching online resources or engaging in therapy - the possibilities are endless. Even the smaller steps count - from practicing mindfulness throughout each day to saying a kind word to the person next door - doing things that yield positive changes to both the individual’s perspective and those around them can help illuminate the desire and capability for improvement. A successful relationship consists of two equally invested, four-legged beings. Thus, it may require mutual consent in certain situations to ensure both parties reach a beneficial solution. There must be a solid agreement between partners of what needs to happen, what actions must be taken after committing to change, and how each party will hold themselves accountable. It also helps to perfect the practice of active listening, to truly comprehend everything that comes after it when establishing a dialogue with one’s partner. There are many facets to tackling a setback in a relationship. Despite feeling discouraged or questioning the ability to make progress, one must realize the potential to revive a bond through effective communication, self-improvement, and mutual plans for the future. By taking these necessary steps to demonstrate that the change is attainable and worthwhile, it might be easier to win back the trust of one’s partner and create a path towards sustainable success and thriving happiness in the relationship.
  8. "Life can be difficult – an uphill struggle full of highs and lows, successes and failures. We often try to avoid reality and wish away the hardships that accompany everyday life. But they are always there, waiting to rear their head. When we find ourselves struggling to accept reality and dealing with the hardships of life, past mistakes and failures, it can become even more difficult to manage and express our frustrations. It is important to remember that this feeling is normal, and all too common, but it shouldn't limit us. The first step is to become more aware of your current situation and identify what it is that you don’t like or don’t agree with. Look at it objectively, breaking down all the components and finding the most impactful ones that you can tackle first. Many times, we can’t change the entire situation but can focus on aspects we have more control over, such as how we react to it and how we can look for ways to make the best of any tough situation. It’s also a great idea to practice intentional self-care. This means taking a moment to look after your wellbeing by doing something that rejuvenates you. Whether it’s yoga, reading a book, or simply treating yourself to something you enjoy, taking a break from the struggles can be helpful in gaining perspective. Learning to love and accept ourselves just the way we are is key in navigating through the harshest parts of life. This can include making peace with our own mistakes and flaws and finding self-worth regardless of circumstances. Letting go of past disappointments and understanding that life is ever-changing can help in making peace with the present. It can also be useful to seek help when dealing with challenges if they seem too hard to face by yourself. Talking to someone impartial can often help in providing clarity and objectivity which is not always easy to come by on our own. Finding a safe space and someone to talk to can help in navigating these moments in life. It is important to remember that seeing a challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow can be empowering. Appreciating the journey and focusing on that much needed self-love can help in overcoming some of life’s most difficult challenges. "
  9. Depression is a formidable and oftentimes unbearable affliction that assails both the physical and mental states of those affected. Owing to the increasingly hectic lives we lead, depression can rear its ugly head at any point in time, leaving the individual feeling helpless in the face of its paralysis. Despite this fact that challenging our mental toughness, it is essential that we navigate this labyrinthine terrain of pain, sadness and lethargy to return to life’s many joys and experiences. In light of that, here are eleven practical tips to cope with depression. First, embracing an active lifestyle is an effective step in fighting off depression. A tiresome state of depression tends to bring activity to a screeching halt, manifesting itself in the form of an unpleasant inertia. This can be counteracted by faithfully exercising on a regular basisto improve both physical and mental health. Doing so can also drastically reduce stress and induce relaxation, acting as a powerful antidote to deep-seated gloominess. Second, developing a healthy sleeping schedule must not be overlooked in the quest to combat depression. Oftentimes, depressive feelings come hand in hand with a disturbed and limited sleeping pattern, resulting in an inability to look forward to waking up from slumber. Therefore, it is immensely important to incorporate good sleeping habits into the daily routine, so as to enhance the well-being and motivation for the activities of the day. Third, maintaining meaningful connections and seeking out comforting support systems can prove to be highly beneficial for individuals struggling with depression. Friends and family can be invaluable pillars of strength when the storm of depression feels like it won’t abate. Meaningful conversations and engaging in enjoyable activities whilst in the company of loved ones can provide a much-needed source of reprieve from dejection. Fourth, seeking out professional help is something that should always be considered when depressed. Confiding in a therapist or psychiatrist spent their whole professions helping individuals learn to manage their emotions, outlooks, and behaviors can actually do wonders in teering away from the darkness engulfing our faculties. Unfamiliar with such matters, family and friends often fail to provide professional solutions in such cases. Fifth, ‘cleansing' the mind of harmful thoughts is a technique known as cognitive restructuring. Rather than allowing worrisome thoughts to become clouded in confusion and fear, recognizing the core emotions behind them and replacing them with more positive and realistic views of the world can essentially defused distress, thereby minimizing the effect depression has on a person’s disposition. Sixth, engaging in relaxing activities that bring peace and satisfaction can be integral in thwarting the sinister aspects of depression. Nature walks, yoga, coloring books, gardening and even fishing are all exemplary options that relax the mind and body, resulting in a calm and recharged sensation. Eating healthy foods consisting ample servings of fresh fruits and vegetables can also contribute to alter states of profound happiness and clarity. Seventh, diversifying and indulging your hobbies, be that cooking, photography or painting, can increase one’s moods significantly. It is highly recommended to take up uncomplicated projects that entice and sustain the individual’s enthusiasm over long stretches of time. These activities can act as a platform to vigorously challenge the feelings of desolation and propel the individual towards personal fulfillment. Eighth, express yourself however you’re most comfortable with, be it through dancing, writing, painting or anyother form of art. Expressing your inner self and anguish through freeform mannerisms can provide immense relief from anxiety and despair, hence secreting copious amounts of much needed endorphins. Ninth, learning new subjects and skill sets can lend itself to extraordinary feats of achievement and growth, thus putting an individual in a truly rejuvenating frontline position against the invisible instruments depression attacks with. Additionally, understanding the disorder