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Everything posted by shuntaro603

  1. hmm, i don't think u should continue this friendship. a good friend is there for u whenever u have a problem, and she is being bossy and self-centered. she says that u don't listen to her but at the same time she is being insensative of hurting ur feelings. as long as u guys don't have mutual respect, this friendship is not likely to work out. i hope i helped
  2. i read it from somewhere that everyone dreams everynight. it is caused by the intense movement of the eyes. sometimes u just forget about the dreams, or u r too sound asleep.
  3. i think so, from what u described, i think he definitely likes u.
  4. i think "apnea" means suffocation, so i think basically it means lack of breath during sleeping, and cause sleeping disorder. i am not sure.
  5. from my perspective, i would feel really really good if a girls tells me that she loves me. from what u said, i think it's pretty obivious that u two love each other, it doesn't really matter if u express ur feeling verbally, just let him know, throw some hints.
  6. if u don't trust him, then i don't think u should be with him. yep. true. have a happy new year \
  7. y did u guys break up? has he changed since the breakup? u should do whatever that makes u happy, but don't get hurt again.
  8. i think it means intense sexual attraction, not sure
  9. i had my first wet dream when i was 13. if u start sexual activities, then i think it's gonna stop. or masturbation
  10. happy new year and have a wonderful 2005 everyone!!!!!! \
  11. u r so young, it's not worth it. eventually u will experience the good things in life. death is certainly not the only option. talk to a therapist or a counselor, just get those feelings out, if that doesn't help a little meds may help.
  12. if u ever feel lonely, feel free to contact me.(IM or PM) lighten up, that way it's easier to make friends. be outgoing. there r ppl who care about u, ur family, or at least, ppl in this forum. happy new year
  13. the supplies from all over the world has finally arrived. but the death toll is still going up
  14. u two don't know each other that too well, u have only been talking online. i don't think it's love, maybe she is being too emotional. she likes u, that is true, but love, it's too soon to say.
  15. if u ever feel like talking, just PM or IM me. i felt the same way but then i went into therapy. that really helped. just talk to someone about what u r feeling, and u will feel a lot better. i really hope u feel better
  16. some ppl don't really understand what "sex" really is. they r doing it for the wrong reason. sex is something special, u don't have to listen to those jerks. they r so immature. that is very true. i feel exactly the same way.
  17. that's perfectly normal. ppl say masturbation helps u sleep better. i second that
  18. well, i never met any girls who r cute and sexy and have low self-esteem. they always look very confident, lol so it's hard to say.
  19. well, then do u think there's a chance of working this out? cuz i don't think u guys should keep doing this to each other. if u can't leave her, then talk to her about all of this, and be honest with her and let her be honest with u. as long as u guys can trust each other.
  20. he is special to u, but he also hurt u. that's why it is so hard to get over him. give it time. the first love is always very hard to get over. i agree with u on that one. u will eventually meet someone else that is special. Good luck and happy new year
  21. i think u should move on and see other ppl. relationship is based on trust and honesty, and clearly u guys have either. if u guys r not happy with each other, why waste each other's time? good luck sim
  22. u should talk to her in private at new year's eve. away from the others, that way u will be more relaxed when u tell her how u feel.
  23. leave him. clearly he is not the one for u. he is trouble, and he will break ur heart if u r with him. u r not happy with him, and u should move on and find someone who makes u happy. Good luck and happy new year
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