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Everything posted by heloladies21

  1. Call her up tomorrow and set up a time that works for you. Weekends are a good time because most people are free and there's lots to do. Since you met her at a coffee shop, probably best to think of something else to do. Go to some not too fancy diner and get some lunch. You know what's going on in your area better than any of us.
  2. How often you have it is not important. It's how often you want it, and if you're a guy, then how often your girl wants it is a sign of how into you she is. Sex is very much emotionally triggered for women and tied into how much she's into you. Guys on the other hand are very physical beings. Our sex drive is only partly controlled by how we emotionally feel about our partner, but also how physically attracted we are, how we physically feel (energy wise).
  3. It has nothing to do with your sexual performance, but she has lost interest in you and is on the way out of the relationship. Most likely it's due to the fact that you are one of those "nice guys" who has a really hard time fully sticking up for himself and hides his true feelings when they would cause conflict. Think about it, when you confront your wife on an issue, she just backs you down and then you shut up. The situation doesn't get resolved and trust me, she sees that and it has an effect. There is a lot of learning and growing you have to do before you're able to have a successful relationship. Sadly, this is something guys in your kind of situation can't do unless you're free from being emotionally involved.
  4. Her interest in you is declined and on the way out unless you change your actions. We talked about this is the last thread, she has the impressions that you're not 100% honest with her about the way you feel and she's not interested in dating no fake. You gotta be 100% honest with her or else that 1-2 times a week will keep going down until you get dumped.
  5. You've healed to the point where you you can address the issue. Feel free to give her a call and be very blunt about the way you feel and what you're looking for. That way you'll know what her true intentions are for real.
  6. I see girls who go back to guys who've slept with someone else all the time and have successful relationships. But when a girl sleeps with another guy, the relationship works out 0% of the time.
  7. #1 you don't owe her any kind of explanation. She dumped you so you two were not together. What you did during that time is your business alone. #2 even if you two do get back together, it won't work out. The relationship is seriously flawed and precedent has been set that she can cheat on you and get away with it. She'll always have that to look back on when deciding whether to do it again. You still have some learning to do when it comes to managing relationships so that you're able to have successful relationships in the future.
  8. Pointless to ask these types of questions. Women are the way they are, this is the way they were made and there's nothing thatanyone can do to change them. But what you can do is learn what's really going on in a woman's head and act accordingly. Like when a girl tests me, I understand that she has a good reason to do so. So many guys out there lie in order to get what they want, so girl's have to come up with other ways to figure out if a guy is being for real. If you react right, then you're set. Women can be confusing, but you can figure it out and once you got it, then you're all set. Read between the lines and never be afriad to stick up for yourself and if something fishy is going on, don't hesitate to call her out on it.
  9. Well my man, gotta realize that any kind of hanging around waiting for her to make up her mind while pretending to be friends doesn't work to get back your ex. It's been proven 100% ineffective, the only thing it leads to is false hope, wasted time, and a worse broken heart in the end when she drops you for good. So best thing you could do is to reject the friendship and only accept a relationship. If you're not strong enough to do thatnow, just cut all communication going either way for some time till you can regain control of your emotions again. Then you can deal with the situation later on, but you're not getting anywhere in your current condition.
  10. You'd be contacting herfor the wrong intentions. To keep open the possibility of getting her back? Or for your own comfort? Any way you slice it, you only do yourself a disservice at this point by keeping in touch. She broke it off with you and break ups are for real. In situations like yours, getting back together in a successful long term relationship never happens. Not once.
  11. Good, there's hope for you. Do whatever it takes to make your life the one you want to live. From this point forward, you are in control of how your life turns out. Friends, money, girls, all of it is within your grasp if you are willing to take the steps to make it happen. I know you've had some rough aspects of your life so far, but this is the time to let all of that go. Because no matter what you've been through, you can always bounce back and make things better than they've ever been before.
  12. If you have any doubts, feel free to explore the issue. Drop her a line. You're not suffering anymore so it's OK to do it.
  13. lol get outta here man. It was only a matter of time before you found this thread lol
  14. lol...well it looks like all the women are in agreement here that my quote is a terrible idea lol. But on a serious note, I've been in your exact same position in the past (not anymore because as soon as I sense a girl is trying to friendzone me, I squash it immediately), and this is the way I handle it and it works. So feel free to give it a shot.
  15. It's obvious that he meant to say it in a teasing tone.
  16. Excuses...No matter what she says to you, the only reason she wants "time off" from you is that this is really a break up in disguise. The only reason she's blaming it on everything else is because she doesn't want to feel the guilt of hurting your feelings too harsh by saying the truth "I'm not interested in you anymore." She has lost interest in you, which is alright. I've been following you quite closely on here and I saw it coming, but the good thing is that now you'll be able to attack the heart of the problem so you can start having successful relationships in the future. It all has to do with building up your self esteem and your ability to stick up for yourself. One thing to remember is that the "friends" route has proven 100% ineffective to get back your ex. I haven't seen it work once in situations like yours. You need to cut contact asap so your emotions can cool and then you'll be in a better position to deal with the situation. But the harsh reality of the situation is that once things have gotten to this point, there's no going back. Break ups are for real and in situations like yours they are the end of the relationship.
  17. Simple answer, stick up for yourself. I mean, if you're interested in her, why would you wanna talk about some other guy??? I'd have to say this is the #1 test agirl basically uses when deciding if a man is in the friend or romance catagory. Say something like "Listen, I'm really not interested in hearing about these other guys because I'm interested in you. I don't want to lie to you by just pretending to be a friend of yours either because I'm sure you want people to be more honest with you than that. So if you'd like to talk or get together sometime outside of the 'friends' context, let me know." Then see what she says.
  18. If you have any doubts as to her intentions, ask her. This way there are no assumptions, no mixed signals, either you two are on the same page, or you're both done! It really is this simple. So clarify where you two stand, what you're both looking for, and you'll be in the right position.
  19. In your situation it doesn't sound like she would listen to you if you tried talking to her in person (she could call the police) or on the phone (she'll just hang up). So if you have her email or want to send her a letter, do that to get everything off your chest. It won't work, but it's what you gotta do.
  20. Oh my man, sorry just trying to show you my way of handling your kind of situation. Hopefully you got something out of it.
  21. Oh trust me, I was VERY convincing lol
  22. That was the whole point, to avoid the conflict and harsh feelings.
  23. lol...nice Well I know I'm gonna get some flack for this, but I had to do something similar with an ex who went psycho on me. I could've gotten mad and had the harsh feelings for her, but where would that have gotten me? Dirty looks when I see her out and possibly a beating from her new bf or his crew? No thanks, so I swallowed my pride and did all the textbook things to make a girl not interested. I showed her every single one of the characteristics that make women lose attraction. I acted needy, no self confidence, fake personality, not funny jokes. I basically got it to the point in only a few conversations that she ended up dumping me without hating me. This way no broken heart, no problems for me. She went on to find some guy who she's very happy with and all I get is a smile and a wave when I see her.
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