and absorbing pertinent information regarding its pathways and treatments can add impetus and vigor to the path towards recovery. Tenth, spending time in silence and reflection has proved to provide clinicians and those who suffer alike with an unparalleled sense of solace and peace, providing hope in the midst of darkness. Quiet contemplation can enable us to observe our selves in honest, clear manner, allowing us to construct viable solutions for our trials and tribulations in life, depression included. Finally, breaking down large goals and initiatives into smaller, manageable accomplishments can go a long way in dealing with depression to a great degree. This applies to various aspects of life, ranging from personal relationships to careers and individual goals, with failures and successes alike providing tangible sources of growth and insight. We must never forget that the fight to deal with depression is an ongoing battle that sometimes poses possibly unfathomable burdens to those afflicted. However, the tips mentioned above can serve as a beacon of light in times of total darkness, a lifeline to cling on to what may seem impossible. While the journey may not always be easy, tackling depression through actionable items and thoughtful reflections provides the individual with greater control and personal autonomy. Recognizing and confronting depression head-on is something brave that must be advocated and acted upon whenever possible. To seek help, to recognize the workings of our minds, to make small changes that gradually build up to bigger achievements, to realize that we are not beholden to whatever dastardly forces emerge within; these concepts form the building blocks of the therapy necessary to ease the grip of depression and ultimately return to the patterns of normalcy and joy.
  10. When it comes to relationships, it can be difficult to completely escape the fear of getting hurt. This fear can manifest itself as relationship anxiety, often causing us to feel overwhelmed, powerless and frustrated in our romantic connections. But there's no need to despair. By putting into practice a few simple, practical steps, we can start to overcome our relationship anxiety and allow ourselves to experience fear-free love. One of the first things we need to do is identify why we feel anxious in our relationship. It's important to note that there are both external and internal sources for our relationship anxiety that we must take into account. External sources include previous relationships, societal pressures and expectations, and unhealthy communication patterns observed in others. These may have caused us to form false conditions of worth, such as needing outside validation in order to feel worthy of love. On the other hand, we may also be our own harshest critic, comparing ourselves to impossible standards or dwelling on all our perceived flaws. Both external and internal sources of self-doubt need to be addressed in order to truly overcome our relationship anxiety. Once we are aware of our sources of anxiety, it's time to put into practice some proactive coping strategies. The first step is to practice self compassion. Instead of continuing destructive reflexes such as judgment, negative self-talk and overthinking, we should focus on treating ourselves with kindness and understanding. Self compassion doesn't just mean being nice to ourselves- it also involves developing healthy boundaries and recognizing when it's time to take a break from our relationships. The next step is to improve our communication skills. Open and honest communication is a key factor in any healthy relationship, and can aid us in overcoming relationship anxiety. We must remember to listen to each other, use non-violent language and speak from a place of genuine openness and empathy. Additionally, setting clear expectations from the start makes it easier to manage our anxiety, as well as resolve conflicts faster when they come up. Third, it’s important to never underestimate the power of spending quality time together. Investing time in shared activities can help us to rediscover our common interests and strengths, as well as build trust with one another. Plus, taking time to be still together (even if it's just for 10 minutes) helps us to focus on being fully present and totally connected to each other. Finally, it’s important to support one another’s individual growth. While our partner may be the person whom we turn to for comfort and security, we mustn't forget that they are also an individual with their own needs and dreams. Celebrating each other's successes, offering space when needed and validating one another’s feelings can go a long way in creating a strong and trusting bond between us. Relationship anxiety doesn't have to ruin our relationships. By applying these five practical steps, we can start to take back our power and create a relationship founded on joy and security. No more need to be shackled to the chains of fear- with a little effort and determination, we can experience thriving, fear-free love.
  11. When trying to negotiate the tricky terrain of romantic feelings for a partner's best friend, there is no easy answer. It can be an emotionally difficult, and often confusing situation to navigate. To make matters worse, it’s a situation that many couples find themselves in more often than not, as forming close friendships with others can sometimes oppose the idea of loyalty and commitment. This is particularly pertinent in today’s social environment, as technology makes it easier for us to create and maintain connections with people outside of our own relationships. For couples with strong ties to their group of friends, it can be hard to prioritize the relationship with the partner’s best friend. Perhaps the most important thing to consider when is the trust between the two partners in the relationship. If there is no foundation of trust, then it may be difficult and damaging to try to maintain a relationship with a friend of the partner. Trying to assess the overall level of trust in a relationship before making decisions regarding another person can be helpful, as it can help to identify any red flags or issues that may need to be addressed or resolved first. When faced with feelings of attraction towards one another, it is important to remember that you both need to feel comfortable in expressing your feelings and thoughts openly with each other. This can be especially beneficial when dealing with a situation that could potentially place strain on the relationship or friendship. Respect is also essential within any type of relationship, so it’s important to ensure that both parties respect each other’s decisions, even if one does not agree completely. It is important to keep communication open, especially if these feelings turn romantic and become more serious. Honesty is paramount in any kind of relationship, so being honest about how you feel and what you want from a potential relationship will help ensure that everything is out in the open. As the saying goes, “honesty is the best policy”, and this is especially true for navigating the tricky terrain of romantic feelings for a partner’s best friend. It can also be useful to take into consideration what kind of impact the relationship could have on both the partners and their friendship. For example, if the relationship ends, would both parties still be able to keep in touch, or would they need to go their separate ways? All of these factors must be taken into account when . Finally, it is important to remain conscious of the fact that emotions and feelings can change over time, and that it is not set in stone for a relationship to either succeed or fail. It is perfectly acceptable to take a step back and reassess the situation throughout the process of .
