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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Battling Overwhelming Challenges

    Struggling is a part of life. We all experience it from time-to-time and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to alleviate the difficult feelings that come with it. Living life can involve a constant onslaught of feelings of being overwhelmed; such as relationship issues with partners, financial problems, health issues, self-esteem and confidence issues, indecision and guilt about past choices and lack of support from friends and family. It can be a long and hard-fought journey but don’t give up now—help is available.

    Diving into the depths of overwhelming emotions is like a fall into the darkness that’s almost impossible to shake off. But have faith, as difficult as these feelings are, they are not permanent, they do not define you and they will eventually pass. Every challenge has a solution and if you can call on your support network and make use of the multitude of resources offered, then you’re already halfway there.

    Self-care is so important and can go along way to helping you manage the day-to-day stressful situations. Making time to get out in the fresh air, going for a regular walk and keeping your body active all help to reduce the levels of cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone. Taking breaks whenever possible and setting aside some time for relaxation whilst doing activities you enjoy, will help reduce anxiety and reignite mental energy lost due to exhaustion.

    A laugh can work miracles too, as it releases endorphins, also known as the happy hormones. Taking time to look after yourself ensures that you’re able to stay on top of your work and responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed. Going for regular checkups at your local doctor and engaging in positive conversations with people outside of your immediate circle are helpful activities for keeping things in perspective and maintaining psychological balance and emotional stability.

    Talking about your struggles with people in a trusted environment like a counselling session or asking your closest friends and family for advice can also help. Letting it all out, whatever it might be through writing, music or any other form of art can have a calming effect as it allows you to start making sense of your thoughts in a safe space and release emotions buried within.

    Recognising what triggers your stress and accepting it, instead of focusing on negatives, takes time and dedication but it’s achievable. Focusing on the positives can both reduce stress and help to cultivate an attitude of contentment. Redirecting your energy towards achieving life goals and ambitions does wonders for self-esteem and prevents stagnation.

    Once balance and mental clarity is achieved, tapping into others that share your journey through life can reignite the passion and enthusiasm needed to go on and thrive. Making sure you have the right people around you that either uplift, direct and navigate through any difficulties, will prove invaluable when it comes to taking on new challenges.

    The road of life is never comfortable, however, by looking up each step of the way, at the possibility of more and taking personal responsibility to face and tackle challenges head-on, amazing rewards are unearthed…strength of character and resilience, gained through conquering defeat and realising that no burden is ever too great for the human spirit.

    And though all this might sound abstract, one thing is certain - you’re never alone in the struggles life brings, holding it back is the first step towards facing them and overcoming them.

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