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  1. To answer, over those 5 years, my mental health was up and down but for the most part, im stable and improving. Since i fell for him, my mental health has mostly been heavy, not necessarily because of him but because of past experiences
  2. Thank you so much. While I definitely agree that meeting in person is different from online interactions, I can’t just discount the moments i spent with him remotely. Yes, in person is different but i still managed to develop a connection with him prior to meeting in person but i do see where the other commenters are coming from. I appreciate the advice you gave
  3. I’m mainly working on my issues through individual and couples’ therapy along with medication for mental illness. It only gets truly hard when my insecurities get hit. There are moments where I trust him while there are moments where I don’t when i feel insecure
  4. Romantic trauma that I had where exes cheated, lied or were not ever their exes. For the most part, im happy with him as long as my insecurities dont get in the way. He does have strong boundaries with other women and has no contact with exes.
  5. His explanation was the nickname he commented was because of her user flair in Reddit and that he does not know about this account, is convinced its not her or is using a burner account. I do see why people would think its shady
  6. We plan on being together in person after he graduates law school. We technically both travelled to each other- we both went to California, i chose the location so i can be with family members as well. These relationships where I got betrayed where in person but one was another LDR.
  7. Yes, we only met twice in person due to circumstances. Thank you for the points you raised, I would love to reflect on it and write about it.
  8. Idk if he’s lying for sure or she was…he seems really convinced it’s not her or that she’s lying… we met in reddit, did ldr and met twice. I feel obsessed with his past due to retroactive jealous and trauma from past relationships
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