  12. We have all been there. Has your connection gone deeper than friendship, is it an ambiguous relationship? Questions like these can be hard to answer and even harder to bring up in conversation. You don’t want to prematurely define the situation, nor do you want to overthink and overwhelm yourself. Authenticity and transparency should reign as your best tools when negotiating this new terrain. It is important to remember that communication is key here – without it, we are unable to get to the root of the problem, possibly leaving ourselves in a limbo of uncertainty tense with awkwardness. There can be much at stake in these types of conversations, so it’s essential to learn how to handle them with kindness and honesty. Here are five tips for successfully navigating ambiguous relationships. First, take a moment to pause and reflect. Before deciding whether to broach the issue with your friend or love interest, take some time to think about how you are feeling as well as try to put yourself in the other person's shoes. It could be worth your while to distinguish between feelings of love or lust, since concealing these feelings could make conversations difficult down the road. Honesty should be your priority - observe the way they are responding to you, so you can gain a better understanding of the bifurcation of emotions on both sides of the equation. Putting someone on the spot can make a beloved feel cornered and alarmed, so best give them outlet to demonstrate their own feelings. Second, recognize that it’s OK to not have all the answers right away. Part of any healthy relationship is being able to successfully manage ambiguity. For example, a relationship could transition from friendship to romantic without openly agreeing to become an item. No one should be comfortable with premature labeling, and no one should expect complete clarity from the other. After all, life and love is never set in stone. Third, stay calm and composed no matter the answer. Again, honesty is of utmost importance, and assurance should be anathema. Neither of you should attempt to lead the other into a desired outcome based on biases or expectations. All feelings should be shared in a non-judgemental space through a level-headed and open dialogue. Fourth, remain mindful of the possible outcomes of the conversation. Be prepared for every response, as results may not always align with expectations. If any negative news arises or if the future doesn't paint the picture you'd hoped, be civilly understanding and realistic. Acknowledge and respect your own and the other’s opinion while maintaining mutual self-respect. The connectedness of an ambiguous relationship can fluctuate, meaning a slight misstep can leave one of you or both parties feeling uneasy. Fifth, forget binary thinking. Binary thinking sets up our realities into two distinct categories – same or different, black or white, yes or no. But few things in life can be classified into one of two mutually exclusive categories. Keeping this in mind is key since it could be that neither of you would want your dynamic to veer too closely towards a traditional romantic framework. Maybe both of you are looking for companionship and an emotionally safe space. Maybe both of you desire something more, but neither of you has said it out loud yet. Maybe things just stay comfortable as is. This last proposition does not mean you are clinging to a dust-covered hope for a utopian relationship, but that your relationship is special and unique to your own circumstances. Managing ambiguous relationships can be difficult, so communication must be viewed with frankness and sensitivity. By employing clarity, respect and poise, a consensual understanding can arise and pique both head and heart in a subject that may feel uncomfortable to confront. It is possible to discover a sweet relief in having one of life’s gray areas finally illuminated with a sanity-saving clarity.
  13. “This isn't easy,” she said to herself as she stepped out of her front door and into the wisping sunlight. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Pangs of anxiety began to swell within her as she recalled the courage it had taken to reveal her true self to those closest to her. She steadied her feet and squared her shoulders, looked ahead and determinedly took one step after another until that part of her journey was complete. Now she was going to be taking a new kind of step, one that was meant to launch her forward into uncharted territory. Coming out of the closet is a complex, difficult and often stressful experience. From discovering self-acceptance to managing family relationships and making difficult social decisions, navigating the process of coming out can present an individual with immense challenges. Knowing the right time and place to open the closet doors, gaining the courage to take that bold step, and developing the necessary inner strength and support system to do so can seem overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be. The first step in coming out of the closet is being honest and accepting with oneself. Before anyone else needs to know, it’s important to ensure at the outset that one feels secure and able to face whatever repercussions or challenges may arise during the process. Having a positive mental attitude and building up a strong inner support system can make the process easier to bear. It’s also important to first form strong allies who can provide an emotional anchor both during and after coming out. This could include friends, family members or peers of similar age, backgrounds and orientations. Once one feels at peace enough within themself to begin the process of coming out, it’s important to choose a suitable platform for the act. It’s more difficult to manage other people’s reactions when coming out in public forums such as work or school, and therefore it’s typically best to start off by telling close friends and family before branching out further. Once that part of the process is completed, the key is to stay strong and persevere. Reactions may range from shock to anger or even denial and rejection, but it’s crucial to not let these armors deter one’s self-confidence. Remember that everyone’s journey is unique and take the time to honour and respect the discomfort that this process often brings. It takes immense courage to come out and ultimately establish an individual’s sense of self-truth in a clamoring society that continually places certain labels and boxes upon people. But understand that no matter how hard it might seem, the one thing that matters most is yourself and the respect you give to your own outlook and orientation. When facing the difficult decision of coming out, it’s key to trust that the path eventually will lead to a fulfilling future and a self-identity that’s no longer bound by closed doors.
