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  1. Wow šŸ˜• . HE needs to respect your relationship here and now! And put up some boundaries with this gal. Like why the heck are they talking this much? YOU should be his first priority, not her. And as for pics online, why them but not you? I don't get that. Is he afraid to admit he's in a relationship? But, heck its been 4 yrs... Are you two living together yet? IMO, he's like her emotional pillow and he's just accepting whatever she gives. And lack of respect for the two of you. Maybe give him a choice, to either back off with this much communication and give a little more to you.. or you be done?
  2. Oh, you know his dtr? Is he a neighbour or something? Yup, is best to just move along and have no more to do with him. I'm really never sure IF cheaters ever feel regret šŸ˜• . I had a guy lead me on for a while, until I caught on to his ways- which really ticked me off! When I realized he was still with this other gal. ( Just something I would never do).
  3. How long have you 2 been involved & known each other? Yes, it is normal for men to be men šŸ˜‰ . Happens a lot, they're visual creatures. Its good if he's now calmed down from a lot of that! Koodo's to him šŸ™‚ . Shows he's changing and growing up now. I'd suggest you give him the benefit of the doubt and just enjoy him and what you have with him. I don't see him as a cheater or anything. We all have a past and its normal, to a point to be mischeivous, curious, etc. So, I feel you just need to give it a little more time and let this build in a healthy manner. My worst challenge was knowing the man I married, over 20 yrs ago was involved with my friend before me šŸ˜• , yah, I was bad at throwing that in his face, with a bit of jealousy. I wish I didn't have that affect me though.. as I was the one he married... sigh.
  4. Okay, but was this not your first real type relationship- so may be all you really know as of yet? You are only 20. Not a whole lot of experience re: actual, decent realtionships. I hope you get what I am getting at.. and do see your own true worth, when it comes to what one deserves in a relationship. HE did a lot of wrong and did dis respect his wife, to begin with and second, led on an innocent young woman! šŸ˜• -- imo, someone like this is a piece of crap .
  5. Aww wow, so sorry šŸ˜• . I say just give it more time, as it did affect you emotionally. Whether it takes 10 mos or 2 years. What is it this married man did? I know he did NOT provide you with love and protection! He's messed you up and his marriage.. I feel for the wife/ family šŸ˜• , but men are easily corrupted. Okay, so its good you've managed to now remove him from everything! Its best, for sure to 'move on' with your life. And you also need to realize, that basically your first impression as you've hit your 'adult life' was that of a messy situation - and am glad you came to realize it wasn't right. Now, you need to work thru the effects of this and work towards recovering from it and finding a real man who does respect & appreciate you.. but just not yet. Take it easy for a while yet, I suggest and make sure you are whole hearted and emotionally available for your next one.
  6. Well, first off, I highly suggest you don't get involved with 'friends'. Ever reaching out, first? How about ever! She's hurt you and you feel used, and hurt. Hey, you gave it a shot and it didn't work for you.. sorry šŸ˜• . For a while, yeah, is best to keep it as is as you work thru your emotions.. and yes, treat her as dead. As it is like this now. It is hard, I know... I've been thru this as well... But, the worst thing to do is have anymore expectations with her. In time, these emotions will subside and you'll see the light again... it just went sour for you. Now, you know how she is and realize it's not something you want, right? šŸ˜‰ Give yourself some time. Be easy on yourself and believe this will blow over. Meanwhile, journaling helps, to get it out another way. All you want to say to her, say it in your journal.
  7. Nah, if you had someone you truly loved and wanted a future with, for sure this would crush you some more šŸ˜• . I guess, in the end, you be glad you're out of it all now? Sorry you had to experience it all.. I know what pain is like šŸ˜ž . Sucks, when we end up emotionally invested in some real A holes.... sigh. This may, at this time, set you back a notch or two... but continue on.. and as mentioned, be glad you are finally done with it all.. and she's someone else's problem if this is how she is. šŸ˜‰ Be glad the trash took itself out šŸ™‚
  8. Good, but it goes for both sides. I guess you see he was just using you, right? Don't allow it! If he's trying to 'use you' or boost his ego, don't let him. Let him deal with what is.. the end. Continue on as you are. Don't give into his little poor me explanations etc. And I am not a 'friend' really to any of my ex's. Unless, someday you realize you have no more 'feelings' for them and are okay. But, usually its a No.
