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Everything posted by drahcir

  1. hey, nice to see you getting attention from girls..is this new??? like have girls always looked at you like this, or is this just something recent?? are you wearing some new clothes, got a new haircut--what is different about you now????
  2. I think that the best way to know who it is you are really communicating with is to ask them to have a webcam when they talk to you on msn or whatever so then as they type you can actually see who you are talking to. You can also see thier facial expressions and things like taht--Thats important. If for some reason that is impossible, be sure to ask them to send a photo well in advance. Here are some other things to consider: 1. If they have problems finding a stable job, a criminal record may be the problem. 2. Ask them about previous romantic relationships and why they broke up. He / she should give good reasons for why they broke up. 3. Tell a friend or someone exactly who it is you are meeting up with, where, when, and any other information you know. Tell that person when you expect to be back home. 4. Don't go in the car with him / her the first time. 5. Don't drink or do anything that will make you impaired when you first meet that person. 6. Have fun!!!!!
  3. I was always taught and believe firmly to this day that if a person is in a comitted relationship (boyfriend-girlfriend, engaged, married) with someone and you even look at and appreciate the attractivenness of another person, that is cheating. Even looking at another girl, or another guy, even for a second, is wrong. Yet I am surprised that so many people I know think that such a rule is ridiculous...what does everyone here think??? Is looking at someone else because they are attractive cheating--I believe it is..what do you think?
  4. Why were you flirting with her when you still had a girlfriend? Flirting is cheating, and cheating is wrong. So flirting with a girl when you already have a girlfriend is wrong. Enough said.
  5. Chiffy, wawawa!!! cry me a river..hey i am being sarcastic because i think its ridicous that you should complain that your girlfirend won't have sex with you that long..its her choice right, as well as yours. Some peeople want lots of sex, some little, and you have to learn to compromise and not complain. Sure there is truth in the posts about possible medical problems. But more important, I think you are being rather selfish. Lots of people don't have girlfriends or boyfriends, and lots of people (like me) are still virgins. Maybe you should consider that and stop thinking about yourself.
  6. How important is virginity when one picks a romantic partner? Some people really value it (and demand thier partner be a virgin) while others don't really care. Do guys value virginity (in a girl) more than girls do (in a guy)????? Is it really important?? For me, I refuse to marry any girl who is not a virgin (I am a virgin)...cux sex is the most intimate thing..also its not fair if one partner is more experience than the other, and the non-experienced one is left wondering what to do????? Anyway, how important is virginity in a potential romantic parter?? Would you reject someone because they are not a virgin?
  7. 'Brush up on a guy with your breasts while you make eye contact. I think I'd have a heart attack." excuse me, but are you crazy?????? deliberately brushing up against someone with a sexual part is sexual assault..you can be arrested, convicted of sexual assault, and have a criminal record for the rest of your life!!!!! also for the rest of your life you would be labelled by the criminal justice system as a sex offender...you may be prevented from ever going to a school, pool, or any other place where children are..you may be denied a job.......you could be sued for sexual harassment...just to name a few...... smiling, hugging, casual touching on the arms is okayl.......but what you're suggesting is just loony
  8. i am a criminology student and know that being sexual abused does not make one more likely to be a sexual abuser..many people think that sexual abuse causes people to be sexual offenders because the media says that, but to date there is no scientific evidence that supports that claim.> In fact the known evidence suggests that being sexually abused makes one LESS likely to be a sexual offender than someone who is not sexually abused. This is because you know what its like, so you don't want to impose the same pain on someone else. Also, sexual offending isn't caused by being sexually abused but by problems with temperol lobes of the brain..in child molestors, the temperol lobes at too large, and this causes people to have desires for children. But just because they have these desires, they don't have to act of them..what makes some pedophiles restrain thier desires is empathy...if they know what it is like to be sexually assaulted, then they are LESS likely to sexually assault someone else, even if they have desires to do so. Of course we are talking in general terms....in general being sexually assualted makes a person less likely to sexually assault another person..but there may be isolated cases where the reverse is true!! the important thing to prevent future assaults is for the offender to come to terms with the amount of pain that they have caused the victim.....they need to be able to see from a victims point of view what they have done..they have to feel what the victim feels..so they can be deterred from reoffending.