  14. The Tale of Two Equal But Partially Different: Gender Roles in Marriage Throughout history, gender roles have been an integral part of marriage. As society has evolved over time, however, these traditional expectations have been replaced by modern realities. Today, there is a need for couples to navigate these different expectations and understand how to best achieve a healthy and satisfying marriage. A modern couple is made up of two equal partners, each of whom has unique strengths, desires and values. While it’s important for the two individuals to create their own dynamic, there are still underlying societal expectations that can make this difficult. Traditional values continue to assign specific roles to each partner, based on gender. These roles often consist of separate expectations of men and women, with each having predetermined tasks and responsibilities. In order to find a balance between traditional roles and modern expectations, it’s important for each partner to be open to compromise and communication. For example, a woman may take on more traditional roles, such as managing the home, while her partner may take on the role of primary wage earner. Alternatively, a couple could choose to divide roles and responsibilities more equally. With open discussions, they can come to mutual understandings that will work best for them. Another way to successfully reconcile the difference between traditional and modern expectations is to create shared goals. These should be created together as a team, focusing on both short-term and long-term objectives. Working towards a shared goal can help couples to remain connected and continue nurturing their relationship. At the same time, it’s essential for partners to recognize and appreciate their differences. One partner may have a different approach to dealing with finances, or value family events, for example. It’s important to embrace all of these qualities, understanding that it adds complexity, but also creates a deeper bond. No single formula exists when it comes to gender roles and marriage. However, by understanding traditional values and expectations, harmonizing these with modern realities, and recognizing individual differences, couples can create a healthy and fulfilling partnership that works best for them.
  15. Relationships can be complex and emotionally draining at times, which is never truer than when dating a girlfriend. No matter how much love and trust exists in a relationship, common problems will always arise that can slowly eat away at the connection. While some challenges can be considered normal, many of these issues can cause long-lasting damage if not dealt with quickly. Before it’s too late, here are some common relationship woes and how to solve them. One of the most common challenges couples face is communication issues. Couples can easily become distant if they don’t talk to each other. Arguments can arise if one partner tries to express their points of view while the other only listens – or worse, doesn’t listen at all. To repair this, both partners need to find active ways to communicate instead of feeling unspoken pressure to guess what the other is thinking. This should especially be followed up on when discussing topics of affection and admiration so no feelings get hurt. It’s also important to remember that just because opinions don’t match does not mean your relationship has to suffer. Another issue that can occur in any relationship is cheating. Cheating can leave scars that may never heal, but it doesn’t have to ruin an otherwise healthy relationship. As tempting as it may be for a partner to spill out their innermost feelings and summon outrage, trying to make sense of the situation and learning from it might be more beneficial in the long run. The couple needs to confront the issue head on and develop mutual understanding when deciding how to move forward. That could be anything from forgiving and forgetting, to breaking up if one partner is too scared of the possibility of further travesties in the future. At times, people can hold each other back due to attachment and a fear of being left. This is usually caused by a lack of trust in the other person and can manifest into controlling or possessive behaviors, such as putting up physical or emotional boundaries and enforcing strict rules that negatively affect both sides of the relationship. To surpass this wall, each partner must focus on reassuring the other, developing trust and restoring the connection. Open and honest communication and a commitment to hanging on through the difficult moments will help build a strong foundation for any relationship. Finally, none of these challenges should be viewed as a sole responsibility. Every individual must take part in creating and maintaining their relationship in order to overcome difficulties, as well as creating a safe space for each other to express their feelings and desires. Reassessments and progress checks need to be made regularly to ensure the relationship continues to grow and thrive.
  16. The sun was rising over the horizon—the first in a long row of new days filled with possibilities and potential. A family, broken and scattered, was coming together to make the best of it. Across two separate households, they had come to understand that blending families was possible but not without hard work, negotiation, and understanding. Navigating parenting and stepparenting roles was being done one step at a time, both literally and figuratively. Matters were made more difficult by the pandemic, forcing families apart when they were just beginning to reunite with one another. With each passing day, this family must find ways to learn about each other, create structure and consistency for the children, and manage their expectations of each other. There are a few key points to keep in mind when it comes to blending families. First and foremost, respect is something that cannot be overstated. Families that are able to accept one another from different perspectives and backgrounds tend to fare much better than those who do not. Secondly, communication matters. The use of language can have a huge impact on how others respond and understanding what works for each family member can go a long way. Thirdly, set the right expectations. Kids will often act out or rebel when they feel a lack of structure or consistency. You may find they need more attention or appreciation than they’ve been getting until now. It’s important to be realistic and communicate clearly with each other to ensure each family member is comfortable and heard. Fourthly, recognize that bonds take time to build. Change can be tough, especially when introducing a new family member into the mix. That doesn’t mean that it can’t work—it just means it will most likely require extra patience and effort. Lastly, prioritize the wellbeing of everyone. The power of parents lies in their ability to support their children in growing and thriving in their environment. In addition, parents need to take care of themselves in order to be their best for the children, which includes setting boundaries and taking time for themselves. Creating a harmonious blended family is an ongoing journey with ebbs and flows. As the sun rises every morning, so comes a brand new opportunity to develop and nurture connections between one another. With open minds and hearts, everyone can work together to create the safety and support blended families need to thrive.
