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Everything posted by SaSaRai

  1. gosh thats strange... sometimes people have some obsurd cravings... but i agree with the lone soldier.
  2. well we have guys who hug all the time, and they are always saying "i love you" and then they hug ... last year we had this guy who went around kissing other guys , hes perfectly straight too.... im confused
  3. Well , I havent exactly ran out of things to say... but I have a friend (best friend) and we've been like bros for the last 7 months and went through a lot. It seems like I'm getting short on what to say.... is that just part of "being comforable" or what? I need some tips on what maybe I could talk about or something..... How do I come up with fresh ideas?
  4. To chop - is sex To get fresh with - "to get up in it" or "to hook up with" People at my school say it all the time.
  5. that makes a lot of sense.... gosh i would feel terrible if that happened to a close friend of mine .....
  6. what about more of a "best friend" type of "friend" ? I really think its dumb that guys have to be so "macho" and i realize that because when guys think they are macho they dont share feelings. Then this builds up and causes friendship problems.... so I dont see why they cant hug and be a little more friendly. Plus this "machoness" causes them to treat other people badly sometimes thinking that the other person is supposed to jut toughen up and take it.
  7. just like walkin up to someone , like a really close or best friend and giving him a hug? wut about that? i mean.... people sing our school sond "the ammamateur" and the guys in the back all walk down the hallways hugging eachother. they are good friends.
  8. yeah, i just think its weird cuz no one ever says anythign to them.... nowadays girls grab eachothers butt... but would a guy dare do something like that? lord no! lol... well i take that back, there are a lot of guys who do it... and the seem to be the more "cooler".... hmm , but I really dont act like that towards anyone cuz of my parents. They are about 50 and grew up "back in the day" and think all of that stuff is strange.
  9. What do you all think about hugs? Girls hug all of the time and no one ever says anything... what about guys? Is it normal? I mean you see it all the time just like tonight when I was at the basketball game. You see all of these girls hugging and saying "I love you" to eachother. So can guys do it to? No one ever calls the girls gay but they say it to the guys. Really christian people hug, and they'll hug everybody. Just curious about what everyone thinks.
  10. finally... something that makes a lot of sense.... thanks shademan
  11. thanks.... ive reflected on what you have all said and I tried to sit down and talk to him about it.... I think things are working out SOMEWHAT... but I guess I'll give it just a little more chance and see if I want to stick with it. Thanks for all your help!
  12. yeah , and divorce rate is always getting worse....... I mean , really I think someone should wait until they are AT LEAST 25 until they get married..... I'm going to wait until I'm about 25-30 , because I have so many plans for building it all up. But ... thats just me
  13. any ideas on how I could talk to him? should I just be straight up with him and let it all loose so he knows what this is doing?
  14. lol hikki's , yeah I think they are just spots like, when you suck till the blood comes to the top of underneath the skin where its visible? About halfway down, or where it sort of forms and angle between the neck and shoulder are the best places for most guys, the lower you go the more sexy it makes them feel. (obviously)
  15. wow I didnt know this.... about 50% of males have had sexual contact with another male.... but this was several years ago and I'm SURE that that number has gone up a lot. I would say the same about girls? 50%?
  16. Well you have to take into consideration what hes saying. I understand him totally. I would say there are more than one true friend out there for each of us. But will they have common interests and values? Very doubtfully.... lots of times your true friends just use you - even though they can act "true". I was in a situation where the best friend I ever had, he was always there for me and knew everything about me and vice versa. But..... one day I was on 4-way with 2 girl friends and we called him and were gonna play a trick on him. He didnt know I was on the phone, I was on mute. He was on there and all he did was talk trash about me! I dont ever remember feeling down anytime in my life as I did then. It really hurt.... so it came to be that he really wasn't a true friend, even though he had all of the qualities. In my opinion, you really are lucky to have one TRUE FRIEND that you will keep all throughout your life. I know VERY FEW people who have. But they are definitely worth fighting for.
  17. this remind me of someone I went to school with.... this boy's mother killed herself, and he felt guilty and thought it was his fault. The boy killed himself 6 years later at the age of 17 . Earlier this year his younger sister tried killing herself at the age of 16, but lived. She is paralyzed now and has to stay in the hospital on life support.....
  18. isnt there something I could try before I did something that durastic? I really wish things would work out... I just really dont know how to talk about this.... what to say....... I would really like to know that if things DONT work out... at least I gave it my best shot.
  19. I think its a pretty dumb idea ..... its interesting but why? just like said in other posts - why not adopt a child? but here is the thing..... some families may feel strange and uncomfortable about not having their own child... just because its not theirs... and they would want something that is a part of themselves..... IF the woman CANNOT have a baby... maybe the man would consider it? That would be the best reason to do it in my opinion..... taking into mind that some woman cant have babies.
  20. do you mean bestman as in "wedding"? i dont think u do ... but , yes ... in my opinion a BEST FRIEND is more important than a girlfriend because - no matter what , if that BEST FRIEND is true to you, then he will ALWAYS be there for you, even more than your girlfriend or spouse... i have seen this so much.
  21. I think you should talk to Amanda about it, and try to figure out her problem and maybe give her the courage to get back to where she needs to be... with her husband and kids. What's in the past is in the past and those kids need her! Maybe she just needs someone to talk to but doesnt have a "close friend" like a best friend that she can trust.......
  22. Its so hard..... we've been through a lot ...... even though we've only knew eachother for 7 months
  23. thanks for that advice..... but how he is acting is totally fake and nothing but a lie, he ALWAYS LIES, and people dont realize it, and him "copying everything i say and do" is making people like him more because they dont know this..... then in the time that he talks to other people when i TRY and talk to him - because he ignores me- gets him 'in good' with other people......... we share a locker and he took my HISTORY worksheet to class and these preppy popular girls who I used to be friends with are in that class with him, and I had of the right answers on my history worksheet, and he took it and gave them all of the answers saying it was his and now they worship him and think hes so great..... cant he TOTALLY just see that they are using him? This makes me MAD!!! I dont know if I could do that though... i mean, what if i do something like that and then I regret it later?(if we werent friends anymore) I dont know how I would deal with that......
  24. gosh... so I'm not alone..... i wish it were like that with me... i mean, does it REALLY matter that much what people think of you? Should you really care? I mean... what hes doing is pointless.... if someone doenst like you , then you cant change that. The may pretend to like you... just so they can use you...... I pray for him to see whats happening, I guarantee he won't find another friend who cares like I do..... anyone else have advice? I hope so.... (thanks for you 2 who have posted , I appreciate it)
  25. Gosh...... yeah I didnt even put that in there, he does that.... hes 2 completely different people, and when I think of a JOKE or SOMETHING ELSE (cause im good at thinking of things off the top of my head) he turns around and says the exact same thing I said to him, to SOMEOEN ELSE two seconds after I say it and they die laughing or whatever and get the impression "god hes so funny". This KILLS ME, he has no idea what I gave up... if only he were in my shoes maybe he'd understand. sometiems i regret being his friend in the first place because just like 2 days ago, my old friend went to another one of my friends house for his birthday "sleepover", or whatever you want to call it. And they didnt invite me because of me being friends with this dude......
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