  9. I had a very bizarree dream a couple of nights ago. Something I never dream about. I had a dream that 2 guys I know, both of whom I know are hetrosexual, were at work with me and they had homosexual sex on the floor. I thought this was the funniest thing in the world and was laughing my head off in my dream-seeing them have homosexual sex. Then one of them came up to me and he was angry that I was laughing at them. He demanded I show respect. I was afraid of him so I stopped laughing. I continued to work and woke up. What a bizarre dream!
  10. i am sure that some guys would be very attracted to a lady with hair chests...haha..its true though...different people are attracted to different things....for me i am attracted to asian girls who are strong and who lift weights..thats weird..some guys are attracted to hairy chests i am sure...maybe even me..... its important to find a guy who doesn't joke about it..someone who can make you feel secure as you are...someone who compliments you, admires you, looks up to you....there are some guys like that so just look around..the search may be long but it will be well worth it!!!
  11. i never really stare at a girl..but just look......staring is weird, i think.... 1. No, i look at lots of girls but i usually don't have a crush on them. Sometimes its a habit (a bad one to admit) so i don't know why I do..just do.....if she is cute, i like to look at her... 2. I don't really think anything..except..wow she is cute!!!!!!!! and make sure she doesn't see me looking at her because that is embarrassing.......i don't think lustful thoughts at all.its just nice to see someone cute.... 3. I don't look at a girl too long because its rude to do so.. I just think she is cute if i want to keep looking at her...
  12. Best Ways To Flirt: 1. Smile non stop 2. Hug them. 3. Compliment them not stop
  13. what makes a girl sexy and attracive isn't so much how you look as how you act. I remember i took a class with this girl, and she was so HOTTT>>>her looks were no more than average, but she was always smiling, always laughing, always moving freely, yet always respectful..also caring..always fun..thats what makes a girl sexy..its NOt how you look..its how you act that makes you sexy or not...thats good news because any girl (or guy) could make themselves more sexy if they wanted to...just smile, be more free....you don't have to wear revealing or sexy clothing...like the girl i was referring to, she often came wearing sports clothes...so its how you act, not how you look, that matters
  14. hey... its seems like you are going through A LOT of hard times right now but don't worry--when you finish high school EVERYTHING changes...like ALL your problems go away..you know from grade 4 untiil grade 11 i had no friends what so ever..and yes i was beaten up and wasn't cared for..but after high school i never had to see those moronic people ever again!!! in college, if you study hard and don't go drinking like a fool, lots and lots of girls like you..you will have no shortage of attention, trust me..so see beyond the present circumstances, because it will be much much better soon..trust me, becuse i was in just the same boat as you....and its gets so much better in college..just dream about it rather than writing suicide poems..cuz rehearsing such pain hurts you more....so start writing poems about the future..about future fun, future girlfriends!! (i still never dated or had a girlfriend..but still had lots of fun with girls.....)...ya..don't worry....okay..things will get better.. take carz, richard
  15. thanks for the advise, but i think that here it goes beyond simply not showing affection in public...i mean, they just don't seem to love each other......they never talk about romantic love, even in private conversation..and they seem openly hostile to it..except one korean girl i know...but the rest just have this attitude that romantic love is silly and is for simple minded people.... also, many of the guys seem to see girls as servants...i really mean that...when they talk about getting married they talk about having someone who will clean the house for them and make dinner for them and do all the work for them...to me this sounded absurd...but the girls seem to buy into this ideology?? that they are to serve men..in any case neither of the guys or girls talked about getting married for romance..or how to romantic.....like do they not read romantic stories when they are children (like Cinderelle, ect. stories that emphasize romantic love????))) also they are afraid of marriage and want to put if off as long as possible.....like they don't see marriage as a commitment of two people passionately in love with each other..if they did they would want to get married, despite the disadvantages marriage brings..... okay..my rant is over....hahahhahaha but it will forever bother me that romance can be just thrown away like it is nothing...