  17. Ruptures in personal relationships are challenging situations to navigate. Facing an ex-partner, especially when their relationship is tenuous or complicated as when they share a child with a toxic co-parent, can seem like a labyrinth of never-ending paths, where none bring comfort and trust. There is one option, however, which offers a pathway to better understanding the complexities and potential for growth — the path of exercising control over communication with your former partner. Recognize the Charge in the Room The most difficult and stressful interactions between once-connected individuals often begin with a show of authority. Even when the topic of conversation is about something relatively innocuous, the desire for control can be unwittingly communicated by false stories and claims of feeling, such as anger or frustration, as well as microseptic, verbal expressions that restrict the flow of conversation and minimise the power of the other individual participating. A charged interchange between two people is like an electric current, stimulating an understandable defence reaction from the person on the receiving end. In the case of a difficult ex, the charge in the room demonstrates there is still a strong connection between yourself and your former partner, even if you may no longer be together. It is important to acknowledge the importance of this bond, without allowing it to dictate or overpower future communication. The ability to recognise the tension within the situation — to not allow it to dictate the outcome or get out of hand — will allow you to gain a sense of control over the situation and show respect to both parties involved. Cut Down on Negativity Feelings of vulnerability and despair can quickly arise when it comes to the topic of a difficult ex-partner, particularly one with a toxic co-parent. In order to maintain sanity and clarity of thought when conversing with your former partner, it is important to minimise negative thought patterns and irrational fears. During the conversation, take small, purposeful pauses to interpret their words and behaviour in a way that builds self-perception and trust. This will help to lessen the tension and make sure that both individuals have the autonomy to express themselves in a healthy way. When communicating with your former partner, try to highlight the positives, like shared interests and values, rather than the differences or disagreements. As uncomfortable as it may be, keep any criticism or grievances to a minimum and avoid focusing on unimportant or resentful details. Keeping negative feelings at bay is the only way to foster a healthy communication climate. Empower Yourself The ultimate goal of maintaining control over a difficult ex-partner is to ensure that both individuals feel heard in an open atmosphere of respect. When conversing, it is important to remain calm and focused, and to allow yourself to tap into the resilience that lies within. Your partner’s past behaviours and choices may be mired in negativity and distorted beliefs, but you can choose to break away from their drama and fear. Make sure to set boundaries for each conversation and dedicate appropriate time for resolving issues. Show empathy, yet stay firm. Through each exchange, remember to remind yourself of the strength and perseverance of emotional intelligence. Becoming a master of conversation in difficult scenarios is an invaluable trait With each successful interaction, you will learn more strategies to enact long-term mental health and stability. Even when the situation appears hopeless or the exchanges between two estranged partners become heated, it is always possible to regain some semblance of control. Through mindful communication, setting boundaries, and staying focused, we can learn to manage our vulnerable scenarios, leveraging compassionate strength to combat paralyzing fear and build mental fortitude. In doing so, we can show respect to both parties and forge a way forward, relieved of the burdens of a painful past.
  18. It’s said that blending a family takes “Crazy glue and lots of love,” and for anyone who has experienced the step-parenting dynamic firsthand, it’s easy to understand why. The challenges of building a cohesive relationship between step-parents and step-children can be daunting. Yet, there are ways to face these challenges and find solutions, adapting each step to the unique talents, qualities, and needs of everyone in the family. For many in blended families, when two households become one, it can create an atmosphere of confusion, friction, and—ultimately—resentment. Whether it’s rooted in the loss of a parent, feeling intimidated or displaced by an incoming adult figure, or any one of a number of other issues, the result is a family union that is frequently fraught with contention and conflict. Step-parenting is not for the faint of heart. Establishing and building positive relationships with step-children is a process that takes patience and dedication. Understanding the feelings of all members of a blended family is a great place to start. Step-parents should take the time to express interest in getting to know their step-children on a more personal level. Talk about the little things, whether it’s favorite movies, sports teams, pets, books, or hobbies. Through conversation, adults can gain insight into the feelings of each of their new stepsons or daughters and find commonalities as a first step in forming a bond. Early efforts of kindness and generosity also go a long way in establishing respect, trust, and goodwill. Regular family outings and quality time together help show step-children that they are valued and loved. Many times, physical acts of affection—hugs, high-fives, etc.—can help bridge the gap between the adults and their step-children. Having a healthy perspective is important too. Step-parents in blended families must realize that they do not need to fill the role of “missing” parent. This can lead to unrealistic expectations and cause resentment. It’s okay to know what you do and do not want to do as a step-parent, and to have limits. It's also ok to talk about these things with your partner and the step-children. Trust is multi-dimensional. Earning step-children’s trust takes effort and patience. It means expressing good listening skills and providing stability, consistency, and unconditional love, no matter how challenging their behaviors may be. It is vital to demonstrate that the step-parent is there to stay and will not abandon them. Setting clear communication, behavioral, and household expectations helps too. To establish guidelines, consider using written behavior contracts to document important family rules that everyone has agreed upon and signed. Acknowledging step-children’s hard work and successes helps encourage respect and reciprocal trust since they know they’re being seen and heard. It is also important to nurture the relationships between step-siblings, especially if they must share a parent’s attention. Making sure that each child receives the same opportunities and appropriate financial support (regardless of age or gender) demonstrates fairness. Allow step-siblings alone time too and win-win scenarios by encouraging team projects such as cleaning up the family’s backyard or creating a family photo album. Above all else, step-parents must exhibit compassion and empathy. They should understand that children who have been through a lengthy divorce process may still be adjusting. Remind them often of the powerful role a supportive adult can play in making every family stronger and overcoming life’s transitions. With honest communication, patience, and courage, blended families across the world can continue to prove that, no matter how complex the challenges, solutions are still within reach.
