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  1. thank you so much - yeah I think ultimately be in control of ourselves and b e happier together rather than making the person responsible for your own happiness - THANK YOU! XX
  2. ah thank you for the kind words- so refreshing! by react I mean the girl or again he shuts off
  3. yeah he definitely struggles with that - the thing is we are mad for one another - we were planning on moving in soon (he's also told me that he was also planning on proposing next summer) then a few months ago I was completely burnt out which started all this - I can't be mad that has reacted - it's just how he's reacted if you get me - I think we have just met at a time when we are both struggling - it's hard to think where we were you know - moving in getting engaged - to where we are now - we are dating again but its hard -still in love but hard
  4. thank you for the genuine advice - some have been quite judgemental - I think that's why I wrote on here -to vent in other ways - I want him to work on his stuff too - sometimes when he has a slip up on him working through things it sets me off and I set him off - he is doing a lot to work though and I could do better its just when im trying and he does something it makes me feel like all my work was for nothing Instead of thinking - it was just a mistake or miscommunication rather than thinking the world is ending
  5. thanks basically im going though an adhd diagnosis at the age of 25 - I can hyperfixate and dramatise things internally - he's been through a lot - honestly I couldn't tell you what majority of the argument about - just normal ones that have blew up - im realising look - he didn't like her - but he was heartbroken and single and did something stupid to try heal - hey I've done crazy things out of being upset that had no meaning - we just don't wanna lose each other - any advice? x
  6. Also, I was the one doing all the breakups! But it was just me in a bad headspace because of mental health that’s why I poured my heart out cus I knew he deserved a big gesture + we had been speaking everyday - he slept with her the night I begged for him back
  7. Sorry i don’t think this is the case - I haven’t included the full story cause it would take forever but the 2 months of constant breakups involved mainly him fighting for me / begging me to come back the two times mentioned are the first 2 times I did throughout it all - that’s why I was so shocked when he told me - he’s also been the one begging for me since ☹️ I find it hard as I never thought he’s do it , I didn’t think he was that kind of man - we both have mental health issues just recently diagnosed and bad exes - we are mid to late 20s
  8. Tbh she wasn’t sorry! If she was I’d happily say - he said himself she wasn’t and it could’ve been anyone - he’s told me before he’s slept with people when he was single that he didn’t find attractive as a coping mechanism so I do believe he didn’t find her attractive
  9. Hi so I need help, I'm actually embarrassed to even be writing this - I struggle with saying nothing and bottling it all up or revealing every single detail and blowing my life up 🙂 i'm sure everyone is tired of hearing me go on and on and don't want my ex to have to take this everyday - so posting here anonymously - any advice would be great! Basically I met the man of my dreams, he was everything I've ever wanted and even some things I didn't, which I love - we fell in love pretty much straight away. I struggle to actually like someone never mind love, I have high standards and not easily impressed - but with him, i'd marry him anytime. Unfortunately, we have some personal issues that we never addressed as individuals and that took a strain on our relationship, I admit a lot of it was me and we found ourselves in a cycle of constantly breaking up over a 2 month period. One day I realised "what the hell am I doing", 'I'm going to lose him" so I called and poured my heart out - he said it was too late - about 3 days go by and I phone him saying look we have both done wrong but I get a lot of this is me - i'm not leaving this phone call without getting you back- this is ridiculous - he feels the same but admits he's slept with someone. Yeah we weren't together, we were arguing everyday - a lot (not all) but a lot cause of me. we are actually dating again and things are going good but I think about that a lot. I get people cope differently and all that etc. he actually ran out of said girls house because he was too upset to carry on but I just keep thinking about it. I understand all of the above, but its just the "How could he bring himself to do it?" I was struggling to look at other men without crying every time my friends tried to encourage me to move on and try have some fun. He tells me all the time that it could've been anyone, he just wanted his mind to shut off from us, that he didn't even find her attractive, that he was sick of the arguing, he couldn't even do it and hence why he left. But again, how could he? And yes, this doesn't sound great of me, but oh well - it isn't her fault - they were single - she doesn't know a thing - but god does it suck that she wasn't good looking -she is a certain kind of girl let's say - and I say to him, really? you couldn't have been more original? That's what also hurts, its the kind of person he slept with. my sister said its like the cheeseburger and the steak - steak is unreal, top tier - the cheeseburger looks nothing like the ad, no where near as good as steak but its easy. it's convenient. but that's just it - sometimes I think- that's the kind of girls the man I love, likes? Am I reading to much into this? Pls no, just get over it! I would really appreciate genuine advice.
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