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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Going the Distance: Embrace Love for a Lasting Connection

    Do you fondly remember the good old days when, if someone showed an interest in you, you could both enjoy a feeling of courting and begin to get to know each other? Sadly, that's not the case these days. Now, it's hard to know if someone is interested in starting a connection or they're just doing it out of obligation or to appease you. With the push of online dating and our iPhones glued to our hips, it's easy to become overwhelmed and distracted by this complex world of potential partners and casual relationships. So, how do we create meaningful connection and find true love?

    The key to creating a successful connection and finding true love is to only pursue relationships with those who make it known they like you and make consistent effort to be around you. It might take time, but eventually those actions will lead to real, enduring and special connection and perhaps even a strong relationship. A date with no purpose and no real meaning won't lead to anything more than disappointment and loneliness.

    Choosing to build a connection with someone involves knowing they enjoy and embrace what you have to offer. It takes time to get to this point, but it's a crucial part of building a meaningful connection. There's no use in getting into a relationship if it's clear that the person isn't enjoying the moments they spend with you or isn't embracing your values. If they don't enjoy or embrace your presence, it's time to move on. You deserve more and shouldn't settle for anything less than special connection with someone.

    Self-love is also essential in creating meaningful connection and building a successful relationship. To give and receive love requires being comfortable with and acknowledging who you are. You must accept yourself so that you can understand your wants and needs, and extend respect for your partner. Only then can you build the kind of understanding and intimacy that develops real connection with someone else. Respect for yourself and your partner will bring you both closer and allow you to better understand each other, creating trust and enabling room for growth.

    It all comes down to balance. Don't give your power away to someone else. You don't deserve any less than someone making an effort to create a connection with you, and you don't need to commit if it's not what you want. Listen to your intuition and only pursue relationships if it's clear that your potential partner truly enjoys and embraces your presence. Only then can you start to build a lasting connection with someone. It's important to remember - you're too full of love for halfheartedness.

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