  19. Dinner dates, cozy nights at the movies, and strolls along the beach are all moments that couples savor, but an age-gap relationship brings an added level of complexity to their lives. The joys of being with someone who’s significantly older or younger may be fulfilling and worth navigating, but there are challenges that come with this type of partnership, too. The first and most obvious challenge is the difference in life experience. An age-gap couple must understand that, depending on whether one is older or younger, the other may have lived longer and have had more diverse life experiences. They may need to remember to remain sensitive to each other’s older/younger perspectives, and give one another adequate space to express these thoughts and feelings. Another potential complication is public perception. Age gaps can introduce a new level of judgment from friends, family, strangers, and even their own children. It’s important for both partners to be prepared to remain firm in their convictions and back one another up in public should the situation arise. Age-gap relationships also present challenges when it comes to communication. Because people often want to talk about different topics and experiences based on their age, it can be tricky to build a true connection even if you share similar interests. This can be overcome by doing activities together, setting aside time to talk specifically about each other’s day-to-day news, events both past and present, and looking into the future. Careful consideration must be given to issues such as when the couple’s lives will start settling down. One partner may want to travel while they are still young while their stable partner wants to settle down and start a family. It’s important for the couple to talk through their long-term plans, come to an understanding of what feels right for each person, and determine how best to proceed together. The importance of having respect for one another cannot be overstated. Both partners must recognize the other’s maturity (or lack thereof) and treat them with equal consideration and kindness. Though the thought of being with someone significantly younger or older may bring excitement, the gap itself must have no place in the context of the broader relationship. Age-gap relationships may be daunting, but they’re not impossible. Couples who take the right steps—building mutual understanding, respecting each other’s perspectives, being open to change, and sharing their dreams and goals—can often find happiness far outside their comfort zones. With awareness, careful consideration and a commitment to working together open communication, any age-gap relationship can be navigated successfully.
  20. Feelings of insecurity or lack of self-esteem can often be a barrier to finding a romantic connection. By understanding and prioritizing your innermost desires and strengths, you can gain the ability to project an aura of confidence and poise that will draw people in naturally. This article is devoted to helping women unlock their inner confidence and present themselves in the best possible light. One of the most powerful ways to increase your magnetic energy is to become the best version of yourself. Before reaching out to potential partners, focus on getting to know your own needs and letting go of any insecurities. Focus on aspects of yourself that you appreciate and cultivate your genuine interests by surrounding yourself with activities and people you enjoy. Doing this will also open you up to taking risks and make it easier for you to form meaningful relationships. The key to unlocking your inner confidence lies in trusting your intuition. Think about what kind of person or situation you’re drawn to, and don’t be afraid to go after it. Use positive affirmations to reframe negative thoughts, and remember that it takes bravery to put yourself out there. One way to convey your newfound confidence is by dressing in a way that makes you feel empowered and ready to take on whatever life throws at you. You next step should be to genuinely express yourself with those around you. Trying out new conversations, experimenting with eye contact can help you become more comfortable expressing yourself with confidence and poise. Even if you don’t have the best experience in the world, pick yourself up and practice some more. Another way to increase your appeal is by speaking up during conversation. Showing decisive action gives people a strong impression of you and that can attract more people. Refrain from sarcasm and try to focus more on jokes, compliments and funny stories and let the conversation unfold slowly. Unlocking your inner confidence requires you to take ownership of your emotions and decisions. Step back and evaluate situations before jumping in. Expressing your personality spontaneously can make all the difference. When someone expresses an honest opinion, give credit and show your appreciation. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and open up -- it takes courage, but it also shows how invested you are in the process. Finally, think about the type of vibe you want to create when you meet someone new and strive for that. Being unpredictable is a great trait to have because it keeps people engaged and it encourages others to put effort into their interactions with you. Try to think objectively about the situation and focus on creating positive chemistry. Having confidence and radiating an affirmative energy are the most attractive things you can do as a woman looking to make connections. Give yourself the space to reprioritize and allow yourself to come off as confident, independent and content. If you believe in yourself, you can make it so the rest of the world follows suit.
  21. Maintaining a balance between commitment and independence can be stressful for those navigating relationship challenges. It’s like the tolling of a bell, reflecting the heartbeat of interdependence. Each pendulum swing between being too connected and wanting time apart requires acknowledgement and adjustment. But how do people manage the complexities of a balanced connection? How can we foster ongoing healthy synergy between any two people, rather than an animosity? It takes understanding, acceptance, communication, and an openness to compromise. To find a sense of relaxation within this balance, we must move beyond fear-based reactions to a secure connection that acknowledges personal needs, boundaries, and mutual respect. Being in a relationship with personal autonomy demands a woven understanding, a dance of expectation negotiation. After all, each person has been shaped by their deepest hurts, joys, and opinions. Relationships must be based on an awareness of that connection and a love of healthy partnerships. This concept doesn’t just apply to romantic relationships or family members. Friendships and work relationships can benefit from the alignment of commitment and freedom as well. Recognizing both sides of the spectrum allows for optimal strength and trusting connections. Not to mention, it’s impossible to build a valuable relationship without emotional and physical investment. At the same time, having a space to breathe and nurture yourself outside of the relationship is vital for individual growth, emotional stability, and healthy conflict resolution. We can start by noticing when we’re feeling overburdened and setting limits. If plans conflict with our hearts, we should approach our situation bravely and communicate openly. Only then will we have the ability to work together to create a mutual understanding. After all, relationships should provide a space to encourage, not strain. Sharing our dreams and making room for individual progress isn’t something that’s easily done; it’s a continuous process of self-discovery and growth. Reflecting on the past helps us contextualize current feelings and dig into our innermost truths. It’s okay to seek the serene shore sometimes, but it’s also important to wash away some of our biases and remaining doubts. That paves the way for honest dialogue and empathic understanding. Just like a cackling bonfire can warm the frigid air, strong relationships thrive off of a steady flame of trust and affection. Protecting this flame requires balance, a proper mix of tenderness and understanding, criticism and compassion. This is the same notion echoed in any type of relationship. The clash of expectations and commitment can isolate us and push us away if we don’t dissolve assumptions, move toward listening and meet each other halfway. Creating a relationship that balances commitment and independence can be challenging, but the reward is finding a harmony of connection, understanding, and acceptance. The journey might even hold magical moments that lift our spirits and remind us of the most delicious flavors of life. Here’s to cultivating relationships from a place of peace and wisdom, so that we may all experience the wonder of true interdependence.
