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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    How to Cope with an Unexpected Pregnancy at Age 15

    Imagine waking up one morning just like any other. But there’s a secret you can’t shake, a heaviness in your chest that won’t go away no matter how hard you try to ignore it. You’re only 15 years old, but you know that something is wrong deep down—you’re pregnant.

    Suddenly, the future becomes unknown, uncertain. The flood of emotions that rushes in might be a mix of fear, shame, and worry, but there’s also something else…an overpowering urge to find a way forward with this newfound responsibility. You’re scared and unsure about how to proceed, but know that you need help.

    First and foremost, let it be known: you are not alone. There are countless other young women who have been in your shoes, often facing more difficult decisions and more significant obstacles. Fortunately, there are many resources available to provide guidance and support during this tumultuous time. Here are a few tips for navigating life as a pregnant teenage girl.

    Find a Support Network

    As overwhelming as it may feel, try and take comfort in knowing that you don’t have to navigate this journey by yourself. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to family members or close friends, seek out community and online resources that you connect with. Modern healthcare technology also allows expecting mothers to receive specialized care, regardless of age. Consider reaching out to organizations such as Planned Parenthood to receive information on state and federal requirements, access to contraception, health services and prenatal care. Talking to a professional—whether a therapist, social worker or psychologist—can also provide immense relief. They can help you identify strength and coping strategies to manage stress and anxiety, as well as explore several options for parenting, adoption and termination.

    Find Stability

    During pregnancy, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by all of the changes that are happening in your body and in your life. Feeling safe and secure is essential for both your physical and mental health. It could mean creating an environment that enables you to attend school safely and regularly with adequate transportation, access to food, safe housing and medical attention. Utilize resources such as WIC, food banks, shelters, and teen mother supportive programs to stay stable upon this journey.

    Focus on Self-Care

    Regardless of whether you choose to parent or make other arrangements, self-care is essential. Menstrual cramps, tender breasts, and fatigue will become frequent battles you’ll fight, but there are practical steps you can take to combat these symptoms. Healthy habits such as getting enough sleep, regular exercise, and quality nutrition are especially important for expectant mothers. Mental wellness should also be prioritized—allowing time for yourself to relax, practice mindfulness and engage in activities you enjoy.

    Though the situation may seem scary and overwhelming, it’s important to remember that you are strong, capable and supported. These emotional times of growth and change can be just as empowering as they are challenging. Even during the most uncertain moments, trust yourself to make an informed decision that is right for you.

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