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Everything posted by SaSaRai

  1. I had htis girl last year who obsessed over me BIG TIME, and i wouldnt give her the time of day (gosh... i dont know why, she had it all) but now this year i like her.... do you think she would still like me deep down? She obsessed over me for 2 years... i broke up with her many times...and made her feel bad. (gosh im so stuipd)
  2. no not really, i understnad how you feel - and most people understand that, someone sent me a pm and it was a kinsey scale that said more than 60% of adult males do that before the age 16. And girls are a lot more active with the same sex that guys, i think i saw on a site that it was about 85% of women. And just about every girl I know is like that to some extent. I would say go for it...but as of how to do it... i dunno, i always kinda wanted to experiment myself... so i hope someone can give you some advice cause i'd like to read it too
  3. lmao! lol just to add somethign to this, how many "squirts" do guys usually have in orgasms?
  4. ha, well i thought everyone did that on their wedding night, but I was watching some news channel and this new married couple stayed up and watched the texas chainsaw massacre and ate popcorn all night instead lol. I thought that was kinda funny.
  5. god thats like... 1 day for me.... but maturbation also relieves tension and stress... and i have enough of that to go around for everyone.... no wonder my dog is so jelous... if only i played with it that much....... lolz
  6. couldnt answer ya... im 15 and i never had one.... i hope thats not a bad thing?
  7. hmm.... so if 2 people of the same sex had sex, and neither one of them have the disease then they wouldnt have to worry about protection?
  8. hey, also, do any of you know any good sites that talk about friendships like these and what would be considered being too close and what the 2 people should stay away from doing? .... there have been times when we have been VERY close..... like glued next to eachother, but i dont think it was anything , i didnt even realize it until just now...but i'd like to read about it if you know a good site.
  9. lol , i dont mean i love him love him, im just saying that if he needed me i like him enough id be there for him even if i didnt want to be. and a lot of people say "i luv ya man" so i mean like i remember he said somethign stupid to me and sorta mean but i knew he was joking and hes like "heh its ok i luv ya man"
  10. Is there a boundary between best friends and ... WAY TOO GOOD OF FRIENDS? there is this guy that I am best friends with and sometimes we start talking and end up blocking everyone else out, just getting caught up in the moment. Everyone is calling us gay - which I dont have a problem with gay people or anything but I have a girlfriend and I'm not gay. But yeah I will say that i love my friend a lot, hes like a brother to me , really. Is that ok? Should we stop talking to eachother as much because of what everyone is saying? or keep on doing what we do... we are both comfortable with going on as we are, we've talked about it. But we are freshman in highschool so.... i mean, its not rally that bad, no one even called us gay until one of my old close friends got jelous because me and him spent so much time together. This old friend doesnt have many friends and me an him are still pretty close. He got jelous and startede spreading rumors that havent yet to die. Also, I've been reading and everytime I see where there are TWO REALLY CLOSE GUY FRIENDS WHO ACT THE WAY ME AND MY FRIEND ARE, one of them always end up falling in love with the other one (being gay) or they both start loving eachother.... Do you think thats how it is? When 2 guys are that close that there is a good chance that they are gay? I mean, we joke around all the time sayin "i love " stuff liek that.... well... maybe like one time i month will you hear one of us say that... lol but a lot of guys do that. My mom and dad think we're gay, i can tell... but i think thats because they are both about 58-ish and look at the world as RIGHT AND WRONG (black and white) and believe that any contact with the same sex is considered wrong. That makes me md becasue my parents are older than most people's parents my age and they all see thigns differently and have no problem with close relationships. If i touch my friend at all, my mom and dad start saying all kinds of stuff... but if one of my other friends at school do it to one of their friends their parents dont even pay attention to it - you can tell its ok by the look on their face. Well hope a lotof people respond to this, since i am the man of crisis.... heh yeah with all the problems i have had, but ya know what.. im greatful for this forum as it really has made me grow up and get over my problems and realize "im not alone". thanks.
  11. hmm.... do you think 7 times a day for a guy is too much? they are usually fast... i had no idea, but is there a way to get un-unsensitized? lol
  12. god yes grrr... my parents are almost 60 yrs old! and every time i talk to my friend or joke around with him or touch him in any way they think that is gay! ITS NOT, it makes me so mad, cause the younger parents understand. just becuause you TALK to the same sex or anything else doenst mean its gay.
  13. I cant go anywhere with anyone without feeling bad somehow. The only person who really understands me is my best friend who is also a guy and we hang out all of the time and talk a lot, but my mom hates him. People are calling us gay (no offense) and other bad names. Now everytime I'm with him, I start feeling weird and its pushing him away too and now I dont have anything! If I'm out somewhere with my brother I start feelign the same way, or when im with my parents I just dont feel right cause they dont listen to me. Every time someone invites me to go to the pool or lake then I really hate myself and I've tried smothering myself to death 3 times because I just couldnt stand it anymore - not being able to go because of what I think of body and dont want peopl making fun of me. I feel like ive just missed out on so much and cant stand the thought of missing out on more. I could have went to iceland for 3 weeks for a soccerr tournament but I didnt cause we would be goign to the pool there everyday. I used to be the most popular guy in school and now im.... not even close, all because of my problems.