  22. Do you fondly remember the good old days when, if someone showed an interest in you, you could both enjoy a feeling of courting and begin to get to know each other? Sadly, that's not the case these days. Now, it's hard to know if someone is interested in starting a connection or they're just doing it out of obligation or to appease you. With the push of online dating and our iPhones glued to our hips, it's easy to become overwhelmed and distracted by this complex world of potential partners and casual relationships. So, how do we create meaningful connection and find true love? The key to creating a successful connection and finding true love is to only pursue relationships with those who make it known they like you and make consistent effort to be around you. It might take time, but eventually those actions will lead to real, enduring and special connection and perhaps even a strong relationship. A date with no purpose and no real meaning won't lead to anything more than disappointment and loneliness. Choosing to build a connection with someone involves knowing they enjoy and embrace what you have to offer. It takes time to get to this point, but it's a crucial part of building a meaningful connection. There's no use in getting into a relationship if it's clear that the person isn't enjoying the moments they spend with you or isn't embracing your values. If they don't enjoy or embrace your presence, it's time to move on. You deserve more and shouldn't settle for anything less than special connection with someone. Self-love is also essential in creating meaningful connection and building a successful relationship. To give and receive love requires being comfortable with and acknowledging who you are. You must accept yourself so that you can understand your wants and needs, and extend respect for your partner. Only then can you build the kind of understanding and intimacy that develops real connection with someone else. Respect for yourself and your partner will bring you both closer and allow you to better understand each other, creating trust and enabling room for growth. It all comes down to balance. Don't give your power away to someone else. You don't deserve any less than someone making an effort to create a connection with you, and you don't need to commit if it's not what you want. Listen to your intuition and only pursue relationships if it's clear that your potential partner truly enjoys and embraces your presence. Only then can you start to build a lasting connection with someone. It's important to remember - you're too full of love for halfheartedness.
  23. Love and commitment can be complex and sometimes difficult emotions to navigate. It is understandable that many of us struggle with letting go of a situation or person that we have an emotional investment in, but there are important lessons to be learned when it comes to self-respect and drawing healthy boundaries in relationships. One area where this is particularly relevant is when it comes to understanding the power of no. If a man has told you that he is not ready for a relationship, you stick around and play girlfriend anyway, and he sleeps with you but does not change his mind—you are not the victim in that scenario. Often times, the moments when we feel most powerless in a relationship are ones that teach us the most about ourselves. Awareness of how we react to situations within our partnerships and what boundaries we set can shape our emotional futures. Learning how to speak up and not accept any behavior that is beneath our basic standards of respect is critical to having balanced and fulfilling relationships down the line. It can be difficult to feel like someone isn’t taking your feelings into consideration, but this ultimately doesn’t make you a ‘victim’; rather, it is a lesson on the importance of setting boundaries. If a man has told you about his lack of readiness for a relationship and then still chooses to sleep with you but not commit, it is now time for you to choose yourself and act accordingly There are ways to communicate and enable situations where both parties can get their needs met and lead mutually beneficial relationships. Though this may not always be the outcome of every connection, at least it creates an opportunity for clarity and understanding. However, in the instance of not being able to create this space, it is important to remember that something that we have no power over does not define us. It is how much self-awareness we have concerning our own boundaries, and if we are able to take the knowledge gained with us moving forward. We may feel powerless against the fact that someone chose not to reciprocate our mutual understanding and respect, but processing our emotions afterwards can be incredibly valuable and inspiring. The beauty of acknowledging our individual values is that we begin to understand who we should open up to emotionally and sexually so that we can use those experiences as learning tools for our internal growth - not points of contention or situations of guilt or shame. Protecting our hearts and minds from injustices of any kind requires us to stay conscious of how we move forward with our boundaries. Just because someone crosses these lines doesn’t mean that our delicate inner world becomes open to manipulation and misuse. After all, remaining firm in our convictions and not compromising our sense of self-control is what will guarantee our future happiness and wellbeing. It isn’t easy to walk away from something we want and justify why it is the right thing to do, especially when we haven’t been given everything we need by the other person first. In order to do this, we must tap into the secure place within us that remembers the choices we were able to make even when we have experienced confusion and pain. There may have been a time in the past that someone made us feel like victims for voicing ourselves too strongly, or maybe we weren’t listened to in a relationship or friendship as often as we should've been. But recovering from past hurts must also include recognizing when to take back control of our hearts. Being honest with ourselves and setting the proper boundaries can help us escape the cycle of repeat behavior, and ultimately get us closer to wherever we want our lives to be.