  9. Yah, this chicklet sounds sketchy šŸ˜• . If I were you I'd block & delete from my life. Like, why, within only 2 mos is she seeing things on YOUR phone? My gawd, I never checked out an ex's phone until I was pretty darn sure he was lying/ cheating on me - and this was after 5 years! If you've got this drama after only 2 months.. run! If or when one decides to remove their past is really on them and should be some sort of Respect! You two barely knew each other very well at only 2 mos. Nah, not worth your mentality. Move on & stop being so 'nice'!
  10. Yeah, let this be a learning experience. It was a short relationship and he or both of you messed each other around some more after it was done. Just don't! Don't lead someone on like that. No head games, guilt trips or ego boosts. If it's done, then be done! It's not right or fair on the other. I get it, sometimes it can be hard to accept be and be completely over them right away, but continuing on like this or leading them on, using them to get over them etc. is NOT the right way to do it. Deal with your own emotions on your own. And yeah, block the guy. You two are done.
  11. IMO, he's just a loser šŸ˜• . No one should be insulted like that! He's calling you names, full of accusations and you're insecure. This is not healthy at all. I don't feel this will be happening for much longer and you need to sit back and look at the whole scenario. Nope, I wouldn't be around much longer with such disputes. He just doesn't appreciate women properly at all, imo.
  12. I know.. all of the thoughts, mixed emotions and 'what ifs'.. But don't! Don't go back to him - he hurt you and you know it. Fine if he UN blocked you but leave it at that. Expect and want no more to do with him. I know you can do this šŸ˜‰ . As for S, please don't go jumping into anything anytime fast here. You're still stuck on the thoughts of your ex at this time. See how you're feeling another 2 months from now. You know you ARE over someone when you see them and it makes no difference to you. Meaning, no reaction and no care in the world. I don't feel you're there yet. So, carry on as you are. Focus on your new surroundings and studies. Maybe try journaling. I find that always helps "get it out' another way. šŸ™‚ . Take it easy and just be kind to yourself and focus for now on YOU only.
  13. First of all, none of this matters. What does matter, is you've chosen to intervene in a woman's life, where she's already involved. I don't feel you truly want to be in the middle of this!! šŸ˜• For your own mentality and safety, STOP IT! Stop being her emotional pillow and sex toy. Go hang with a woman who is actually single. This one is not worth your time or emotional turmoil.
  14. Been there & done that enough, lol. ( Married once and 2 LTR) No real interest now in dating and getting hurt anymore. I ended up mentally & emotionally exhausted getting myself emotionally invested in men who ended up leading me on for too long to liars. So, I just had enough and have no interest in going there again šŸ˜• . It's been over 5 yrs now and I am fine as I am. I do my own thing, I have my family, pets and my own interests. My friend circle is small which is how I prefer it šŸ˜‰ . I guess as we get older, we can also become more observant & wiser, lol. Also, less tolerant.
  15. IMP, you're stuck ... right? I feel you haven't worked thru this kind of 'grief' yet. Still stuck in maybe the 'denial' stage maybe? How about NOT trying to date others with hope of that making you feel better & getting over her? How about remaining single and just focus on YOU for a while. If you look at your history, you went through a lot as it is, re: family matters. That had also made an impact on you šŸ˜ž . So, maybe its best to work on yourself and not trying to date. It just sounds like you're stuck in a rut and need to work through these things to get to feeling better and more yourself. - no matter where she worked or where she's at now at this time in her life. Her life isn't yours šŸ˜‰ .
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