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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Facing New Love: Overcoming Fear of the Unknown

    For many people, facing a new relationship may evoke feelings of fear and trepidation, especially when it follows past hurtful experiences. It's understandable that one would be anxious about opening up and trusting anew to love freely, as pain can often make it difficult to take such a risky leap of faith. It takes courage to push through these fears and transition into a promising future filled with love and possibility. Here is some advice from mental health professionals to help one make the journey from fear to complete vulnerability and healing:

    Allow yourself to feel your emotions. Denying your feelings or burying them deep inside can be more damaging than confronting them head-on. Make time to recognize the fear and hurt—but don’t dwell on it. Address the issue and get comfortable with its presence in your life. Acknowledging your emotions can help you make sense of them and growing better equipped at addressing them in the future.

    Build an open and honest relationship. Open communication is essential for any healthy relationship—and this includes being forthright about what you’ve experienced in the past. Rather than avoiding conversations about your painful emotions, tell your partner about how you’re feeling, and be mindful of how they respond. This will help form a well-rounded bond built on trust and understanding.

    Reach out for social support. Everyone needs a support system when going through difficult times, so don’t be afraid to reach out to friends and family who you can depend on. Create a network that you can fall back on during hard times and remember to express your emotions without judgement.

    Eliminate trigger points. Triggers are reminders of past pain; they can be anything from specific words to physical spaces. Identify which ones cause everything else to escalate and use this awareness to avoid them. The more triggers that you can remove from your day to day life, the easier it will be to move beyond the fear and anxiety.

    Take baby steps. While it is tempting to jump right into a new romance, it’s imperative to do it gradually. Start by giving yourself permission to accept and respect the limits you’ve imposed upon yourself. Small victories will give you the confidence to expand those limits little by little.

    Journal and practice mindfulness exercises. Use writing or mediating as a way to process your current state of mind and acknowledge your emotions. Journaling has the power to be incredibly therapeutic and take pressure off of your internal dialogue; meditating can shift your mindset away from all the negativity.

    Above all, be patient with yourself and seek professional help if needed. Take your time and don’t pressure yourself to hurry up and find love. Be patient as you heal and allow yourself to naturally get to a place where fear isn’t an obstacle, but rather a meaningful experience in the journey to finding contentment and embrace the warmth of a trusting new love.

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