  24. We all live by a set of contracts. Some with ourselves, some with others, some with life in general. We tell our minds and hearts that they must remain stalwartly fixed upon predetermined goals and obligations, lest we suffer the wrath of disappointment and remorse. This can be especially hard when it comes to relationships, as the strongest of emotions are rooted and the biggest commitments often made. But the reminder here is that relationships are dynamic things, and it’s ok to change your mind. This isn’t to suggest that everyone should go into a relationship with a “try before you buy” attitude, or that we should all have a catalog of wishes and expectations that we scrutinize over time to determine worthiness. However, it is important to note that relationships will not always remain the same, even when based upon the most fundamental of human desires. People grow, people change, and in turn, so does the way we view those closest to us. It’s easy (and understandable) to become overwhelmed by sheer, passionate devotion and dedication, sometimes to the point of fully forgetting one’s self-worth. We moonlight as martyrs and try to carry our emotional burdens above and beyond what they were initially built for. Eventually, all of this excess emotional weight will manifest itself in the break down of communication. We stop speaking our truth, no matter the cost, and in the process, we lose track of our own needs and wants. This can carry on for months or years, in spite of both partners knowing that something is wrong. How else could it be known that one person is increasingly growing apart from the other if not through conversations full of candor and understanding? Relationship evolution is inevitable and it’s possible that sometimes, in learning what we need, we may come to find certain relationships no longer fit the bill for complete contentment. It’s ok to leave a situation that’s no longer suitable for growth, and it’s ok for your mind to change about the notions of love and intimacy.Sometimes it takes an unwavering faith in yourself to accept that you may no longer be the same person you were when first exchanging vows of commitment. Being able to recognize what your heart truly desires and giving yourself the permission to express that innermost longing is one of the most courageous acts a person can undertake. Change isn't necessarily a bad thing, and unless it alters or prevents either partner from experiencing joy, it shouldn’t be seen as such. In the end, these feelings of doubt, insecurity and micro-anxiety can only be squelched by being upfront and honest about them - a far better decision than allowing an unhappy mindset to fester. So, don’t be afraid of the unknown. Go out there, take a chance on yourself, and know that it’s ok to change your mind in a relationship. Relationships need not be one-size-fits-all, nor should they be treated as such. It’s ok to make mistakes and travel the path of self-discovery. And at the end of the day, your biggest supporter will always be you.
  25. In a world of many conflicts, when facing temptation is inevitable, trying to cling onto that one beloved person in order to find Heaven on Earth can seem like the greatest of challenges. For those who dare to look beyond the spark of an initial attraction and the sheer physical aspects of a relationship and strive to bring out the best in each other, this pursuit of understanding, chemistry, and compatibility can be both beautiful and sacred. As is said, "You get the best version of me when I see you are trying to be the best version of you. That energy is contagious. When you have this type of chemistry with someone built on learning from each other, you become so much stronger together as individuals." This chemistry between two people is an innate thing, virtually impossible to explain in words or imprecisely quantify and often difficult to come by. It cannot be purchased, sold, or forced -- it must be found, nurtured, and grown organically. Some may accept and believe that some couples are meant to find one another, and yet often love does not stand a chance against great distances of both space and time, or immense cultural differences, or rigid family objections, or even an old proverb that warns against an unfathomable age gap between partners. Regardless of what the obstacles may be, the singular desire to break through them all and live on in harmony carries the potential to overtake all other sensations and emotions. But what exactly drives one to go all-in when it comes to such a bond? What is it that stirs up a sense of recognition within us, that calls out to us in a familiar way, that completely and utterly mesmerizes us? Perhaps more accurately, what specifically causes us to feel connected, understood, and fulfilled by that one person while being contented with no one else? A sense of reciprocity seems to play a key role here. Of course, any good and genuine relationship involves respect and compassion for one another, communicating and understanding each other’s feelings, providing unconditional support and encouragement for one another, and lending a helping hand in times of need. But until two hearts united by love are at one in their mutual feelings for, and reactions to, one another, a few hundred frank conversations and thousands of agreeable behaviors will never be enough to make true connections. When two equals are willing to learn from each other, to inspire and be inspired in turn, then each individual gains invaluable insight and experience from the journey, which eventually leads to an incomparable duration of personal growth and maturation. Thus the combination of one-hit-wonders and “been there, done that” matches can never compare to time spent with a soul mate. This self-realization is empowering, providing freedom and opportunity beyond what one could think possible. The break free mentality in such a setting creates a deep connection and transforms the simple pleasure of being around your beloved into something else entirely – a deep sense of completeness that envelopes you. Freely sharing your thoughts and dreams, aspirations and values with someone you trust never goes astray, with both partners becoming stronger as a result. It is celebrated for good reason when two individuals manage to find such a balance together, surrounded by admiration and envy from others. So when it comes to the happiest of life moments, spending quality time with your special someone offers the kind of joy that none other can provide. You become part of a heavenly embrace, watching your smile mirror his and knowing that you have found the one person in this world who can bring out the best in you and sees your worth. Wouldn’t it be nice to find him/her, and cherish these precious sequences of interconnectivity? They might be rare, but heaven on Earth is attainable, if you can find the right person and actively strive to bring out the best in them.
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