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Everything posted by drahcir

  1. Hey... i am really sorry about what happened with the affair..i know it must be awful.. i just have a question though...for me am single and never had a girlfriend....is there any advise anyone can give me about how to chose a girl who won't have an affair..how do you know if someone will be faithful..well i am sure one can never know for sure, but are there any indications?? has anyone have any advise on how to prevent the same from happening to me or anyone else??? Richard
  2. some people are just stupid-thats why they are like that
  3. Sasha, i think that if he truly loves you then you have nothing to worry about...to help gain the trust of your parents, let him be involved in thier lives....even simple things like him helping to cook dinner, hanging out privately with dad....let him become close to your parents...when my sister first was dating her current present husband my parents were not sure about him..but he came into our home and connected so well that he quickly became part of the family....there were still differences, but we came to accept them...and my sister is now happily married!!!! people are scared of things they don't know..so let your parents (and the rest of your family) have lots of opportunity to get to know him...don't try to use words to convince them...let them see for themself...if he is as good as you say he is, then that will not be a problem..if not then maybe you should find someone else.. good luck, RIchard
  4. tell her: she has to chose between you or the other guys and she can't have both....if she doesn't stop, dump her!!!! you are worth more than to be cheated on like that... Richard
  5. hey Princess777... for me i am highly motivated by guilt...i feel very guilty inside if i do something bad or don't do something i am supposed to do....i think some people like me can easily motivate ourselves without external triggers..just pure guilt motivates me..... Richard
  6. hey hoz it going everyone!! this is my piece of advise for this lovely girl: go for it!! age really doesn't matter, as long as he honestly loves you. I know lots of guys who date girls much younger than them are wrongly labeled as perverts and thats not fair. These guys have hearts too!! they are just looking for love and not sex, and its unfair to label them as perverts. The best thing to do is look at his past romantic relationships--how many has he had?? any?? what do those girls say about him now??? is he a virgin??? why did he break up with them (or they with him?) thats whats important to figure out..... as for me i am almost 21 and i have never been on a date before, kissed a girl, or had a girlfriend..i have been wondering if it would be okay for me to date 16 year old girl...i think it is okay...after all if you really love someone age really doesn't matter...good luck!!!
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