  16. I don't want to be sterotypical, but i have found that all the korean girls i know seem to have no concept of romantic love. I mean i talk to them about falling in love and being so in love that it really affects you, and they just don't seem to "get it"...like they act like romantic love is something to be ignore.i really hope this is only typical of the korean girls i know, and not of them in general..because if it, that is scary.......i mean how can a person just not want to be loved??? everyone desire that right???? i only know ONE korean gurl who is interested in romance..the rest (and the guys too) just don't care...like alot the guys see relationships a way in which they dominate girls and sort of make them servants....in any case they too seem dull on romantic love...is this common among korean girls...or just my own experience..i raelly hope its only my own experience Richard
  17. committing suicide isn't a way out because your creditors may have the legal right to demand payment from your family if you are gone. they may harass them, sue them, ect...that would be much worse than if you stay and deal with it yourself...also suicide is a short term solution..maybe through out the rest of your life you will improve!!!! take carz, Richard
  18. Hey gurls.... As I guy i know i have been attracted to girls for many unusual reasons but i also heard quite a few things from girls about what they find attractive and what "turns them on". Please, i would like the girls to tell me if they find the following things in a guy attractive or a "turn on" or not at all: 1. Australian accent -i have an australian accent and so many girls tell me they "dig it"..or it "turns them on"...is this true of all girls?? if so why have i never had a girlfriend yet??? 2. The way a guy drives a car -one girl told me she is turned on by the way a guy drives his car..the way he smoothly takes corners and the control he has over the car...this sounded really bizare to me....what do you girls think of it...?? 3. Shoes -several girls say the number one thing they find attractive in a guy is shoes...that if the rest of him is attractive but the shoes aren't he is rejected...is this true?? 4. Men in uniform.... is it true girls admire men in uniform????? 5. Eye color.... I have been told that blue is better than any other eye color..is this true....????? is it racist..lol... okay..i just want to know what girls here think......thanks for reading and responding to my post.....
  19. hey DiglyD.... "Since you have not had anything with a girl, you have no idea how to be a 'real man' "--thanks for your advise, but its a load of @##@@#@......first of all there is nothiing wrong with being idealistic and a hopeless romantic..why?? because idealist people ALWAYS win....you know so many times i have been idealistic, been nice when i should have gotten back at people, and i have never regretted it....also being idealistic does not make me a push over..i am an excellent judge of a girls (and anyone's) character..i know within 10 seconds of talking to someone what type of person th ey are and whether i can trust them....now I know girls are not all sugar and spice and everything nice but its good to th ink of them that way, atleast some...having this self protective i am not going to trust anyone attitude is self destructive...fact is i am very proud of my idealism and even more of my endless romantic feelings...
  20. of coures you have to make eye contact..and make A LOT of it..its one of the two best tools you can do to get a date..make eye contact and smile....even the most ugly person can appear amazing attractive if they smile and make eye contact in the right way....look deep into her eyes...and don't be afraid...practice....and smile...and look into her eyes as long as possible...though don't stare like a loony...emphathize with her..the point is that eye contact shows you are paying attention to HER and not some other girl walking by..its her you are focused on right?? so keep the eye contact, and make it deep..girl love it.... Richard
  21. i think its best to plan to give the baby up for adoption...that way she avoids the controversy and guilt over an abortion and still avoids raising the baby when she is not capable of doing so...... Good luck, Richard
  22. i agree absolutely... i would prefer a girl who has never been on a date before, never kissed, never had a boyfriend...ect......its much more important than having someone experienced or who know how to do it right.....if two people really love each other then there would be no fear in making a mistake because there is unconditional acceptance...if he doesn't accept you as you are, then you should dump him..... Richard
  23. PS: We really care about you, and so do many others..... Richard
  24. suicide is a stupid solution to your problem...what if after you die you go to hell??? that would be much worse than you are now...in any case you should try your hardest you can to escape the people who are treating you like this..i know what its like..i was treated like this for over 10 years!! but anyway escape..and don't rehearse suicidal thoughts, or thoughs about killing or hurting the poeple who are abusing you...though such thoughs appear natual they are very destructive......think positively.... Richard
  25. My name is Richard and I am almost 21. I have never been on a date before, never kissed a girl, never had a girlfriend. But I am looking to start a romantic relationship with who ever comes along. How can I find a girl who won't cheat on me? What should I look for? Are there any "red flags" I should look for before entering into a relationship? Any advise on how I can be faithful--For me I know i have excellent integrity. HOwever I am still open to suggestions. Thanks, Richard
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