  14. Gosh I dont really know whats gotten into me but its making me want to kill myself and today is Christmas. Its supposed to be a happy day.... we opened up gifts last night and I feel awful now because even though I got a bunch of things - several games a pooltable etc. I realize that I dont have anyone to share any of that with. I cant really ever talk to my parents at all because they dont pay attention to me. My 2 brothers are married and hardly visit, my parents hate all of my friends except one. And he can never come over cause his grandmother wont let him and plus I think hes takign advantage of me. I hateeverything about myself and for the last 2 days besides right now I've been laying on the couch and wont get up. My parents think its because my "games wont work" but its not. The only reason I play these online games is to escape all of my pain, but I finally realized that I dont have anything. I hate my body, and I cant do anything like go to the pool because I feel that I'm too hairry. I'm so depressed and my parents dont even realize it, i tried talking to them and they are too stubborn to listen and jus make fun of me. I'm 15 and I dont know what to do, I just want to die because I hate all of this pain.
  15. I wouldnt let it get to you, I'm sure if she could , she'd take it back, but she cant and neither can you. And as for wanting to share it for the first time, well acutally you did - it was the first tiem for both of you together and I'm sure it was special and thats all that matters.
  16. Maybe she has a problem, I would do this to my friend and get mad at no reason on him sometimes. It took a while for me to come out and tell him why - but it helped. We both decided to stay away from girls cause they cause problems too lol no offense, but maybe the boys caused the problems for you 2. Are there many blacks at the school you attend?
  17. The bad part would be if you did get pregnant - he is 19 years old, he could be sent to prison.
  18. it sounds like he is having some problems that he isnt talking to you about and sometimes they get to him without anything to provoke it. Maybe you should ask him if anythign is bothering him, i've had those problems before just getting mad for no reason at someone becasue something was bothering me. That could be what his problem was.
  19. I used to be like the too... until I started going to middle school heh. Thats when I decided , hey if you like me good and if you dont thats fine too. I started being myself and the next thing I know I'm one of the most popular persons in school. I took what I had and mixed it with something else. Treat people good and be yourself - dont worry about people judging you and it your life will be a lot better. Most people dont be themselves, they change to try and fit in or they are shy because they are afraid. Don't let nothing stop you. I came to find out that you can act like that around girls too, they like it when you do!
  20. Well, Me and my best friend (if you've read my other posts in friendship section you know I have a lot of problems with these sort of things, but thanks for all the help, everything worked out.) are starting to have some big problems. I am a whole year older than him but we're both freshman in highschool. We met just a month before the beginning of this past summer and spent a lot of time together during vacatoin. It was GREAT! We did everything from bombing peoples houses with tomoatoes to taking my brothers car and driving it around town. (lol both very bad things i know) But, when we first met I didnt feel like this, but now I'm starting to notice that we are VERY different physically. I have more of a big body build, to his small. I have brown hair , he has blonde. Im 6'2 hes 5'9. I weigh 190 pounds, he weighs 140 pounds. He's pretty slim and we both workout but you can see that he's very cut. That is really bothering me and makes me feel bad- it didnt make me feel bad when we first met, but after I got to know him and started liking him more it bothers me now. Then to make things even worse, I had been in depression for 3 years because I felt like I was harrier than everyone else my age and had missed out of many things in life like going to the pool etc etc. (which for the most part I am harrier - and by a long shot, but not beastly lol) So now everyone I see him, his skin is so smooth and hes cut, and even worse he doesnt feel the way about him self that I feel about myself - hes a lot happier than me. I want to be happy for him but It's hard to be happy for someone that always reminds you of why you are not- right? So for the last 4 months we've been fighting almost every day because ... Im jelous? I dont feel jelous.. but I guess thats what it is. Ive even thought of suicide because of everythign thats been happening. I finally came out an told him why I felt so angry all of the time and we talked about it but I still cant help but get mad all of the time. I dont want to lose a great friendsip.... hope you guys can gimme some advice. Thakns SOOO MUCH![/b]
  21. hah dand AbbAbb you must be from Tazewell Virginia! lol, yep same here.. what is this world coming to? But... cant say I haven't done a few things myself.... I guess everyone has, and everyone has changed... I can relate to you both, Everyone I talked to last year I feel weird aroudn this year and can barely talk to them. Im a freshman also (and I bow down with you) lol
  22. yeah , maybe she has Self OCD (self-obsessive compulsive disorder) lol
  23. actually I agree with ticklebug on most cases.... I can't stand people who are like that because before long they are competing with you and it starts to make you look bad. My best friend was like that and I hated it SO MUCH, I got mad at him every single day and wouldnt talk to him. Then one day I talked to him about it... it took probably 2 month for him to stop... he kept doing it even after we talked about it. Then I couldnt take it anymore because he was making me feel bad about myself so I decided to give up the friendship because I couldnt keep living that way. I confronted him and told him "hey man, im sorry but this is really too much for me... etc etc" and he stopped and hasnt really done it since then.... maybe hes just a really really good friend? I dunno... but thats what happened to me...
  24. try this if you want.... but i had this girl i liked for 6 years and never got over... but the only thign that EVER worked was, psyching myself out and making me like her just as a friend... then It was SO MUCH easier talking to her... try that with him maybe? It really works, you can make yourself believe anything you want.
  25. Hey, Gosh I always have a lot of friendship problems eh? haha but... well I have this friend and he always makes me mad! he doenst even have to do anything and it will still make me wanna kill someone! I don't know why... its starting to hurt him I can tell, and its hurting our relationship aswell. I wish everything would go back like it used to be when we got along and were best buds.
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